EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1916. PAGE F1V1 Today Only MUTUAL PRESENTS FINE SHORT REEL PROGRAM "Nell Dale's Men Folks' 2 Acta 2. An Intense Human Interest Dram With a Western Atmosphere Featuring ANNA LITTLE and FRANK BORZAGE. "RUTH RIDLEY'S RETURN" 2 Acta 2. A Powerful Drama of Sin and Retribution, Featuring EDWARD COXEN and LIZETTA THORNE. "THE IRON MITT" "MUTT & JEFF, SPENDTHRIFTS" A comedy scream featuring Ben Turpin. Comic Bud Fisher Cartoon. ADULTS 10c CHILDREN 5c Sunday and Monday ' MUTUAL MASTERPICTURES DE LUXE EDITION PRESENTS NAT GOODWIN -IN "A WALL STREET TRAGEDY" A Pretentious Screen Version of Adrian Johnson's Powerful Drama A SURE FIRE PASTIME ATTRACTION A Clever Comedy Also, "JERRY AND THE COUNTERFEITERS," With Geo. Ovey. And a new cartoon comedy of the famous Katzenjammer Kids, "HANS AND FRITZ AND THE CHINESE COOK." LOCALS Bt Advertising in Bnet Sates! Per line flrat Insertion 10c Per line, additional insertion.... 5c Per line, per month $100 No 1 oca In taken for lean than SSc Count 6 ordinary worda to Hoe. Locals will not be taken orer the telephone except from Last Oregon tan paid up aubbcrlbera. The Bargain Basement Our Clean-Up Department, where every item is marked at a ridiculously low price. Where competition is left behind. SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY SHOES THAT WEAR. Men' mw Calf, new lasts 12.17 Men's Work Show, S.1.7S valnn Min s Mrd. Wright Tan Boy' Heavy Cult, school lUiyH's Drew falf, button Hoys' ;un Metal Shoe Women's High Top, New Dresses, New Suits, $2.87 S2.BH $1.98 SI.BB SI.Hh 12 Inch 3 2 Women' Kid Driws Khoee S2.lt Women' Wide Dres Shorn S1.98 ;lriH' Calf School Shoe.. fl.M irW linn y Wi KM ;lrl' Drew Kid S14 Hundred of Shoe Ilargatns In Odd and i:nd. New Skirts, New Petticoats. During vour downtown shopping, when you are looking over other stocks of Ready-to-Wear, be sure to look these over In The Bargain Basement. Outfit the school children at the low price. SCHOOL SPECIALS Show your boys and Boys' BohOOl Suits S2.H9 to $:i.7 Doth' School rants . . 6110 to 98c Bor' ChO0l She's l.6. $1.98 Boya' (Juarnntced How. 2 for 25c ;lrl' Sch(Ml DMMM Site to S1.9S SATURDAY GROCfcKT SPKCIALfl 43c .Icily Quart .lurs, Bargain I lawmen t ISc Sic (Hives. Bancnin Hswcm'l 9c If It's in The Bargain Basement It's Sure a Bargain. Pendleton's Greatest Dept. Store. The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade. girls how to save. tilrls' lll;h Top Shoes n:!. 29 t;lrl' Black Hose ISe Handkerchiefs, each Ic Many School Bargains on Dis play in This Section. S ATI'KDAY GROCERY SPBCIAIA. MU8TAHD T l'H KIiKS "1 son's njcnow CHOwff KKMSlll'-S" SALMON Something Doing Next Week at CONROYS A Carload of Fruit Fine, large, luscious Watermelons, lb lc Big, ripe, mellow Canteloupes, crate $1.00 The finest of the fine, rosy cheek, large Elberta Peaches, crate 75c Extra fine, solid Tomatoes, crate 45c Also Pears and Gravenstine Apples for eating. Sugar, to can the peaches, sack $7.25 Everybody can put up peaches at these prices. Jars, lids and rubbers priced accordingly. THIS CARLOAD IS AS HIGH ON QUALITY AS IT IS LOW ON PRICE. R. N Adams of Stanfleld. Is In the city. R. Sanford of Stanfield. in In the city. It S Scott of Pasco Is transacting business here. O. F Steele of Nolln.ls a Saturday Via It or here. Urn. (J W Young or 1'ortland, in an out of town visitor. W. Bollona division superintendent Of the c.-W. Is in the city. H K Hlncknian. WSlI known Milton man, WSS in ivcn hint night. Horace Walker came up on the mo tor from stanfleld this morning. M A. Mode of Hums WSS register ed at the tiolden Kulc hotel last night Thomas I'. Hawkins of Toledo, is registered at the Hotel I'endleton to day. J. D. Watson, clerk of the Herniis ton school board, is in Pendleton to day Mrs. Winter of Batem, is visiting at the home of her son. Ross Winter here. Walton J. Iloark of Adams, who will teach in the county this year, is in town today. Jamer Parry and H. C. Jaentsch, who have been harvesting In the country are In the city. Kliie L Potts of Blue Springs. Mo., who hits bwen here for several days, left lor liaker lact night. William H. Daughtrey, president of the I'nlon Meat . ompany of Portland was In the city yesterday a few hours Mr. R. G. Cohn who has been away visiting at Portland and other north west cites for the past three months, returned hnmo today. Furnished rooms. 521 Franklin. Wanted Woman to work on ranch. Phone 239M. Restaurant for sate at Rleth. In quire at Rleth, Oregon. Wanted Competent girl for general housework. Phone 1(2. For sale Singer Sewing machine Address "E," this office. For rent Furnished room, lads preferred. 812 College street. For sale A-31 Bulck In good con dition. S300 La Dow's. Parties wishing their furnaces or flues cleaned, call I. C. Snyder. Wanted Competent girl for gen eral housework. Phone 783J. Wanted Competent girl. Phone 310. between 4 and 6 evenings. I haul your garbage and trash Phone 653M. 1403 W. Railroad st. Lost Bunch of keys on ring Find er return to this office. Wanted Competent girl for general housework, family of two. Phone 171. One 3 1-4 Winona wagon with rack for sale, cheap, inquire Alta Feed Burn. Six room house for rent, located at 815 Willow. Inquire at Gritman Bros. Suits pressed 60c; thoroughly clean ed 11.50. Rudd, 310 W. Webb, phone 486. For sale Heating stove, coal range and a gas range, inquire of Max Beer. For sale or rent Modern resi dence at 225 Jane. Inquire Buford Butler, Hohbach'a Bakery. Call Penland Bros, van t move your household goods. Telephone 339 Also baggage transferring and heavy haul ing. For rent Two large furnished housekeeping rooms with bath. 615 Willow. Call evenings between 5 and .Six cylinder, 4S II P. 6 -passenger second hand car for sale. $375 if taken at once. See Cote at Oregon Oarage. Some well bred young horses will trade for land or Pendleton property. See H. B. Cook. 301 Johnson street, or phone 211 J Rooming house ror sale. Mala street. In center of business district Doing good business. Inquire of Pen land Bros. Miss Comstock, expert hairdresser and masseuse at Mason's Millinery. Haii work to order. Toilet articles fot sale. All work guaranteed. Prompt automobile taxi service, day or night Funerals to cemetery mly J3 50 Phone 80 Hotel 31 George. Carnei Taxi Ce I Notice to 4 hildrcn. All children under the age of 15 years who want to take part in the "Westward Ho" parade are requested to meet at th old library room in the cltv hall Monday at 4 o'clock. CLAUD PENLAND, (Adv. i Parade Director. To whom It May Concern. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to me will please arrange to settle their accounts by October 1. 1918, as after that date there will be a change in the business, (Adv.i H. M SLOAN, , 4 wrnmrnni ALTA THEATRE Sunday and Monday VAUDEVILLE George M. Nagahara 'THE WONDERFUL JAPANESE MUSICAL ACT" Playing American Music with Japanese, Chinese and American Instruments STANLEY & WARDEN "Comedy Talking Act" JESSE L. LASKY Presents The Celebrated Photoplay Artist i ni Bu., a Diane ; i he Sweet IN "THE DUPE" By MARGARET TURN BULL from the story by HECTOR TURNBULL. This is a film play which abounds in unusual thrilling situations. The story deals with some strange but most interesting evolutions in modern society. RELEASED ON THE PARAMOUNT PROGRAM. Today First American Appearance Du ROCHER and De LEE Gypsy Xylophoniest Prima Donna FEATURING THE LATEST MUSICAL CREATION AND NOVELTY NABIMBAPHONE A combination of several instruments; namely, Bass Clarionet, Chimes, Italian Harp, Banjo and mandolin Guitar. JACK BORNHOLDT in "CURSE YOU JACK DALTON," one of the funniest acts m vaudeville. DONA L D BRIAN The Smugglers Oathobo Church. Sunday m;i.-iee at 6. S and 10 o' clock. The 10 o'clock mas will be a high mass. Evening services at 7:30 The week day mass will he nt 7:30. Motion Picture News What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell Yon. and the Pastime will also introduce to Pendleton the famous Kauenjam mer Kid's Cartoon Comedies. The first one is called "Han's and Frits and the Chinese Cook." PASTIM1 SHOWING DANDY PROGRAM TODAY i i BURNING ITCHING Eczema. FromHandstoElbowsOne Mass. Could Not Put Hands in Water. Could Not Sleep. HEALED BYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "My daughter was poisoned by a!t and It turned Into eczema ami from her hands to her elhowt was one mass of mi. burning. Itching eruption. It licgan with a rauli which was of such I burning itching nature that at times skio was nearly wild. Fur many weeks slie could nut put her hands in water and she couid not sleep. "She suffered In tensely fur several weeks and 1 tried wringing towel out of hot sater and pulling a rulrtVr sheet across her. Inn sho wasn't helped. The ltuctor siiil to try OlttSBUSS Sivip and ointment. I did and the itching and burning left her. and I used four hoxos of OuUCUfa (Hutment together with the Ctittrura soap and she was com pletely he.nliil (signed! Mrs. Ida Brown. 7029 Eggleston Ave., Chicago, lit, Oct. Di 1015. Sample Each Free by Mali With p Skin Hook on ronticst. Ad dr:H jiM "Cuti. urs, lept. T, ton." t.jv...Uvui tiio world. Anns Mute, Prank nonage, Msettn Thornc, Bdwasd Onsen, Ben IWntn and Mutt eff Featured. An Interesting program is beint; I screened at the pastime today, con- sjsting of a mixel assortment ol clever pictures. Leading is "Nell Male's Men Folks." a delightfully ln- terestlng human interest .story of the west, featuring Anna Little and Frank Botmsfs." "Ruth Rldgely's Retum with Liltetta Thorne and Kd win ('oxen witll be found to le un-1 ! usually unlet t lining Ben Turpin will keep you In good: humor with his funny antics in "The Iron Mitt." as will Hud Fisher's com- ; edy cartoon creations Mutt & Jeff. This j.rngram will re shown today I only and at the admission prices or, i sdsSlts, 19c; children. 5c. ! Celebrated Actor at Pastime Sunday; I Nat Goodwin, Man of Msn Wives. Featured. Nat C. (looilwln. BUMMI actor and a man whom the public In general '. i has heard of powdhly more than any , other living celebrity on account ot j his many matrimonial adventures.! will be the star attraction nt the PSS-I time Sunday-Monday In the Mutual i Mnsterpicture. "A Wall BtrSjet Tra gedy." This feature Is a class A pro I duction and one the management of the Pastime Is prissentlng knowing, irell that It will please his patrons. The story deals, (in the title Suggests, j with Wall street and high finance I Interwoven is. a pretty love story and I life on the Qrcat White Way is shown 1 In all iplsndor, In addition will 1 I shown a clever lleorge Ove ( "inedy At tile Alta. Blanche Sweet, the popular idol of the screen, will be seen at the Alta Theater on Sunday and Monday in the Jesse L. Lasky production on the Paramount Program of "The Dupe," written especially for her by Hector Tnrnbull and prepared for the screen by Margaret Turnbull. Blanche Sweet, by her ability alone has risen to be one of the most dis tinguished artists or the silent drama. The Lasky company has given her many different roles to portray; she has been a child of the slums, a Rus sian anarchist, a maid of all work, a belle of society, and in "The Dupe ' she Is seen as the social secretary to a capricious and flighty Sodaty wom an. The story tells now, as a coun trified young girl she BSCTSf employ, lr.ent as a social secretary in a weal thy family. The wife, madly in love with a young society man. becomes jealous of his attentions to her as sistant. Wishing to rid herself of her husband and compel the young man tc marry her. she manages to place the girl in a compromlsiong position with her husband, where she is also seen by the man she loves. How the affair is adjusted and she eventually is united with the one whom she loves Is presented in a most unusual and attractive manner. LO, THE POOR INDIAN'! TEXT OE FAIRBANKS PLAY Story of New Triangle Release Is UK Tale of a Luckless Savage, Shunned By White People. Practically everyone has heard the expression, "Lo, the poor Indian." It doee not mean "Behold the poor In dian;" Lo is the Indian's name. The expression comes from a celebrated story by Bret Harte, called "In the Curiiulnes Woods," in which the cen tral figure Is Lo Durmante, a half breed Indian. Why Lo should be pit ied may now be seen on the screen, for Triangle has Just made the novel Into a picture called The Half Breed." with Douglas FiArbanks as the star. Although "Lo, Dhe poor Indian, has ben made the text for all man ner of stories about the way the In ; dian is treated by hrs white brothers. Lo Dormant is not really an Indian. His father was a white man. His mother was driven out of her trlbs when he was born, and because he was born. Even Indians didn't want anything to do with him. He is "poor Lo" in more than one sense of tha word. As a child he is adopted by an old botanist who lives in the Carquinea Woods and given a fine education, but as soon as the old man dies the white men of the mining camp, not 1 far away, remind him that under the law an Indian is not permitted to own land and drive him forth ta find his living elsewhere. He finds a home in one of the hollow of the giant California redwood forest. Then follow many adventure In ! which the halfbreed youth finally finds everything a youth can want : even love. The Lo of the play typifies not merelv the Indian, riving under the yoke of a conquered race, luit also , the illegitimate child who is an out cast from socley. In being a man of j fine instincts, far superior in intellec j tual attainments to any man uf the mining camp nearby, the situation Is ' made the more iathetk The COSY TODAY MARY FULLER, playing a remarkable dual role, in THE SCARLET MARK" "THE LATEST IN VAMPIRES" Light Victor Comedy. INSCRUTABLE JAPAN The riddle of the East. SUNDAY AND MONDAY 14TH CHAPTER OF THE IRON CLAW, "THE PLUNGE OE LIFE" Don't Miss This Thilling Episode. Ben Wilson and Dorothy Phillips, in "BEYOND THE TRAIL." MR. FULLER PEP Cartoon Comedy. E. & R. Jungle Comedy "PA'S FAMILY TREE."