East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 03, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MEN'S SHOES of Quality
Shoe that give you absolute satisfaction.
Here are a lew of the style. Read them over,
t ome and buy one pair, then you'll never wear any
other kind.
No. 500 Gun metal calf, blucher lace. "Klassy"
la. medium high toe. a dressv and very comfortable
sh.: all widths. Priced at $5.00
No. 535 Gun metal calf, plan lace. "Cadet" last
which is a modified English style ; a very smart shoe,
for young men ; all w idths. Priced at $5.00
No. 531 Glazed kangaroo, blucher lace. "Sena
tor" last : a good light weight shoe for Summer wear.
Priced at $5.00
No. 510 Glazed kangaroo blucher lace. "Judge"
last : a good medium toe w ith tip : a shoe for comfort :
Ml right for a heavy man. Priced at $5.00
No. 540 Dark tan. vici. blucher lace. "Judge"
last, wide toe w ith tip : just the shoe for the hot days
to make walking easy. Priced SI $5.00
No. 530 Dark tan. Russia calf, plain lace : made
with the new Neolin sole and heels which wear better
than leather and is water proof; made on the "Ca
det" last and is a very' snappy shoe. Priced at $5.00
No. 503 Dark tan. Russia calf, button; made on
the "Klassy" last; medium high toe and heel; a shoe
for the man who does not like the extreme styles.
Priced at $5.00
No. 561 Gun metal calf, button ; made on the
"Princeton" last: a pointed receding toe. a fine shoe
for the stylish dresser. Priced at $5.00
No. 501 Gun metal calf, button, made on the
"Klassy" last: medium high toe and heel; a shoe that
looks well and is very' comfortable. Priced at $5.00
No. 539 Glace kangaroo stock, thin as kid but
will not peal like kid ; made on the "Senator" last ;
button: dressy and good. Priced at $5.00
T. P. W. Special Shoes once worn, always worn.
For waists, shown in all colors, light and dark; 40
inches wide; finest quality; especially adapted for
over-drapes and waists.- the vard $i.50 to $2.00
A guaranteed satin, 36 inches wide, especially for
petticoats: shown in all colors. The vard $1.25
Shown in a variety of colors. Is of very best qual
ity and finish ; launders like linen ; materials of crepe
de chine. Jap silk and Kobe silk : 27 inches and 36
inches. The yard 25 to 50f
Our buyer of Women's and Children's Ready
t -W ear, Mr. Blumberg, will leave for New York
in a few days to purchase the latest in Fall ap
parel. Come and tell him of your plans for your
Fall outfit so that he may have YOU in mind
when making his selections.
Dainty White Lingerie
Priced regularlv at $2.95. This includes an assortment of the newest
stvles in white voile waists. Some have set in medalions of embroidered organ
die, while others have the new cascade or frill front with large collars and
long sleeves with either the turn back or bell cuff.
This is the ideal combination for neat, cool dressing at moderate cost.
White Wash Skirts of Indian Head, or Middy Twill $1.50.
One special lot of white Gabardine that sold regularly at $1.50. now 98c
All high grade wash skirts in all white or colored stripes that sold regu
larly up to $5.75, now $3.95.
Middy Blouses
Reduced One-Third
This is a selected lot of our best styles in both plain and fancy middies.
a full assortment of sizes.
i riev aitr i anna v. - -
Here is an opportunity to secure your little girls' school middies at bargain S
Regular 81.25 Middies, now ax
Regular $1.50 Middies, now $!"
Regular $1.75 Middies, now
Regular 81.95 Middies, now XTS
Regular 82.25 Middies, now $
Several big lots of merchandise just added to this
Cash Saving Department. All taken from our big up
stairs stocks which means quality. And every item
marked with a price that fairly screams "Economy."
Boys' Suits Boys' all wool suits with knicker
pants, and every one a good up-to-date suit; dark
browns, greys, olives, fancv mixed and blue serges.
Priced $2.98 to $4.39
Boys' Odd Pants Knicker bottoms, light or dark.
Price 67 to 98t
Auto Caps Women's, checked wool. blue, green,
grey, maroon and several other colors, siik all at 98.
Men's solid colors 29f
Auto Gloves Big gauntlet, sold $3 to $4.50.
Priced $1.69
Silk Ties Big lot, 35c to 50c quality, priced 23c
Women's Shoes for Swoolen Feet Big top. thick
ankle, extra full instep, wide toe and sensible heel,
and so styled to make a shoe of good appearance.
Priced ; 2.59
Women's Dress Shoe Button, soft kid, high heel,
the new capless toe, medium and wide widths.
Priced S2.79
To our already Economical Notion Section we have
added thread and safety pins.
Fly Swatters Free. Fly Swatters Free
The Peoples Warehouse
Where It Pays to 'Trade
I "If even a fifth of the people come
to the Round-Vp. amid W. J. "Kit '
Carson today, "who are planning to
make the trip now. there will be the
j greatest crowd which ever attended
.this great frontier exhibition " Mr.
! Carson has just returned from a trip
to eastern and central Oregon and
southern Idaho and is aglow with
j stories of how much enthusiasm the
Round-t'p is creating all over the
! northwest.
All along the line people are getting
up automobile parties to some to the
' show. One old gentleman of Boise
who has passed his alloted three score I
and ten years told Mr. Carson that for
years he had heard of the Round-l'p.
and this year he had Just purchased a j
new automobile, and had promised to
bring a bunch of kiddles. This Is
merely an Incident t show the man
ner in which the show is being re
ceived. Carson leaves in the morning for
Waitsburg. Pomeroy. laton. Wash,
on to Lewlston Idaho, ilrangeiille.
back to Spokane and will then work to
Montana He Is at present two days
i head at his schedule.
The highway between here and the
Boise country is reported to be in
good condition and there will be lust
one long line of cars from Idaho to
Pendleton. September 10. ft, -- an''
Core f Cholera Morbus.
"When our little boy. now sev-r
years old. was a baby he was cured
of cholera morbus by Chamberlain's
fnHr Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy." writes Mrs. Sidney Simmon.
Fair Haven X. T -Since then other
members of my family have used th'j
valuable medicine for colic and bow
el troubles with good satisfaction and
I gladly endorse it as a remedy of
exceptional merit." retainable everv.
w here. Adv.
".rtisai.T"! saeesuTsa vtr
isseaiciMf vow Ttk.it
wen l
ONE good turn deserves mother-one good chew
of W-B CUT Chewing gives a man the tobacco
satisfaction he's been seeking for years.
A good chew of W-B CUT, long shred, means a small
caw. The salt seasoning brings out the rich tobacco
flavor without grinding and spitting, that s what makes
it a gentleman's chew.
Get a 10c pouch al any bu.ine.i-like desler . Girt W-B CU 1
quality last -sad leva the biggest surprissof yourtobteco esptnasos.
If wTTBAK-BIUTO" COatfAlfT. Uaisa Saw, Mew Tent 00
Library News
Mm Book-
I outlier HrycIopmUa of pract cal
horticulture. I tola. This addir.o i
to the reference library is one of th
most important of the year The tout
volume lurnlah over .tiuo pages Ol
well indexed information on subjects
of special value to this count . The
'uregon agricultural college reson
l mends this as the best work for our
; state.
j CorlBl Meaning of drvani.-. ' A
non-technical uncritical exposit.on of
the Freudian tneory of dreams, omit
ting the features of Freud's own feMh
which make it of use only to SOaclsl The chapters on the trences give lit-
1 students. The mam examples tnat . tie that is new nut mose on me nr..-
' are analyred and explained are u.ker. , ish navy are especlall
ffroro cases that have come under the Author was tne only
! author's observation."
iau-..ii Money making entertain
lucin- for church ami charity. 'A sympathetic
v at r
A Mvtuax. Speciaj. Feature in seven parts
fficlal repre
sentative of the American press witn
the Xritish army in Franc Frankly
or the allies, and optt-
no means of getting their rfduita
to the markets.
HUSTON. Aug. t After being
trailed for lH years b his wife, whom
he deserted shortly after their mar-
!book offering suggestions tor .lances. in. Stic about tneir nnai su. ceas. .mse. www.
'dinners tskns. aoeWl asri th-atru ,: Sh.w-M., a phuHTr. "A vlg In the municipal court on a NtteM
ientertainmenu which can be carried ' rous. direct, unusual recounting of, charge
out by vanou. organlxatiuna. The facts worthy the telling. I ndoul.ted- Mrs. Keasler told the police of trail
I author s other books of parties .no ' ly the portion, relating to suffrage. Ing her husband through ths aaern
'pastimes, etc are well known. .Wits growth as a movement, the au Part of the country for a number of
one is Jut as full of live suggeel ..us thor's connection with It. and her do- years, arriving at one city after an-
I ' . . m A ill. I . I, , ,,.l fin, n,. I.. i-..l 4nat 4 ft
d times, with the money nak- scripnon ot noieo pwapn we-
I'lilted. Will proe of special Itliei - imneti. .several ieen aso snv
: to many: the narration of the less j learned through friends that her hus
mtliar facts of her unusual child-( band was living on Allen street, la the
od and vouth. and the vein of hu-! West End with a woman he claimed
for g
ling element .idded." j84
i IXincli Making the Motiv. Reveals
: some of the inner workings 'jl Use, "
motif, n niciure mak:ne in the studio, h
land "Ut the difficult-es in taKing for running through it all, however,
jsome of' the thrilling cene, tiL its' will win the attention of those not
that produce the thrills but ofir no ! attracted."
danger, even gossip about some of Walton IV alig. "Humorous.
old in the pointed lime laiss, uun awi lutw
the movie trations fr .m eilerlence and observa-
' .1 V. t ,. 1, . I ,, V
f lioru. ill ' a II ol miioi namiii
i the favorites, all briskly
I vernacular. ' addressed to
as his wife, ami who is the mother of
four children.
Judge Dowd imposed a one-year
suspended sentence on Kessler and
ordered him to go to N'ew York and
etiaole his wife to obtain a divorce.
R. L. Smith Declares Coyotes ,
Becoming Very Rare in
Central and East
ern Oregon.
dp irailoni lioili ririirinc nuu
lions, in each of which Dr.
Ilamrfton 4n the trail of, Sln . 1 projects a maxim to aid invalids. fret-
Mr. Hamilton has himseli I ' ami lusaers m wyprBBJ ULJ.I1"
traveler along the trail ., ' " "",r "" an" '""s 01 Ulll IIUIU
I son hasten the Places he san and to IK along more happily and .
(talked with the people he knew In he..lthil
leaiing with Stevenson the her., be
is very frank, w.th no desire, he savs
"to .'iminish the popular conception,
! of his heroism." but "merely to de-j
I fine the nature of that heroism '
Hunt Wlutt hall nml to ctl
dcrn "Friendly readable chats uith
parents about children's lKMjks--wli.it,
to buy and read to the child for tliej
i first seven or eight ears, and what
I not to buy and read and why. A
ver.' prmtiial leiok for mother) anl,
I all who are Interested In (hildrens
( reading.
I ai.jil.in lnt for two. A '-r 1 1
and popular little hook designed to;
I help the housewife In a small family
! simple in arrangement and we, ii-i
! dexed.
I..nf-Crtli K'-.oloii: the weatla-r
"Kxpiains In a very popular,
. manner the atm'isphere. the
cyata, the barometer, trie weat
rug iind what the weather
I mean give a chapter
I for campers' that can
and discusses popular
. and the value of signs.
toy scouts will want."
'Illl'liShed I
The Most Popular Chew for a
vw-'..-i ,2 n i
iimu ui a bcnuHj
The man who chewj gen by far the
most wholesome enjoyment and latii
fartion out of tobacco, especially if l.e
thews plug tobacco. The rich juices
of the teaf ire retained in good
plugs better than in any other form.
For more than s generation Spear
Head has held first place as the favor
ite hish-grade ring Chewing tobacco.
This unique distinction is due solely
to the wonderful quality and flavor of
Spear Head the richest, mellowest,
tastiest chew in the whole world.
Spear Head is the hoicest of ill
red Burlcy, hand-stemmed and made
cres of abandoned vineyard, in that it was necessary to k.ll them ut into mcllow-swect plugs in S perfectly
clean, most sanitary factory.
ou cant chew (he flavor out of
Spear Head, because it's a part of the
treat work Is being
in central and eastern "regon by
government trappers, according to
Government Trapper II 1. Smith ol
Un, Harney county, who Is visit. ng
tn I'e'ndleton today. Smith is on an
automobile trip home from Seattle
where he has been visiting relatives.
Mr smith says that he has seen only
i ne evidence of rabies among the
coyotes in his section and that lhc"
varminls are becoming very rare. The
Harney man relates an interesting ex-
i Sky signs perience that happened at Henio
.e reliec ok, Oregon, the last week In June. A
supersf't oi.s freighter from Winnemucca put Up
V book that hut eight horsea In a Denlo barn OVST !
night. They were out of hearing dis
M.-Karlancl My growing -ar.Pn. tanc-e and during the night one 01
A chattv familiar, attractively lllus- the horses contracted rahlea.
trated record of the author's success During his rampage the mud ani
le, tran.forminr a rundown hous? ar.d mal bit three of the horses so Bftttl)
five years' time. Into a charming ga.- once. Several of the other steeds
a. h,.me Arfmirahli written o.j 1 were bitted but It was not hear.l
to read aloud, and brimming Vf whether they had contracted the dls-
.... i -A kmm .na vi..,iilej ease. Neither was It knoAii where the
Willi loiir o. 1 ' )il T i , . n .
nd first horse was OIL luuacto. mat ricn, ripe, red Uurley
pn. The first railroad la the Harnev taste keeps on pleading you SS long
he(va!ley territory' was run from Ontnr- as y,m keep on chewing
liojulyl The railroad, it Is thought Chtw Spear Head and you'll be
will I a wonderful help to the conn- ,i .... . 1 7 , .
. . , . . ' . chewing Hie pun t and most satisfying
IS. try as wheat farming Is being engag '
erf in successfully in Harnev vallev I " I"'"'"' ' mage, in
and trees. P suggests enee
the inspiration of Jo In the g
this b.ok cinnst le surpassed
long list of garden books."
Marrte Natrfuusl hunsn-
book about humor written by a all
man. insisting malnl of the chira.
' in. a
terlstic tafta her. at random from and up to the present time they had ,uv -u,5 wFpen wax paper.
I various parts of the Kr.glish s: '
w th some popular
ina world.
mei.t on the var.ous national types
8cottsh. Kngllsh. Irish. Welsh
Cockney. American"
Me ami thing A reprint from
the same plates but without the name
of the compiler of a book edited b
Mark Twain Readable aelectrms
from the writings of thirty-six well
known authors which will abpeal to
the patrons who w sh omethlng
short and funny.'
Palrrs-rM. year of the grew) war.
'Deals with the human elements;
F ALTS famous pn A lAITICU
fW, Every Day " VIaf ?V V loll
Fine. Clean Furnished Rooms In Connection. Steam Mealed
The Quelle Restaurant
Exclusive distributing depot In Pendleton for FAI.TS Sea Foods.