PAGE THREE EIGHT PAGEft DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1916. 111! tintiiiiiiniiiiiiiHiininiiiHHiniiiiiiiiiiiHiiititniiniuiiHniiiHiHf!!1 Did You Ever Ask Yourself KH COST If LIVING is m mm 1 Why Don't I Trade at Downey's MaiKet? 1 1 1 1 1 I'ii. , - l;. i i .ii i ,i j ill in H.i-i. I.h of Boppi ami Demand Says IT, s. Crop I K-rt. The Market is Cleaner, the Meat U U. S. Inspected and Healthy, and the Meat is Cheaper. Downey's Market is Better in every way than the other fellows. hlKh cost Of The high prlct rial readily ' r ! laws of SUppi ) Call Up or Gome in Saturday Specials Prime Steer Rib Boil, lb 9c Fancy Roast Beef, lb. 12'2c Steer Shoulder Steak, lb. 12 Vac Hamburger 12 Vie Home Made Sausage 12 Vie Good Round Steak 15c Extra No. 1 Loin Steak 18c Milk Fed Veal, Spring Chickens, Young Hens, Pig Pork. WASHINGTON', Auk. M. Leon M ' Estabrook, chief of the I'nlte.l States t.ureau of cn.i estimates, declared the living was temporary. W are purely commer iceable to the baste and demand. It Ih predicted the present abnormal Prices of manv food staples will ad just themselves within another season. A sudden decrease in production this ! ear naturally sent prices skyward. The Ktiropean armies demand caused lieans to increase from five to eleven cents in one year lllxh meat prices are the result of steady production decrease while the demand mounts steadily. Estatirook Intimated that half a dozen Large parking houses con trolled cattle prices until the cuttle Industry became unprofitable. CANADIAN WHEAT IS 165,000,000 BU, IOE30I IOE30I locaot lotaoi leaei Window Showing of New Fall Suits and Suitings WE CUT MEAT Our meat is pure U. S. in spected. Cut by an expert meat cutter, Riving you for the first time in Pendleton just the cut you want. WE CUT PRICES We belong to no combine, bound together to hold prices up, but sell you meat for less because we have one-half the expense. Downey Market PHONE 188 AND 187 CLEAN, HEALTHY MEAT FOR LESS H TORONTO, auk. It. James ('ar- jlruthers Inspected the western Cana l da ITS In and predicted the Canadian I wheat crop was one hundred and sixty I five million bushels. . 1 1 YOCB BOWELS SHOl'LD MOVE ONCE A DAY. ji A free easy movement of the bowels j every day Is a sign of good health Dr. j King's New Lire Pills will give you a ! j gentle laxatiw effect wihout griping j and free your system of blood poiBons purify your blood, overcome consti j patloa and have an excellent tonic ef- feet on the entire system. Makes you II feel like living, only 25c at druggists, j I Adv. FIFTH GERMAN WAR LOAN IS ARRANGED One glance at our Window will assure you of the up-to-date styles and quality of merchandise carried by Alexan der's. It is always the best to be had. We now have new Fall Buttons and Trimmings galore, and cordially invite you to call and inspect them. SILKS Our line of Silks is the most complete to be found and you will find our prices right. All Fancy Silks come in dress patterns. No two dreses alike. 5 e D e r OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS BUSY, BECAUSE WE CARRY THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICE. HERMISTON WATERMELONS, 2c LB. lliilllllllill urn I- Dewrlbod bj patwasneiii a Being -1 in- l.a-i War i.nair interest The Daylight Store; Better Goods, Latest Styles, Prompt and Courteous Attention. We pay Postage on all Mail Orders. ALEXANDERS o D o e D e III! i H '"' "' n' per ' ,'"t- CHINESE bTTUDENTU ;o to IMERIOAN SCHOOLS ANDoVKK. Mass.. Auk. 2'. lies: iieniB of Cains son engaged i" studloi CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Um For Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature of in this country, gathered si Phillips academy today for a week's series of i. i -tings and entertainments. The occasion was the 12th annual confer ence of the eastern section of the Cht students' alliance. EXPERT ROPERS TO BE AT ROUND-UP AGAIN (.isiriic and Ilia lie) VtT, Last year t iianii..ii-. Make Irrangetneiit' I., i ni.'i content in SetKemher, last RoUnd-Up, will be here again, this y. ar for the contests September 2' 22 and 22. They have made ar rangement for the use of the old r piiiK horse which Jim St iirts bought of them lusl ear and which i now owned by Frank Cable, charu- plon bulldoffer for IMS. The Wlsr boys competed in New York Sfl 1 both t sd their steers under 24 e. otge and charlev Wier. the two t cwboy ropers, winner.- at the A tool and his money are soon parted, but u is different with a lazy man and a shad. spot. LONDON, Aug, 23. Arrangements have been completed for flotation of the fifth German war loan. An Ex I change Telegraph dispatch from The Hague Bays the loan w ill be is-j I sued September 4. and the interest' I ratS will be .". per cent, as In the case! I Of the previous loans. Subscriptions will be received up to Octobgr I The issue price, the dispatch says I will be at II. Count von Koedern, secretary of I I the imperial treasury', has instituted j measures to popularize the loan, i which, the dispatch says, is being de I scribed by csnvaSSSfl "as the last' I war loan Former issues of war O f jj bonds may be turned in as subscriptions. The fourth Herman war loan was issued In March It was sold at 9S 1-2. as against 9!i for the third loan. An issue price of 9h for the new bonds would Indicate that Germany, in common with other belligerents, is being compelled to pay a higher .price for its funds as the war goes on. the L'nited States, the American peo ple have grow n tired of the old politi cal parties and there must rise another movement more progressive even than that which was fathered by Roose velt. I cannot honestly cast my vote for either Wilson or Hughes. Never was there a time when a man like Roosevelt was more needed. HODGE HAS EXCITING TRIP OVER HIGHWAY ers. books of poetry: there were two proposals of marriage. For a girl of 14 this was all very romantic and excitlnc, but it began to get monotonous and bothersome. So Attorney Algernon Crnfton today had her ,uietly removed to another apart ment and a guard was stationed to keep off intruders. The meek will of necessity have to iherit the earth if they ever gel It. L AZIEST YOUTH IN PORTLAND IS FOUND . H 9 Enthuse Local Dealers! SUCCESS or failure for the manufacturer's product is made over the counter of the local dealer. What the storekeeper says carries weight with custo mers, sways the jobbers, and makes for repeat orders. When you are considering a national advertising campaign, Mr. Manufac turer, ask yourself this question : What is most likely to impress the storekeeper and to gain his favor? Profit making goods that seel quickly. And what are the quick-sellers for him? Products that are advertised in the newspapers that are read by all his possible customers. ' Once again the charts of the past and present and future seem to point to THE DAILY NEWSPAPER. No questions as to "past performances" for two successive International Window Display Weeks conducted by the newspapers have written the great est story ever of continent-wide "dealer influence." There are other methods of rousing the "dealer interest," of course but they "as salt on the tail" compared with the close-bore shot-gun methods of game bagging. Sending the salesman around with the proofs to "ginger up" the store keeper is not so important when the manufacturer advertises his goods in the Newspaper. Newspaper advertising is a "self-starter." Storekeepers are educated to co operate with it educated by the news papers, educated by their own experience. The appearance of the advertising is a signal to the dealer to put the goods in the window and prepare to play the sales intermezzo on the keys of his cash register. , Ask the Bureau of Advertising, American Newspaper Publishers Associ ation, 806 World Building. New York, to send you the book "Your Messenger." which tells vou more about it. si 1 ( hartai H. Jackson Sentenced to 9 Days ill .Tail on Vagrancy Charge! Made h His father. Kcpiiblican Candidate for Governor of Washington Spends Night In Car on Desert Near Day Ferrv. PORTLAND, (ire.. Aug. '25. Char acterizing him as the laziest youth in Portland, Municipal Judge Langguth this morning sentenced Charles H. Jackson, who was arrested for va grancy OS the complaint of Ms father to B0 'lays In Jail. Jackson is 19 years old. H. Jackson, the father, a hard Work ing laborer past 60 years of ae. wept when he narrated the slothful habits of the son. The inclination to work was entirely lacking in the young man's nature, the father said, and his only desire was to lie in bed until noon and then devour the edibles in a not overly well stocked pantry. "Pure laziness." decreed the judge, and the jailors were ordered to give Charles the heaviest work a trustie ship in the city bastile provides. BOX ROOM IN NEW POST OFFICE NOT SUFFICIENT NOW All Boxes Are Assigned; Not as Manv as in Old Office; Minimum Rental is 75c. (Special to the East Oregonlan. ) ECHO, die.. Aug 25. Robert H Hodge, republican candidate for gov ernor of Washington, was in Echo yesterd&y following a series of excit ing events. Mr. Hodge spoke Tues day in Portland and was on his way to Walla Walla in his automobile where he was scheduled to speak last night. As the roads were bad on the Wash ington side of the line. Mr. Hodge drove up by way of the Columbia river highway. At a point about 35 miles this side of the John Day ferry his lights went out and as the hour was late he was forced to remain on the prairie all night long without a bed. Yesterday morning he started on his way to Pendleton and about a mile from Echo his bearings burned out nnd he was towed into Echo. His n.eetlni! at Walla Walla was postponed until this evening and Mr, Hodge passed yesterday in Echo while his car was being repaired. We must all ride together or we shall all walk separately. 14 YEAR OLD HEIRESS PURSUED BY SUITORS All of the III lock boxes in the new post office building have already been assigned and already there is not enough to supply the demand. The! number of boxes in the new office is' less than in the present office, there being 640 In use at the present time. Thus Postmaster Tweed finds it lm- possible to care for the present box patrons. Just wh more box room was not provided in the plans is not known . inasmuch as the building will proh-' abh be used for many years. The minimum box rental per qoar- i ter In the new office is 75 cents, whereas the present minimum is 60c.' However, those who have paid for a full quarter In the old office will be given a box until October 1 without extra charge Thereafter. If they keep their box. they must pay the ad ditional charge. As far as possible patrons will be given boxes having the same numbers as those they have at present In all cases this is not possible, as the prices are different. Of the total number of box..- SOfl will be rented for 7 5 cents ; quarter. 100 for fl.00 and sixteen tot 11.50. AH are kev boxes. Fight of iir to Keep From Reins Sent To Guardians in Cincinnati Attracts Much t'nwelconie Attention SAN FKANCISCO. Aug. II. Mian Louise Davis Is today In hiding in a new apartment. The fight of the 14 year old heiress to keep from being sent to her guar in Cincinnati has attracted un welcome suitors, love letters and the atrical and movie men. Yesterda they came in many guises. There was a gray-haired man who came supposedly as a server of court papers, there were three young men. who bashfully asked for introductions; there were mash notes, beautiful flow. 11 PREPAREDNESS Our campaign Is to win your satisfaction. We appre ciate the Importance of pri -paredness and we have for tified ourselves with a strong defense of "GRADUATE" Hand Tailored CLOTHES for young men and thei dads, because we know these clothes will put up the best front. We know they ire made of the sturdiest fab rics, we know they are tail ored to resist all reasonable strain We have selected them Defy us to prove this. We will not surrender until we have won your un conditional satisfaction. We are Pendleton's exclu sive agents for Florsh. n i Shoes Alexanders Where Values Retgn, Rgsinol oap MURDOCK NOT TO VOTE FOR EITHER CANDIDATE Progreastve UixHiuv- Sew Movement Will ltlse From lalWn of I'artv l-Yistered h Roosevelt, OS VANCOUVER, B. C Aug Vic ter H Mur.lock declared today that he could not honestly cast his vote for either Hughes of Wilson Mr ItUrdoCk left for the Far East toniuht and before going aboard the steamer said: "The progressive party is not dead, but sleeping. In spite of the fact that Colonel RoOSVVe!l has given up. much to the sorrow of progressives all over makes clear skins and good hair The regular useof Resin, it Soap for the toilet, bath and shamp., can usually be relied on to keep tlie COfnpli xion c'.e -r, the hands Sfiirhl ,-.;al ?,,(t, and the hair healthy, gloss ami beg boa dandruff. II the nVi-i or c.-!p U instil ii KnI eooc!lti"n, a Raaia, 1 fllnlajaat mar ( be aevruary t. ItjStfa its tiornul itcjlth. KetiDoi Svjap Ml. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES HOT TAMALES CHILLI CON GARNE SPANISH sty I 1. LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up to date FIRST CLASS SERViC TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor Webb nod ''ot'onwoud Hta Phon M7. Pn4.4too. Oft