EIGHT PAGES 1 DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916. PAGE THREE MEAGHAM ACCEPTS BOLD CHALLENGE OF PLAYERS Of KAMELA Louise Hut Silks Silks Silks Store Equipment Counts This is the time of the year when store equipment counts. Our refrigerating plant, numberless electric fans and coolers protect the goods from warm weather and flies. Our watermelons and canteloupes are thoroughly cooled and will keep the same for several hours after you get them home. See our window. Die Dei Mom Co. Telephone DOWNEY'S U. S. INSPECTED MEAT IN CONNECTION. Phone 187-188. HOINTAI.N towns Will. STAGE U KIiV HAUL GAME VUG II AND TENNIS MATCH AUG. 20. hotii Bidet Confident of Overwhelm ing Victory Dance Saturday Night I'robabii Uud a.- Hall i- to ho Made Into a line ItnMmfCI I" Mr. Baker. (East nregonlau Special.) MEACHAM, Ore.. Aug. 10. Lively litrifH in the field of sport aro expected al Kamela ami Meacham on .AllL'llSl 1'lth .l.r1 'IIOV..,., K .11 mi i i lie fv: oid answers will teitl- 8. 688 Kamela. ore.. Aug, To the Meacham t'hier Mogul, The Hail Actors, w'" are veri SOFT) to learn that your fellow str.al. hat- v. aimed out and lengthened to such an extent that it In comes neceeaan for you to take to BRANDEIS TO HEAD I thorltatlvely stated that Wilson has iirvirn rnuuiccintu k ''' ' Branded! to head the Amerl- WASHINGTON. Aug. 10 It Is au- ANSCO CAMERAS GsSPEEDEX FILM can commission to confer with Mexi can representatives to settle border questions. Secretary Lane Is also a member. The third appointee has not ben announced yet. 1 ii'k ap i I? intern slate it us on ti August We no to tennis i ollectivi lb tb avoid mietin Kamela dia- ou Ban forget ig enough and tickers to make would appre- on would meet mond Sunday, oil are uoing heavy urIi personally and not know anv of the oiles of the gams of tennis, we herein challenge you to a tamo of tennis on Aug. :'"th. singles, doubles oi anv way vou w ish t bring down four that m i r. Mmm Jf I IWaBt f jm jdteix M IHlTaaTOaBlM A IMTIaffi fcs, ail '1; . . ... . m LOUISE HUFF, FAMOUS PLAYERS-PARAMOUNT STAR. oiiple of decades hence, should automobile.' a string of heads. they will do doubt have around their Mlp and clean xtent that by tennis court ase advise us r mechanical force! nders out of their i I 1- D ON'T let another summer c o by without an Ansco. It will add more to the pleasure of your out ings than anything else. All winter and long afterwards you can live over again with your pictures those good summer days. Let us chov vou the Ansco line. $2 to $55. Tallman & Co Ldu ft D.-ufti BEFORE You let any work in our line, don't forget to get our prices. Estimates gladly furnished on any kind of stone, brick and cement work. S. RUGO & GO. Telephone 461 AS GOOD AS A CHEW OF "SPEAR HEAD That Means the Supreme De gree of Rich, Luscious Tobacco Flavor NO OTHER CHEW EQUALS IT N'ature varies the flavor she puts into the different grades of tobacco leaf I and the best of all is the flavor of c!iotcc red Hurley that pleases you SO mightily when you chew Spear Head. The delicti us fruity flavor of a chew I of Spear Head is a revelation tc the l U who has never chewed or who has j . en Chewing mar-good tobacco. Fot chewing is the one way to get I all the wholesome, healthful, appetizing flavor of the tobacco leaf providing yofl chew a high-grade plug like Spear ! Hrad. No Other to'iacco can compare with Spenr Head in the wholesome satisfac i tiori it .jives. You ct more savory sweetness in a I chc.v of Spear Head than in a whole j phiir of ordinary tobacco. And von get it in its purest form f.ir Spear Head is made amid the most wholesome surroundings, in a great, j new factory that's kept absolutely l clean and sanitary. Try this rich, mellow, satisfying, pure : chew. Such a chew jcannot be obtained I in any other tobacco than Spear Head, i In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. play it and will ver saw a ten nis court. Will give you up on you to m Sunday. Aug, will be a hen y; In time to get cleaned up and eyes so that they will not run into the let returned fi net and tear It down. day, after spell We also need a few day-' to Ret a few home runs Wrapped Up in our hats and sandpaper the diamond. Come on boys, don't lie afraid, we won't hurt you. THE I.WIXCIW.KS BALL TEAM, i f Kamela ( Iregon. lleaeham Wants Baseball Mm. W anted Wanted - Wanted Must ItaVi ten or twelve Hood liaseball players at ones to go to Kamela sun- duy, Aug. nth to take the conceit out of a hunch of Invincible, which they The beautiful screen favorite whose delightful performance In the I mous Players adaptation oi Denman Thompson's rural classic 'The Homestead" in the Paramount Program has won her a permanent place the roster of that pioneer producing concern. She is soon to be featured Nan In "Destiny's Toy'' In which she plays one of the most sympathetic is annealing' roles of her Bcreen career. Some of the prettiest plaid and striped silks you ever could imagine arrived on this morning's express and they come in such lengths that you may be assured of there be ing but one dress to the pattern. Select yours now. They are the prettiest we have ever had. New Arrivals Daily ALEXANDERS CALIFORNIA-OREGON LINE They were thinking of the future of REMARKING IS FINISHED1 the rate but the- "ut not wait unto after the war. They must aet to work On Saturday i Chinese pheasant orvaiua same form t annum these mountains, Itlai Wedn. her an The I onlay I the la May fa- Mr o l-i Grande on Tiles- j k. M. Smith, cashier of the Farm ing several days there. I era' Bank of Weston, returned the tw,, crates of ynunsi first of the week from a business trln irrlved here from : , The Dalles and other noints in the be distributed v allev 1 ' .Mis Robert PrOUdflt of Weston visited relatives in Walla Walla during ihe week. fi! went to Hilgard oi visit a few days with John Scott. ' a dance here on Sat irist 1 1, and It may he to the fact that Mr. alter the dancing hall residence of It. -avehder returned horn. om her vacation which sh I spending at llingham d Pendleton. lie iU to keep up Ihe we need ur town. COMMITTEE, iccet'tance to a game of Meacham baseball. Meacham. Ore.. Aug. !. To the Manager of Kamela Aggrega tion, alas Scouts. Greetings: We hasten with alacrity to accept your challenge and we as- j sure you the I nothing mon j Qlory;" also I goods, all Wi I the foresaid est In the ye bundled and 'Yellow Streak" shall be or less than a "Path of ,ve expect to deliver the al and a yard wide, on late ye 13th day of vug- ir of our Lord, nineteen sixteen, and we humbly wish to suggest to the Kamela Invin clbles that pride goeth before destruc tion and a haughty spirit before a fall or In less classic terms. It's a lone wav from "a setting of cues to a fea ther pillow. Bt MANAGER OF PRIDE OP THE W' ii 1 1 BALL TRAM. PLENTIFUL IN IIS Jmith spent Sunday Athena ard and daughters nl at the Albert O'Harra Weston during the WKATHKIt Is tool, kit MAW V.Ul'I Ks are on ENJOY ING VACATIONS OTHER NEWS NOTES. Mrs. B. M. with friends it Mrs Joe Sh Athena visited residence near week. Mrs. W li. Iee of Weston went down to Pendleton Wednesday to re Pive treatment for a few weeks preparatory to an operation. Allen Harriett, formerly of Weston, came down from his home near RI paria. Washington. and is visiting friends in Weston this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F Slover and son. i Chvrk "f Milton, were In Weston Tuesday. Mrs. Pollie Purcell and grandson. Vestal, left the first of the week to ' remain the rest of the summer at Superintendent Rudolph Com pletes Job That Lasted Four Years. at once. The Iindon boroughs were not doing their duty in this respect, or providing a sufficient number of health visitors. 80,000 CARRANZISTAS PATROLLING BORDER MEDFORD. Ore., Aug. 10. Super intendent Rudolph of the United I Mates geological survey has com pleted the work of re-survevine and. marking the boundary line between ; 01,1 U3GOX DENIER THAT MEXICO egon and California. It was a fourl IS PLAXXIXG To FIVVT A years' job. A path 50 feet wide ex-j IjOAN EKOM V. S tends from the coast to the eastern1 boundary of California. New nionu- xte-v-, . ...i ... in. v-ixx, Aug, sv. i 'Oregon said eighty thousand "arranxlts were narrollin.. ih. 1 11M i - vttl ii ..j1 1 w """'"oi uoiuei ments mark the new line The com pletion of this work will definitely I, boundaries of mining and homestead :.;, kJ k" , -.. elaJnu .IniM ihe ,t.. ii,. sald ,he border conditions were "sat- ii.ums along the state line. 1 - ,, , , . itractory. Official and financial . . ' t I circles denied that the Mexk an gov- Cnre Tor holera Morbus. I ernment is planning to attempt to "When our little noy. now sevennoat a loan witn the stlUes years old, was a baby he was cured ; u ia offteially stated that the Mesi of cholera morbus by Chamberlain's can commissioners to the border cn. ference plan to discuss only the Mexi- Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy." writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons, Fair Haven. N. T. "Since then other members of my family have used this! valuable medicine for colic and bow el troubles with good satisfaction and I gladly endorse it as a remedy of exceptional merit." obtainable every where. Adv. can-American difficulties Mea tennis. hai ppl to ga mo A ug. K .li itti (East oregonian Special. ) WKSTOX. Ore.. Aug. 10 Mrs. Cold Spring. Oeorge Neshit and children have fr. and Mrs Wm. MacKenXie of gone to Cold Springs to camp for a this city, are in Riparia. Wash., st rew weeks. Although the Weather I tending to their farming interests In has been cool many campers are re-1 that section of the country this week, ported in the hills and huckleberries! Hi(,ph wrming,ni niKni perator ate plentiful. f . t,..,.iri,. Telephone an.t Tele graph Co.. at Milton, was in Weston. i Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Webb is having the I interior of the Weston Hotel repaper- Qeorge i In Weston T A. Ro life Inaurt from Walh daj and W John R. ! US, ,j. was Lpen on the 8, If you e: easily and ill lik !ill at tennis. How ig to torment you given. Sunday. Aug. ly employed t'KMn to wipe us as i government i manner to wiping 1 accepted a i of I'endleton Tuesday on business, neon of the Occidental ce Company, was o-er Walla on business Tues inesda . togllah, who was former as a surveyor for the in the Philippines, has than with the govern- 100,000 RABIES DIE YEARLY IN LOXIMX LONDON, Aug 10 "There is little French commune where, by wise measures, not one baby dies in ten years, one mother in five." re marked Dr. Barbara Tchaykowsky at a meeting of the New Constitutional Society for Woman's Suffrage. She pointed out that in this coun try 100,000 babies under 1 year were allowed to die each year owing to the lack of proper teaching and care. WANTED AT ONCE A high grade local salesman who is worth and can earn from 15 to 110 a day. such a man can make a worth while connection with a live, respon sible firm dealing in an auto specialty which will be in permanent demand by every auto and gas engine owner. w rite at once. Specialty Sales Co., a.R--n DO- T T. - "i,im 01,15.. lacoiua. vvasn. WRITE TO YOUR FRIENDS ON Monogram Stationery W, 8. SMITH & CO. WEDDING AND VISITING CAR! ENGRAVERS. MORGAN BLDG.. PORTLAND, OR Go East This Summer via Northern Pacific Low Round Trip Fares hnjoy every moment of the circle tours via this line. Get additional scenery and service at no additional expense. Through daily trains to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Kansas City-St. Louis with the best dining car service in the world. L'nroute stop at Yellowstone National Park Knter throush Gardiner Gateway -original, scenic and only Northern ntrance. Spend a week or month In America's greatest wonderland. See the wild animals, geysers, colored terraces, paint pots, tlrand Can on of the Yellowetone, etc. Excellent hotels. Have you visited HATDEN LAKE? Most beautiful spot Hotels, camping, boating, fishing, golfing Near Spo kano. Write, call or phone for tickets, informa tion anil travel literature. Let us arrange your vacation (rip. WALTER ADAMS Agent, Pendleton, Ore. Aucf Con') P'.aanncrpr Airont A. D. CHARLTON, PORTLAND. ORE. Round tri. iieslboiind summer tourist tickets on sale dally tell yout eastern friends, Attractive Honteeeckeri tickets to Montana points mid return. engines- we would suggest that you , meat polish up their brass to perfection as ieav it will require a greater amount 1 f ton tht brass on thCi day than one or even . Amh again as transit man and will Weston for OTympla, Washing ton! of the week. T. Harnett, cttv recorder, is four wipers would be allowed to carry spending his annual vacation camp unless highl polished. The bulls we j lnfr n the mountains. use are sky color and hard for the av- erage player to see r.t all. Our racquets 1 are noiseless ami it is useless to men tion that our players are uneoualed in the game. We wish you a merry start i n your trlii over here. Your with no respect. TENNIS CLUB. John Casey, O. A. C, student, but during vacation, under the employ of t'asey Lumber Co., went to Portland 1 n Sunday mnrnine to spend a few days. Mrs. V. Hanlen and Mrs. Isaac 011 linham came down from Knmela on Tuesday to spend the day with Mrs. James Baker. Mrs. H. V&ndermulleti and daugh- ! Mn I was I ' r.ess. remodelled with the starting a rooming 1 September. Minnie Walker of Weston Wednesday tin Athena. on busi- We have looked in vain for the old gentleman with the goat whiskers who used to eat peppermint! in church PRESIDiNT WANTS U.S. TO BUY MONTICELLO Like anOpeuBook FoirTfounMothGts! Most women look upon becoming a mother, for the first time, 11s something full of unknown mysteries ; ago 11 J and pain : a time of distressing days and months. These are misguided con clusion!. 'Mother's Friend," ttsed dally before confinement, will prove Its great value as tin allay to those distressing pain! anil assist nature In doing Its work with ease and Comfort Get "Mother's Friend" at your drug gist. Tlie young mother should become acquainted with the Information con tained In a book on Motherhood that will he mulled free to ill who write. Address The Bradfield Regulator Co., "11 Lamar Bldg., , Atlanta, tia. - dth - 4. JuH 1 tS5aiBS55BBS Over the Mountains to the TILLAMOOK Beach Resorts Where surf bathing is unexcelled Over the beautiful Coast Mountains where towering trees and roaring mountain streams invite you to leave the train. SEASON FARE $14.15 . Uailv trains trnm HnrH-in w m w a v A m a VI 7:45 A.M. 1:40 P.M. Observation car on afternoon train, "Seashore Special" Ask focal agent for information or write for booklet '-Tillamook County Beaches." John M. Scott, General Passenger Agenl I 'on la ml ()n. Southern Pacific Lines uasayi President Wilson's aid his been en listed In the campaign undertaken by tho Daughters of the American IteV olutlon to have the government pur chase Montfcello, the former home ol Thoma.s Jefferson, as a national me morlal. In a letter to the Daughters of the American Revolution. President Wil possible Tor the government of the United States to become the owner of Montlcello. the former home of Thomas Jefferson. I have long been Interested In the consummation of such a purchase nn l the preservation of so Interesting a HMkMMal of one of the greatest and most influential men of our hlstorv. and shall be glad S1 tnv time ' ,1,, .... v. 1,1, .. t i.. CRAWFISH F ALT'S famous Fresh Every Day OYSTERS CLAMS SEA CRABS Fine. Clean Furnished Rooms In Connection. Steam H.sted The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot n Pendleton for FU.TS Hea Foods ly hope that It will be to assist."