r ao warn DA1LT 1AST OREQQNIAN, PENDLETON, OMPOH. SATURDAY, 3MPTKMB11 9, ma eight nam f b b ms 9l r xk zavTZ tv vraar 4. -ii First Grade Berries Phone your orders early as they are hard to get this year Quart . . 25c Gallon SI. 00 GRAY BROS. GROCER! CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones, 28 823 Main St ft tt ff ff ff ff ff ff tt it tt tt tt tt 22 22 Obey That Impulse Accepts Voattton. is nuthority for the statement that Arthur Kit OernUl has accepted a the will be on hana whenever want- position its billing crerk at the O.-W. ed ti the management of the Round. freight station. I"P evening show. J. R. Haley, direc- - j tor of the, program, wants to stage a Son Is Born. wedding each evening. A son was born to Mr. and Mr . . Fremont Harvey at their home at lit j Forfeits Hail. Long street yesterday. Sam Whack, an Indian, who was ar- rested last nlghl for being intoxicated, forfeited $HI hall to the oity this conductor, j morning. BUY YOUR NEW FALL APPAREL NOW. Get first choice. See the newest colors and models at The Golden Rule Store, all priced very low, due to our enormous buy ing together for 125 Busy stores as well as our method of eliminating all unneces sary expense in running our business. WE SAVE YOU MONEY and sell you the NEWEST for less. liofours from I linos. A. K. Dalrymple, O.-W who has been ill with la grippe hack on the main line run again. 13. To Teach at Cajnse. Miss Heulah Young, a member of the Nil graduating class of Pendle ton high school, has been contracted to teach at Cayuse this winter. Bags limit of Racks. Fred Hoskins of Echo, former Pen dleton high school football player, has established a reputation as a hunter. He has bagged three bucks. Accepts Pendleton Position. G. M Fletcher, an old time auto man of Walla Walla, has aocepted a position with the Pendleton Auto Company. To Finish at H. M. A. John Dand, Jr., left today for Portland to re-enter Hill Military Academy from whicn he will giadu ate next sprint. the season limit, this year. Illpy canyon Meeting. A Meeting of the Happy Canyon directors will be held this evening for Shooting Without License Alleged. I the purpose of taking up several mat- t'harles Saunders of Meacham wa9 tera with reference to the coming arrested yesterday by Deputy Game show. Warden George Tonkin for alleged shooting without a license. He was Governor Wlthyoombc a Visitor. arraigned before Justice of the Peace; Joe H. Parkes yesterday afternoon, j arrens Arrive for Round-lp, Henry and Peggy Warren of Mon tana, popular Rouna-Up figures, ar- Governor James Wlthycombe of Sa lem, passed through'the city last night en route home from L'mapino where he addressed the stock men yesterday at the east end county fair KARL GUIOTT f TKACHKR OF MCSIC AMI A rived this morning from Joe Battle's To .Make Improvements. frontier show. Peggy; P. T. Hales has taken out a permit GERMAN LANGUAGE. Music furnished for all occasions Address 515 Madison. Phone 459-R. m i -none tae-n. wA Roost the nonmUrn Penrtlatnn hnnater who w4h In let I Kansas City their friends and relatives kaow 1 barren secured fourth money in the to make improvements on a dwelling about the Round-Up. can do so by I cowgirls" bucking contest there. The at 1109 Court street The lmprove- . ..,. ! Warrens will compete in the 1918 ments will cost about 1150 and Horn " " " I) I .,. XI .1.1... I.- i I .miles' coats. .s.ih. $7.o. $9.o. s 12.50. 114.75 ladles' Suits .(. 111.51), Sit. 75. $19.50, S22.50 Dress skirts fiSK :t.im. 91.98, $5.90. $7.94) Indies silk Divmrs. . $5,90. $9.90,-$12.50, $14.75 Ladles' wool Masse $5.90. $8.90, $12.50 Ijuliis, silk Waists $1.98, $2.99, $5.98 l adles' Voile Waists 98c, $1.98, $2.98 ladles' Silk Petticoats $2.19, $2.98, $3.49 l adies' KlmonaH 98c. $1.49. $1.98. $2.98, $5.98, Ladies' Hand Hags. . . 19c. 98c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.98 VOL' CAN DO BETTER AT Mea't Suits $9.90, $12.50. $14.75, $16.50, $22.59 Men s Dres Hats . . $1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 Men's Raincoats $3.98, $$.90. $9.90. $19.50, $14.75 Men's OvcrcoatH $9.90. $19.50, $14.75 Men's Mat-khiawN $4.98, $5.90, $6.90, $7.45 Men's Dress Trousers $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 Men's Dres Shoes $2.98. $3.50, $3,98. $4.50 I toys' Suits $2.98. $3.98, $4.98 Hoys' Mackinaw $2.98, $3.98 Roy shoes $1.39, $1.49, $1.89, $1.98, $3.98 WE LEAD, OTHERS FOIjLOW about 125 went out to witness tt Pete Jost acted as referee, and, at the end of ten rounds of boxing, he declared It a draw. and illustration printed In beautiful colors. These envelopes may be se cured in any quantity at the East Oregon ian office for one cent each. Adv. I contract for the work. Autc Stage. For Adams, Athena and Weston leaves Hennlng's Cigar Store at 19 a. pot, and 3:36 p. m. each day Adv. gllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII Nearly as famous as The Round-Up and still growing in favor s A shipment From Germany. Sol Raunt has just received a ship-1 Henry I,atourelle Here, mem of 50 dozen Round-Up dolls Henry Latourelle, well known Pen from Germany. They were 14 months dleton high school graduate, has re en the road with a $54,000 shipment turned from the A. B. Chapman stock of toys consigned to M. Seller & So., ; ranch near Ukiah. where he has been of Portland. The shipment was selz- j working. He Is undecided what he ed by the allies and held in a prize will do this fall. court for a long time before it was finally brought through. Mi cm I I mapinc Pair. Among the Pendleton people who ! cant attended the East End Fair at Uma- j many confined In "the baetlle during Jail Is Empty. FoV the first time sit me January 1 ol this year the city jail is now va- At no time have there been "M- W" pine yesterday were Councilman H. J. Taylor and family, Mayor J. A. Best, Supt. I. E. Young and family. Prof. A. T. Park. Sheriff T. D. Taylor, A rcssor C. P. Strain. George Ferguson and R. W. Fletcher. SOME "PEP" On Dramrht and In Bottles as Following Resorts: Al Don lap's BUly-i Place Courts A McDevitt The Crescent Round-Up Pool Hall Stttton Cigar Store W. W. Hoch Bungalow Pool Hall The Charles Co. Orltman's Cigar Store. Served at the Following Cafes. St George Grill Quelle Cafe. REFRESHING INVIGORATING NON-INTOXICATING "BRAN-NEW," like the Round-Cp, is a Pendleton prod'JCt that beats them alL An ideal summer drink for men. women and children. this time but there has always up to this time been at least one to keep the place Inhabited Bold to tHe family trade in cases of one dozen bottles and up, S quarts or pints. 5 We also recommend our new True Fruit drinka, 5 PORT-0 and PEND-0. f Brewed and bottled by I Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. 1 City Brewery. S Whale IP sad Family Trade. Telephone 618 5awiwwiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii To the man who knows good work and appreciates prompt delivery we offer an exceptional service In watch repairs. WK MIKE A SPECIALTY OF FINE REPAIRING. Conscientious care, skilled workman ship, fair charges and broad ex perience have combined to build up for us a large and well pleased cll entlle to whom we shall be glad to refer prospective customers. Give our work a trial. We guarantee satisfaction Two watchmakers always busy. Royal M. Sawtelle Jeweler Will Go to Da 1. 1 antic. Ivan Sturdcvant, connected with the MacMartin & Hill company for the Returns From Durkec. Past two or three years, has resigned Deputy Game Warden George Ton- j his position and expects to leave to kin returned yesterday from Durkee day or tomorrow for La Grande, where he took John Meeley, also where he will engage In similar work, known as John Irvine, who was found ; Walla Walla Union. guilty of shooting Chinese pheasant?! at Durkee last March. Meeley was PCndloon Athletes to University, arrested this week at the Shumwayj Ernest Boylen and Arnold Mlnnts, ranch near Echo. His sentence of star track athletes who were grad S100 and 60 days jail was suspended uated from Pendleton high this spring by Justice Planting. j went to Eugene liust night to enter I the University of Oregon. The boys To Wed at Happy Canyon. expect to go out tor track there un- Echo promises to produce one or der the tutelage of William Hayward. the couples for a horseback marriage at Happy Canvon. The name of the Grain Shows Fine Average. The warehouse receipt of the tuts spring grain harvested recently on the Henry Struve place north of town show a very good yield. On 270 acres which were sowed tills spring 4125 sack of wheal was harvested, making an average or between 35 and 40 bushels. To Install Park Fountain. The Civic club has made arrange ments to Install a drinking fountain In the northeast corner of the north side park. During the Round-Up each year many people go to the pork to dest and the fountain will be a great convenience to them. Echo Ituad Now (kod. W. J. Wattenburger, road super visor of the Echo district, la here to. day and reports that, as a result of the strawing which has been done, the road to Echo Is now In good shape. In all about 12 miles has been strawed this side of Echo. Mr. Wat tenberger haa also been improving the butter creek road by putting on hay spoiled by the spring floods. Visited Helix W. C. T. U. The county officers of the W. C. T. U. visited yeserday with the W. C. T. U. organization at Helix and a session was held that indicated the Helix so ciety to be In flourishing shape. Many of the members are preparing to at tend the state convention to be held in Pendleton from October 17 to 20th. The officers making the visit Included Mrs. J. C. Woodworth. president; Mra A. F. May, vice president, and Mrs Q. W. Rugg, secretary-treasurer. 5 , couple is withheld but the Echo News Expert repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed e Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. Cross Is Placed. The large stone crow over the ga ble of the new St. Mary's Catholic church was placed Thursday by L. i Monterastelll, contra' tor. The butltl-1 ing is progressing n:cely and will be ready to move into in a short time. Rehearsals for the dedication tnw are being held weeKly. ft Can you read lW. w this type VaAk clearly and V with the same pair J of glasses see die. tant objects? YOC CAN IF YOC WEAK IfRYPTOK IV GLASSES IV THE QJS1Y INVISIBU BIFOCAL The lower part gives the nec essary correction for near vis ion while the upper part IS ad apted for far vision. KRYPTOK (Pronounced Crlp-tock) Glasses cannot be distinguished from single vision glasses because their smooth, clear surfaces are absolutely free from the disfiguring lines, seams or shoulders of old-fashioned bifocals. VTYfSTtHfO aiSfSGROUHD ANDFimD-UNSES DUPLICATED AM ts if-AN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING." PtNDUTON.ORf Phonc 609 , II) dram In Broken. While taking water from a hydrant it the corner of Alta and Cottonwood streets this morning, W. A. Hoagland who has charge of the street sprlnk lnj. broke off a piece of the top. The damage was repaired in a few min utes but not before considerable wa ter had escaped. Asks KndoTHcmcnt or plan. The Commercial Association has ' received a letter from the Muscle Shoals association of Tennessee ask ! lng the endorsement of their move to ! secure the establishment of a govern- ment nitrate plant at Muscle Shoals. ' The federal government has set aside ; 120,000,000 for the establishment ol ' such plants. Mrs. Davis, a prominent worker the Presbyterian missionary field was the principal speaker at two very In teresting meetings held in the Pres byterian church yesterday afternoon and evening. The afternoon meeting was opened with music and prayer nn(f Mrs. Davis talked In a very en- tertnlnlnir and Instructive way on missions. In the evening "A Mission ary Treat" was the subject of the lec ture. Mrs. 8. H. Forshaw, a recent addition to Pendleton musical circles, w ho is. soon to establish a class In music, contributed to the pleasure of the nffalr by singing several solos. Both meetings were largely attended. Ft. U Austin, prominent Nolin far mer, Is In the city. Mrs. Summer "f Bcho is spending the day in the city. Mrs. B. H. Decker of Thorn Hollow was In the city yesterday. W. R, Taylor, well known Athena man. Is a visitor here today. J. A. Hawks, teacher In the South Yoakum district, is In the city. J. U. Watson, clerk of the Her miston school district, Is In town. Bert Marlow, school director In dis trict 26 near Holdman is In town. Elmer Spike of Echo was among the passengers on the incoming motor this morning. Mlsn Emily Mc Broom of the Pen dleton Auto Company, left today for a vacation to be passed at Seaside anil Portland Earl Peterson, a former Pendleton boy, now of Portland, Is here visiting his mother. Mrs. Frank Myers. Mr. Peterson is en route to Idaho. Naomi and Juanita Perkins, grand children of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Per kins, arrived today from Mldvale. Plaho. and will attend school here this winter. I im tl all star Here. Haloid Casey, star Pendleton high fichool football player, is back from Portland where he has been vu,itin,. He will turn out for foot ball 'igain this year. Casey was one of the grittiest players In eastern Ore gon last year. He has been working most of the summer In a harvest field and Is in good condition. Ten Women Wanted Quick. Who can do plain sewing. Phonl 569W or call at 201 Water street be tween 10 a m. and 12 M. Nat Closed Today. Henry J. Taylor, chairman of the natatorium committee, announces that owing to the cold weather today the natatorium will be closed today and tomorrow morning. Provided the cold weather continues there Is a possibility the tank will be closed for the year. The place, it ts said, will be able to pay all of Its bills In good shape as a good season has been en-Joyed. ! Don Gloves to Settle Dispute. I Seqtielllng a snowball episode ot last winter, a ten round bout wlt'i padded gloves was staged last night at the Frank Frazler barn on Tutullla creek between Harry Mlnnls and Al Richardson, colored porter at the Ht Osorga Hotel. Last winter Mlnnls dropped a snowball on Richardson's heud and the mill has been brewing ever in . The news of the bout. .xprejfl oyer fjae city just evening an Wheeler studio Opens. The Wheeler studio Is again open for business after being closed for the summer during the absence of Mr, and Mrs. Wheeler. Particular photog raphy our specialty. Adv. Auto for Hire. City or country trips. Phone D. B Waffle. Residence 2S4M; office 130 Social Dance. There will be a social dance at Mooso hall Monday evening, Sept. 11. Public Invited. Music by Sawyer's orchestra. Admission 50 cents. Public Dance Tonight, Moose Hull The public Is cordially Invited to attend the regular Saturday night dance tonight In Moose hall. Music by Sawyer's orchestra. Admission, 50 cents. Adv. GAYNELL BALDWIN Violin Instructor European Instruction 700 Tlmniption St. Phone :H-W fit f ' WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR mm proudof 'At rrte S'.ijii 01 DM Pint nek" "PEACOCK" that's the COAL to buv: MORE HEAT UNITS, that is why; VALUE MORE and WASTE is Well-pleased Users do confess. Smythe - Lonergan Co. QUALITY QUANTITY SERVICE PHONE 178 : a iw asrti iiiunaa nn aW Wf . f, 822 Main Street. variety We afford you a won derfully wide latitude of choice new fall and winter millinery. The "cream" from the 10 leading designers now showing here in the new deep colorings, rich shades and royal trimmings of glittering gold, silver, etc. See the new auto hats. We want you to call and see the correctness of style, the richness of material and shades, and the artistic trim ming of our new hats. Campbell Millinery BUICK (JRACEFUD A WOMAN'S CAit STURDY A MAN'S OAK To the woman who drives, the BUICK makes a special ap peal. In beauty and grace of line It Is unsurpassed, and with Perfect gear shift, efficient brakes and convenient arrange ment of all controls is easily and safely handled. To the man who appreciates mechanical excellence, the cleancut design of every unit, the extra sturdlness of chaals construction and the efficiency and power of the valve-ln-head motor is even mor; convincing evidence of BUICK excellence. Appearance, size, quality, finish and equipment considered, the BtTICK offers the greatest car value of the season. SIX CYMNDKK TOURING CAR $1175. OREGON MOTOR GARAGE Incorporated. 117.119, 121, 123 Watt Court St. Telephone 4o8