DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. The Kant )ri'Knlau has tin- largest bona fide ami guaranteed paid tirriilatluii uf anf papi I" Orcgou, ""-i "t Portland and i tar the largest circulation In Pendleton of aujt orwapaper. WEATHER Fair tonight iid Thurs.l f, laWIHIIAl I WEATHER DATA. Maximum ttin j t .i t in . -i ni ill -mum. 47. rainfall, 0: wind w-t. un tie; weather, clear. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEK VOL. 28 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 19 53- NO. 8877 EM TROOPS ME BED 10 FORI HANCOCK WILSON'S STAND !! i g ON SUFFRAGE IS IE AS EVER Mortar Ammunition Being Brought to the ".dies SAN One Hundred and Fifty Mexicans Reported to Have Crossed Into Texas. ATTEMPTING A REPRISAL Officers luilcvo Hand Its Are Making An Effort to Revenge the Killing of Eour outlaw. In the Itunuing light Witli 0, s. lOree Monday. President's Attitude is Not Affected by Lead of Hughes on the Question. SPEECH CONFLICT AVOIDED Wilson RjefMCal to Walk t Winchester Sept. 6, while BufbM is speak-1 in).- Twenty Miles Away Doeen'l Waul Polities iii Lincoln My plan- Report is Groundless. EL, I'ASO, Aug. 2 Cai'taln William Kelly told General Hell the report that Mexican had entered Texas near Kind lay was groundless. Militia officers ut Fort Hancock flashed 4) Hell the report last night. Kelly Commanded the troops rushed from Kort Bliss to fight the .supposed raiders. He found no signs of the bandits. WASHINGTON. Aug I. Wilson has refused to follow Hughes' lead and declare favoring suffrage. He authorised the White house announce ment that his attitude was unchanged. The president still holds that the) states should decide the suffrage is-1 sue. Wilson declined to make u speech at Winchester Kentucky, on I Septemhcr 5, while Hughes is speak-1 lug at Lexington, twenty miles away. I He said he dldn ! want politics to en ter the Lincoln day speech' plans BL PASO, Aug. :. Two troops of cavalry, a motorcycle corps and ten! trucklouds of Infantry have been rushed to Kurt Hancock from Fort Hlls It Is reported that a hundred and fifty Mexican bandits crossisl the I river at linill.n, Texas, eight miles' west, officers believed the Mexicans were attempting reprisals for the kill ing of the four bandits Monday, Gen-! eral Hell at Kort Hllss, stated he had! not received reports of fighting be-ill Workers Pa lor Walkout llrotlior the American militia, regulars hood Heads Will t all for n. iaf .and bandits He said "I don't In-1 strike Ih-iiiandliur Rlahl Hour lint the trenches. A bridge has been built over I FRENCH ADVANG E DEUTSCHLAND IS BOTH SIDES BEYOND TANGIER OF SOfflM E RIVER Powerful Fortified Works on North Bank are Taken After Heavy Assault. RUSSIAN WEDGE SUCCEEDING I noffldal Dispatcho say Muscovite Have captured stajuno Terminus of l.emburg Hallway. All Four Lines Xo Being in Rnss Hands. PAULS. Aug 2. It is announced j the French have advanced on both j sides of the Somme. The Germans I have gained Vaux Chapter Woods. ine Communique said: "North of the Somme we captured powerful for tified works. South of the Somme we occupied a German trench HEAVY FOG AIDS MOAHSCAPE Merchantman May Mot enter Hampton Roads Until Night Falls. APPAM SI6NALS SUBMARINE Prize I nn Behaves in Peculiar man ner steamer ts Kept Brilliantly Lighted Marine Men are PaoJed Rnt BUhlll) she May he Flashing a signal to Diver. Moving yio&rxR ammukitjojs photograph shows ihe moving of mortar ammunition up to trench where the men have "dug la," Prospects of iJn cZJn J-0- (.9 ABANDON PRESENT UneasZ K.SN T0 CREATE Many Benefits to Pendleton UMAIILLAD SIR CT tend to allow the bandits to remain on American soil." Two corps of the eighth cavalry. It is reported also passed Fort Han I K'k en route to Findlay. and More Oicrtlmc Pa). WASHINGTON. Aun I. Th Hailwal Brotherhood's execu tlve board threatening a nation- A al strike of four hundred thou- sand railroaders, agreed to re- 4) time peace conferences In Now York August I. These New York conferences O may produce an amicable set- tlement in the belief; ,,t com- mlaaloner chambers Be de- clared he is keeping President Wilson informed dailv retmrdlmr FOR TIN BOX TRICK ,the railroad controversy .level- j4 opmenta. He said: "The great LIFETIME SAVINGS LOST BY SWINDLE : SALEM BARBER FALLS Gives up $950 and Receives sfi r a r fM I comic supplement 01 rort land Paper. magnitude of such ters the Brother hi hast action. If lull i strike de- oils from negotiations 4 nd I strike materializes. It 4) assumes proportions impossible to forecast. Such a strike would he vastly more disastrous to the United Slates than becoming SAM. KM, Ore., Aug. 2. Swindlers stole nine hundred and fifty dollars from Oils Defnaa a barber. It was hla lifetime savings. The old tin box trick was used. They made Dcmas surrender bis tnone "as a guarantee of good faith " They hamled him a box supposedh containing a twelve! Vi.n- vouir . .. n .h i ....ii.., 1 i... r -skw STORK, Aug. 1. Timothy D, ... . ' .' . . Shea announced that the BOUtttlna of Pendleton Is in line for a company ; T. Park who spoke upon military j oi the Oregon National Guard and training in the schools declared he probabl battalion headquarters, ac- was in favor of military training In cording to Dr. Max S. Kern, former 1 public Institutions to build up the captain of the Pendleton company. In' physical side of the boy. Individual a report to the Commercial Assocla-1 attention to physical culture will be Itlon last night. Dr. Kern said thai j given each and every boy this year in 'there will no doubt be a battalion I Pendleton high school: Instruction formed in eastern Oregon anil Pen-1 will be given by Prof. Virgil FendaM dleton a slated by the Oregon army of the department of agriculture, who ! officials for a company. has held high offices In the military Should Pendleton be awarded bat-1 department or the Oregon Agricultur tallon headquarter!, a majority o(ja College. Park seemed to favor a the officers would be located here j cadet corps which would not be im A company of militia would mean a ! swerable to the call of the president iirsi claaa armory in Pendleton which ' to arms. In this, the cadet corps is would cost between Z0,4O0 and $40.-j c'ifferent from a militia. At the same W, i time the corps is given the same mis. said or. Kern, "would serve i physical attention as a militia as a club room for the boys. It Is a panv. thing Pendleton is sorely in need of ' The Wyoming idea, favored by No proper solution has ever been Prof. Park, was briefly described to worked out on the question of a rec- the meeting reatlOQ place tor the boys In ac- In squads of eight, and they hold con- PaHBOBsWa, In taking this action, Cordance with the provisions of the teats between them such as acaling ,M,weMT. Hhim' interested in the pro- Petition Withdrawn This Afternoon After Long Remonstrance is ! Filed. TO AWAIT BETTER SENTIMENT IttorncyD for Kemonstraturs Contend Pnsisixl rmaUhi Unlawful and I'njiNi Petitioners nw to Mlt. Jority sentiment Hut Will Not Abandon ITojiit. The petition asking roi- tile calling sm-1 of an eiocabin for the formation of UM pniHse, I inanlla port dlstrii i was formally withdrawn this after. The bora are organized ,,(K, Judge aT, A. Piv. anorney foi Champagne west of Aubrlves, the Russian reconnoitering forces made a bayonet charge and dispersed the Germans. One hundred were made prisoners. Thirty-three aeroplane duels were fought over the trenches. LONDON, Aug. 2. Haig reported that the Briish are slowly gaining around Pozieres. Hand to hand fight ing is continuing. Haig said the lighting was in "close quarters be tween small detachments." j PETKOGKAD, Aug 2. The. Rus sian wedge separating the Austrian j and German armies Is advancing ! rapidly. Unofficial dispatches said the Russians had captured the St.- way. ine iiussians control all four railway routes to Lemberg. BERLIN. Aug. 2. It is announced that Ihe Germans repulsed all allied NORFOLK, ng. 2. The anbtna rlBM lleutsetiland wras reported flf- Iri i teen mllcH below Tangier Island near- Ing Tape Charles at noon. Crowds lined waterfront awaiting a glimpse. The Detitschland passed Tangier la land fifty mile above Cape Charles at a a. m. It is believed here the Deutschland will probably not enter Hampton Roads until night. No Virginia pilot was sought. Marine men are con vinced the Deutschland intended to remain in Chesapeake Hay all day. Some believed the submarine might shoot the capes without touching on account of thick weather. A heavy haze concealed the boat's distance for two miles and made her escape easier. The American battleship Ca rolina moved Inside Cape Henry on account of the fog. The allied block ades were behind the mist. The Appam's prize crew at Newport News behaved peculiarly last night. They kept the steamer brilliantly lighted. Marine men were puzzled. It is believed they may be signaling the submarine. The Deutschland rapidly progressed last night. Press attacks on the Flanders front except boaUi epl up eMilv -She " mlj the highway between Maricourt and Clery The allies occupied and com pletely demolished German trenches there. traveled ten knots, but sometimes went sixteen. She passed Solomon's Island at the mouth of the Patuzent river at two a. m. Happy Canyon Will be Rebuilt; Raley May Be Guiding Genius of 1916 Round-Up Night Show Yes. there will be a Happy Canyon1 if this is legally possible and. If not. In answer to the manv queries be I by leading business men under the ing made both locally and from a dis tance, the Commercial association last evening f orally decided that the in- same plan as used in organizing the Round-l"p association. A meeting of the Happy Canyon committee of 1915 will be called probably tomorrow to newl) enacted army law. each boy; walls and rifle practice. One girl is joet arc not abandoning it but will stitutton. which tor the past two dLscdss this suggestion would be given tl for each drill. This chosen for each squad to be trained ,u" '"riher consjlcrntion to the mat- 'ars nas provided evening entertain-j u js m probable that the mainr, Involved in the Baropean war " 4) wl" "''r " a" Incentive to attend In the duties as a Red Cross nurse. of reaching the Cold springs area ment tor Round-Up crowds, will be! ity of the members of the committee i drill. The benefits from good, clean1 The physical training starts with the " M""l aa there slmll appear suffi- r""tained as one of the big features of of last year will be retained to han- ! '''Mow-hip and obedience are un- boys of the seventh grade and con- ,'it'"t siipsirt to guarantee a favor. hl" Round-Up week of lilt, die the various features of the work measurable." . I Unites throughout the high school. Me election. J. Roy Raley, first president of the thin year but a more complete or- t contained a comic supplement of a Portland paper. Casement Will Die Tomorrow U1NDON, Aug. 2. It is definitely announced that Sir Iloger Casement hangs tomorrow morning. The gal lows were erected at Pentonville pris on. Asqulth acknowledged the receipt of a monster petition asking for cle mency. Casement's lawyers declared he was unconcerned. His condition has im proved lines his trial when ho looked haggard and worn Asquith held no hope of mercy. 6 CONVICTS MAKE GET AWAY FROM SALEM FLAX CAMP sAIKM, Aug. 2 Nix convicts have iweaped from the penitentiary flax 'camp five mile northeast of here. They were trust! en. Their dlsappear iinee was discovered this morning. 'Hiey were traced u Hllverton. The KiigitivcH are 0. O, Griffin of Mai poor, mnvletcd of larceny; O. B Tooea and John Smith of Hood River ii. ruarv. I uillc Hell of Mult nomah, larceny, T. O. Dtndsay, Lake, larceny, and IChner Barnard of Mai hear, assault the strike vote sand rullwav A list ol II names of voung men Ammunition and arms are furnished WeWBBWa, the matter. ". L. i(. Kound-I p and a member 01 the Hap-! ganization will be formed to the end Who would be willing to join such an by the national government. ; man, who baa ban actively interest- i c'anvon committee for the pastjthat the show may be run with bet- i orrantution will bp forwarded the no.i IVr Wm ,l , o, M-Im, . til ill Ibe lunw ttm llte hmmm I m tl... two years, will pt'obabh' be chairman ' ta ,....,!.. fL- " .... f four hundred thou I t.um ir iu- r - vi - - - , . , I "e piimary purpose ' ouiniii u uioii I Jutant-general. The establishment ot , day circulating papers to obtain sig- waOIOt, said tids aftemiMin:. -It has "; the Happy Conyon committee this Will be. as before the entertaining Oe , ..,..,,,. u- .,..,,,1., .... ...., . , , , , i, ' , . , PMdrf.nl H,.,,.L- nt ,h.. .M- . k . ... . i ...,.,..,n m. nuuia oo-tiu .in-1 ii, nuies ioi men ami nnys. netween - "i "--ii in.' iiaiH muu am- v .... me uouna-i u crow ,ls in th trainmen would completed August IT. If the workers' favor a walkout, the vote will author ize the heads of the four groat rail way brotherhoods to cull a general rtrlke demanding an eight hour day and more overtime pay. Shea said: "This Is history's biggest movement, the largest number of men involved It covers a wider territory than any other strike " nual expenditure of $10,000 Thejthe ages of Is and 35. who wish to t,l(e that Commercial association voted its ap proval of the work of Dr. Kern and he was asked to proceed with his work. City Superintendent of Schools A. men's Clothing store see the establishment of a company eoiitrib.it of militia in Pendleton. I)r Kern I""1- Otherwise i would under no can be found in the Judd building circumstances fuvor pushing the or- and Mr. Vlnler is with the Working- em wan II aitrcicu must ' "i w -wai me p.- rather than the making of profit a pn-K.ndcraiHV of sup. attloB would logically fall, last even-" i, hai nt VM b declde.1 h.r. ing ueciareu nis inaonuy n act aim the 1111 show will be held since the rtaiey expressed the wish tn.it Mr. major portion of te old pavilion has WASHINGTON, Aug. I. The Bu reau of Hallway Kconomics said the proposed strike affected three hun dred thousand men. earning four hundred millions annually, employed on two hundred and fifty thousand miles of railroad. The strike means the greatest transportation blockade In the country's history. The result mil commercial prostration might send the nation's loss Into billions. If the strike cntues the railroads will present congress with many reasons for enforced arbitration. Senator La. Fnlletto plans to lead tho strikers' figiu against mediation, The brother. bonds threaten to vote against any congressman favoring enforced arbitration. CHICAGO. Aug. 2. Railroad and grain men here said the proposed strike would certainly paralyze cen tial western states and work great hardships. Grain and cattle move ments would practically cease. The grain now Itored In eastern milling ci nters is totally Inadequate to with stand n prolonged blockade. Ex tremely high prices and food shortage would probably result. Hlg eastern cities would be nearer to starvation than at any other time in American history. Restoration of Belgium and Serbia-Reparation to France and Russia, British Peace Terms gauaaatloa or to impose upon the ,;lkc charge. The choke met with the! been torn down, considerable em.n. COOK, an election, the mornlie !. I approval of the members. would attach to the rebuilding of It suit of Which would be doubtful." , Mr. Raley has not yet accepted the ! However, a similar expense would h- position but expressed a willingness ; incurred If a new location should be Following the filing of remon-1 to serve. However, he recommends ; selected and the additional expenae Btrancea against the proposed forma-1 that a corporation be formed to as. ' of a grandstand Walter's ghad has tion of a Umatilla port district, attor- "ume the manageent. the stock to be been suggested is a good location .,. vomuorowi ociaiion and will be serlouslv considered (Continued on Page Eight.) LONDON,, Aug. 2.--Asquith an nounced today in the house of com mons that Britain regards the resto ration of Belgium and Serbia, the re pairing of the devastated portions of France and Russia as the essential peace conditions. Prohibition Cuts Down Arrests 70 Per Cent ALL U. S. INTERESTED IN ROUND-UP Club Prices Climb 3 Cts in Portland CHICAGO. Aug. I, (Special to the Fast OrOgOnlen ) Range of prices to day; Open High Close Sept 11.11 11.31 V, $1.39j ler II. 30i li.jfid I1..144 IN inland. PORTLAND, ore., Aug. 2. (Sped, ai 1 ciub 11.00; bluestem 11.01, Give John M. Parker credit for hat that just wouldn't be rained out pendbitis of the ring, varj good today. GERMAN U-BOAT SINKS!: 4 Still another rumor is that Villa. being hard up, is dictating a dime Her condition is reported ; novel of his wonderful disappearing . e Appendicitis Operation. The fourteen year old daughter of William Kllis, who lives twenty miles northwest of Pendleton, was brought to St. Anthony'a hospital last evening and underwent an operation for ap That prohibitum has greatlv : Inquiries From Four Corners of Continent In- out by the records of the city 4: recorder. A record of arrests for the first seven months of 4 1111 show that a total of lHti uresis have been made Last , year during the same period there were III arrests made. dicate Largest Crowd Ever Will Assemble This Year. ground uf the Blewetl Harvester rasa. 22' pany will be used if it can be obtain- CREW IS 1A.IKI Sl'HMARINK CAPTAIN BO.VSTs OK I1VK OTHER V14TIMS. LONDON, Aug. 2. A German sub. marine sank the Dutch steamer Zea land last night The crew landed .it Mouth Shields They said the cap tain boasted that they sank five ves sels before the Zealand. From New York. Michigan. Indiana. their tents for the three davs For Iti.l Ihfl ., 1 ... L. .,.., .... . . ..... ...r ...... e-iiirn- me 1 Hue; na K I,' I, Mr.), ili.il, I'. i i i" inui tun) si per cent w .-vaies come inquiries as to the dates back as many arrests were made this 4 oi the KOUnd-Up, September 21. , T iu,' V 1UB nauon-wiae pu e.l. and also the ctt ,1 will The largest number ot arrests gamed through magazines, newspa- asked in . ,..... . .. pers and personal boosters has been street below the grandstand tor ,hl. at work and will no doubt result In purpose. A special effort w'll he bringing to Pendleton the largest made to provide suitable d id.-ouat. crowd ever this year. parking and camping larllltie., for The Kound-I p directors are now all motorists at work en staging the hi exhlbl-l The contract for the moving BM uon tures for tylii has been 11 s, tatom. in charge of the ac- loiumouaiions. wants all the camping room for automobile parties that he can get. The present Indications are that there will ba thousands of 1 - this ear were made in May. most of which were made for violations of the city traffic or dinances. May, 1915. was also the largest month up to August last year when 130 were brought up before Judge Fitz Gerald The revenue from tines last year amounted to a sum between 4) 16000 und 17000. This year the city will probably receive I0 4 from this source of revenue. 4 act. pie here in autooblles with camping outfits nnd the city provide places for them to let to the Oregon. Washington Fealui,. Film onipunv of Spokane, ,u fiari. f which Is verv satlsfie torv 10 ih Hoiinil-Cp. Th company in o tak not less than vi'iu feet or film mi l their! make it up Into four reels to be must' proved by he board of dlrm-tora pltchj fore they r put on the market. P-