East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 10, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind Yon Hare Always nonglit. ami which has bon
iu iim" for over .'10 years, lias borne the signature of
i - anil lias been made iiiuUt his per
a opervletoti since Its Infancy.
-Slaz7i7cJui4 Allow iu one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, imitations and " Jnst-aa-good " are bat
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
lulunt and Children-Experience against Experiment.
Gaaterta Is harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, Pare
goric. Props and Soothing S rups. ft is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Marcotlo
suhtance. Its apo i its guarantee. It destroy! Worms
and allas Fcverishnoss. Tor more than thirt years it
has heen in constant SM for the relief of Constipation,
Vlatulem-y. Mind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
liurrliuM. It regi'tates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panaeea-Tlie Mother's Friend.
'Bears the Signature of
on tlt PUTTING STHI t -I
t itBB AM) lit 11. DINGS
l puns SHAPE.
1 hiisy
I Hfiasl hygiene; Nellie F. talblli
Hawthorne School.
Elmer B. c.elss, principal; Qeotge
Itmrnml -vnlfc irr ..I.- Olive Bovee.
I sixth tirade; Vesta Hoy len
grade, Kthel Rogers, fourth
I Kthel Freeman, tlin-i urade;
IffnPharaoit. second Krado:
BjpOOBer, first grade.
Field School.
I Cora Kby tleisa, first grade.
Lincoln School.
Delia Rush, principal: Arlie RoOjaa.
aoia, seventh grade; buret ovon-j
noil, sixth grade; L. Days ldlenian.
j tilth grade; Klvla BOOM, fourth
Kl'iule, c,l la uuuno, tuut.ii
With the opening of sehool set for Jeane Anderson, third grade, Maude
Sept. II, active preparations are he-! Maxwell, second grade, Mrs. 1'aralee
ing made for putting the buildings llailey, first grade,
and grounds in condition for ill-' W usiungton Baaooi.
terra. j Albert E. White, principal; Flora
The buildings have all beta re-1 shaw, seventh grade; Hae McCulley.
pa. red. New blackboards have been ' Sjxth grade; Louise Peutte, tilth
installed where necessary ami the grade; Florence Lusted, fourth grade;,
floors of the grade schools have Deed J Mayo Uagar, third grade; Vest Cuts-,
sanded ond oiled If it Is legally BO-1 forth, second grade; Neva Lane, first
oeesary, fire, escapes will be put on grade.
the grade schools, although it is lie-j Fay N. Dunham granted a six
lieved the schools nave been built months' leave of absence for the first
With the greatest tare regarding the half year, and Vesta iiilsiorth tor
safety of the children The proposi- the second half of the year
lion has been taken up with Attornev
General Brown. l.lver Trouble.
The high school yard has been; :un bothered With liver trouble
graded and the lawn in front of ttMa,bOUt twice a year,' writes Joe llng
bu.lduiir is in fine condition. A I' me . man. Webster City, tow a. "1 have
pains in my side and back and an
..-,, i in mv stomach. 1
stage la the h,,ura, of Chamberlain's Tablets and
tried then. By the tune 1 had u-c
halt a bottle Of them 1 was feelne:
fine and had no signs of pa'n." Ob
tainable everywhere. Adv.
i vin ii it-cm in i ivht i
There is nothing
About I&TIMA
v (Ferry Arnold.)
M1NONA. Minn.. Aug. 10. Hughes
delivered his first platform speech
.yesterday morning. He was breakfast
Ing as the train slopped. He hurried
to the platform and said: "Goo t
morning. 1 am very glad to have the
opportunity of saying good morning
The fact that you are here at this
hour shows a deep interest in this
campaign. We want a revival of the
true American spirit. 1 represent a
reunited republican party, ready to
safeguard all the country's interests
by wise, upbuilding policies. 1 salute
He then went through the crowd,
shaking hands.
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
KL PASO. Aug. S. Chihuahua City! form
reported that VlUtatai had attacked j Torn
encer train on the DurangO
n railroad near Noria. They
General Aguillar. several sol-
ind passengers. The train es-
illed ten Villistas. An uneon
i report said ViUlStal occupied
quarter mil track has been made for
track work back of the school. '1 he
lighting .system for lb
auditorium has been installed and
approved DJ LB city lire department.
The following is the teaching corps
1 for Hie year.
OR Hall.
A. T. l'ark. superintendent.
Rose L. Hamilton, assistant to the
RUn School
Harrj t. Drill, principal ; j. l
Whitman, science; F. H. Young, com
mercial subjects; R R, Chloupek.
manual arts; Clarence Tubus, assist
ant manual arts; Virgil Fend.Ul, ag
riculture, farm mechanics and physi
cal culture, Alice Butler, domestic
art. Alberta Cavendar, ass. slant; Nor.
S ma Graves. English; Anita Slater, as
'sistanl: camille Dawson. German and
Uitin; Caroline Bonney, history;
Elizabeth Tucker, mathematics; UU : A dog
ise G. Bailey, physical culture an'l been in.
Travel Through Town pcetteti Up Bi
Boak o( Automobiles.
l.A GRANDE, Aug. 10. A large
coyote, appearing suddenly on a
downtown pttftofaa street, began en
Unconcerned Jog down a paeu
street tins afternoon, but us automo-j
tiles began to buz by he demon-1
trated a keen sense of alarm and:
Went into high speed.
He continued his journey through
town, disappearing in a wheat field.
Preliminary Plans
Made for Pendleton
Film Producing Co
All preliminary plans have been
made tot the forming ot the Pendle
ton Film Producing Co. as a branch
nr the nreeon Film Producing Co. and
the articles of Incorporation will be
forwarded io the secretary of stale to
day, The first purpose of the company!
will be to produce an eight reel film
j drama in this city sometime during I
September hut ultimately the organ!-1
zees exited to produce pictures on all
extensive scale here.
Arthur Sydney, director general ol
the Oregon Film Producing Co., and
J. Wattson, who will have charge ot
Ihe slock sale, are hero today. The
is known by the fight's
Market Excited -Wheat Prices Soaring
- -
A Day's'Absence or Illness
or. the part of the individual whom you
have appointed to act as Executor under
your Vv'ill may result in heavy loss to your
The wise plan Is to appoint this strong
National Bank as your Executor. It in
never absent from its place of business and
its services cannot be interrupted because
o! illness or other incapacity.
l'UliTLAMJ, Aug. 10. The ijreal
eet advance lor many a day was farc
ed in the price Of wheat at Chicago
during the day s early trading, and
neW high records were established in
puces (or the present season to date.
The advance iu Chicago was due to
covering by shorts, wno had not only
taken profit! a tew days ago, but had
sold mole than they had.
There was also a firmer and higher
tone abroad, due to the further re
portl ol Canadian damage, but the
Chicago advance will not have any
etfeet upon the Burobeao tiade until
Fiour market is lirm and somewhat
excited, with a further advance ol
tec a barrel very probable for the im
mediate future. The demand for
northwest flour from outside sectiuns
,,I ihe country is Keener than ever be
fore, and this has likewise stimulated
home buying.
Broomhall cabled from Liverpool
lhat spot whea was rlrni, 2 to 4d
higher at the start, but later advanc
ed 2 to lid. The Liverpool market op
ened strong and exerted on Canadian
rust reports, and the fact that the
aovarrnnent report was more bullish
than expected. Manitoba and winters
strongly higher and the demand
', good.
Flour- Selling price; Patent, J0.6U:
Willamette valley, !.;
ffifitaiTifflfl ElS
Humors in the blood eanie inter
nal derangBmeBti list affect llw
whole fvstem, as well as pimples,
boils ami other enption-. and
restKinsilile for the reedineai t;Itn
whieh munv people eoniracl due1
For forty years Rood's Barsapa
rilla has been more sneeesefnl tbati
any other meennne in i
humors and removing their inwart)
and outward effects. Set H '1
No other medicine aets li!;e if.
A few Reasons Wiiy
Cook With Gas
It Is Handy It 1$ Cheap
Wastes No Fuel
It is Clean and Cool in Summer,
and is Absolutely Safe.
Phone us and we will estimate the cost of Installation.
Ranges and Water Heaters Sold on
Easy Terms.
Pacific Power & lit Company
It's a waste of time to experiment
with llninientd and plasters when you
have a dill, throbbing backaene
sharp, stabbing twinge. Get after the
:ause! He;p the kidneys with Doan's
Kidney Pills. Read this. ,
I w Knight, retired farmer, 915
E Court s.reet, Pendleton, ty.: "For
past eight or ten years. I have
been troub'ed by my back. Some-,
times 1 had pains across my kidneys j
and in my loins and sides. At such
times, my kidneys bothered me and
I had to get up often at night tOI
pass the kidney secret ons.
secretions were highly coioreu "
contained a brick-dust like sediment.
DOM'S Kidney Pills relieved
backache and the pains that hail an-
,y.,l me and cleared up me
Mentions." (Statement given
17, 1910.)
On Way II, 1016. Mr. Knight said.
Whenever 1 feel In need of a kldnei
medicine. I take Uoan's Kidney PHU
Phone 40
ItO, at a'l dealers. Foatcr-Mllburn
Re kt(g . t'.uifaln. N- Y.
and they do me good."
Straight, I.U; bakers' Oca, t
7, Molilalia spring Wheat, 7, exports,
14.70 t.90; whole wheat, li.so;
graham, ti.tio; rje flour, iu.Vi net
Hay Kuying price, new crop: Wil
lamette valley timothy, tancy,
14. to; eastern Ore,gon-ldaho fancy
timothy, 2tt; alfalfa 14140i
valley vetch, Ht(ll.o0, cheat, lo
Sji 10.60; clover, JO u 10 per ton.
(Jram sacks 10i9 nominal; No.
l CalcutUhs, ii i-4 :n ii a-8 in carlota
tees amounts .tie higher.
IllUstUffS Seiliaa price; bran,
t5..'o. shorts, tJS.oo per ton.
Rolled oats J6. ii 'sj ti.iu per bar
Wheat bids on the Portland Mer
chants' Exi hange advanced in sm-
oath) with the sensational rise in
Chicago, The closing there was at
practically the hiKh mark for the day,
or lu l-Z to 11 1-lc up. Local bids,
were Z 1-- to z 1--C Igher than the
previous day.
Local oats bids were firmer, but un. I
changed, and do (notations were
named for barley.
There was oni.v a small amount ot
Mini reported in the .N'orih Portland;
yards over night.
Trend of the caitle trade in so poor
thai it is almost impossible to tell def
Initel) what the price is. Leaden Ot
the trade now figure that best .steers
are worth $7, best cows iii and best
bulls I4O4.S0.
For ordinary stuff it is like pull. mi
teeth to secure buyers at any pric
just now,
Qeaeral cattle ri.arket range;
Prime light steers M. 5906. 76
1-rime heavy steers 7.00
tiood light steers .0.i6
Htockers and feeders 6.0U ''
Prime dehorned cows ....
i-..mn, nan S.OO'ilt.OU
Bulls 3.50&4.U0
Prime light veal calvee ... 7.00 U 7.50
Prime heavy veal calves.. 4.00IB6.0U
Hie,; .Market Is Firm.
Market for hon- is very firm at
North Portland, with the limited ar
rivals of the last few days quickly
snapped up. In general the trade
here Is standing in tne best condition
of any of the country's markets.
General hog market range;
Choice light weight li.70&..5
Good light weights .50ft.60
'Medium weights S.IO&S.W
Hough heavy 8.70 9 00
Valley SHUT Arrives.
A small amount of Willamette val
ley lambs ami ewes came forward
to North Portland over n.ght. Trend
Of the trade is uniformly good, with
former prices stiffly maintained.
General mutton and lamb market;
Helect spring lambe 18.00 tl.i
Ordinary lambs 7.50 St
Hest yearlings
Good to common wethers 5.7556.00
Qood lo common wethers 5.7J.90
j Hest ewes 5.00 4 5. p5
I Good to common ewes ... 4 004()4.50
I a fun her advance in the price of
I butter is expected in the local trade
! as well as at other Pacific 'northwest
i points within the immediate future.
While the price for extras here re
' mains at a'le a pound, It Is slated that
some of the I'uget sound interests aie
obtaining a cent above this for car
tons. The demand for the better grade
creamery butter is unusually strong.
Some of the creameries are unable
to fill orders promptly and the cull
for supplies Is Increasing dally.
This is affecting the enure '
truAm ml a irentral advance Is fore
cast by handlers. This includes dairy
a. well as creamery, the former
showing several slight advances of
late with only scant supplies comiii
Intention is to make the company
It 15, 1)00 corporation with a treasure
lot abOOt t500. Twenty-five percent
of the stock will be subscribed by the
I Oregon Film Produelna; Co, and the
I intention is to sell the balance locally.
I There will be no promotion stock.
The first picture t,, be made here
i win be western drama havtni as .i
! pr.di'cue scenes from the history of
'tindleton leading tip to Ihe Round
Up, Local talent Will be used to sup
port s few professional who will be
sent here from Portland. The truln
ni of the local people will lie beKUn
about ttv first week in September and
the actual making of the film will
commence Sept. IB. The company will
send a director to rehearse the local
lalent. f"M
The Commercial association is to
provide for the company a piece of
ground upon which can be built a
stage and studio. The ground Will
probably be located near ltound-l'p
Mr. Sydney is one of the members ot
the parent company and his partner.
A. L Johnston. Is a relative by mar
rtajre ot Col J H. Raley of this city.
Fatima is simply the pick of
world renowned tobaccos,
skillfully blended combin
ing in proper proportions the
different kinds of tobacco so
that each variety is served at
its best
The plain reasons for
Faiima's popularity
Are the high quality of its
Tobaccos, the skill with
which they are blended and
the neat, convenient package
a sensible
oooooo ntsinrEs since
WASHINGTON. Aug. 9 The ng
ImHaMl uWirtment has made .a
forecast of a "mediocre crop" of,
about six hundred and fifty-four mil- j
lion bushels of wheat The crop
prospects declined one hundred and;
five million bushels between Juiyj
first and August first. Lst years
crop was one billion, twelve million
bushels. Other estimates are: Corn,
two billion, seven hundred and sev
enty seven million bushels. Uist year
three billion and fifty five million.
Oats one billion, six hundred and sev
enty four million bushels. Last year
one billion and five hundred forty
P.ye ninety one million, nine hun
thousand bushels. Buckwheat, sev
enteen million, one hundred thousand
bushels. White potatoes, three hun
dred and sixty four million bushels.
Sweet potatoes, seventy one million
' bushels. Tobacco, ene billion, nine
I hundred seventeen million pounds.
' Plax. fourteen million and one hun
dred thousand bushels. Rice thirty
four million and two hundred thou
sand bushels Hay eighty four million
and six hundred thousand bushels
Cotton, twelve million and nine hun
dred thousand bales. Sugar beets,
seven million and five hundred and
seventy thousand tonB. Apples, seven
ty one million, six hundred thousand
barrels. Peat lies, forty million, three
hundred thousand bushels.
.Ii ill S Till RNTON mn
OMAHA, Aug. 10 Farmer Sena
tor John Thurston died today of heat
prostrt-tlon He was sixty-nine He
was In the senate from eighteen nine
ty five to nineteen hundred anil one.
His famous nincty-elftht speech was
largely Influential in tirinxing about
the Spanish war.
1 ! !
i iyi aB
M 1
i m
fHE greatest
mife&ge value
that can be
The handsomest
tire made
Buy a
Fisk Tires For Sale By
Pendleton Auto Co.
Iu Time toiw-iue t,uuy ns; fcty.