EIGHT PAGES HEADACHE STOPS E Dr. James' Headache Powders give ipatant relief Cost dime a package. Mem-neking, splitting or dull, throbbing heiulaches yield in just few momnU to Dr. Juntos' Hsadsehs Pow ders which cost, only 10 cents a pack age at any drug I tore. It the quick est, surest headache relief in the whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the agony and distress now! You can. Millions of ' men and women have found that headache and neuralgia miliary it needless. Get what you aak for. Thousands Take this mild, family remedy to avoid illness, and to improve and protect their health. They keep their blood pure, their livers active, their bowels regular and digestion sound and strong with KKHAPIS PILLS lerim SU of Anr MwliciM in Ik World SoU Torrwboro. la boiM, 10c, 2Sc. WRITE TO VOI R FRIENDS OK Monogram Stationery w. g. smith & CO. WEUD1NU AND VISITING CAR! EX Q HA V KHS. MORGAN BLPO-i PORTLAND, OR j LAKE PARK: "Breath of the Pines" 4,500 feet above sea-level, in the J Powder River MouRtains, ! near Joseph, Oregon. Eat, sleep, J play, live out-of-doors. A delight- ' ful mountain -lake resort Good ! 5 fishing. For full information, fares, tickets, etc., ask M T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent aW.R;R.&N.j SEASHORE VACATIONS II KMC Yl WIMj UM) A NBW ZFT MH Lini In the swaet, salt breexes of the sea at OKAUHAltT and SBABIOl, Warm sea water and surf bttthlng: golf, ten nis, trout fishing and other pastimes. U)W COST VACATIONS for the entire family, from 110 per week (for summer cottage) upwards Best hotels, first claaa cuisine. Sea foods abundant. Purest mountain wa ter Stopover Is convenient via The NOMA HANK ROAD and the TWIN PAIMCKS to or from California. TI1F GRAND CANYON OP TBI COLUMBIA RIVER and the world-rivaling highway through the heart of the CssoadSS to Portland enjoyed from the trains of the VnitTll HANK BOAT. Hound trip from Pendleton . . . SIS. 13 Send postal for booklet. See local agent Northern Pacific, or O.-W. It. A or address. It. H. CROZIBR Asst. !en. Pass Art. Portland. Ore. coi D e NEURALGIA GON TWO SNAPS IN RIVERSIDE II' TAKEN AT ONCE. Fine large new house and nine rooms, hnrn. chicken houses, or chard and 14 1-2 acres of land all for :i.noO. J1000 down and balance to suit purchaser. Owner must sell. This Is a splendid buy. Another 4 1-4 acres of alfalfa land, full bearing orchard, good six room house, barn, chicken houses, horse and buggy, OOW and some of the best laying chickens In the state. All goes with the place except the furniture In the house. Is Selling on account of sickness. Price 3fS0. Terms. MATLOCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. Ill Bast Court St. D o Real Estate Farm and ?iriiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiriiuui' I NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES I GOEY'S hNiiiinniii'HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMim? DAILY MANY FOREIGN INQUIRIES FOR FLOUR Farmers of Pacific Northwest Much Less Inclined to Sell; Hog Prices Take an Advance of 15c; Cattle Market is Steady, PORTLAND, Aug. it, Reports ! indicate that Europe is not only u very anxious mill , t.. buyer all wheat In the United States at thi! time bu that much nibbiiiiK i- shown inr eaifoes of flour. Mttllni Interests are not talking fur p' Iriloation regarding thin phase nf the market, but the reports of for eign l ijulrlcs for our flour conic from tellable and well Informa tonnes. hile there wus a very erratic tune I In the early wheat trading at Cblca-i go dur.iig the day, the actual cuth j Wheal situation la continued strong.! This Is true especially of the niiUillol west, v here export Interests arj lit-! rail "buying their heads off" In the whtal marker. i artners in the Pacific nnrthwcM tie ntUCh loss inclineeil to aell than; tlte' wsrS ti short time ago. Tot. it MISS 'ii wheat to date IhU season ;n tile mice state.-, are approximately I nC lined to estimate aalea at an ad-- ditlanal MOMv bushels. liri OR! tut! rablcu front Liverpool thai UM wheat niarael OPtnsd vt i i lirm iah scarcity of shippers, on passage wheat opened linn, 31itiu t.dw.noe Russln General report! are bow ' i .'tiiiiicm tng to conrirnt advices re-1 QSlVSd from our agents that CrOS I prwmecUi are now favorable. Tii ilea seeded Was reduced by cxigeii civs of war, Iiciivn holding ol old crop militated against mrge planting, weitltvi frORI time to tittle, has been; Unfavorable and general rains cans-' eii ttanaga.'1 iau- Consumptive demand in the United r.'itgdoin uu alien off owing' to fine hay crop, but the continent' i uitlnues to purchase foreign aorta j on a large acale und mostly front 1 United Mates. Import needs, are large. European crops backward nt prospects ntosjtl) under last year's, Ktour Sailing pries Patent, t.J0; Willamette valley, 15. HO; local straight, t:IO0lj baker local, ! 4iT; Montana spring wheat, li.ioej 7.60; aS POrt, ta.lOOMO; Whole wheat, $ii.:o, grsbam, W.IO; rye Hour, $6 40 per barrel. Hay- Buying price, new crop; Wil lamette valley timothy, fancy, HSU H. ,'.o. eaaiern Orsgo n-Idaho fancy timothy, 1119 tt; alfalfa, 14U.(0; valley vetch, UsVtl.tO; heat. till 'i 10.60; eliprfl-. 10 per ton. i ;t. .in sacks 1911 nominal. No. I CalcUttas, 11 l4fljll lle In cur lota, lea amounts are higher, Mill stuffs telling price Bran, 114. SO; shorts,, tiiC.'.u per ion. Rolled tiil (.S0H.?C per bar rel. t'h.cugo wheal clotted lower ful the dn. out the Portland markel was firmer im the Ifercnsnts' Bxchangs bids for Augum wbe. it were unchaog ed to h higher, with slueetem touch itiK a new high mark ftt $1.-. .ow that Portland Interests are through bidding on the govsrnmenl contract, ami one local firm has -cured the order, the price in be pate) lb,- producer Is being lowered Up to the nine thai in government oo- iruct WSS let the market wan held aloft. Hurley bid." were un hanged and di on thi exehan luring Hit da.v 1 1 prices were itited to $'.i.t:. dui- iug the sari) morning; trade at North Portland. This was an advance ol 1 5c over previous pi tees received this week. The advance in iWina values was made here in Ihe face of a lather fair SUppI) The talk that Portland was not paylaf as much as other markets ami aaneclall) California, d-H-s not hold water witen il was Shown during the day that shipments of California hog were received S9 ihe local arda during the day. II rice were higher la the south than here, these shipments would not come here. Qeneral hog market range: Cbolge light weights Il.ioej i.Ta Hood light weights :i IHSSI.6U .Medium weights I.0I.S Rough heavy S.lllllil t mile Market Htaady. Only a very SXna.il rim of caiili'i is shown In the North Portland yards Vsrnlght. The mai l ct ill eral Is ShoWini u steady W II II prices practically Unchanged from i the start of the week. Qeneral cattle market range: Prime light steers . ....$ ."itiifi S.7.. J Prime heavy steers T.nn Good light steers I.009I.IB jHtockcrs and feeders .. I prime dehorned cows and hellers i.imi'ii : , im ii ;, :i Common rows I.00(.40 nuns i.WH.se City Loans o n Insurance , KWONG HONG LOW 1 116 Weit Alta St., Upstairs.' Phone 433 E - EAST i )Kh(, jNIAiN, PENDLETON, UKbGUJS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1916. Pi. me light veal calvea .. 7.0oi7.50 Prime heavy veal calvea.. 4. "')(. 00 Mt. ii'XMi Lambs Here, Four loads of lambs with u small sprinkling of tnuttou came forward to the North Portland yard from the Mt. Hood lection overnight. The I. noli.- were on contract to a local meal company and were driven from the mottntalna to Troutdale and then put on cara. .Mutton and lamb market la in firm condition. Select spring lambs .. . . IS 25W 8..i5 Ordinary spring lambs ... 7. sofa". 75 Rest yearlings 6-35ft)6.5o Rest ewes J.iMKi a. 35 Good common ewes 3. .Milt 4. on IAN FRANCIS;'!), Auk. 35. Wool per pound: Humboldt and .Mendo cino. S months, ISQ26c; 13 months. llfflOgj mlilille counties, 8 months, good nSrliOc; do ti montha. 14'nlsi ; Red Rluff and vicinity. Italic; do 12 months, t9l7c; Nevada stin k staple. Vllriiv, extra light croas bred. MOtlc; according to quality; North Coast states clip, litis. II Cj 28c; laiiib'H wool, l',i lfic, do f'alt fornia. 1J it 1 lie LOUIS, Aug. id. -Wool un Will, Slows i.imment ur LflSVE PAIN? Try It and see one application will prove more than a column of claims. James s Ferguson. Phila , Pa., writes; 'I have had wonderful relief since I used Sloan's Liniment on my knees. To think after all these yearB of pain one application gave me relief. Many thanks for what your remedy hjts done for me." Don't keep oft suffering, ap' ply Sloan's Liniment where your pain la and notice how quirk you get re lief. Penetrates w ithout rubbing. Buy it at any Drug Store. 25c Adv. GIRL GIVES UP LIFE TO SAVE HER SISTER Seven pear old (Mid ! lie) "rut I (colli iii onlumMa Ittver 11 Year old M-tcr (iia-s to Rescue, THE DALLES, tire.. Aug. Jt. In an effort to lave her ' ypar old sistev Btttsi from drowiUni in the Columbis liver lestcrday near l.vlc Wash Miss Myrtle Quteher, 11 sears old. sacri Heed her own life. Ethel was reaetlad by a farmer Working near the scene of the tragedy, and resuscitated, but thi older lister could not be revived when pulled from the witter 4'. minutes Inter. Tbc two girls were in bathing in th river when Kthel Stepped into deep water. In ettatnpUni pull her si.--ter out. Myrtle lost her balance anil was carried into deep water by tin current, ''ties of Mrs. K. OUteher, mother of the nirls who was on the : nconsds)!. He then made a drag r.ul of barbed wire, with which the body of the elder sister was flnall) re covered. Saving of the lite of Kthel tiutclier Is due in a large measure to the fast automobile run made from The Hallo MR. AND MRS. HUGHES IN A MINE CAGE a 9mmummmmmm mmmimmmmmmmmmmmitammmm - W hen I lea n ct v isit, d he and down In Charles e. ndldate for lutte on hi Mrs Huahi Hughes, repuli. the presidency, speaking tour. i weie taken o the Leon srd copper tn.ne Peter Pan 'yaw si M W oSw yds VIVIAN MARTIN, PALLAS-MOROSCO JTAR PROGRAM. A teU'jtnim from the late Charles tin while red ting a piece In Bonds popular artist's career. That Is to mother who hurried to Bunds; school to take her little daughter on Journey which necessitated quick action. The famous inauairer bad "ecu Vivian In several amateur school pi at Ills first opportunity sent for her tobecoms a professional artist, title role of "Peter I an" and supisirtetl by an all children cast Miss met with Instantaneous egreeSSi Her sun-ess In "Peter I'lin" made hi sought after by managers to portray child parts. Later she tppaare rloits hiK successes, in. hiding "OScar. 396," "The Martian flame" ai High rost of Loving." When she daterted the stage for the screen, the former insliiiit 0M of lis Iniportiint f actors. In photoplayi she has bSOMM w idely and as a lallas-Mortisco star on the iarly bright future In view. the teens of "lie accident by l)r I'd Thompson and Joseph Mclti iy, With the alii of a pulmotor Dr. ompson revived the younger sister e phystOian anil Mrs. Mcliierney Rowena, where the w ere met by a launch, which carried theffl across' the river. The trip required jus! SI minutes, despite the fact that they were forced to i bange tires en route The father of the two sisters is em ployed as an engineer on the Qolden dnle branch of the North Bank Ball Way out of Lyle. nm i imi nn: MAY IlK POIW ED To IM in III M Iv BltKVI) one 28 Black LONDON bread and a scare :tv of meat are the iM feet undei dress in oilskin from the wati around They had to to protect themselves there. This photo. graph shows i hem about to ascend, In the mine cage, ifter the) were shown about the mine. Grown Up ON THE PARAMOUNT Kroltman received by little Vivian Is school marked the ltoirlnnlne of this say, the telenriiin wits sent to Vivian s UlllICQ 1 he in it ion lost popular Paramouut Program she has a panics bugaboos that loom before manyjS pessimistic per&one on these islands. ;S American speculators in wheat and s the meit packers of the rniied States IS ing Oil il. ill part, lor tne I tramnndnui rise in the rost Of living. Here and In oiher cities in the kingdom mass meetings have been! alleil to demand from the govern-! neat measures to reduce the prices I of foodstuffs. The cost of living is' ai the highest point since the war began. Bdtbles are approximately; '.:. per cent dearer than liefore the war. There is nothing Uite so unsatis- j factory ss the good Judgment a man In have used but didn't. Al last the central powers seem u) ! .e realizing the bftd ellet ts of n con tlnuoui front. $100 Reward, $100 The readers f this paper will be pleased ! to learn tliat iber Is at least one dreaded! dlaesss tbar scienee lias been able to can j in all its stages, und that Is catarrh. Ca ' mtrb being greatly lufluenced by cunstltu ib'tial i-odTlitittis requires i-onstltutbmal j trestaMnt. Hall's Catarrh fttre Is taken; ! Interaally ami acts thro ihe Blood on th Mn. nils-Surfaces ol the System thereby de . st toying the foundation of the disease, at Ing the patient strength by building up the niistltution nud assisting nature in doing I its work. The proprietors have so much fnlth in the curative powers of Hall s Ca 1 tai rh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dor . iars fur any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of' testimonials. Address: P. J. CIIKNEY k Co.. Toledo, tiblo. Sold by all Prugglsts, 7.". INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HAKTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKE.S reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. ioes general brokerage business, fays and makes investments for non taxes residents Writes, fire, life and acci I dent insurance References, any I bank in Pendleton. tSKNTLEY- MONTGOMERY. REAL estate, fire life and accident insttr 'ance ag?nts. M5 Main street. Phone 1 404. .U'CnONKERS. COU W. K. YOHNKA. AlCTION eer. makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the money.'' Leave orders at East Oregoman office SEt-ONn RAND DBALER8 V. STltOBLE. PEAI-ER IN NEW and second hand goods. ("ash paid for all second-hand goods bought rhenrest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 21 E. Court street Phone ITIW. IROHITBCT, RAYMOND w test Despain 76S. Pendleton. hatch mildlr Oregon. tRCHI-Phone CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y ATTEND THE SPOKANE Interstate Fair AND Livestock Show SPOKANE, WASHINGTON SEPTEMBER 4-9, 1916 MANY NEW INSTRUCTIVE AND ENTERTAINING FEATURES LOW FARES via NORTHERN RACIFIC RY. For information regarding Fares, Dates of Sale, Return Limits, Train Time etc., apply to . WALTER ADAMS, Agent Northern Pacific Railway, Pendleton, Ore. A. D. CHARLTON Assistant Gen'l Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Known For First National Bank ii E r PENDLETON. OREGON is hereby granted the right to act as Trustee, Ex ecutor, Administrator and Registrar of Stocks and Bonds. Federal Reserve Board. SECURITY i -illlllllltllllllllllllllllllllllillll . .- FALT'S famous Fresh Every Day OYSTERS CLAMS SEA CRABS Fine, Clean Furnished Ryooms Id Connection. Steam Heated. The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot In Pendleton for FALTS Sea Foods. ATPOKNEYS. HALEY & HALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. tiffice in American National Bank Building. GEORGE W COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Kstimates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FEE & FEE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office in Despain building CARTER & SMYTHE. ATTORNKYs at law. Office in rear of Amen. can Xaional Bank building. JAMES B. PBKRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTOH neys at uSer; rooms 3 and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W BAIIJ2Y. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 7. $ and 9, Despain building. i PRKDBRICK stkiweh. ATTOR nsy at law. Office In Smith-t'raw ford bail. ling S. LOWBL1 counsellor ai 1 . '-pain building. ATTOltNl law. Offlct PAGE SEVEN It's Strength p""""""""""' Washington, D. C, Oct 6, 1915. By C. S. Hamlin, Governor. iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiihR BETTER AND SOFTER LIGHT Is assured by the use of some of these beautiful fixtures of ours. They give a light that Illuminates the room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes. They are not expen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see tbem? J. L. VAUGHAN CRAWFISH I'UNKKAIi IH1UXTORS. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORB Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Cornw Main and Water streets Telephone 63. JOHN S. BAKER. Fl'NEItA L Di rector and licensed embalnier. Op posite postoffice. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calla responded to day or night Phone 7J. MONTANA KAR.M LANDS. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWATf Itnds in eastern Montana at t: is to (18 per acre. Suitable for terming or gr axing Biisy teruu. For infor mation write or see W. Hi Holt, Mllee City, Montana. MIM I 1 I Miii a, LEGAL BLANKS OP KVKHY IB senption for county court circuit court. Justice conn. re gatats, etc., for sale at Ea-st PrsgSmlSB office. LEGAL BLANKS OP EVK.it (iH scrlptlnn for county court, clrcutl court. I tsrlce court, real estate, eta. i .'or sale at East Oregonlaa offka