East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 01, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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auaunu a w , . a I.-. I mi, 7-iri J'" J !..t I., I J..I JJ TOT
Extraordinary Values Await You at
Where Its Pays to Trade
You'll find it pleasant and profitable to shop here
New Cool Silk Waists
AT $2.75
We have just unpacked an unusually interesting assortment of new Tailored
Silk Waists. They are made of cool Chira Silk, Japanese Habutae and Tub
Silks. The colors are white, fleih, pink, yellow, peach and light blue, also
assorted colored candy stripes on white background. Large collar, frill fronts
and turn back cuffs are some of the style features shown. These waists are
specially priced at $2.75. See wondow display.
Every Parasol in the house is included in this. Every one the newest shapes,
colorings and styles. Every one this season's purchase; values 50? to $12.50.
We must not carry any over to next year. Buy yours now at Vj-Price.
A full and complete showing of plain and fancy track toweling in stock now.
Best in quality and finish; nine designs; shown in 15 and 18 inch widths. The
yard 25? to $1.00.
The one fabric that is made for real wear; 32 inches wide; fast color; shown
in a big variety of stripes, checks, plaids and plain colors. The yard 20C.
Several big lots of Shoes just turned over to this Cash Saving Department to be cleared out at these ex
ceptional low prices:
Women's High Tops 10 inch tops, come in
lace, the new toe, the new high heel, shapely
shoes made on the most correct foot form lasts.
Both patent leather and dull calf. Sizes to 8,
widths C, D. and E. Spec. Clearance Pr. 83.29
Women's Dress Shoes Regular tops, come in
button. High heel, the new shapely toe and made
on a last that you can wear with plenty of com
fort. The lot contains nearlv all sizes, 2 'A to 8.
Widths C. D. E. and EE. Special Clearance
Price $2.79
Women's Dress Patents Here is the shoe
you've been looking for, a dressy patent with an
8 inch cloth top, lace, with the long vamp and
high heel. The dressiest of all shoes. A big run
of sizes and good widths. Special Clearance
Price ?2'79
Men's Shoes Both work shoes and dress shoes,
of good honest leather and foot form lasts. Why
buy the cheap trashy shoes when you can get
solid leather shoes at prices even cheaper. $1.98.
82.35. ?2.47, $2.98. $3.17.
White Shoes and Pumps at the lowest Bargain prices,
the family.
Hundreds of shoe bargains for every member of
-T i 7 D. L7J CI 3Phones
1 . r. w . r ure 1 ouu unup Afl 15
Watermelons Fresh shipment just in; choice ripe,
sweet, melons, pound 2'2k
Umatilla Peaches Extra fancy Elbertaa, box $1.00
New Swiss, Bluehill, Roquefort and Camenbert -type
Cheese, fresh by express.
Canteloupes Extra choice melons; medium Bjze
4 for 25?; large size 3 for 2tr
Tomatoes Home grown, ripe smooth stock 8
pounds for ;r
Boiled Ham The choice ham, sliced on the clean
est meat machine in Pendleton, pound 45c
The Peoples Warehouse
1 iwrwsHwwmymffiasss
Where It Pays to Trade
(Knst Oregoninn Special I
I'KlAH, Ore, Aug. 1. Lust Sun
day when returning rrom the Hid-n-Way
spring. Arthur foots and Katie
Constants mine nenr meeting With "
serious accident. The neckyoke
hroke and the team -stinted to run
and COUldd with a U'ee. thrOWilUj
both Ihe nnnlWIIH out and Ihe hug
gy wheels passing over Mr. Foote
fortunately they were not hurl, hut
some damage was done to both buggf)
a nl harness.
Bora, Friday, July Hit, to Mr. and
Mrs. stllford Marl n. a seven pound
lierl keelicy ulld wile id Hale Were
in I'kiuh Saturday on business.
William Warden, Dlackamlth, was
t Ui ked on the arm iasi Friday while
, shoeing a wild home and is now off
1 forty.
J. t. Huston is now working a craw
j of men on ihe .North Folk grude.
cleaning the lock OUI of Ihe road.
Which will greatly relieve the mmds
I of those who have to travel over it.
J. H. Wagner visited over Sunday
i al the W.utherlow r im h.
A fi-hing party and pienle was en-
I joyed on f a mas creea last Sunday by
1 the following n una. peple from
Uklah: Frankle. 11a and t'luir Stur
! Ulvant, Dickey and Helen De Vuul,
(Gladys Boynton, era (."lark. .Mosaic.
lUordon ami i.ouis Rat tit, Henry Nye
I and Marion Martin. i
! Al Portal 01 Long creek, passed
through Uklah Tuaaday with ion
J head of line heel' cattle driv ng Iheui
, to market.
Helen lisengs of Bridge croak cams
j over Tuesday and will leave I'kiah
I W ednesday tor Frailer station for a
j week's outing with her sutler, Mrs
: Allison.
a number ol Ukiahites vetted at
Rtdaway bpringa last Sunday. Among
those soing were licit Andrus and
Wile, Will Hanger and wile. Frank
i 11 Ibert and Wile, Jesse Hilnert ami
I wile. Ilelle, Clara ami Helen Mckcn
j zie, Vol, Allien and Virgil i'eterson
and Qrace and Kay Hlnkie.
I Ueorga I aldwell and Henry Nye
I left for liitter Monda to set up some
I hinders which the Wagner-Caldwell
'o. had sold over there, returning
Wednesday evening.
L. (1. Huston lost u Valuable mare
i Wednesday wh ch died very inddi n.
.Mr. OroottW of John Kay, was in
j I'kiah Bunnal night on business.
in. Ue Vaul was called to vlsli
I Mrs John iiarnson :asi Sunday , who
was very ill at the home Dt her iiiotn
er, Mr.', lleeves.
Mis. H.cks of Pendleton, was visit
ing for a lew duys this week in I k nth
With friends.
Ivan Warden of Portland, arrived
Saturday to assist his lather n the
' luunberiain blacksmith shop.
Fred Fedler. Andrew Kdling, Her
man Kosennaum were in Uklah Wel
neHua on land buslne.-s.
Clay Porter of Long Creek was reg
istered at the Peterson hotel Wed
nesday night.
fjeorgs Tonkin came In Tuesday
and I. Derated six more eraies ol the
China pheaaanta. .Many ol those
turned loose last year wintered line
and everyone ioojts forward to the
speedy increase of them.
a. s. Quant and daughter, Myrtle,
Dr. ie vaul ami daugntar, Dickey,
made a tup to Hnlaway springs and
rack Wednesday, bringing baojc bim
lly uu.mi. who has been soeudiui; a
r'B'JgggHH g 7Pai4nsnv s. Jfava
He's cured our gouts and indigestions by picturing the
-Foolish Questions," that idle gents are always asking ;
and in his genial humor basking, we can forget a while
the Borrows that seem to threaten our tomorrow,
This Goldberg is so dad-blamed
funny he makes all human life
mora sunny; when you are look
ing at his drawings you cease your
frettings and your pawings, and
just lean back and grin and chortle,
and say, "His fun is more than
mortal." His wit is sure an end
less bloomer, and naught can stay
his flow of humor. As he main
tains his pictured joking, the rich
Tuxedo he is smoking. No doubt
while plying his vocation, he finds
in that an inspiration, like count
less others, who, as winners, find
"Tux" as useful as their dinners.
Citato' of "FoeUth Qu.
Host." "I'm lAeCev.
MWi Cartoon: Ht.
"I find in TwctJo a gooJ
letccco. lit ftafoiKt and
flavor an fir. I um II refu
ta'ly and endt.iu II hihly te
all my jntndl.
John Howard and family irom
Monument, passed through I'kiuh
Fiiduj en route to Athena where tin v
will make their future home.
A number of L'kian people went to I
!, hin !' siprings Saturday to help
eelebrule I'ilot itoek day there.
William Fourier. Sr.. and w ife are ,
camped at the Hid-a-waj springs, ex-
pec ting to remain there durlBI Ihe
Vol I'eterson is hu.ldliiK a new i
bungalow on one of his lots.
Mr John Fwtng and Mrs. Hynd
and children, were in 'own Friday!
from the Hynd ranch.
phoned Feukhuiisen. telling him that
her hUSbafi4 had gone to the court
houae about u o'clock in the morn
ing and had not returned. With the
aid of the night watchman Fenkhauii.
en gained entrance M the chambers
and made the gruedome discovery.
The body wus taken to the morgue
In charge of Deputy Coroner Smith
MM Bulla r btMUM hysterical at
the news of his death and la In a se
rious condition.
BulgB had oeen Tck for three or
tour years and during that time un
derwent two operations. It la to this
Illness that his xuiride ! attributed.
Harry Bulger, Despondent
Over 111 Health, Puts
Bullet in Brain.
PORTLAND, July 31 Seated ln gj
ehalr in the Chambers of Judge flc
ton's court in the court house, Harry
Bulger, chief probation officer .it
Multnomah county, committed suicide
by sending a bullet from a II revol
ver through his head The tuillet
passed out the other side and ludg-j
ed in the wall.
The body was found last ninht
about 7 o'i lock bj it. Penkhsuaen,
his brother-in-law and n Wagner,
nikiii watchman ot the oourthouei
lie had been dead "or several hours.
Yesterday afternoon his wife tele
Chairman Burnett of the committee
mi immigration was talking Indlg
MUttl) about Japanese picture bridge.
Is I wtiom eiiterent America last
"These proxy m picture weddimpi '
.iir Chairman llurnerl. "look very rn
mantk on their face, hut at bottom
th,- are sorbid enough
"They remind me a little of the
wiling fellow on the pier who stood
on an ash laurel waving his handker
chief frantically at a departing ship
"Come on! Let's go to lunch.' a
friend said, looking up at the chap
on Ihe barrel, 'You've waved enough
onie on!'
"No I can't,' panted the waver,
and he Mapped his handkerchief hur
del than before.
"Can't? vh not '
" 'Btla'S got a fleol glass ' "
Book, on
I Mailed Free to J
AoihelSirey-lsZhy Baby
Thai's ii loyal and natural feeling nil mothers have. Then make
your desire i. assurance by wring "Mother's Fr L" its beneOdal
qualities will conserve your own health nmi itrragth and make babv'i
coming easier ami lis fntOM health SeCUrt, (let It at VOW druggUll
Send for Hi,, free hook.
-j U.Bradheld Re(lulaioT Co ?1 LmnrDldyj. AlUnijCal-
KoAH.'oe Dickenson tu
iiiist'i,t' Shaw Mini
wer n i'kiuh Wedni
u' iniiii ii mi itet-l ctiu
pr Dlckenton and fanul)
pMSMt'd tilliiUKh I KliHI
IfOifm on in tlie sHiUlC 01
remain a
j French
ilfht with
rout' to
Young Aberdeen Mill Worker
Gets $100,000 for Making
a Man of Himself.
Broken Steering Knuckle Caus
es Accident Near Hood
AHEllKKK.V Wash. July 29
In-iven from the home ,,f wealthy Bal
tilmore parents for his conduct. Je
rome K Partington wandered to Cos
sasgMISj and became a mill worker
TaSlarda) he received a reward for
his efforts lo make a man of himself.
Ha received word that he was heir
to glliO ooo. r ha given up his
ion and lett :i the east to claim hi
The last year of the youth's life
leads like a motion picture melodra
ma lie wa- a lover "f the "white
w q When arivea from home he
cane west, inking a ' onimon labor
er's Job at I'osmopolis. one day he
wrote a In o f note to his lather on a
Btsce t lumber. .isk:iiK the party wh
received it lo coinunloaU witlr hs
t.itlnr. ami th. i ..stern party who re
ceived tin lumber did so. in response
to this he received Itter from his
father forgiving him slid lelllng him
oi his inheritance.
Young Darlington attributes his re
fr.un partly to the dry law He say
lie ha not "touched a drop" since he
came to I'onmopulls and that he Isgo
luii BUIM different man and one of
whom his parents need not lie ashamed.
Portland, juu- ii. NaiMwiyl
sacaplng death when their auto
plunged down a steep embankment;
and turned turtle about two miles
this side of Hood River, Charles Ire
monger and James I'ooper of Fossil. 1
"ire. and 'Tiarles Zemendon and
wife of Mitchell. Ore., were brought
to Portland by train yesterday after
noon, all suffering irom serious in
juries. Mr. CobpUff wa the most seriously
hur. .s ustaining three fractured ribs,
several bruise and ft la feared lhat
he may be injured internally. He w.n
taken ta SMd Samaiitan Hospital
and his companions were conveyed to
the Imperial hotel where medical at-,
tentio.i was given them.
The party was en route to Portland
rrom Fossil when the accident occur
red. Leaving their home town Mat
urday the. members spent that night
al The Ualles, starting on their Jour-,
ney from there yesterday. Passing
through Hood Itlver In the afternoon,
they had just descended a steep hill
a couple of miles west of that town'
when the accident occurred.
Sir. Cooper was driving about eight
miles an hour at the time. The. steer.
Hef knuckle brok Just as the hot-!
I torn of the hill was reached. The
car shot over the bank, turned turtle
and landed In a ditch about 10 feet
below, bottom side up.
Woman is Thrown out.
As the car turned over, Mrs. Ze
bendon was catapulted over the frail
of it. She was still stunned urhen
picked up later.
Mr. Cooper, who clung to the wheel
was pinned under the vehicle,
seek to equalize their temperature by
who were occupying the rear seal
were hurled from the machine. Mi
Zebendon. who already had a broken
inkle which he Intended to have
treated in Portand, landed on the
back of his head and back. Mr. Ire
monger lit on his feet
Several auto parties witnessed the
accident ami rushed to the gaaiatance
of the victims. The latter were taken
to the railroad track a lew yards dis
tant and O.-W. It. & N. train No. !
which arrived a short time later, wa
IlaKKed. Conductor ijrandy anil the
oilier members of the crew assisted
them aboard and r. Cat hey of Con
don, who happened to be a passenger,:
rendered first aid. ah h sorr who
wus on the train, telegraphed for
ambulances lo meet the victims In
Portland. I
Swift 7 Co., of Chicago, and Ihe I 'or
letts of Portland, recently purchased
the p. ranch on the Hlilzen river,
containing about i.'di.ouo acres.
Mi st of this land is irrigated and
ii is of the beat In Baetern Oregon.
It Is reported that they are now sur
veying t his large tract Into so and
l'10-acre tracts for the purpose of
colonising them with people who Will
live on the land and farm It. There
will he room for about lOnu families
on this tract.
It is also reported that the Oregon
& Bantem Railway win be extended
from Crane to a point on the Blltsen
Gladys Hoynlon of Pendleton, Who
lias been spending the summer with
Mis. i. it. Laurence, returned to her
Home rnurauay.
ens. i.ay t oCtln "t iir.dge creak, Is
visiium tor a I. w days at the home
of It. ti. (.'lark.
Weaa TWeedy has returned tu
I k,ah after a few months' absence.
William Ideengs of liridge Creek,
was in Lkiun Tnur.-day on DUaineaa,
.Mrs Lane of Walla Waba, who has
been spending the summer with sir.
Swifts and Corhrtt Ih-portcd tu Id'
I caul y to ('ot I'p Huge Tre1.
CRANK, Ore., July II. E. F.
Swift and ". Ii. Swift, Chicago pack
ers; Frank Ixmelly and I J. Jensen,
of Heatrice, Neb., are inspecting their
new holdings In Harney county;
Vernon Motchenbacher, Form
er Head of Klamath Falls
High Chosen.
KLAMATH KAI.I.S.f Ore.. Aug. I.
Vernon T Motchenbacher, a mem
ber of the faculty of the Klamath
county high school or ihis city for the
past two years, has resigned his poet
tlon to accept the prlndpalshlp of
the Washington grammar school at
Med ford this fall.
Mr. Motchenbacher is a graduate of
ihe University of Oregon and the lo
cal high school.
Mr. Motchenbacher's successor has
not been chosen.
gUtal at the Peterson bob
high! en route to her home.
Mrs. Bird.a itamey of Bridge creek,
wus in town Friday trading.
I'elix .Johnson and Will McFhcrsnn
of Bitter, panned through Uklah
Thursday With a fins bunch of heel
Allien and Virgil Peterson made B
trip to pilot Cock ani) back Thursday .
taking Qrace and Kay Hlnkie and
Qladyi Boynton down and bringing
.Mis. Burr ilinkle tabCk, who will
hjh ml a tew days nere W th her
brother, Vol Peterson and anally.
Mrs. ifaddog oi Arlington, passed
IhroiiKh I'kiah Frlda., en route to
Long creek to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Bert Hall.
Mrs. j. w. Robiaon of Pendleton
and Mrs. v. w, Cavinew of Vale ar
rived on the auto truck Thursday to
viHlt a short time with their brother.
Charley Welch.
Hob Fanning of Long (.'reek, was
a I'kiah visitor Wednesday night.
J. h Wagner left for Pendleton
Thursday on business.
The weather has been very cold
for the last week and the heavy
frosts of the last few nights have In
Jured the gardens and potato crop,
cialr Sturdivant has had the mis
fortune to get two good saddle horses
cut on barb wile within the last two
Your Income
Your Expenses
What relation do they bear to one an
other? Are you spending less than you
earn? Dc you place the difference in a
Savings Account?
No matter if the difference is only One
Dollar, this bank invites your account and
pays 4 compound interest.
i' Drink Soda in Bottles I
the most sanitary way.
It's pure and easy to keep cool.
We bottle, sell and deliver to your home
good as any in the state.
Agency for Weinhard's Golden Nector
the fine summer drink.
Pioneer Bottling Works
Paul Hemmelgam, Prop.
Telephone 177. Quick delivery a feature.