East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 09, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A re you a good Business Man!
TT- .
opyngbt Hart Schaflarr L Marx
IF SO, when you arc ready to
boy clothe we shall expect to
how you the
& Marx
Suits and
we have ready for this Fall.
No matter what you have
been wearing no matter who
made them or what they cost
WE SAY, we can fur
nish better clothe
for the same money
or as good clothes for
less money.
SUITS $15 TO $30
It's getting time to prepare for
Fall and Winter. Warm under
wear is naturally almost your first
thought. This year we're better
than ever prepared to fill your
every want. We'll show you the
best makes in America at prices
you'll appreciate.
Offers the greatest variety of
choice new styles in the celebrated
Stetson and Kensington makes.
Something for every taste and every
face, $3.50, 4.00, 84-50 to
A very great array of fine pat
terns in extra quality materials.
Better than the price in every in
stance. 25f , 35 . 50e 75 to $2
Our September
Sale of Furs
Savings of from 15 to 25 .
To the woman who knows
she is going to have furs this
winter, this novel fur sale fur
nishes a wonderful opportuni
ty for selection from a com
plete stock of up-to-date new
goods at savings that do not or
dinarily prevail until the end
of the season, when the best
and most desirable are gone.
Remember the cold weather
last winter; you'll need furs
buy now and save.
When Monday morning comes and your boy
starts off to school, will he stride proudly along
with his head up, looking as well or better than
the other boys with a nice new suit or will he
feel mean because he's not dressed like the
other boys?
We'll give you the best for the price, no mat
ter what the price. Look at every other store
in town if you please then come and see what
we can give you. It won't take you a minute to
see that our suits are by far the best. They are
priced from 85.00 to 811.00
The Little Girls Dresses Have Come
Welcome news indeed to the mothers
who have been waiting to purchase
their children's Fall outfits. Especially
to those who through previous purchase
have become acquainted with the pretty
styles, good quality and reasonable
prices of our children's apparel.
The wash dresses are of
heavy quality ginghams and
cotton reeps in attractive fig
ured designs, stripes, checks,
,J,. , rA anMA ftrAtWa 'VYl OCL0
are made up in cute little high
ftK waisted styles, middy effects
and novel ideas that will be es
fll pecially attractive on your
(lijX little girl.
The wool dresses are of serge or wool
mixtures in sheppard checks, navy and Copenhagen
blue, brown, green and red. The styles are most attrac
tive. Middy dresses, high waisted effects, Eton effects
and other novelties in style that will place your child in
the class that are dressed differently from the rest.
The ages are from 2 to 1 4 years.
The Cotton Dresses are Priced from 69c to $3.95
The Wool Dresses are priced from $1.10 to $5.75
n. rm
Visit Our Dry Goods Dep't.
Soire Taffeta
This is something entirely new in the way of
silk. Especially to be made up into dresses. It
is a very stylish .silk fabric with a permanent
lustre, shown in all shades for street and even
ing; 36 inches wide. The yard $2.25
New Percales
Two big shipments of high grade percales.
These are shown in a large variety of patterns
of stripes, floral and small figures, in light and
dark ground ; 36 inches wide. They are just in
time for school dresses. Yard. 121. and 15f
Where It Pays to Trade
Speaking of
Mr and Mm. John Mathews willl
arrive iiborUy to br guests of their'
aaugnter. sirs, iisrenc ranuu. 11
Mr. and Mrs. clarence Peniaad and
ton John will motor to Bingham to
day to spend the week end.
Benton Bancs, prominent balf
I back of the Pallman football team and
ell known in North tt athletic cir
cle ia expected to arrive the first of
aeek from southern Idaho, to be a
feouaecueat of Mr. and Mr. Clarence
Penland for a ahort time.
Mrs. William Slasher and little I
granddaughter are expected to arrive;
home from the coast tomorrow,
Mr. I. E. Earl and daughter. Miss
Ada of Pendleton spent Wednesday
in Stanfleld. Miss Earl will be one
of the teachers in the local schools
this year. Stanfteld Standard.
Miss Dorothy Evans returned to
her home in Pendleton, after spend
ing several weeks visiting her sister.'
Mrs. (. E. Attebury. Mrs. Attebury's
little daughter. Blanche, accompanied
I Miss Evans and will visit her grand- j
parents in Pendleton Stanfield
Mrs. Gertrude Ferguson Mrs.
Francis Pope and Mrs Alvln Baum
e later of Walla Walla arc spending,
the day in Pendleton.
Mrs Fred Vincent of Portland,
a bo is a houaeguest of Dr. and Mrs.!
F. W. Vincent, was the inspiration
for a charming afternoon of bridge j
ester u, for which Mrs. Vincent and!
Miss Eleanor Vincent were hosteaeee'
at their home on Water streeC A
orofuJton of bright colored aaterS
made a pretty floral decoration for,
'the living rojms wojle the dining!
'room was aglow with yellow blo-
soma Honors for highest score were!
I captured by Mrs. :. L Rogers while
Mrs & R. Thompson received thej
'consolation. The invitational list In-'
; eluded Mrs. J. F. Kobinson, Mrs. O I
WJ Phelpa Mrs. Nesmith Anseny. ;
Mrs W. E, Brock. Mrs W U Thomp.'
Ison, Mrs. G- A. Hartman. Jr., Mrs
W. D McXary. Mrs. Charles Murphy,
Mrs a R. Thompson, Mrs. J B, Ad-,
lams, Mrs Charles Meighan, Mrs.
Charles Hiimilton. Mrs. Le Moor-
house. Mrs. G H. Clarke, Mrs. Jack
Vincent, Mrs L. L. Rogers. Mrs.
Robert Stanfield. Mrs. A. J. McAUis
ter. Mrs. W. E. McComan, Mrs F. E.
Boyden. Mrs F. E. Judd Miss Nevs
Lane. Mrs. Frank Fraxier and Mas
Harriet Young The hostesses were
aseUted by Mrs. Jack Vincent.
Mrs. Mary Harvey and sister. Mrs
J. C. Dunne leave today for their oid
home at Coqullle to visit their broth
er and will later go to Portland and
Selem before returning hom The
will be absent about two months. L'p
cn returning home they will reside in
their new bungalow on Madinon
A. A. Asfoahr, former instructor In
agriculture at the Pendleton high
school and who has been attending:
the law school at the University 6t
Wisconsin, has returned to Oregon.
He Is now at Cornelius.
H. U Lyon. O-W. division engineer,
i in the city.
Frank N'udo of Stanfleld 1 an out
of town visitor In the city.
I. ute Templeton of a Grande was!
ir. town over night yesterday.
B. W. Whitten of North Yakima i ;
tiansacting business here today.
Frank Forbes of Moro was regl.-ter-1
ed at the Hotel St. George yesterday
0, B. Hottman of Heppner has been
I transacting business in Pendleton this'
J week.
I Mr. and Mrs J. E Fulkerson oft
i Boslyn. Wash , were In the city last1
J Roscoe N. Doane of the Pendleton)
Drug Company Is enjoying a vacation
In Portland.
1 William Kearns and Carl Perlnger
expert to drive to walla Walla thu'
e.enlnit to end the weekend.
I Nesmith Ankeny. assistant cashier
Of the First National Bank, has gonei
to Portland on a short business trip '
For the past two years I have been the manufac
turer of candies at a Main street confectionery.
During this time I have made a special study of
Pendleton people's tastes and desires in the
candy line so that I might cater to them intelli
gently and fulfill their every want I have found
the people of this city exacting and particular
and take pride in the fact that I have been suc
cessful in pleasing them with my candies, such as
the Britton Chocolate, etc., which were never
made in Pendleton before because of the lack of
materials of high quality.
I have never tried to force an article on the pub
lic, preferring to give them what they want I
have not borrowed the reputation of another
candy manufacturer, preferring to build my own
on my own merit. Some places find it necessary
to import ability. Such places are thus indicating
their lack of experience in their own business.
As I am going to manage the candy kitchen of
Otto Hohbach on East Court Kreet, I want the peo
ple of Pendleton to know that I have made a
study of their want and will be able to fill them
there satisfactorily, using only the best of materi
als and making my candies in clean kettles, on
clean tables, using clean tools and giving both
quality and variety.
Signed :
The Man That Advertisement
Referred to Last Night.
Factory open for inspection at any time
positively Identify Thompson. TV
I prisoner Is cool and collected- The
I blood spattered Jitney bus was ; laced
I in the court house yard for the ,'urjs
' Inspection.
It Is not always what a msa
knows: it Is what he does that counts.
Opportunity plsys no favorites.
Many a man has dug his grave with
his tongue.
.spanking does aot csre cbUdrss of bad
tettlng. There Is s coostltstlonal canst .
fat this trouble Mrs M Hammers, Bex
w, Notre Dsse, led., will send free to ant I
mother her orecaefnl bone treatment, wits '
full instructions. Send no money, bat :
write her today If your children troublt yoa i
in this way Don't blame the child, the !
chances art It can't help It This treatment ,
lae cares adults sad aged people troubled '
with urine dlfflcnltlea by day or sight
Mrs M. Snmmers. Rot R. Notre Dame. Ind
You let any work in our
line, don't forget to get
our prices. Estimates
gladly furnished on any
kind of stone, brick and
cement work.
Telephone 461
ilnesxt. ri- I nablc in Make Pce.i
ttfs Identification iTiwmcr
li-malii. Cool ami Calm.
HILL8BOR, .iept. I. Jitney driv
ers testified that liennett Thompson
"reemt)led" the man seen talking to
Frnl Itlxtman of Portland the nlcht
before Mr. Helen JennlnKS and Rist
man were murdered . on the Gore
ranch. The witnesses were unable to
A Few Seasons Why
You Should
Cook With Gas
It Is Handy It Is Cheap
Wastes No Fuel
It is Clean and Cool in Summer,
and is Absolutely Safe.
Phone us and we will estimate the cost of Installation.
Ranges and Water Heaters Sold on
Easy Terms.
Pacific Power & Lit Company
Phone 40
w! zw J
nefF I
I ' I
is assured by the use of lome
of these beautiful fixture! of
ours. They give a light that
Illuminates the room perfectly,
but that does not tire or strain
the eyes. They are not expen
sive considering their extra ef
ficiency and extra beauty. Why
not at least see them?
falt'S famous rn a UfTKur
Fresh'E Day " Vs-IVrl f V P loll
Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms In Connection. Steam Heated.
The Quelle Restaurant
Exclusive distributing depot In Pendleton for FALT8 Sea Foods
Alta M'wlm and Monday,