DAILY BAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1916. PAGE THREE Stopping the Camera to Tell a Story BIGHT PAGES .1 Watermelons! ICli COLD Wc have an extra fine lot of melons in cold storage all the time. Keeping melons cold for several days so that it's cooled thorough ly making them more crisp and not to be compared with one that has been lying around in a warm store room. We keep our coolers full all the time. You may see them in our display window where the thermome ter stands at thirt) five degrees these warm days. The Dean Mil Co. Telephone 68$ DOWNEY'S MARKET IN CONNECTION Phones 187-188 WHITE TO TOUR FRIENDS ON Monogram Stationery W. B. SMITH & CO. WEDDINfl AND VISITINO CAM ENGRAVERS. MORGAN BUM., PORTLAND. 0! ANSCO CAMERAS HSPEEDEX FILM DON'T let another summer go by without an Ansco. It will add more to the pleasure of your out ings than anything else. All winter and long afterwards you can live over aain with your pictures those good summer days. Let us show you the Ansco line. $2 to $55. Tallman & Co. SEASHORE VACATIONS HEHEYOtJ WILL ITM BW BEST ton LIFE 1, tbe sweet salt breosos of the sea at GBARHART and BEA8IDB, Warm sea water and surf bathing! olf, ten nis, trout ftthlni and other pastimes. DOW COST VACATIONS for the entire family, from 10 per eook (for summer cottage) upwards Hrst hotels, first class cuisine. Son M,,iis abundant Purest mountain wa ter Stopover Is convenient via The NORTH HANK ROAD "'i Ul TWIN p u.m t.s to or from California THE -H M CANTON or THE COLVMB1 RIVER Hid the world-rivaling highway ,k. ui ttu heart of the Cascades to Portland enjoyod from the trains of the NORTH HANK ROAD. Round trip from Pendleton ... llS.lt Send postal for booklet. , ,. local agent Northern Pacific, or O -W. R. N-. or address, R, H. CROMER Asst. Oen. Pass Agt. Portland, Ore. Man Declares He is Mad and Asks to be Put In Salem Asylum VI. ,1. O'BRIEN OF CAMAS, WASH in i i.m:i ri mi. in Q11IIIEH I'ltoM SHERIFF, AI.:'M, ore.. July 31. A man Kiv iik the, name of M. J WUrieii r Camas, vYushinKi rushed to the Offk'C "f police Chief Wel-h (lciiiainl-J I ii k thai he lie Jailed or Kent in the mail house. Welsh dlil mil boHoVO the man crasy but feared lulelde Bel detained him pending Inquiries from the her ii oi Clark county, Washing-1 urn. O'Brien said that losing nu joi with the Wlllann'tte I'.ijht company I had unbalanced hie mind HUGHES SCORED FOR LEAVING THE SUPREME BENCH WASHINGTON. July .11 -Senator I Walsh "f Montana, spirited! attack-1 led Hughes lor .Uiltlng the supreme . bench ami entering pol'.tloa, Benaloi I I Townaend of Michigan, hotly replied . I ; 'ai h declared Hughes' act wa.s the! deadliest MOW" SVST delivered attains! I luiiiio confidence in the supreme I cmirt. He inatnuated that Hughei ' had aspirations when deciding the I "Dnnbury Katten cans." KM NT TAMAI.PAIs U-TltK. namm Cover wide Area or Eminence CUl' SlIH 1'llllll'iMH. SAt'SAi.iTo. Cat, July 11. Mount Tanialpai. is afire. . flames are raging over a widening area a quarter of a mile above West Point "ii the western slope of the mountain, spreading fast in the di rection "i the Rook sprltiKs trail. Mill valley, determined to exert eveiv effort to prevent a recurrence Of the d SaStroQa fire of August. 1913. rushed Hid Tire fighters to the scene on a special train, reaching West Point shortly before 1 o'clock. The blase lumped one of the wide fire trails which had lieen cut above vVeet Point as a praeautlon against dangerous fires. At San Rafael a dense column of staoke rlslu from tbe mountain side la vtgtble. Th.- flame can be seen clearly from the lamalpole tavern I This is the first serious fire on the moUlttagn since the blaze three pearl ago which swept the entire slope, n'eniclng Mill Valley and surround- nit towns. ! it'll VII li OF THE FITTEST" . proprietary medicine like every thing else that comes before the pub-1 He has to prove lbmerit. It has til meet compOUtlon, The law of the 'Survival or the Fittest" applies to I this a- to other things. The Tact jthat Lydla F. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound after forty years of suc cess is sltll one of the largest sellers proves that it la a dependable, stand ard rented) for tbe a intents oi wom ankind, and one in which they may have perfect confidence. Adv. 'li Hi SI ALENTINE GRANT AND SIDNEY OtCOTT, STAR AND DIRECTOR FOR FAMOUS PLAYERS IN PARA MOUNT PICTURES. Pcorile hesltntc In the waltz and the 20th Century Limited seeinincly does at a few places on Its way to Chl- mta Mil It'l even more nre for I director to stop in the midst of the making of a picture, and then for he namong "f nrtaflBI some Irish witticism on a star, nut that's what happened when Sidney Olcott. director, 11,1 while niaklne "The Innocent Li," in which Valentino ilrant is starred. That's why the picture was taken. Speaking of fun and rests and hesitations in photoplay work, it is apropos to remark thut holding down a posl l.tj in notion pictures is not a cinch One little star said that 'if yon are ktokkkl for work, select something else lie translatlns the Bible Into rhlnose. looplus the moin in an aeroplane, com ata a hrand new opera, stopping the ar In Europe ur making Ihe dove of peace settle down for life In Mexico; but don't class the Job of a screen star Ith any of those as a 'cinch.' " III (.III s -,i-i;r.( II. 1 1 n t In iic',1 Mom paKe one I mentable sacrifice ol international re- putei" Mr Hughes continued: "The dealings of tbe admlnistial on with Mexico constitute a confuaoO chapter of blunders. We have not helped Mexico She I es prostrate, impoverished, famine stricken, over whelmed with the woes ami outrages of Intrmectne strife, me helpless vic tim of a eondldithm of anarchy, h ch the course 0t the administra tion served only to promise. We Rave Eneanlea, Not l'r 'nds "For ourselves we have Witnessed the murder of our clUseOS and the de struction of their property, We have enemies, noi frtsnda instead of commanding respect and deserving i; 1 wl!l 1" ainterlty, firmness and consistency, we provoke ralsapprehen. Ston ami daap resenitnent. "In the light "t the conduct Of the admlntstraUon no one could undas- stand Its profession. Decrying inter ference we interfered most exaeper- . Ilimls Wo have Mot even kept out of actual conflict, and the sou of MMlco is stained with the blood of OUT soldiers. "We have resorted to physical in - tsrfarence, only to retire without gaining the professrd Object It is a I AUGUS f ( j f 1 1 4 V 1 Silk record which cannot be without a profound sense i examined f humllia- Vcira Crns Invasion railed war. "In the spring of 114 occurred the capture of Vera vYuz. It appeared that a shipload of ammunition for i Huerta wa- about to enter that port There was a natural opposition f" , this invasion and a battle occurred, In .which Is American.- and over 111" i Mexicans were killed This, of course, Was war. Our dead soldiers were jprased for dying like heroes in I I war of service. "Later, we retired from Vera Cruz. giving up this nolde warfare. We ha" not obtained the salute w hkh was de ! mended We had not obtained repar tition for atfionts. The ship with am- munition, which could not land at Vera Cruz had soon landed at anoth - er port, and it- cargo was delivered to Huerta without interference. Merc Pretext.'- Sa Hngbes, "We are new Informed that we did ' hot go to Vera Cruz to force Huerta i to salute the flag.' We are told thai I we were In earnest in our demand that Hiieru must go. That is. we seized Vera Crua to depose Huerta. 'luestion of ihe salute was a j pretext. , "Meanwhile the administrate I tariy failed to perform ita obvloi ty to secure protection for the Suits Sacrificed Take your choice of any silk suit in our stocic. Everv- suit now tliis season. Cloth Suits Must We are determined to close out every cloth suit that now J remains. Economical women will take advantage of the spe cial offerings in cloth suits, some being Bold at Le ig Thun Half the former prices. ur citizens It iV I ,,nd property of most unworthy to stur those who; have Investments In Mexico in order' to escape a condemnation lor the non-performance of th s doty, Ther ran be no such escape, for we have no delate as to the existence of this dutj on the part of our government Mexico Left to evolution. "Destroying the government Ol Huena. we left .Mexico to the ravages ..: revolution. 1 shall ii"t attempt t" narrate the sickening story of th harhnrltlaa committed, of the carnival Ol murder and lust. We were then ! we will not contemplate meddlesome told thai Mexico was entitled to SP ill j interference with what does not con as much blood as she phased to settle ! cern us, but that we propose to insist :;, r .fairs in a firm and candid manner upon The SanU rWbel massacre, the the performance of international ob- : raid . er i ,,r j jjne at Columbus, the bloodshed at j ligation. at, aie fresh n our minds Aft- "To stable government appropriate le Columbus raid we started a ; ly discharging its international duties, live expedition.' We sent a thin i we should give ungrudgingly support. if troops hundreds of miles Itltol Rexti " between twi neither of which Wt use and wh.ch we d erty to seize We ' mis- on to enter th nes of railwaj . 'ere allowed to j not feel at lib-j re reiused per :owna Regarded as Menace by Mexicans. Though thus restricted, the enter prise was still regarded by the Mex. cans as a menace, our troops faced the hostile forces and it is not ro le that our men t ell at Car What other result could be ex- -2 Pnce Dainty, ed lawns, are most in demand. SO R0 Siimmar rir,st now Go! Big Showing of Silks Tomorrow you will find nothing but Silks on display at Alexander's. We have so many new patterns of Silks that it is ne ci ssary to use our entire counter space to display them. Be sure to stop in Wednesday and you will see some of the most beautiful silks ever displayed in Pendleton. The Daylight Store; Better Good, Latest Style, Prompt and Courteous Attention. Start the month right by giving Alexander's your first Grocery order. ALEXANDERS peeled.' We were ordered to wuh-j draw, and without accomplishing our purpose we have been Withdrawing and we are now endeavoring to safe guard our own territory. "The entire national guard has been ordered out, and many thou sands of our citizens have been taken from their peaceful employment and buiried to the Mexican border by the administration to seize and punish Villa for his outrage on our soli. It has not punished anyone, we went in only to retire and future movements are apparently to be determined by a joint commission. Xo Policy of Agsresaion. The nal.on has no policy of ag gression toward Mexico. We have no desire for any part of her territory We wish her to have peace, stability and prosperity. Wa should be ready j to aid her in binding up her wounds, i in relieving her from starvation and distress and in g.ving her in every j practicable way me nn ui ! disinterested friendship. "The conduct of tnis admlnistra- Hon has created difficulties which we shall have to surmount. We shall have . 1 ..n,,n.,,k, nu.lloUlV to overcome u.r . created b mat eonuuei uuu w " i p genuine respect ami luiioutu We shall have to adopt a new policy a policy of firmness and consistency through which alone we can promote an enduring friendship Demands I'pon Mexico. We demand from Mexico the pro. taction Of the lives and the property of our citizens and the security of our border from depredations Much will be gained If Mex. is convinced A short period of firm consistent anil friend!) dealing will accomplish mors than many years of vacillation." Dtacnsses Aiucrbiinism Issue, Mr. Hughes then turned his atten t on to the Issue Of Americanism. He said: In thi- land of composite popula tion. dra.ng iis strength from every race, the national security demands that there shall be no paltering with American rights, Tbe greater the danger of divided influences, the mm SUMMER DRESSES AT CLEARANCE Sale Prices cool looking frocks of voile, organdie, f lower- . etc.. at temptingly ew prices nghi $10.50 Summer Dresses, now $12. oO Summer Dresses now M 4.0) Summer Dresses, $16 50 Summer Dresses, 11.85 greater Is the necessity for the uni fying force of a just, strong and Pa triotic positiop. flail Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines. Auto-Intoxi-catlon. Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis and other fatal ailments' result from Stomach Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owethelr com plete recovery to Mayr's Wonderfol Remedy. Unlike any other for Stom ach Ailments. For sale by druggists everywhere, Don't gaffer! Get dime pack of Dr. James' Headache Powders. You can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. James' Headache Powder. This old time headache relief acts almost magi cally, i Send some one to the drug store now for a dime package and s few mo ments after you take a powder you will wonder what became of the head ache, neuralgia and pain. Stop suffer ingit's needless. Be sure you get what you ask for. BEFORE You let any work in our line, don't forget to get our prices. Estimates gladly furnished on any kind of stone, brick and cement work. S. RUGO & CO. Telephone 461 when they A r JML V..' S7.U5 8.75 !S?)..r, i STOPS HEADACHE PAN NEURALGIA I I Mil km rm -the spell or the Yukon t ,1... BHSSSBSSJ