East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 04, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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I of purpose he has given the ' age and devotion
ftfftfe&N5 nation an economic freedom for proven.
Gr A ' which the neonle had waited 1
lone in vain, he has stood be-
m:m ai'RK
have been' D- C. Brownell of Umatilla, Is In
the city today.
I H. Punning of StnnfieM. was In
With the strike trouble ar-itn clty ter
nary and Oral tVwkl; t
Olrtou. nri.m Oy the
tiWB our people and foreign -ranged there is nothing in the' J TJ' s
war; he has now saved us from 01 "iiu recorci-ureaKing . , .
oirtrin Comity Paper.
tared at the piatofflr at Pendleton.
M amad-elaaa aall matter
part! Hotel Newt Stand. Cortland.
BatroMa New. Co. Portland Oregoa.
CWcafo Bareau, OOS Secnrltj Building
Waakfaagtoa. I ' . Bureau Ml. roar
treat, r. .
Bally, oae year, by mall -
BeJly. its month. c mall
ally, tferva aiootba. bj malL
Hall, m, Month, br mall
Mil. eoa rear, by carrier T 50
internal bloodshed and business Round-Up crowd.
disaster. These are facts, not
trio.iriix Hk rpenrd is onp of I
performance, not of prophecy
or promise.
No fair minded voter can
look upon the president's rec
ord without feelings of admira
tion and gratitude. His ser
vices have been so powerful
28 Years Ago Today
v r Kennedv of liiitio wus reg
tand at the Hotel Bowman yester
day. F. T Morrell and W. A J. Morrell
of Spokane, were visitors la town es
terday. Gladys Johnson of Arkansas city.
Kansas, antlved yesterday to visit
friends here.
Paily Kast Oregonlan
Sept. 4, 188S.) U. A. Pearson and G. XI. Hostettler
Mrs. Jan.- Howell has returned of The Dalles, were out of town guests
ftoni a fortnights visit to her diuigh- ln the city last night
and so effective that the oppo- " Grand
sition has no leg to stand upon.
Dally, ail montha by carrier
Daily, on moatn. ay carrier
Dally, three month, by carrier
aal Weekly, oae yar. ny mall
ami Weekly, all moat ha. try mall
awl Weakly, four months, by mall
The petty earnings and efforts
to belittle and ridicule such a
man take on the appearance of
. itd' illtimed outrage, justly resent
ed by the public. v
President Wilson is as cer-
sttain of reelection as he is wor
I thy of the high office for which
he has been renominated.
. .
1 96
K. R. Wheeler It now confined to
his bed with an attack of that disa
steeahle ailment, chills and fever.
Mrs. George Baer and son Horace,
and Mrs. Horace Mann were brought
home yesterday frora the Will Huker
a '
Now and then there comes
tingle in the blowin'
the breeae
A whisper of cool mornings
sorter thrilled along the
A slghln' of the summer by the
with dreams.
(Fire you well, sweet summer,
At the parting door;
Tcu wait not fur the winning
Of Autumn s golden store. I
Rich-ready for the reapers are
fields that seem to say
the East Oregonian predicts
that his stand will cause the
campaign of ridicule and qbuse
directed against him to be car
ried on with much greater in
tensity than in the past.
The president has done well
by the country. But he has
seriously offended the money
iords of the nation. Those men
are accustomed to having their
way. They are used to seeing
the real affairs of government
decided in New York, not at
Washington. They have not
liked the new regime and they
Talleys and the streams will like it Still less trom this
Her farewell to the country t'me on. Wilson is to those
where she drifts away m nnatnrt and a rnrlienl
To the Wall street idea it is
preposterous that the president
should take a line of action that
is not approved by the financi-
al kings.
The resentment by Wall
street will be shown in an in-
"Brhoid. on earth a broad table, ! creased campaign fund for
Hughes. The railroads as such
,! cannot contribute to political
I 1 1 . .1 1 .
the harvest gives its gold; lunus, out. mere is no law to
joy for earths tired children jkeep railroad owners from so
Just all their arms can Contributing.
h',l-Fr Stanton ' If th? anti-Wilson forces
ink btamon. , nave no areafjy been thor
oughly financed there will bt
no lack of lucre in the future.
NATIONAL DISASTER There will be monev for the
AVERTED BY A CAPABLE, press and for the campaign
COURAGEOUS PRESI- workers and managers. There
DENT will be money to buy abuse and
c alnmnv and falsehood. There
'O save the country from .vi1 hp m0MV to (eceve anci
an industrial war that ceude the voters if they are
would have snooK it irorn;llot aHve to the metnods
cad to end and might have ! brought into use.
jarred the very foundations of ; If monev can beat Wilson he
onr government was no light will be defeated. There is hope
task for one man. Lnder all i however. jn the fact the presi
the cirmustances it was a her-dent.s services to the country
culean undertaking as a few , have been so eat that in try-
days ago all were admitting as: to discredit him his foe
Yankee Jim says the government place near Dale by Mr. Haer. They
.an furnish the best socks in the' have been visiting several weeks at
world, the style he is wearing. ob-the Haker home,
tained of I ncle Sam. never wear out
and never have to be washed. Miss Alice Butler, head of the do-
Miss Klizabcth IJvermore of Kd- mestic science department of the
"urdsville. 111., is visiting her cousin j Pendleton schools, arrived back In
Mr. ln Uverniore at his resilience on Pondleton vesterriov uft..r nimfaa
spent in the east. During most of
Mr. and Mrs. annimer sh tmu-ht mi i 'hn ntti iitinn
print New York and had charge of the
I I. r.
mere is not a oaKerx in town n v: I -
I . . , I Miss Ruth Strohm arrived this
HOUGH the president's fork wuiu of WaDa Walla is in
work in averting the on a vtsit to his sister. Mrs. ie
strike will endear him to Moorhou-
, iMtninn or o i inv.i ; wk r.
moved from in front Pusher's store' lnR several weeks at H"' Ik(
todaj to resurrect !.50 piece wh ch ,urned home yesterday.
had slipped between the cracks.
Garden street.
James Lehman and
Lou Shaw came in from
I esterday.
the rank and file of the people
morning to be a guest of
McGomas for a time.
Mrs John Vert who has
Mrs. K. w
been aptnd
Gome and See
The New Fall
You can pass a very pleasant hour in OUT store, we promise
enjoyment in looking over the newest styles in Coats.
you an hour of real
So, come in and try them on-
stvles will fit
learn just how well the "Classic
: your figure yes, and vour pocketbook, too.
a, e searched the market for the new, smart Coats for you we have foun
; them, and they are here at the store. So we urge you to come' in and see the new
the bread ror which you
The fruit of toil awaits
have a monumental job
their hands.
Mich value that it is doubtful if intervals, every summer.
they waited apprehensively for
the outcome.
President Wilson performed
that task and in doing so ren-i
dered the people a service of
any previous action from theVI attempts are made by in
White House during an mstory ; rjividuals, organizations,
was of more moment to me , or public authorities, to com-1
country. ; pel women bathers to put on
It is easy now for railroad j shoeB and stockings. But no
executives to boast of what ! one ever hearg 0f any attempts
they would have done had a! to compel men bathers to don!
rtrike occurred. They do not these garments. At the muni-l
know what they could have cjpai pooi gyfs and women may
done, nor does anyone else, j g0 barefoot and bare-legged, j
But it is a known fact that a j The private pools have adopt- j
strike would have been disas-; ed the fashion also, though ,
teroUs to the public. There ; some of them still have rules j
would have been nationwide Dost-d that women must wear!
paralysis and in some respects stockings,
it would have been worse than i 0 0,, these pro
war. There would have been tests and why? Visitors to the
unhappiness and want. Busi- municipal pools must admit
ness men and producers would that the women bathing there
have suffered losses they could are both modest and appear
not have endured without modest without stockings. Or
bankruptcy. Hundreds of ; i they do not, why do the men?
thousands of homes would (ig there any sex line in mod
have been saddened and no I egty, or is (his annual hubbub
one knows what dangers might , about women's feet simply an
have been brought to the coun-! evidence of the immodesty of
try's door. When a great fire, those who start it? St. Louis
if. on no one knows where itj Post-Dispatch,
will sop or whom it will hurt.!
The president through luV vVherever the facts as t the
masterly leadership brought ponna, situation are known!
congress int.. line for egula-; there is support for the meas-i.
tion that averted th.s calamity. ure t establish a school at Pen. f
lne law that was nased is a iBt,m. hef,, thu
worthy step in itself but even ; dose 'tne facto wi be u
those who may not think so. thoroughly known.
cannot deny that the preventa
tive step is far preferable to a goth railroad managers and
strike and the injury that) trainmen may be very thank
would have followed in its.ful there is no strike; there
WHP- j would have been nothing in it
President Wilson's great j trainment mav be verv thank-
-,rw it, thiH . risif furnishes aisome undertakers.
fit climax to an administration a
conducted by a man of rare Mr. Hughes is alright in his
conscience and courage. 'way but Miss Columbia will
Through his ability and sincer-1 stand by the man whose cour
J. F. Scholl of Baker is in town.
T. M. Ford of Helix, was here yes
terday. J. W. Ralph of Hermlston ts in
O. W. Hulstead of Echo, is in the
city today.
Will Moore returned this morning
from Portland.
J. A. Goble of Walla Walla, was In
town yesterday.
Mrs. M Klliott of Kurr
town yesterday.
R. (i. Stayner of Hoise. is in the city
today on business.
Henry Swurti and' family haT
turned from Seaside
William Myrick of Myrick station
was here yesterday.
Amos Roblson and C. S. Chandler
of Susanville are in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A Dudley of Athe
na were in town yesterday.
H. R. Newport or the Newport
Construction Co.. is in the city. '
Lena M F"errin of Echo U here
visiting friends for a few days.
J. H. Vaughn of Attman. Ariz., is
an out of town visitor here today.
J. W. Robinson or Walla Walla,
was a visitor this morning in the city.
Mrs. Mary Light returned Saturday
from Seaside where she has been en
joying an outing.
S. Howard of Walla Walla has re
turned to his home after transacting
business here for several days.
W. B. Kidd left this morning for
the Wallowa country He was ac
companied by Charles Kidd.
Henry Hobson. well known colored
man. has returned from a short visit
with friends in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Will M. Peterson
and family lame down from Meach
am yesterday where they have been
enjoying an outing.
Mrs. Norborne Berkeley and son.
Norborne, returned from Portland
Saturday. Mies Mildred Berkeles
will visit with friends there for a few
Classic Goats
We are sure these beautiful garments will appeal to you because of their style.
their serviceability and their true economy. They are man-tailored: with skill that
holds the style in them. The prices are moderate, too. So come see them today.
We Feature Classic Coats at 89.95 to $32.50
There are Classic Coats for the little ones, too, at 81.05 and un
Judge William L. chambers, chair- s
man of the board of mediation and 5
conciliation, who acted a." a go-be- 55
tween for President Wilson, the rail-, 35
way employes and the railway execu- 55
tlves in the strike situation. He went
from one to the other of the triangle
I bearing informal messages to each
hS 1 a hi
If . " :. ! k, ... I
. ? p r5 AT I N(j
Ladies New
We can truthfully say that our showing of
new Fall Suits are second to none, as we have
been very careful to study the markets thor
oughly and select none but the proper fabrics
and predominating styles, and furthermore, we
are in position to meet most any demand as to
Mrs. M. C. Adams, wife of n At
lanta laundrynian. and mother of
three children, killed Captafn Bdga'
J Rpratling, a well known doctor of
Atlanta, at the Georgia militia mob
lllr-atlon camp at Ma'-on. Bhe said
Dr. spratling had made Improper ad
vance, to her.
Thl-i photograph shows her with
her youngest child.
55 And'we have not over
looked the wearables
for both the girls and
Every thing for boys' to
More Days until Schoo
others up to $34.95
We are always pleosed to show our merchan- jj
dise. fitting will be dune by expert tailors. J
Many new arrivals in Waists, Skirts, Fur H
Trimming, Silks, Woolens and Novelties. Re- s
member when shopping visit the Popular Cash j
Store. Always high-grade merchandise at pup-
ular prices.
Popular Cash Store
Thre are higher thinRH in itr fof
woman than a food complexion -prtt)
bonnet, for instance.
Where it Pay You to Pay Cash.