East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 01, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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I Till It
Minimum temperature lo mln1
mum 56; rainfall. : wind, west, gen
He; weather, clear.
'I he Kant OrtMC'mlaD ha.- the larireat t
fide and guuruuictHl paid fin -ilatlun of anr
taper In On goo, cant of i'mtlund auil ty
far the laryt-at circulation iu IVi.dlet.in ol
v newspaper
NO. 8876
VOL. 28
Republican Nominee for President
Attacks Administration on All
Hall 1 tilled Willi Republican lasad
m A OurJldatu 1 Formally No
tified ol 11 Oi""" to Load the At
laak on IToaidcnt Wilson Iu oni-
lllg IXIIIlUUlgn.
viimi- Vllll.k JulV 11. Ill A
lengthy speech at i.-arnegie ball last .
. v, inn,, Charles Uvans Hughes ac-j
I ,.jitod the republican nomination for ,
the presidency and told why the peo-
lle should return tlx republican to I
Senator Wain ii G. Harding ol
Ohio, who was i hail in. in uf the Chl
,io convention made the Comal
speech notifying the former HI pre BP 1
iV.iUitt Justice of his nomination, and
, the hall was filled with representative
Icpubllcans who ruM to hear the:
campaign Issues outlined b their.
, and. date
Mr Hughes devoted most of j
ip'ruih to ait attack upon the Wilson
administration, severely criticising t t
lor iln foreign policy The speaker '
devote. much t me to the Mexican
oueslloll. and took occasion to deilnei
his altitude on the Issue "f American-1
Hie KcpulnVaii mandate'- Spew..
Mr Hughes said.
This invasion Is more than a mere i
. ci-inuny of notlfieatlon. We are
not here to indulge 19. formal expres-i
Moris We Con I" state In a plan.
and direet manner our faith, our pur
pose and our pledge. This repiesen
I it.ve gathering Is I happy augury . J
It RMMI the strength of reunion. It
not IX that the parlj Of Lincoln It I
restored, alert, effective. It meanr,
the unity of a eommon pereeptlon ol
paramount national needs. It means
that we are neither deceived nor be-
noMbered by abnormal condition.
"We know that w are in a crltcal
period, perhaps more er. Ileal than
nay period Irtnce the olvU war Wej
need a dominant sense ol national1
unity the exercise or our hest eon- j
sinictlve powers, the vigor and re- i
Hour. efulness of a qu cKened America.
We desire that the republican party
as a great liberal parly shall be the
agency of national M hlevement, the I
..ii of the. effective expression ofj
dominant Americanism
mcr . First and America Efficieiii.
"What do I mean by that I mean
America eooxloOJ r her power,
, eake to obligation, erect In self re-1
speut, prepared tor evert emergency, i
devoted to the ideals of peace. Instinct,
with the spirit or human brotherhood. J
safeguarding both Individual oppor
t ii ii 1 and the puhltc Interest, main-j
tainmg a well ordered constitutional
system adapted to local self govern-!
mi nt without the sacrifice of essen-
n. ii national authority, appreciating
ihe necessity of stability, export
knowledge and thorough organization
us the Indispensable eondttlOM ol se-
eunty and progress, a country leav
ened by Its .'itlzens with a patriotic
fervor ermlttlng no division In their j
allegiance and rlvnt in their affec-
A mean America first and Amer
leawficlent it is in Ihto aplril i re
spond to your summons.''
Attacks Wilson Administration,
Mr. Hushes attacked the present
administration for its record in lor
elgn relations.
At the very beginning of the pres
ent administration.' he said, "where
In the direction of diplomatic inter
cotiree then, should have been con
sj iiiiiih strength and expertness we
had weakness and Inexpertnese. In
stead of assuring respect, wo Invited
distrust of our competence and spec
ulation as to our capacity for firm
ness and decision, thus entailing many
difficulties which otherwise easily
could have been escaped."
He accused the president of having
removed capable foreign representa
tives In order to satisfy "deserving
democrats," referring particularly to
the Snnto Domingo affair and the re
moval of Ambassador Herrlck from
International Repute Sacrificed,
"The point Is not that the man was
Ambassador Herrlck or that the na
tlon was France, but that we Invited
the atentlon of the world to the Inex-
usable yielding of national Intercut
to partisan expediency. It was a la-
(Continued on Page Three.)
pilot Rock Couple Married.
In the presen f a few friends,
Emery C. KnOttl and Flora M. Sever
snn of Pilot RoCk were married Inst
night at Ihe Methodist church by BeV,
C A. Hodshlre. They expect to make
their home In Pilot Rock where the
groom Is engaged In business. Mr.
,nd Mrs. Knott went to Walla Wal
la this morning on k short honeymoon.
NEW YORK, Aug. 1. Hughes' keynote speech ap
parently pleased all the republicans. It convinced both
republicans and democrats that Hughes' principal issue
will be Wilson's Mexican policy. It also plans to attack
inadequate preparedness and the tariff. New York
newspaper comment was as follows:
Tribune "One clear note ran through all Hughes'
speech. It was a challenge of incapacity and an indict
ment of failure. It is rightly an indictment of Wilson's
scattering point of view."
Times "Little new matter appears in the speech. It
w ill be remembered he wishes to make the Mexican ques
tion the burning issue, so hyphenated citizens may show
World "Hughes' acceptance is a public confession of
a candidate without an issue and without a policy. His
polity is of firmness. But what form does the firmness
take? War or intervention?"
Sacramento Union "It is a poor convention speech
handling grave problems along narrow partisan lines.
Hughes' weak, wobbling words will lose thousands of
Sacramento Star "Hughes' address is the weakest po
litical declaration in years. The real progressive element
Is disgusted by his palaver."
Only a Few Brave
Enough to Dare The
Round-Up Hat Law
The day broke clear anil
id with it MetM an influx
of loyal
Pendleton boosters with Hound-Cn
hat As yet there have been no heal
prostrations caused by an overheated
head, although many remonstrati il
agninsl wearing them at this earl
As predicted, a lew won
down oth
er styles of homi' ls and were dealt
with accordingly The first one to
meet with the almighty unwritten lav.
was James S. Johns, well known and
respected young man Some of the
nu n w ho hated their last year's derby I
or straw, but who had always uses
prevented from buying another be
, niiu., n the economy platforms ol
their wives, wore them down and pa-1
railed in order that at last they might'
be relieved thereof.
Ml moinlmr official scouts were i
on the streets pussyfooting about and
getting tab on offenders. If they
have not been ascertained and given
justice, they will be Mean wun mm
allot in Tomorrow the oan on or
dinary lids will be lifted for a time,
Rainfall Three in.
Above the Normal
As shown by the official rec
ords of the weather bureau
kept by E. F. Averill, the rain
fall at Pendleton for the past
season has been 16.83 inches,
wheeras the normal preclplta-
Hon for a season Is -14 OS inches.
S.nce January l the rainfall
has been 12.44 against a nor- 4
mal or 8.67. During July there 4i
was .41 Inches which la a frac-
tion under the normal. i
The hottest day oflthe season
thus far was Sunday when
the mercury went to 101. The
coldest period of the summer
Was on 'he night of July 3, the
temperature being 42 above
There were 26 clear days dur
ing July, four cloudy days and
one partly cloudy. On five
days there was sufficient rain
to measure.
1 A A A A A
Life Size Figures Will Depict
Round-Up on Depot Grounds
Four life size rigures depict ing dlt
Cerenl reatures of the Round-Up will
soon beautify the O.-W. park. The
figures are now being sotuvtructed by
Kern and Wrighl. sign painters The
plan was hit upon as the most novel
way of advertising the big show
The figures will be a cowboy on a
bucking horse, a cowgirl on a bronco,
n Umatilla Indian on a buffalo and
a cowboy in full attire. The figures
For Home
RAIT1MOHK, Vug. I, (Svial to I
the Ijist otvminlitn) The Deutsoh
land -it lied ai :SS i. m. (Baltimore
time.) QnMttnf launches anil tugs
lianl.cd the submarine Miroute. The j
iis- channel was drained for hidden
mines. Police boats prevented private
vessels from approaching, t the time
the Deutschland -nihil the ullicd war-
awaited ontsldr the three ml
limit homing to destroy Ihe mtMMV
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. Police
Chief White has received a letter sign
ed "W, G." Tin' writer said the plot
ters offered him I wo hundred dollars
to place the bomb suitcase near where
Nfayor Rolph and Governor Johnson
Makes Dash
m were passing. He rerused. am osotar
4ed the conspirators finally employed a
j German to leave the bomb for a hun-
j deed and fifty dollars. He said the
Herman went to San Diego and crossed
the border. The w riter asserted he
was afraid to reveal his name or testi-
fy in court lest he be murdered. He
claimed to be a native son of the
Golden West.
will be placed In a most conspicuous
position on the park so that each and
. very train passenger through Pen
dleton may have a small visual pic
ture of the show. Back of the fig
ures will be placed a sign with the
dales of the show.
The signs will be cut from beater
board and so built that they will he
able to withstand the changes of the
weather. With this construction the
figures can lie used each year. They
will be set up with ii two weks.
White Approved by
' 1 '
RtP. CLluoe KrcHty
A perfectly sane and sober man -n
congress, and, in fact in all Washing
ton, may wear a white summer suit
Without attracting unpleasant atten
tion, as these photographs prove. For
here Is the majority leader. Claude
Kiuhin of North Carolina, in a suit
which might attract attention in
Youth. I- oii'v One Hocognlxahle Aft
er Fatal Aocfdesrt Bes) of crew
Too Horribl) Mangled to ito iden
tified. ST. HK1.KNS. Ore.. Aug 1. Trill
ped like ruts in a cage. lx men w ot
blown to bits by a premature expli
Ion In the county quarry eight miles
north of here on the Columbia river
highway this afternoon. Out of the
mass of human Wreckage, which
strewed Ihe scene of the disaster, the
only body that could be recognize'!
was that of 16-year-old Eeroy Lew
Is The rest were so horribly torr. ;
and mangled that identification was1
The dead:
Henry Lewis. 4". St. Helens, and
his son Leroy.
Joseph Keelan. 19, 241 Cook street.
tSeorye Hammer, 32, St. Helens.
Herman BOSS,, 10, Warren.
(Continued on Page Eight.)
Oregon Militia Head
Office is Removed
to Impe.ial Beach
SAN 11K Aug. 1--The head
quarters of the third regiment uf the
Oregon militia, were moved from
Palm City to Imperial Beach, Inly a
lew failed to pass the physical tesls.
B. C. Second, Well Known in
Northwest Railroad Circle
Had Splendid Record.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. May have re
turned from Spokane where they at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Mny's
brother-in-law. H. C Secord. veteran
Northern Pacific engineer who died
in that city lost week. Mr. Secord
had a number of friends in this city
and was well known in the railroad
world of the northwest.
He was the oldest engineer in point
of service on the Idaho division o!
the N. P.. and had the repulutlon o!
being Ihe most efficient and the saf
est engineer on the division He was
In the service for 34 years and made
a record to which his friends pointed
with pride He was never In a
wreck of oon-equence and but one
death occurred beneath the wheels of
his engine, that of n drunken Indian
w!io had fallen asleep on a curve
Congressional LealVlORE THAN 500 HAVE
tines n..nNN
northern cities Here too. is James
B Mann, leader of the minority, in
a similar suit. Mr. Mann of Illinois
I a plan matter of fact citizen from
the neck down. otherwise he Is
known a. a very able citizen. Neith
er fears white. In fact, white is the
unan mous choice of the house of rep
' esentatives
British Anti-Air Craft
Guns Shell Intruders
Destroying One.
ir.ciojrcM Movement i Progress
ina Raptdl) Floods of Dniester
Kiver Arc sultsidjng. Enabling
Lctchltsky's Men to Adami
LONDON, Aug. 1. The admiralty
iriefty announced tne Zeppelin raid;
if the east counties last night. It
said: The Zeppelins flew at a great
he.glu It was very difficult to de
termine their exact number. but
I there were at least six. They drop
pSd bombs on the thinly inhabited
I districts." j
The admiralty has announced that
I one of the Zeppelins engaged in rald
; ing the eastern counties last night
wa- probably destroyed. British set-'
! oplanes and ami aircraft guns shelled '
the raiders, observers saw a Zeppe-
liu rapidly descend and disappear off- j
.hore in the mist. The number ofj
d rig ides in the rani was unannouip -:
' ed. They shelled several places.
cruising over the counties of Lincoln
shire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, '
Kssex. Kent and Huntington.
UONDON, Aug. l (Rome wire-
Miss. I It is asserted the Germans
I are withdrawing heavy artillery and
I munitions from ICovtl beiore the Bus.
I stun advance. They evacuated Vladi
mir and VUhynskey. Haig reported
i the s tuation w.u unchanged. The
British repulsed an attack north of
Hntzentin-Le-Pelit. The 1'aris Com
: munlone said two German surprise
pulsed near Lihoiis.
PKTROGRAD, Aug. I, it is an
nounced the Russians are continuing
a hot pursuit of the Turks toward
Mossul. De'pite the flooded marshes
and barbed wire traps, the Russians
are steadily advancing across the
Sto, khod river north of Kovel.
Strong Teuton positions are succumb
ing dally. The enveloping movement
is rapidly developing. The latest dis
patches Indicated that Dneister river
floods are subsiding, enabling Gener
al Letchltsky s men to advance rap
idly. The Russians charged through
waist-deep water and drove the Teu
tons from Dnelsi, i to Koropietz.
They repulsed heav attacks from
Kovel and Lutsk One thousand
(Continued on Page Eight.)
The first wheat or the season
was contracted here last Satur
day at a price which is said to
t. around S5 cents for August
deUvsry, Hetween 25.000 and
3u.,o00 bushels of wheat were
purchased by Pendleton grain
dealers Saturday.
Club Quotations Up
in Portland Today
CHICAGO, Aug. 1. (Special to the
Kast Oregonian. I Range of prices
today. Open High Close
Bepl tlM $1.2414 1.24
Dec 11. 24 11.28H ILHA
POItTLAXD, Ore., Aug. 1. (Speci
al) Club, 97: bluestem. $1.05.
. Liverpool.
! LIVERPOOL, July Jl. Wheat
j Spot N'n. 1 Manitoba. 12s 2d ($1.70 per
bushel i ; No. 2. 12s Id.
Prompt Settlement
Is Hughes Attitude
on Woman Suffrage
NEW YUKK. Aug. 1 Senator
Sutherland of Utah, telegraphed
Hughes urging him to announce his
woman suffrage views. Hughes re
plied "Your telegram received. I
have no objection to stating my per
sonal views 1 think it most desir
able that the woman suffrage ques
tion -h settled promptly . My view is
that the proposed constitutional
amendment should be submitted, rat
ified and thef subject removed from
political discussion."
Republicans Declare Farm
Loan Board Should Be
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. Republi
can members of the senate banking
and currency committee charged Wil
Eon has violated the law making the
farm loan hoard democratic instead Of
non-partisan. The republicans have
delayed the confirmation of W. S
Smith of Iowa, as a board member
CHICAGO, Aug. 1 Two bombs were
exploded in the business office of the WiU "la"'' Vacation.
Jewish Daily Press. Editor Liebllng Recorder Thomas Fltz Gerald es
who was sleeping upstairs was blown Pects to leave the latter part of the
from bed but not injured. He said he week for Lehman springs where he
had received threats on account of his takes his vacation annually His fam
testimony In a recent labor trial. I Ily has been there for several weeks.
SALEM. Aug. I, Vntaiilla received showed over two hundred and eight
twelve thousand. Raker eleven thou, thousand school children la Oregon.
mmt aid Wuoo mmtr-ttm mm, 2 '""rased m,,ny -hr.-
thousand in one year The funds at1-o1"-
j portioned to i',,s CtHHB) were twelve
j thousand: Douglas eleven thousand
SALEM, ore.. Aug. 1. Stale Treas-1 Linn, fourteen thousand; Benton,
urer Kay has apportioned the interest ' seventy three hundred. Clatsop, nin, '
collected from the Irreducible school j four hundred and Union ninety four
fund for the past year The census hundred
Two Cars of Texas Long Horns
and One Car of Goats Will
Be Purchased for Round-Up
Sam Thompson, livestock director of
the Round-l'p was last night author
seed by the board of directors to pur
chase two c.uioads of Texas lonu
horns and one carload of butnptiOUl
mus for the roping and bulldoggt'ti.'
at the seventh annual show. Septem
ber 21, 22 and 23. These steers an
goats will come from Texas and will
arrive here about the 10th of Septeni
ber. He was also autherlzed to pur-
In Village of 200 Only
Eight Survivors Are
iU-fuer. are I'naMe to Teffl How
Veiglibors Fared and All Identify
ins Marks are Swept Away
Twenty lour Dead found la One
HAILE YBL'RYl Ont.. Aug. 1.
Scores of forest fire victims were bur
led In deep trenches. Every Indica
tion is that the total casualties are not
ascertainable. Relief workers believe
that over five hundred perished. The
fire swept hundreds of square miles In
northern Ontario.
Identification Is Impossible, The
flames consumed all identifying
marks. Refugees are unable to tell
how their neighbors fared. There
are pitifully few survivors. The first
train brought forty seven. Seventeen
were horribly burned. Relief workers
reported that there were eight survi
vors In a village of two hundred popu
lation. Fifty seven corpses were
found in a single railway cut. Six
teen were found in one pit. Twenty
four dead bodies were in one house.
A hundred and thirty were buried
during the morning. Rescuers report
ed dozens of corpses were seen among
the embers.
Cutting Hsy Crop.
Fred Rees of Pilot Rock has Just
completed cutting tne grain on the
Charles Manning place and also the
re crop on the Dan Shaw place.
LONDON, Aug. 1 Lord Newton,
under secretary of state for foreign
affairs, told the United Press the war
would not end a draw. He believes
the allies will surely win. He said:
"Entering the wart third year one
is convinced by contemporary' events
that our men's sacrifices and the
French sacrifices will quite assuredly
win their regard. The reward will be
punishment of the blood guilty, new
hope for the victims of the central
powers, new hope for Belgium, Ser
bia. Armenia and Syria. But the sac
rifice will be in vain unless new world
; conditions appear wherein action be
tween state and state Is conducted
in an atmosphere of better understand
j ing. If mutual andntaadlng fails, let
j the points at issue be decided under
the principles of Justice."
r luo to OS of whea ha) and Iwo
carloads of timothy for the f I of the
stock during the exhibition
More barn room Is MOdsd hl vesr
as the applications at the present moo
lake up own box - all on th ground
ami Thompson, rrsitot and Collins
w.-re appointed c onti IttSS Uj MUtt
tfrangementfl for building mure hMHa
From the way the requests are coming
In there will be mor.- sirltigs In h re
lav races than evil brfoie