East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 31, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Not only Pure , bat
Superior irv Quadity
Unsurpassed in
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Two Phones, 28.
823 Main St.
senile beauty in tt't vicinity. Before
returning to Pendleton, the Bowmana
will vtalt Spokane and Seattle and
will return to their . home through
Idaho. The Dalies chronicle, i
t.lrl i Horn.
A girl was
James Hindu
Anthony s hos
born i
of P
.Mr. ami Mrs.
it Rock at St.
Marriage l.uvnse l i
A marriage license
day bj the count) cli
Kjiotts and Flora M.
are residents of Hlol
Hot Weather Necessities
Be comfortable, don't wear clothes that should be worn when the weather is
twenty-five degrees cooler. We are offering varied assortments of Shoes, Under
wear, Waists, Dresses, etc., suitable for thia hot weather. All priced The Golden
Rule way Very Low.
Noiiu Bride is completed.
The county bridge force have com
plcied the work on the Noltg bridge
and have transferred operations to
7 Oakum.
Private maternity home. Skillec
attention Address P 0 Pox 156 La
Grande. Oregon. Adv.
Ato !age.
For Adams. Athena and Weston
leaves Henning'a Cigar Store at 10 a
m and S 30 p m each day Adv.
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
b No XS04.
Hialmar Zilliacus of this city was
'successful In having his name drawn
for choice No 3304 of the Colville
i reservation lands.
I tee. The committee will arrange the
details of Justice Hughes visit to
Oooroy t lunges liocatlon.
Conroy opened up his grocery store
in the new location at 526 Main street
this morning. The place waa for-
merlv occupied by Ralph Fo'.som
who has retired from the furniture
bus ness
Meeting Tomorrow Night.
The monthly meeting of the Pen
dleton Commercial association will
be held tomorrow night. A large at
tendance is requested.
pnn. ikaiuI ueeliiii;.
Marion Jack returned this morning thai SOCtlOa
fr..m Meacham. He will go to Port-;
land tomorrow to attend a meet ng j lm for Pocatelia
, ... ...entire committee of S. K. Piper, assistant
til Llir aian - -
the state republican central commit
To Investigate Report.
Stanley G. Jewett, of the local ot
lice of the biological survey, has
ona to cram county to investigate a
report that bears are killing cattle inlrolsnm Tiillmun Returns
To h. of i. convention.
J. W, Maloney, J. H. Qwinn, C, P.
Strain, I. K. Young and II M Klderj
have gone to Portland to attend the
Knights of Pythias supreme lodge, i
Malonev and Qwinn are past grand
ihancellors of the order.
W ill Make liiiiwtni-nu n(-
Ralph Folsom, well known for
mer furninlture iumu la planning sev
eral improvements in his undertaking i
establishment at the corner of Main!
and Webb streets. Mr. Folsom will I
conduct an undertaking establishment
. esterua Was Record.
Yesterday was the record day ut
the Pendleton natatoilum for the
till season. The hot weather drove
a large number of men. women and
children to the cool waters of the
pool. A conservative estimate of the
uum Iht ot swimmers yesterday la
Motor from Portland.
Motoring home from Portland to La
Qrands, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Morgan
passed through Pendleton this morn
inf. Mr Morgan declared that the
worst roads he had struck In the
state vert. in Morrow and Umatilla
counties. He was high in his praises
of the beauties of the Columbia River
Ladies' Union Suits 25c, 49c
Ladies' Sleeveless Vests 81 3c, 10c, 12Vsc
Ladies' Cool Hose 25c
Ladies' Voile Waists 98c
Ladies' Coverall Aprons 49c
Ladies' Cool Street Dresses $2.98, $3.98
Skeleton Waist for children 25c
Girls' Union Suits 25c
Children's Canvas Pumps
Ladies' Slippers and Pumps $1.49, $1.98
You Can
Do Better
Men's Sport Shirts 45c, 49c, 98c
Men's B. V. D. Union Suits .89c
Men's Poros Knit Union Suits 89c
Men's Mesh or Ribbed Suits 49c
Men's Cool Athletic Union Suits 49c
Boys' Union Suits 25c, 45c
Men's Shirts or Drawers 25c, 45c
Men's Work Sox 5c
Men's Silk Hats 39c
Men's Panama Hats $3.49
We Lead,
J. C. Penney Co. Inc
biologist in
Folsom Taiiman, popular University
of Oregon student, returned this
morning from Eugene where he has
teen attending the summer session
Each Side Confident ot Victory
in Struggle Over Librarianship
May Crop Is Fine.
THL drink that put the
"A7eor" in knt wfatKfr
. . 111 111'. - - -
Itu. i.ureau of Biological Survey, went , of the Iniversity. He expects to ro
to Pocatella yesterday alter visiting i main here until the fall term opening
the local office a tew days. I in September. Tall man Wll be a ju-
at the university next' fall.
K. liude, well known cattleman, t orus iuuc lwop.
S has returned from a trip into thel Robert Simpson, manager of the
El Wallowa Country where he has been (Ford agency, has received word from
I purchasing cattle. He says the hay 'he factory to the effect that com
E crops In that section are the best lnnienc;ng tomorrow, August 1, the
I lowered $50 and on roaiisters, 145
Although August 1 was the Hunt set
in w hich Miss sabra Nason, county li
brarian, could have the privilege of
resigning her position she has not
availed herself of the privilege and It
is thought she will not do so but will
await the action of the board at the
regular meeting Thursday night.
Miss Xason says that the action of
the board members were notified and
the moating W1s called on a ten min
utes notice on a pretense of conferr
ing with a furniture man in regard
to ordering fixtures for the new li
brary, The rules sa that a mooting
n In- called by the president or an)
' members. Miss Nason says the
anon why she has been asked t.' re-
she has fl
d o
sign was bee
The faction In favor of removing
Miss Nason say she has not been civil
to the patrons of the library and has
donO many things ill connection with
the library without seeking the advice
of the board.
Some members ,,f the board are at
present out 'of the oitv and may not
hoard was irregular as nut all of I attend the Thursday meeting. Mrs
A. .1 dwell, secretary of the board, Is
in Portland and it is Understood will
not be here In time to he in attend-
were not allowed to pass at that hour.
I offered to stop, but he said 1 might
as well go on, as I was by a large part
of the work, and the next thing I
was arrested, for the first time In my
Uoogl official! wore considerate and
l'r. and Mrs I 'at lei son were alluweJ
to go to a local hotel. lr an ex
change of telegrams between the lo
cal officials and Sheriff Hurhurt, the
charge was finally dismissed and
Doctor and Mrs I'atterson proceeded
on their way.
a nee.
There is considerable interest in the
contest over the librariauship and
pooplS on each side are asserting the
outcome will be favorable to the side
they espouse.
"BRAN-NEW" like the
P.ound-t'p. is a Pendleton
product and beats them all.
An ideal summer drink for
men women and children.
On Draught and In Bottles
E at Following Resorts:
S Al Dunlap's
Billy's Place
5 Courts ft McDevitt
Ei The Crescent
I Round-T.'p Pool Hall
S Sutton Cigar store
E W. W. Hoch
E Bungalow Pool Hall
E The Charles Co.
E Gritman's Cigar Store
Served at the Following
jS M leorge Grill
E Quelle Cafe.
E Sold to the family trade In cases of one dozen bottles and up.
S quarts or pints.
We also recommend our new True Fruit drinks,
E PORT-0 and PEND-O.
E Brewed and bottled by I
I Wm. Roesch Bottling Co.
S City Brewery. E
E Wholesale snd Family Trade. Telephone 528
lit Shipment of Wool.
The last wool shipment of the
IMS season to leave Pendleton will
he shipped today to H. C Judd and
Koot of Hartford, Conn The ship
ment is composed of several clips
from various points in eastern Oregon.
This w.ll place
the 1400 mark.
the roadster below
vale. Idaho boy. who was picked up
her l ust week, will be sent home to
night. The father of the lad sent a!
picture identifying the youngster and?
money to pay his transportation
travel bj Motor From Butte.
One of the first Montana cars
through the city thlB season went
through Pendleton today enroute to;
Portland over the Columbia rlver;
highway. The members of the auto!
Xew Yorkers to Come. 'ar,v ar" Mr aml Mrs- Alw Gttovei
sv.,i nineh mnirr of the Hotel '"id J. J. Murray of Butte. They re-1
Pendleton, today received a wire, Prt the roads most of the way here
from Mrs. A. K. Teel of Lakeview I m a bad condition.
Park Bronxville. New York, asking I
. vi, t,.- Hi.,
for tin, rooms at the notei lor me, "
Mrs. V. T, Wade left last evening for
' Bandon where she will visit or a
I time with her sun and ills wife, Mr.
I and Mis. Cecil Wade.
three days of the Hound-Up. In ad
Ition Mrs. Teel asks that two seats
be reserved for her every' day of the
Pendleton high school football
hopes were boosted reveral notchoi
Saturday when '"Mose'" Sax. stellai
Jefferson high school football man.
: dropped In here with expectations to
remain. Sax Intends t
Mam Attend l'bman.
The biggest crowd of the season
thronged Lehman Springs yesterday
to celebrate Pilot Rock day. The Pi
lot Rock concert band dispersed mu
sic Saturday night and yesterday. In
addition to the Pilot Rock visitors a
large number of Pendleton plea-ure
seekers motored to Lehman to oat apt
the heal.
Alleging that the marriage was
niivur li.or.il rtnlf f,.r SfVAVrM frum
is i r ' ni. j i .u ..i ..,,i. I Pendeton high school
r limn rail a iiieu in me tuiuu .... ...
court today by Julia Parr. It is as
serted that September 1. 1913 the
plaintiff was granted a divorce from
Ely Parr and that before six months
had elapasd she was married to the
defendant. The plaintiff is represent
ed by Attorney George W. Coutts.
Mrs. C, ,K.
from a weeV
velt has returned
with relatives In
Ed Itarchsr of
mayor of Umatilla.
rtlund. former
In town today.
tnd will probably
local school
Sax was
Jefferson high school
register at
graduate from the
Spokane Couple are Arrested
"'' Bt u i d:.. u.. d-i j
full ,,,,,, 1 Cll IIVUU IMVCI UUl IXCICSKU
After Explanations.
of all the summer bevi rages that an
oiisumptlon. Iced Tea In probably th
ir as well as the most refreshing.
Your favorite tea is brewed in the
bly by using a pierced silver tea ba
atrog Can be readily removed from th
ug left to ruin the fine flaw
prepared for home
most widely popu-
usual way prefer
I so that the spent
r pot instead of be
the tea into a serv
ing pitcher, add sugar, and cool at once to tne aesireu
ten perature. Serve with a slice of lemon to each glass,
and add cracked ice If desired.
It is i Idlllllll and proper to Serve Iced Tea and drinks
of a snoiliir nature in a long thin alass For stirring li'iuld
refreshment served In this fashion a special spoon Is re
quired haing a long handle but with a bowl of about
Hi, mm proportions as that of a tea spoon.
I'nless these are provided the hever
i a different manner than that prescr
ne's self or one's guests may he placed
tedii-ament through awkward efforts
lat Is too short.
Many things besides convenience hai
opuiartty of iced Tea Spoons. They
raeen.i. t dealt Assigned for use with
a account of their length, handy for c
uses Htal will suggest themselves,
ensi.e and the ones we have In sll
ear to good advantage mi any table
Your Inspection of our assortment
i cordlall Inlvted
A QhMBM gi.no
hpaaaa fIJM
must be served
d by custom, and
l an embarrassing
i manage a spoon
contributed to the
e long, slim, und
ny tall glass, and
er household pur
ely are not ex-
plate Would ap-
Iced Tea Spoons
Royal M. Sawtelle
Jeweler Since '87
Pendleton, Oregon
Will Marry in Portland.
Bert Allen McDonald, well known
young Pendleton violin instructor,
went to Portland yesterday where he
will lie married to Miss Nellie Dee
Whiting. August !. Miss Whiting is
a popular young lady who taught pi
ano in Pendleton last winter. The
couple will be at home in Pendleton
about August 25 and expect to open
a studio in the fall.
Cruel and Inhnman Treatment Alleged
Suit for divorce was filed In the
circuit court today by Robert S. Smith
against Mary Elizabeth Smith, alleg
ing cruel and inhuman treatment.
The couple were married In ABtoria In
1806. Attorney D. W. Bailey Is rep
resenting the plaintiff.
ill Be sent Home.
Elmer Boltn, the is year old Mld-
was chosen on the mythical all-star
eleven. Sax is a backfleld man. He
will be a most welcome man as the HOOD RIVER, Ore., July 31. Dr.
high school lost a number of val- and Mrs T. I., t 'at tersoti were arrested
liable men by graduation last June, on arrival here by Sheriff Johnson
Bag was accompanied to Pendleton :;ni1 City Marchal Carson on advices
by Henry Jones, also of Jefferson. fr""' Sheriff Burlburt. of .Multnomah
who will enter Pendleton high school, county, the motorists having been j
When the Jefferson hlirh school charged with breaking through Co-
team played Pendleton on last Tur
key Day, Sax was so Impressed with
the town that when he decided to
graduate from some foreign school
the Portland boy at once hit upon
Surk- Arc Burned.
The fire department responded to
a call yesterday arternoon at 2:30
o'clock at Conroy s new grocery store
at 526 Main street where a few empty
sacks had taken fire from a cigar
which had been thrown through the
open ifidewalk grating The blaze
was extinguished in a few minute.
No loss, with the exception of a few
sacks, was incurred.
will Make costly Improvement.
Mrs. F. E. Judd nas commissioned
Architect Folger Johnson of Port
land to prepare plans for extensive
alterations that are to be made In
her home on east Washington street
at an estimated cost of 18000. The
work will Involve new roof, sun
porches, walls, a frame garage build
ing, as well as numerous alterations.
Tns Interior is to be finished In white
I'eaterdsj W an Hot,
Yesterday tied lot heal honors ol
the season, the government ther
mometer reaching llil degrees. One
day In June the temperature mounted
to the same point but yesterday was
more di.agreeable because of the hot
noitheast wind Last night the tem
perature dropped to D6 degrees which
permitted of sleeping While the
wind did no great damage yesterday
It is reported some forty fold wheal
was shattered.
piiitaies t The Dalles.
and Mrs Walter Bowman ol
Np won
lumbin River Highway barricades
near Botinsvlll., when en route from
Portland to their home In Spokane,
I r. Catterson. a prominent Spo
kane physician, admitted that he had
I assed onto the section of road be
ing worked by crews of men.
"I followed other cars, the occu
pants of which were going to a gro
cers' picnic at Bonneville," said lir.
Catterson. "On reaching the picnic
grounds I was accosted, and asked
for 50 cents. When I explained that
I was not a grocer but a traveler en
route to Hood River the ticket seller
directed me hack to the Columbia
Highway Afler I had reached the
road a workman told me machines
will avoid the
of wearing
cheap ready-made glasses
A proper examination of
your eyes for glasses can
only be made b an Op
tician of long experience,
with modern equipment.
If you come here
glasses you are sur
the right kind of ai
ami nation and conaeq
ly the right glasses
Reasonable charge
Poonc 609
St. George Grill
when you want a good
35c Merchant Lunch
Served Daily.
The sketch map idiows roughly the, the uppet left hand corner shows the
xtcnt of the Noyon salient, a nearly extent to which the French have so
perfect seml-clrcle described about, far been able to push In the salient
he town of La Fere, From Craon-, and the arrow the direction of the
-e,, .... n. who have been spending .,e. the eastern end of the salient, to main thrusts. The marks XXX UV
ierl il das In The Dalles and vlcln-l I'eronnc. the northwestern, I fifty dlcat the villages on the front
.. i-n vesterdav kv auto for Port- iien from I .a I'ere the axis of the which were uttacneii ny the gTOncn
naaa is Pendleton's of-
ie photographer He
of various point of
circle to the front west or tvoynn is some nays ago wnn
about twenty-five miles BOM, the village or
'lie shaded portion of the map, In Vermiindovilllnrs
by the
Long distance telephone service,
Nice clear and clean camp grounds.
Wa furnish each camp with a garbage barrel, which
we empty twice a week.
We rake your grounds and keep them clean.
We have a complete line of groceries and can fur
nigh wood, ice, milk, also bakery goods.
We will furnish bedsteads, springs or mattress when
desired at 25c each.
We take care of the camp grounds, keeping them
sanitary and healthful, consequently we must
charge rental for them.
Camp grounds only $1.50 week.
Tents, including bedstead, springs and mattress,