East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 01, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1 j-
Ormi Hawley, Star In Her Ameri
can Prince," Mutual Master picture,
De Luxe Edition.
Mutual Master-pictures De Luxe Edition Present
"Her American Prince"
5 ACTS 5
ORMI HAWLEY and all tar cast. A thrilling and
highly sensational drama revolving around the re
markable likeness of an American physician and the
Prince Consort. A picture with many unusual situ
ations. "STUNG BY GUM," side splitting comedy with Rube
Miller and Madge Kirby.
10c Adults 5c Children
flillll Pi
(8b Advertising in Brief
lVr Hi" first limerllun 1K
ivr lint', addltlnunl Insertion . . . . 6c
Ivr line, per month $10
No locals ukeu (or lee than -5c.
('nut it ordinary words to Hue.
I .,! Kill not be taken over the
telepbOOl esespt from ICuat Oregon
lai paid up subscribers.
Apartment fur rent, 400 E. AHa.
For sale Ilapld fireieas cooker
Aluminum lined Phone IH8M.
For rent Two furnished buhl
housekeeping rooma, 72 Jolinaon St
I Ii iul your garbage and trnah
I'hone 5S3M. 1403 W. Railroad at
For rent -"Kenmore" dining room
,.nd kitchen 617 Willow street.
Hair work to order, for ladle"
I'hone It
Touring car for hire for country
trlpa Phone 1.
For rent light housekeeping
rooma Phone 308 W. 401 Aura.
Rooms Housekeeping and sleeping
Price low. 60S Willow. Phone 0fi.
For rent Furnished houae. In-'
ipiire 129 Lewis.
Private maternity home, skilled at
tention. Phone 376J.
For rent nicely furnished house
keeping apartment at 10K Water
Two nicely furnlahed housekeeping
rooma, u21 Franklin.
For rent Furnished houaekeeping
room Inquire 501 Clay street
Suits pressed 50c, tnoroughly clean
ed II 50. ltudd, 310 W. Webb Phone
For rent 7-room houae. Hath and
hade. Inquire 617 Willow.
For remt -Modertn 7-room house,
617 Mark street, North Side C. L.
Honney. Standard nrncery 1.0.
mmm f . Vlml.qll nurlor
fan Slightly used. Hargaln if taken reon
at once Call or address, 613 Clay.
Prompt automohile taxi service, 1
day or night Funerals to eemeleij
only 3 50 Phone 680 Hotel St,
(Jeoixe. Carney laxi CO.
Firr rent Two room furnished
apartment; also three room apart
ment with sleeping porch 502 Wa
ter street.
Hills for 4'.) show, good salary, with
mall carnival company, Address Pi
oneer Celebration o linker City,
Fur sale Modern, one year old
bungalow, 5 rooms, Dutch kitchen,
tlrt place, full cement basement East
front, corner lot. 417 Logan or
phone 365K.
Want fhowe and confessions for
small carnival. Join now, Idaho and
Colorado Address Pioneer Celebra
tion Co., Ilaker City, Ore.
I have 320 acres In Harney valley,
10 miles from railroad now building.;
200 acrue good grain land, Joins good
range, all fenced, good well and
small house and barn on place. Lanij
las level, no alkali. $20 per acre, or.
will trade for Income or residence
, property Address Ed Maher, Starkey.
Illg Car for Country Trips.
Seven passenger Franklin makes
country trips, also carries passengers
! to Bingham. hman or Hldaway
Knrfne. Baa riding, nulck service?
For sale Kmmerson piano In first, fsadquarten at Sutton's cigar store,
class condition. Inquire Folsom's, i.hl,nP 46, or ,,hone 2S9M nights.
furniture store.
For sale New modern 6 room bun
galow and garage, furnished or un
furnished, bargain. Easy terms. In
quire this office.
Call Penland Hros van to move your
Ladles, save your combings. Hair
Work to order Shampoo and mas-
ace Pendleton Halrdrelng and
household goods Telephone 339 Alsol Manicure Parlors, Pendleton Hotel
Phone 45 - Adv.
Auto for Hire.
City or country trips. Phone D B
Waffle. Residence 2S4M; office 130
A Ml IUM $PI riM FtATt Hr. St RVtM MSM
iMinnrn nnnno
i n mm ni sn
mnmw uuuuo
baggage transferring and heavy haul
For sale Automobile truck Ex
cellent for light delivery. Inquire
Frazler & Oretson. 630 Cottonwood. j
Wanted Harvest work for myself
and four horses, good run. Address!
Qao, 1, Wurster, Echo, ore
For rent Three room rurnlshed
upartment, 118 Orange street.
For auto rates to Lehman. H!la
ay or Bins ham Springs, call Alex
! Manning Phone 202
i oinp, h ill nurse- l-iuy iui sun
Mpaiienca In nursing desires posi-,
,i rs, Address T H . cars Chilean Vessel Ecuador Goes
Kast (iregonian.
Wanted Oood. reliable joung man
for steady Job.
Auto Stage.
For Adams. Athena and Weston
.eaves Henning's Cigar Store at 10 s ,
m and 3:30 p m. each day Adv.
The following Pendleton folk spent
Sunday at Bingham Springs: Mr
and Mrs. L. L Rogers, Mr. anil Mrs.
W. L Thompson. Mrs. (leu. Perlnger,
Mr. anil Mre. Sam Thompson, Mr.
and Mrs. N. Anki nj ami son. Mr. anu
Mrs. W. L. Creaswell and children.
Mr and Mrs. Jas. sturgis, Mr. and
Mrs. F E. Judd. Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
liiirgess. Mr. and Mrs. ( has. Cole.
Mr, and Mrs, Edmund liable, Mr.
and Mrs. Koy Abxander, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Power. Mr and Mr.. John;
Estes. V era Temple, Kllfial Perlnger,
Daphne Sweanngen, Catherine
Thompson, Theima Thompson, Hade-1
line Burgess, trmatas Campbell, Kale!
u'Hara. Nellie Hrusha, Lola Rogers.
(Iwendolyn Kogers, Mildred Rogers,
Bertha Dishon, Harold Brock, Frana :
Dickson, Ned Fowler, Don Robinson, I
Hare US May, Henry Judd, Bernetlj
Walker, LeBlle Qlfcbs, Cecil Cole,
Ulan Storle. J. E ITliassll, Ous SchU-
bert, Koy Haley, Chas. McBee, A. H. ;
Cox. J. F. Lleuallen.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirkpatrb k, Mr.;
and Mrs. Earl Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Ed
Kirk Patrick and daughters, Hr. an i
Msr. Fred Bobby, Mr. and -Mrs. Wil
liam Purchase.
Friends of -Miss Dorothy I.ucilej
Hunziker of Portand are receiving ,
announcements of her graduation
from the Portland Acadamy, which 1
took plate on Saturday, July 2'J. Miss
Hunziker plans to enter the Univer
sity of Oregon in the fall.
Miss Elma E ton of Rockford,
Wash., Is a house guest of Miss Daisy
.Mc Pherson. Mia- Ecton will remain
tor a week.
Mr. and Mrs George Hartman. Jr.,'
have left for Seaside for an outing of j
several weeks.
Rev. H. H Hubbell and family have,
moved into the IjOagmeler house, at:
.!', Logan atreet, phone 39SW.
An auto party consisting of Mr
and Mrs. Fred Earl. Mr. and Mrs. I
Ben Burroughs. Miss Edith Johnson.
Miss Norma Allowav, Dr. E. O. Par-:
ker and Harold lllakely. who have
been enjoying a three weeks' toun
through th northwest, returned yes-
tarday. Their trip took them as far
north as Victoria, B. C.
A number Of friends Of Miss Joce-1
lyn Foulkes. of Portland, house guest!
Of Mrs. Norbourne Berkeley, were de-j
I llghtf Ully entertained at an Informal i
little afternoon for which Mrs. John,
Varl was hostess
Mr. and Mrs John 1 McKillway
visited in Walla Walla yesterday. j
i Mr. and Mrs. James H. Srgis mo-1
I tared to Walla Walla yesterday.
Tuesday and Wednesday
Hippodrome Vaudeville
i. ! GIRLS!
The act dainty in a high class offering of Music Song and Dance.
The Aristocrat of Vaudeville "In Exclusive Songs Written by Herself."
Metro Pictures
Edmund Breese
Five Acts of Superb Photoplay Presenting a powerful drama of Alas
kan gold fields and New York social life.
The great tragedy of sins
Must be industrious
gad permanent Letter only, care
XX" Kast Oregonian
Mattress makirg, furniture repa:r-
Down Near Coast of
. Ink, upholstering, called for ana ueuv
consequences in seven awe in ered, city or cointry, La now Bros.
21a Heauregard Pohne 227J.
spiring acts.
The Chi
wrecked drowned.
SANTIAGO. Chile. Auk
lean steam ?uador was
near CoroneL Kort were
The vessel was the property Of the
Argentine Navigation Co. 'tfhp wai
six hundred and sixty tons.
The young ladies and young eeiitle
men of St. Mary s Catholic church
meet this evening with their pastor
at the rectory to talk over the com
ing new church bazaar. The Sewing
Circle will meet Wednesday and Fr.-
daj aftern i of this week at their
rooms Id the rectory. All meetings
are splendidly attended and the treat
est enthusiasm prevails.
Mrs. h L. Jackson of Wellington,
Kansas, went to Portland today after
visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs O. T. McKee for some time. She
was accompanied by Master James
McKee, son of Mr and Mrs. McKee.
A remarkable picture ver
sion of the sensational problem
play that has startled the
1 Rooming house for sale. Main
street In center of business district
' Doing good business. Inquire of Pen-!
land Hros.
Some well bred younn horses will
trade for land or Pendleton property
See H E. Took. 301 Johnson street,
i or phone 211J
For sale1 Five room house, east)
! Court street. Desirable location, clou
j to fthOOL A genuine bargain For
particulars address R. C Jory, !
urn- an- a few iri- on Groceries thai will make them
all nil up and tk' nolle.
Wh NAUTHA soap. itMis
to a Cuatomer Wodneedaj only.
.s Can and liloss stan h Jl 1 'or JJ
i .w.w Ho- T,,: i
p. l Maine tVrn. ir can , .
uua , i. Tnmaloea. K' nn for sot
Van tahiirs Pork and Beans, So, i oaaa, :t for..
t an Camps Pork and Means, , - "
Van Canis Catsup. PWtS
OtulimL l-fi.. cailHk
Itinns. links, jlmas and Mexican Hixls. S for
small White Beans, pound
Hatrhea, noses
uwt to, CniM- Toll Paper 7c
Carnation Milk. Wednesday only, :t for
i ,ai.r.n.ii Peaehca , M'
lira) Kastern Bacon, imhiihi
Churt'hs liraiH' Juice
IA)lgem QaUm Bate OoWee i lb, :ii
TruiiHiMtrent lUt. '"x
Tomatoes. 2 H)iinils
Pi will's. 2
l.nrgc Canleloiiptw. for .
IK. I. White Hi. 7 bars '.
c Usui I While Soiip. 6 lair-
t lor lc
2 for I.V down H.'x'
I for 2.V
IS lb. is hi'
50c, 7.".r and 11.60
pint 2iii': quarl 85c
; .. Ils. SHc: 5 lbs.
IMl lil si IM. PICTL'HK
"Hit Amerttaa Prince," in live Acts,
WHh IM ilawley ami Ui
slar Cast.
' Her American tPrlaoa," in from the
pen of Carl Herbert. having I i
adapted for the screen from Ihe nov
el and play of the same name.
Miss Hawley is seen in the role of
the princess who lalls in love with a
young American physician (Bradlei
Barker ). while he Is on a tour of the
continent. His likeness to the prince
consort is of such a striking nature
that everywhere he is mistaken for
the heir apparent, a altuatioi
brlnrs him no end of unusual ad
ventures. Mr. ltarker essays a dual role, ap
pearing as the prince and latei SI
the young physician Ills work In
th s production stamps him as a vir-j
lie actor who rises to every emer
gency with a vigor that is sure to win:
him much praise.
Those who delighted in the "Pris
oner of Zemin" tnlen will find a re- j
freeing charm In this unusuully In-'
te rest ing story of love and adventure
All the atmosphere of a novel is found
In th s screen presentation which
slooild appeal to eveiybod who ha-i
appreciation lor am ilium romanlH
and I'xcitlnK.
door life shown in the typical Alas
Kan scenes railed for in the story,
ami Buaanne pays nim the compli
ment of saying he is the best ama
teur handler Of a do team eer Seen
south of Nome. The life of the gam
init and dance halls, with faro and
roulette In full operation, the dingy
little cabins of the "sourdoughs '
with their bunks against the walls In
Pullman fashion, all are shown in
"The Spell of the Yukon.' making it
a picture of vivid, realistic interest,
as well as a (tripping story of human
loves and hates. "The Spell of the
Yukon" will he shown at the Alta
theater on Tuesday and Wednesday,
The Star of 1000 Characterizations in
1 The Man from No Where
ip A charming heart interest story of the constancy ot true love ind
H injustice of circumstantial evidence
Alia Theater Tuesday and WtlnVMUi
For the production of "The Spell of
the Yukon.' the new Metro five act
feature picture, based upon the poem
of the same name by Robert V lei
vice and produced by Popular Plays
and Players under the direction ot
Burton King, an entire Alaskan vil
lage was built and set up In the snowy
wastes of Northern Canada. The
work was done under the supervision
Of Jacques .Suzanne, owner and train
er of the dogt eamj used In this splen
did representation of Ufa In the re
gions under the pole. Susanne,
three-fourths ol whose ife has been
spent In the open, knows the life of
the northern ilderncss as perhaps no
other man In America knows II.
Mr. Ilreese revels in the sort of oni-
i rou instant :m I Evidence.
Do you believe that a man should
he convicted of a crime on circum
stantial evidence Whether you do
or not it w 11 pay you to see "The
Man from Nowhere.' w.th the inimit
able tiing Baggot in the leading role,!
He takes the part of James Henon.
who has threatened to kill his sister.
If she does wrong. This unwise!
threat is overhead and when his sis-!
ter is found dead he is speedily con-i
ne, ted with the murder. How he is
finally proven innocent is shown in
th s wonderful Ued Feather produc
tion through which is woven a charm
lag love theme.
Mr. Baggot Is ably supported by'
Irene Hunt, Helen Morten. Joseph1
Qlrard and others equally well
known This feature will be at the1
cos An Tuesday and Wednesday, j
in i; n STAR AGAIN
Win. II. Thonawoa, Who shared Hon
ors With lUlller Hurke In "Vvgti
sivn in New Triangle Play, "The
Appear nx a joint star with Charles
Itay. Triamilo's youthful favorite, In
"The Dividend " la Win. H. Thomp
son, veteran Broadway star, and noted
as one of the most famous character
actors on the speaking stage His first
great success was scored with Dion
BOUCaCaUlt in "The Shaughran " and
ono noteworthy performance has fol
lowed on the heels of another, in the
succeeding years.
Thompson's first picture was the
tremendous Triangle-Ince success,
Hillie Hurke in "Peggy." in which he
achieved new laurels by his masterly
characterization of tile sour oldj
Scotch uncle of the star. Speaking
of that first experience, and of the:
Ince activities as they have since been
revealed to him. Thompson said, a
few days ago:
"1 found in 'Peggy.' to my aston
ishment. that al 1 had to do in
moving p ctures was to do as 1 was
told. I never had a -Ingle retake 1
caught the trick of listening to m
director, and never looking at him.
and that was all that was necessary
"Mr. line is nothing less than a
whirlwind when he is settled dowr
action Sometimes, when I watcn
him at work. It is nard for me to
realize that he Is the young chap who
played my son in 'Father and Son'
only seven years ago."
The part assigned to Thompson in
"The Dividend" is one which give
him every opportunity to display hta
talents for striking ch.u-acterlzatloru
The role of John Steele is thai of a
grinding, heartless despot of the in
dustrial world, whose greed and av
arlee have So crushed his finer feel
ngs that wife and son successively
sink into despair anil death through
his neglect and cruelty
At the Temple tomorrow.
3 reel drama
Tomorrow Triangle Photoplays
Wm. H. Thompson hTLa. n.a..lnl''
and Chas. Ray in I lie 1)1910611(1