EIGHT PAGES Short Hog Markdjakes Big Rise'l POKH-AMJ, OK, Aug. I A scant General ilemand tiuprovinK for win supply ot hom In Hie yards for UW.tars, which are firmly held. Freight Initial day lradliiK of the week (save ' ,, u gciuce. Kurppal, ,.ropB ttr,. the Nurth Purttaftd market a very I backward and weather Ih unfnvor firm tune at the atari, with u Hheer a Me. ituvunce w-oc . me start. r.any ssles were Hindi- around 11.1109,14 lor quality muff, with tin- trend of the trade the firmest fur many month. Later galea were madt- at i.t. General hog- market range; i.nou-e nam -e...u. .Jood light weights .u.l& Medium weight X.!0 H.7& Hough heavy 7.7S0X.OO I utile Hun I- HMMrf, The niovnment of northwest grass IV Into the cattle market was ex tremely liberal oveer Sunday. Total North l'ortliind arrivals for the firm da of the week were UK head, com pared with N3 1 dial Monday, and 753 head thin BUM day n year ago. The market sagged fully 25c during he early trade, thereby confirming recent report In thla papar thut thi market' iindert-me waa really weak due to an acrumulatlou of holdings In the hands of the kitten ..r the north went. , (ieneral rattle market range: Trlme light steers S7.no fi 7.25 I'rime heavy steers Stia-kers and feeders I'rime dehorned cows I'rime horned MM . I'rime horne.l cows . . 1.00 Q 1.71 1.114 l.lu 4. 7 : 4 din 4 7&45 "u Common cows .1 00 4l 4 Oil null.- t I.M94.H Crime light veal calves . . T. Ot07.i4 prime heavy veal calves. , J4,nn '.i S i,.) Motion Market yuKI. There was a unlet tone In the mut ton and liinib tiaite at North Port land. Receipts, while showing a small Increase over last M.anli, were small, iki far iu the amount oi stock r allahle for the market was concern ed. Killers brought n a large per cent of the stuff direct. The general trend of the trade Is msldered unchanged. tieneral mutton and lamb market Select spring lambs .. , .II.M0MI Ordinary lambs Meal yearlings . itnnd to common Best ewes timid to common now t 2- D04f 5.T.0 I I4.i0 There was a slight reaction In the price of wheat during the early Chi cago trade during the da Liverpool showed a waiting tone, with spot values unchanged from Saturday, Loral situation is rather quiet, but ,..me iMinlness is still reported from the Interior at full pines. iih ports, millers and ''aliform. i milling interests purtlclpatlng. Course grains continue steady at In terior points and the flour market il (lining in strength with further at tempts to force nn additional advance ii 20c per .in- I on patent. Broomhall cabled front Livef I thut the wheal market was sti.nl with n better demand and export oi lers firm. American weakness had hum effect early, but later recovered "n small shipments Spots steady, unchanged, with fair demand and am Indications of improving Car-1 go market steinb .Manitoba un changed und winters I i-Jtu.1.1 dial er I'lalt.s and Australians firmly held Export cle. nance- disappoint ing from ull sources urtd receipts firm. Firmness American winter -md scarcity of export accumulation, together with continued unfavorable! reports from spring wheat rountrt and unfavorable European weather assists to keep the niurkei in rvou Argentine weather continue dry and i old. uffers wheat firm and corn strongly held, with American n-iuir Krance Wenther undesirable and harvesting retarded, (lovernmeni Of ficial planed the prbe to fanners tot new w heat at 1.7I il-'' i"i the I '' I f' crop, Flour extraction has been rais ed to so per cent Total shipments from '"rih Vin eries: Wheal 7,411,000 bushel; corn t, 041,000 bushels, oats. V 04S.OO0 bushels, oats, 1,041,080 bushels To corn To 1,000 United Kingdom, whr.it bushels; corn. 101,000 bushels OatS 10,001 bushels. Total shipments to the Cnllcd Stales last Week :!.'-.'" against 4,710,000 bushels the previous week Stocks decrease It".1111" bush- els and on passage decrease '.311,11011 VICE CHANCELLOR CUNFERS WITH MINISTER A new photograph of Dr. Helffer-1 ence with Dr. Bolt (sealed In left. Ich (in Immediate foreground) the corner of couch i the German mln Oerman vice chancellor, In confer- ister of the colonics and Duke Johann DAILY , ,-,.ril nrlcs wer ire-nulir . the Chicago market. July opened eteaily and lost I cent in early transactions September atarted fractionally up, and went to 79 1-4 in the first hour, while l m her trailed around 68 at fi'-xt There were a few scattered nl, report from Nebraska. KllM .ml .,.... wr. h-.,v.r at.- parent Hi lncoiuM-itientlnl and unable to repair yesterday's damage frtim tile extreme hoat wave. ' i. its w ere well bought, although dull and featureless Tor the most part ( AI.I,H .V. CLEVER IAGHT- Kit. HT, HAS NOT YKT HAD RIGHT CBANCB TO snow his sKI i. FRANKS CAJvJAHiN According to Dan McKctriek. man-1 ager of Frankle Callahan, this young lightweight has not been fortunate enough In obtaining good matches to : prove, his worth. Kven at that Callahan has a good record He decisively defeated Dun- dee at Cincinnati fceltlnir the verdict rx-irrom even one of th nwmanera Ha I rone i ,,ver Dundee at Brooklyn. I but for some unknow n reason did not j get what was coming to him fur his I victory, which was probably due to .poor management. He beat Joe Man-! do at Memphis. ROCky Kansas in j Buffalo; Beam Palmer In Hllwau-I , kee. Johnny Harvey in Columbus. Charley White in St. liuL audi Knocked out Kniph Grunan in .salt i Lake City. He also knocked out I Mexican Joe Riven in Memphis and Jack Reed In St Loul. He has beat en Robldeau, Tommj Murphy, Joe AlevedQ and earned the referee's ib iiston In Boston over Gilbert Gallant BLAST WRECKS GRANTS PASS WATER PLANT Labor Difficulties Held Re sponsible for Blowing up Irrigation Pumps. (1 RANTS PA i it i July :',1 Th. pumps supplying the Irrigation ditch- .- on 'lie south side and located at ihe dam three miles abort pin out ot com m avt were badls damaged U l(i. Kile 1 -ei i rjolden Drift h the . Ity . were at. when the' by the explo- .. dynamil harge placed In hlnery. inplonlon occurred ; Tin about ; having Six foot f..r the 12:10 ...lock, the dynamlti been placed within the big pulley that drives the pumi Fmltdale ditches. I ami The pulley was ml , pie.es of the caattn through the lour-In w tit which the dam Ijilmr difficulties been the cause. i re hurled i r plunking! ' v m ii 1 1 1 ' " ! I ''' - -' ffijy '. j plj EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1916. jj W 0 0 D IKI FIRST PRIZE HI BIG CAKE MAKING CONTEST VVEHTON HAS UNIQUE AND BOO ( KHsll li EVENT rtH BENE KIT Of BA.M. (Kast tiregonlan Special.) WBBTON, Aug. 1. The cake mak ing contest which was held at the Weston Mercantile Co. Saturday aft ernoon was a great success. The three prize- hv. aided the ladies fell to .Mrs. 1). R Wood, first prize, Mrs. Krank Graham, second prize, and Mrs. A. 'J' Motz. third prize. The pr.zes for the girls under 14 years fell to Anna Lavender, first prize; Nina Price, second prize, anil Esther Wil liams, third prize. The remaining cakes were used Saturday evening for the band benefit ice cream social and the prize cakes were sold at auction The pTOCeedl from tltls also went to the bund. Mrs. Orval Duncan and son Robert came down from North Yakima Sun day and will spend a rew months vis iting Mr. and Mrs. jvan O'Harra at their home south or Weston. CUrenCe Spencc and Thomas Mos grove of Milton were Weston visitors Sunday. ' Miss Mary Richmond, daughter ol Mr. and Mis Elmer nichmond, prom inent wheat grower of Athena, Is spending the week with her aunt. Mrs W. S. Page of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Prentice of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham of Weston, motored to Bing ham Sunday and spent the day. Jack Head and family of Athena, visited relatives in Weston Sunday. George Ferguson of Pendleton, spent Sunday at the Ferguson ranch near Weston. Mrs. E. C. Rogers of this c ty, spent a few days last week In Pendleton. Miss Eula and Muster Wayne Mc Afee of Pendleton are spending a few weeks with their grandmother, Mrs ( Hive Navln, in Weeton. Mr.s Letha King and children have returned from a month's visit with her daughter at Hermlston. Mrs. Slella Kennedy. formerly Stella u'Harra. came down from Pulmau Wash . last week and Is vla- Ring at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. M. O'Harra. Miss Hazel Duncan left Sunday to remain a lew weeks w.th her sister Una Rajah Kinneur of Milton. Fred Henderson or Pendleton, was a Weston visitor Sunday, Mr. Alice Punisier of Pullman, Wash, is visiting relatives in Weston and Athena. Mr, and Mrs. g it. McOrew ot Portland, nre visit. tig at the home of his son, Frederic fcteOreW, near We - ton. Or. mid Mr.s. K ,. Whitman of Wail WalUt wen- guests at the Hen ry Waddingham residence. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Wright andj laughter. Katharine, of Spokane, are visiting Mrs. Wrights father Mr. Loutl Nolle. Miss Mary llenmack of Milton, spent Several days last week visiting relative In Weston. Mi. and Mrs. Ivan u'Harra spent Sumlavwith Mr and Mrs. Clem Dun can at Athena. I'M hi lts SETTLE CLAIMS. Sweeping Vgrwencnl (Kcr ( argis-s Reached With Britain, LONDON, July 31. After the case I t ecu partially heard, an agree ment t-as reached between represen tattves "I 'he Chicago packers and tin Cl ou n attorneys in regard to the cat go on l.. .ird the American SteamShil Maraeas which was consigned t. Gothenburg and Copenhagen had asked the 1'he ann .ii that as a comprehenslvi had been made with 'In arrangement packers with c Ihe Crown the case fur- regard to other curgoc did not wish to pursue ted. Ither. aid to haver A regards the proceeds from thi I sale ..f the steamer. II has been ar- OF COLONIES AND DUKE OF MECKIENBURG Albrecht of Mecklenburg (in Uniform ftl right.) The photograph was made at the iilillilllllll 1 ranged and agreed lhat the sum would remain in court as part of the prise fund and that the remainder of the proceeds from the vessel should he paid to the people entitled to the vessel. The agreement is subject to approval of the American court. BROTHERHOOD ENVOYS ON WAY TO NEW YORK La Grande Railway Men to At tend Decisive Confer ence August 8. LA repri RANDB, Ore.. July 31. Four ntatives of us many brother hoods in railway service arc .caving for New York to count the strike bal lot, confer with manager, and. if mi able to reach satisfactory agreement to 01 II OUl a general strike. The;, will meet in New York August V Fireman Cllford and Brakeman Hughes, who are chairmen of their respective grievance committees, will go from this city to represent Bat ern nregoii trainmen. George Hani hart and Conductor Rhodes, of Spo kane, will each go direct If.. in there to the meeting, giving all brother hoods full representation Ml. Hughe left tonight, the vanguard of western recent visit of the Bulgarian delegate-! to Berlin Two of the members of I . , . , . the delegation are shown in the pho- tograph. Don't Put the Shut ter Up Don't bar the sunshine of new ideas from your mind. The instant you do you cease to grow you begin to go back. Read, observe and think for yourself. And this applies especially to adver tising such advertising as appears from day to day in The East Oregonian, It is the sunlight of new business ideas and well worth while. Read the advertising in this newspaper. mploye. He predicted the strike I vote will oc overwneimingiy in ine ai- firmatlve. Should a conference with managers fail to encompass their purpose. It Is expected that the Federal Hoard of Arbitration will intervene, and if that fails a walkout is the next and final resource. Before leaving. Hrakeman Hughes said: "The employes want an eight-hour day, with time and a hall overtime on a 12 1-2 mile speed basis. " Morocco has resumed the cultiva tion of cotton, after a lapse of more than 40 years. $100 Reward, $100 The renders of tills paper will be plessed to leflrn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias beeu able to curt in all its Stage, and that Is catarrh. Cs tsrrta lieing greatly influenced by constltu tinasl conditions re.ptlres constitutional treat m. -tit Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takes internally and acts thru the lilood on the Ma s Surfaces of the System thereby de si i... ring the foundation of the disease, glv. lag tin' patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting natin-e in doins its work. The proprietors have so much faith In the curative powers of Hsll's Ca tarrh l ure that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any CMS that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials Address i K J. CBRNBI A Co., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Df SggtfltS, ""'. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY INSl RAXn; AND I.AM) BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT 80, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to till lunds in Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does: a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non residents Writes, fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bink in Pendleton JAMES JOHNS Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLEY & MONTGOMERY. B.EAT. estate, fire, life and accident insttr-1 ance agents. S15 Main street. Ph.ne' 04. ETERINARY si ROEOlfB, C."w"CASSEN,"!iPDT V. COtrNTI veterinarian Residence telephone 27: office telephone. !0. SECOND HAM) PjlltiWh and second hand goods. Cast paid for all second-hand goods bough' Cheapest place In Pendleton to bu; i household goods. Come and get o'U ' price. 219 E Court street Phom , 171W. ARCHITECT. RAMCmDATCH. A RCHITeS Despaln Building. Phone 7(1. Pen dleton, Oregon. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 Why Not Own Your Own Home 1 BUY OR BUILD ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. r Come and see us, and we will outline this plan to you. 5 MATLOGK-LAATZ 112 East Real Estate Farm and ?llllllIlltllllltluriiiiiiititlllltllIltllllllllllilMilillllllllltlllllllIIIIIlllllllllllfliltiiiiiiis ATTOHXKYS. RALE Y & RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wili-i. deeds, mortgages and contracts drawl. Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Despaln building. CARTER ft SMYTHE, ATTORNEY" at law Office In rear of Ameri -nn National Bank building TAMES B PERRY. ATTORNEY AT luw Office over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON ft BISHOP, ATTOlt neys ut law; room 3 and 4, Stnhh Crawford building. DOUGLAS V. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law Will practice In all state and federal court. 9, Despaln building. Room ;, 8 and FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building 8. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY ANP counsellor at law. Office la De spaln building. PAGE SEVEN iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil BETTER AXD SOFTER LIGHT Is assured by the use of some of these beautiful fixture of our. They give a light that illuminate the room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes. They are not expen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see them? J. L. VAUGHAN It'g paying rent to yourself. r INVESTMENT CO. Court St. City Loans Insurance AUCTIONEERS COL. W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTIDN eer, makes a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery sale "Th man that get you the money." Le orders at East Oregonian office. ITNF.lt.VI. DIRECTOR J T. BROWN'S FURNITt RE STOR1 Funeral director and licensed m 'j , ti er Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Call responded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone II. JOHN 3. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed einbalmer Op posite postoffice Funeral pari r. two funeral cars Culls responded to day or night Phone 75 MONTW FARM I M- NORTHERN IvTKiC ArLVYAT I.ands in eastern Montana it 12 5-1 to 1S per acre. Suitable ot t.rtnlng or gracing Easy term - For Infor mation write or see W, E Holt, Mil City. Montana MISTEU.VNEOt S. LEGAL B LANDS OF EVERY De scription for rounty court circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc . for sale at Bast Oregonian office. t I 1 I g