f PAG2 EIGHT DAILY EAST OSEGOAN. FENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1916. EIGHT PAGE3 AM 'A ff I ff ff ff ff ff ff ff Va tf tf tf ti tf itIPPERED SHI JUST IN BY EXPRESS. FINE FCR QUICK LUNCH. POUND 25c Country Eggs, dozen 40 Candled Eggs, dozen 35 Oregon Butter, pound 30 Country Butter, pound 35f Jeffrey Apples, box $1.75 Boiled Ham, pound 45 Chipped Beef, pound 45 Sliced Bacon, pound 45f Summer Sausage, pound 50 Store Closed Each Afternoon of Round-Up. Open in Evening. CRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones, 28 823 Main St h ff ff ff ff ff Vf ft Vf if ff Vf Vf Vf Vf f ArA Vf 23 A A it n (hxTnliou Ls lVrforntnl. An operation for appendicitis was performed upon the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haskell of Pilot Rock at St. Anthony's hospital this afternoon. Guardians Are Appointed. County Judge C. H. Marsh has ap pointed Jeanette I. Caldwell the guar dian of the estates of her children. Haiel U Caldwell and Eldon T. Caldwell. Kound-l'p and had to get here the best way I could. Three of my part ners were kicked off in the mountains hut will probably drift on in tonight." To Report Tills Afternoon. The grand Jury finished taking evidence this morning and will make a report this afternoon. Pour or five indictments are expected to be returned. Tullwh Many Dim. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tultoch died at the St. Anthony's hospital at 10 o'clock this morning, aged but one day. The child will be burled at 6 o'clock this afternoon. Injured In Accident. A slight auto accident occurred this afternoon at the corner of West Court I and Cosble streets when a Parker taxi- cat) counted with the tr. Hill anto driven by Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Hill was Injured on the face but not seriously. Pliilsh Harvost Today. Edgar W. Smith came in from the Strand-Smith Vansycle ranch today, the crew having finished harvesting this morning. Mr. Smith reports a very good yield. He will remain here until after the Round-Up. 0 PK.R CPNT OF MOOSK VOTE POM WHITMAN (Continued from Page 1.) You Can Do Better At this store because there is an unvarying element of economy attached to the pur chase of any article at a low price or at a high price or at a price anywhere between. It is the element of real worth at each price the fullest measure of value in fabric and workmanship and service. Harney OMfirld to Como, Among the prominent national reputation who today to attend the Round-l'p Is l'arney Oldfield, the International famed auto speed demon. He is mak ing the trip by automobile. tion. A majority of the progressive leaders of the state supported Mr. Whitman's candidacy. The leaders of the so-called Insurgent wing who gave their aid to Judge Seaburv professed S 8 K visitors bf . to be more than satisfied with the will arrive suit. re- Ladies' Sulfa S.VO, $13.50, $14.75, $18.50, $19.50 I -adieu1 Silk or Serjro Drews $5.00, $T.M, $.M I-adies' Klmonaa... 8 $1.49. $1.69, $1.98, $1.98 ladies' Voile Waists .-. . 980, I1.9R, $2.98 ladles' Silk W'aista $2.98, $3.98 Ladles' Silk Petti eoatu $2.49, $2.98, $3.49 IjuIIc' Satwn Petticoats. . , . 49c, 690, 98c, $1.49 ladies' Coats $5.90, $9.90, $12.50, $14.75, $16.50 Room Size Rugs ...$5.90, $8.90, $14.75, $21.50 "lcndlcton Made" ltlankets $4.50, $8.50 YOU CAN IK) BETTKK AT Men's Knits. . $9.90, $12.50, $14.75. $16.50, $.$ Men's MookliuMut $4.98, $5.90, $6.90, $T.4 Young Men's Macklpaws, sties 36 and 88. S4-5S Itoys' Mackinaw $2.98, $$.M Boys' Suits $2.98, 13.98, $4.98 Men's Dross Hats $1.49, $1.98, $2.49 Men's Pall I nlon Suits. .. Ho, $1.49, $1.98, $2.98 Men's Dress Pants $1.98, $2.98, $$.$ Men s Dress Shoes $2.98, $3.60, $3.98, $4.50, $4.9 ladles' Dress Shoes $2.98, $3.50, $3.98, $1.98, $5.99 VI E LEAD, OTI1F.KS POLLOW Must Miss First Iound-l"p. For the first time since the Round l started. E. C. Quirk, popular traveling man, nous inmcii uuaui. 2. .u. .vi,io attend this year. However, he has l lie mutes ui me jiihiiuuw, wi.i w-. . nlans as the best substitute for see ing the show. will serve meals in the basement of the church Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. The church will be open to visitors during the day. Adv. EYFSTESeD. atfSKHWJND ANDFIinO-UHSES DUPLICATED AMEmCAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.- PENDUTON.ORE. Phone 609. I For Sale at a Bargain. Corner lot and two houses. Fine ! shade trees, cement walks, including igas range and coke burner. Alex i Manning. 800 W. Alta. Aa. MIIIIIIilllllllllllllll!l!lllllllll!lllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIMI!IIIIIIIIlllllMllllllllllimn E Nearly as famous as The Round-Up and 5 still growing in favor In 61 up state districts heard from at midnight Seabury led Whitman but by less than 100 votes. ARNOLD RKNVETT DKKENDS SCANT ATTIRE OF CHORUS lHx-lares Mule Hall Girls nre Cloth ed In Same Fashion Queen Victoria Demanded at Dinner. IONDON, Sept. 20. General Smith. uorrien complained that scantly dressed music hall girls evilly affect Decree for Plaintiff. IF'' British soldiers on furlough. Ar- A decree In favor of the plaintiff r.old Bennett, the novelist. replied has been handed down by Circuit through the Westminster Gazette: Judge G. W. Phelps in the case of ! "I have not observed In any stage Jessye J. Merrifleld against Harley r review any woman whose nudity Maurice Merrifield. The maiden name exceeded that which Queen Victoria of Jessye Morine Jackson was stored to the plaintiff. uemnnaeu at dinner. The same nudity Is visible nightly in many Lon don drawing rooms. Schools to close. All city schools will close this aft ernoon for the remainder of the week in order that all may attend the! Round-tTp. The basements of the, grade schools will be open to all auto S : tourists and there will be a man ana 5 ! woman assistant in each of the bulld E ! Ings. 3 Orders 250 Seats for Heppner. FOl'lt All P. KFIT.KD WIIKX TRAIN STRIKES AITO Mrs. Ierey Sieger, Wife of Wealthy ltttfiburc Merchant, Daughter, Grunddaiighu-r and Chauffeur Dead. Pendleton's Popular Drink It surely has got the S Oa Draught and In Bottles 3 a4 Following Resorts: 3 Ai Dun Lap's 3 BUiys Place E Pat McDevitts Tbs Crescent 3 Garrison & Quills g Round-Up Pool Hall 3 8utton Cigar Store 3 W. W. Hoch S Bungalow Pool Hall E The Charles Co. E Gritman'i Cigar Store. o. k: shop Served at the FoUowtng E Cafes. E St. George Grill E E Kopper Kettle E E Hoh bach's S Sola to tie family trade in cased of one dozen bottles and up, E E quarts or pints. E S We also recommend our new True Fruit drinks, E PORT-0 and PEND-0. Brewed and bottled by S Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. 1 E City Brewery. I E Wholesale a6 Family Trade. Telephone 528 E lUlllltlllllllllHIIIIUIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllltllllllllHIII BUIE. Pa.. SepL 20. A New York Central mail train hit the automobile l A telephone mesage was receivea - '"w v.. .- E ! by the Round-r this morning from thV Pittsburg merchant. Mrs. Sieger, I ... .-j her Hi411Erhtfr crrfinrtdiiilirhtor nnH na- iman asking mat granusianu Hoots, - Joe Wilklns. well known Heppnerj1" cnauneur ere Kiiieq. man asking that 250 grandstand seats ..,.,rT. be reserved for the Heppner crowa . - "V,"1' for Saturday. It is stated that fully 500 Morrow county visitors will at tend the show. 1000 ARE LOST IN Hundred Are Mkwing Survivor Arc Iieft Without Pood or Clothing lroperty Iowa Iarge. RERUN, Sept. 20. Bohemian flood casualties as a result of the White Dessedam collapse may reach a thou sand. Hundreds are missing. It ls feared the bodies are inside the hous es floating downstream. Three hun dred corpses have been recovered. The survivors are foodless and without clothing. WITHDRAWAL I'LAN TO RE PIMSHER SATI RDAY NEW LOXDON, Sept. 20. It is predicted the Mexican-American con ference will complete the definite withdrawal plan before Saturday. Cowboys Come In On Rods. Yesterday noon when No. 17 rolled Into the station, a dirty, begrimed figure crawled from beneath one of the cars and inquired the way to the nearest watering trough. "'I came all the way from Denver on those E I rods." he said. "I had Just enough E money for entrance fees to the The Colonial Maid is a new and very artistic pat tern that is growing popular very fast. It can be matched at any time, whether you want forks or spoons of any of the single pieces. We will be happy to show you even if you're not in the buying mood. Since 1887 Ml H. SftWTELLE Jeweler. The HALLMARK Storo f BEFORE You let any work in our line, don't forget to get our prices. Estimates gladly furnished on any kind of stone, brick and cement work. S. RUGO & CO. Telephone 461 IN VIRGINIA EXPLOSION HL'XTIXGTOlf, V.'. Va.. Sept. 20. Five were killed and one seriously hurt in an explosion that wrecked the Aetna Chemical Company's plant at Mount V nlon. BRITAIN APOIXXilZFS FOR HALTING AMERICAN SHIP Sends Formal Regret for Action of Destroyer in Stopping Steamer Cebru. WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. Rritish Counsellor Parclav told the state de partment that Britain had formally ; tendered regrets for her destroyer ! haling the Philippine steamer Cebu within the three mile limit. Ill'tillES IOSES CLOTHES FORCED TO CO TO RED (PERCY ARNOLD.) SHEROYGAN, Wis., Sept. 20. Hughes has carried the fight into LaFollettes progressive ter ritory. He delivered seven spee ches. Mrs. Hughes was anxi ous to reach Milwaukee last night to meet Mrs. Sarah Wll-l!an:-, who nursed her when a baby. It was learned Hughes was forced to go to bed yesterday on account of the disappearance of his clothes. He took a bath In the hotel at Springfield and his clothes and valet vanished. Hughes left the bath, shouted for his clothes and went to bed temporarily while friends se cured fresh garments. The vnlet returned later. HOW STRIKE-BRNAKER WADDELL PROTECTED MOTORMEN ON NEW YORK ELEVATED LINES Expert repairing of Watchet and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. You will like that Chocolate Ice Cream at KoeppenV and its only 10c a dish A '14 i f y 9 jf"Z " fr t- f a, Ms -is, 4 rMttvfrrf 'fit t ' 9& tiff i f ' !! tist e 'iit 1 4 f ' 1. : ' f J it I ' fa, , fat'' - .,. ft h. 4l 9 i 4 4 . Z I 4 i a y , 4tf y,- tot?' J. 4w 6 9 V'fS- 'W v 9 . : tf 9 W 1 I lit ' ' 4 ' 1l JT. WADDLi-1. . MOTORMAN J. T Waddell of Chicago, nottd strikebreaker, was ( ven the Job ol supplying men for the New York CM y elevated lines when a strike was j culled. In order to protect those no matned at work, and also the new m n, he had every mocorman's window covered with heavy wire, so rocks c ould do no damage. No motorman was injured; In fact, strikers did not !' tormen of th eleviiinl tralrm who re- attempt to injure them. A FEW GOOD BARGAINS 120 acres, close to Milton, good stone buildings, water right, and ditch In; land nil tillable, f 100 per acre. This land is adapt ed to alfalfa nnd fruit, free from rock. 600 acres, close to town, produced 65 bUBhels of barley this year; has produced 60 bushels of wheat per acre. 60 acres set to alfulfa. Good buildings, orchard, and all kinds of small fruit. 8 horses, and harness, header, seeder, all machinery, chop miM with motor power, 2 cows, chickens and everything goes with the place at (46 per acre. I have some good bargains In residence property In Pendle ton. Come In and look them over before they are picked up. STOCK RANCH FOB. SAL EI One of the best propositions eer offered in the west for two or three young men who want to engage In 'the stock business. S.000 acres well fenced and cross fenced; fine range, good build ings, big barns, orchards and abundance of water; 400 tons of hay, all farm machinery goes with It free of cost the price has been reduced from 110 to IS.60 per acre on easy tefms. You can buy with it, 860 well-bred cuttle at range prices, calves thrown In. Owner has made all the money he wants and wishes to retire. E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore. 01 No Red Tape No Bonus i Low tost Rates Liberal Repayment Privileges Abstract Co. Corner Main and Court Sta. ' Pendleton, Ore. worn 1 The Universal Gar Three strong reasons urge you to buy the Ford car: First, because of its record of satisfactory service to more than fifteen hundred thousand owners; Second, because of the reliability of the Company which makes it; Third, because of its large radiator and enclosed fan, streamline hood, crown fenders front and rear, black fin ish, nickel trimmings, it is more attractive in ap pearance. To these must be added its wonder ful economy in operation and maintenance about two cents a mile ; likewise the fact that by reason of its simplicity in construction any one can operate and care for it. Nine thousand Ford agents make Ford service as universal as the car. Touring Car $414.85; Runabout $399.85. ROUND-UP CITY AUTO CO., Inc. 812 Garden St. Telephone 6S1 9 I I