PAGE SIX EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN. PENDLETON.. OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1916 a n IKMHBNIMUT NKWSPArKR. upon such estates is sane and lair. It would have been a splen- nition to be stored in one place during such times as these. reeUabed IMr and Hem I Weekly at 4'rtnn. Oregon, by the as ORBXJONIAN ITltUSHlNO service to men now OOMal Count; l-eper ItMntvr I nltrd I Yeas Auoclattoe. (trrt at the p.tofflre at l'endletco Itrtriia aa aerond Has mail matter. ., 1 N MALI IN OTI1RR OITIF lap rtai lintel Ntri Stand. !. : ami jj-r-ssive partv Hon man News Co. Portland. Oitfoi. plank that Said: fit of the supervision that is so rvaluable in cities and towns. In other words the schools did thine for the oountrv had that need trained teachers the Pja federal inheritance tax been most have the lowest percent- railroad has at last enacted long ago. It would aj?e ot normal graduates, have reduced ordinary forms When only 13 per cent of the of taxation and been of real teachers of the state arc nor- surfeited ma! graduates it may be read CO with wealth to such an extent ily seen the percentage of grad- their stamina is impaired. The platform of the pro- 1912 had a "We pledge RurWu. M security Bniuiin our party to enact such a fed- Coos county's long dream of come true, and the whole state re joices. in cm waii. r-.i. n II i . aaatb Street. V W. ltureau 5tu. four ,ral law as will ta Iat-ov in heritances." The present administration woo is enacting that principle into ?ij law. It is but one of many uates teaching rural school ; must be lamentablv low. The measure for an eastern Oregon normal school at Pen dleton is of vital interest to ever country school district. While those cruisers watch outside for the Deutschland they cannot bother the Bremen. st'Rsrit i ITIOS RATES I IN AlVANVEl OMi i. oee year, by mall Iali?. all months, by mall Oallr, three moatha. h mall Daily, one month, hi mill Dall. one rear, by carrier ia:,i all months, hr tarrler Ba". "e month, by carrier 85 realization bv IMV.y. ihree mom lis. nj earner s.av ami Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Heal Weekly, all oiontha. or mall 75 Oauiiw :. four months, h mall .60 Baker is a lucky town, it has a municipal electric plant and is providing a unit light system for the business streets. UNEARNED INCREMENT IN THE CARIBBEAN so good things advocated by the and brought to Woodrow Wil- 7.50 S75 progressives ?on. Where Mr. Hughes stands ! on this subject is not known, but while governor of New 1 York he fought the federal in come tax amendment. There fore it is logical to suppose he , opposes an inheritance tax. Meanwhile there are mut erings by republican newspa j pers, indicating opposition to ;the inheritance tax feature. I XViic la ro s-fi Alii n rnia in tlio I A ..... 0 pUllKU!U41tl UUlr All Hl . . ,,. It is time for all strong mind ed people to join in "willing" E are again negotiating atthe I Kets l"aught en i iir l ran.. for the purchase of the St. Thomas group of is lands in the Caribbean. The One variety of first cTass . iti ..... i3 Hin U'lin i rivtil" . .. , i .int,cil if his; hi.. ii ...... ... ...... islands are ot much greater val- t() d()wn his pocket ue to us than to Denmark. The inhabitants would be much more prosperous and content ed under Washington rule when the community need is at stake. a " When the new federal build- than under Copenhagen rule. Ung js ready fqr Use all will want The only point of doubt as to to j0u the postal force. the proposed treaty is the price. This is placed in the early re ports at the incredible sum of $25,000,000. For 3141 islands in the Phil- 115,026 square Preparations Made to Court Martial 'Slacker" Soldier miles and a population approxi mating 10,000,000, we paidi $20,000,000 giving ground for ori n mi UsTHtESTKO in twsK Tom Reed's bitter epigram UsV ICWU GAJUMtEit, who be made an issue against Wil son. - How can such forces expect IU V 111 KJL U1C UUll UIUUOC , . I - 1 ' ! , r .1 1 J when thev thus oppose cardi- aoouytupinus at. a .eat,, ""I vwssawvi w...., new COLUMBUS. Jul end of a war with the former bum started tor i the e THE iui.ImU n or Tilt ure and ftt, tliuugh ' A nltvina ea'e a notheri whoaa THE BALANCING SEASONS Th.' Childless! nine. here in the nal principles for which progressive party stands? Will it not be common sense for progressives to support the yvi o ii wt r V q c; oV Awn Vt i a l record that he is of progressive Crois 84. a total of mind? I. Qantcai uglus aftar in- OWners. The island Of St.spectlng the MMfachUiettJ and New TKnmaa hna RS snnarp milaa. I MaXloo mtlltla He reuurted the man, that of St. John 21 and that of 138 Th.' W.lh lond fingers twtne cMldraaVl locks of living gold, and pra se warm, caressing palms, the head of brown. mil camps m excellent condition. He said: The guardsmen are equippeu with everything necessary There I Square miles, With a total popu-,is no complaint against the food or 1...; .. f Off i l i 1 1 l Mnail.1 a1a ..iLirtur. 'Pt, u man M re Mil f t'lTinif aome dlacomtOJt on account of the cl.m.ite and dust storms. They are Only discontented on account ot in- own ideal .luburn with its aml'er floss I its splendor loosened and uwn The rayer- Thf Are The Them are mother lap i even when sweet petitioner kissed, and then tissed and kissed again pursed moutns lifted with the worldier prayer d and oblivion spare et a little while Beside the.r envied elders by the glow Uf the glad firelight, or wrest- ng. a they go, Some promise for the morrow. to beguile Their long exile Within the wild waste lands of dream and sleep. Na-. nay. not even these most Of children are more loved than our ideal Mure tangible to the soul's touch and sight TliHn thes our children by Divine birtnrlght -these of ours. who soothe us. when we weep. Wiih tendered m nistries. Or flashing int" smiling ei sta- i ies. Come Saghtns through our tears aye, laughing leap Inio OUT empty arms, tn Fate's And ne.stle to our hen.rU. O Heavens delight! Tlo . ni'dren of the childless even these: James Whitcomb Riley. HOSE who for lack time or lack of money cannot hie away to the mountains or the coast when the weather grows warm may take comfort in the fact one renowned philosopher says people should not do such things anyway lation of 27.000. mostly color ed. This figures out at the rate of about $181,159 for each 0f j square mile of the islands and actVtty nearly $iuou a neaci ior eacn; auttn guardsmen rid itn inhabitant. The average price ' amusement of the lnten-e heat at for each acre of mountain and horn The temperature her m cool rock as well as arable land is ! l"1 "ui,il ' ra'na- . . -. ... . , Preparations are nuide to court $283. which price does not(,arual Uwl gudner ot the New give the ownership of the land I Mexico militia, tot Deing a -slacker." but onlvhe ritrht to COVern it.! ilardner remains obdurate. He re- The Danes are driving a hard Bergson. the French philo- bain. sopher, says that it is a good : We were offered the island fuses to take the releral i has been confined In the here over a month. HMHar ate manlfaaltni m' Into tth. Hej atockada ofnctall I est. It: thing for people to go through in 1867 for ?".600,000 and re-1 will be ten mm affecting slacken the varying temperatures of fused them. In the treaty f or m oth.r state winter ami summer. j f Purchase negotiated in BND rwjm FAVQR Nature has so designed that sum- j 1U4 tne price was put at f 0,- .hutv nivicinN, mer heat should forcibly open the ' 000.000 but the Danish parlia- OF COUNTY 3 DIVISION accumu-ment declined to sell at that!.. . "" , t . fio-nro Aaanmino- that what wo I ma" meeting l-aiieu to aetcr- Jwere willing to give in 1902 mine Exact Stand of Citizens. pores and eliminate much lated disease matter; while winter should serve to strengthen the or ffantsm, more especially the circula tory apparatus. Hence those who was a tair valuation, tne O,-, eek to'equalize their temperature by 1 000,000 now demanded repre- tleeing to. a warm climate In winter, and to a cool one in summer, coun ter nature. In winter there Is a Ib odwave ot fashion towards the Ri viera and Biarltz, while In summer the channel ports are rilled to breath hssness. The Americans are not a whit better; they hie to the moun tains or the sea shore at the first prelh of Hummer unH to the Cfllifor n'as. the Floridas and the Bermudas i that at the first breath of the winter king. We travel hundreds, they thousands of miles. It will all end in an even tual breakdown of humanity. There is truth in the Berg son view but it is difficult to see the point sometimes. sents about the greatest In crease in unearned increment! in 14 years on record. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. VITAL TO THE RURAL SCHOOLS A progressive party mass meeting at Seattle refused to endorse Hughes. asserting, President Wilson hasi given the country a lot of pro-! gressive legislation ; all who j look to the record will find this! to be true. BBND, ore.. July 2. Whether the Citizens of Hend interested in the removal of the county seat ot Crook county from PrlnevlWe to Band wmi change their position and favor the county division issue as proposed on Monday afternoon i- a lare com mittee from PrineviUa, will be deter mined at a big masa meeting whu h has I en called by Mayor James A. Bate, chairman of the county seat committee, to dtacua) the issue. The lines for division as propose I IT nevu i Siller THE INHERITANCE TAX AS AN ISSUE. H1LE here some ago Professor Ressler, former president of the ; Monmouth Normal school, en doraed the measure for a nor-i mal school at Pendleton and I "mphasized the fact that the HE emergencv revenue rural schools are the chief suf- bill contains a provision ferers from the present lack of for an inheritance tax. It trained teachers. if. .iiist provision because vast Mr. Ressler asserted, what fortunes are often not earned is well known, that the cities and larger towns usually se- and cure the better grade of teach ers. he country school has to take- the "beginner" and often There are many who will hope that the transformation of the McKay road into a county thoroughfare will see some culvert.-- brought into weeks, use. Old Sol is reminding us that he has not entirely forgotten how. Ammunition costing S2"). 000,000 was too muh atnmu- I immitte are con- d to be popular tn Bend, Th' i issue is believed to be a more popular one than the removal of the count.' j Mat and it is one upon whieh the i Itlxena would prefe to work, it Is believed. The l.nes suggested by the Prlne-J vlile men are substantia the same us those upon which a fight was wa j ;h i to f.'i'm Deschutes cointy two years ago, except that Terrebiine.j wliu h is the popoeed term'nus for the new railroad which PrinltfiUe e ; pe ts to mild, ha- been left in Ihe . Irl country aad moves the lines I three miles further east In the Powell Hutte section. The Prineville men . A) thai upon these lines the neees- j Mid-Summer Sacrifice OF HIGH GRADE Pianos Player Pianos Brass, Reed and Stringedlnstruments SEWING MACHINES, PLAYER PIANO RECORDS, STRINGS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS AND MU SICAL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. 1 FROM FACTORY DIRECT TO Y00 on Prices have been sunk deeper than the submarine and in many instances border the sensational. It's a stock reducing, money raising event with us and the chance of a lifetime for you. "SAFETY FIRST" ri vo is itortiii r I.irETIMK. 1XI! A For that reason care should be used in ts selection. Our Stop, Look. Listen WafBlU to you Is to cut out the curbstone peddler and transient agent. He make! many claims for he has nothing at stake but the sale; h. has BO fUttter reputation to think .it for he will be none tomorrow His talk may be flowery but remem ber that is not what ou intend to ut may lie what you jret tbility. of ninke is more Im portant than price. It Is a dou ble protection when the names ot a well known maker and a permanently located straightforward dealer are be hind the instrument. Our being the direct selling agents of several of the leading factor es enables you to choose the instrument that best suits your individual needs and buy it her; for less. To buy haphazard is to court disaster, and that Is the reverse of saving. bin, bl Bella Popular Sheet Music 10c Sale Starts Here MONDAY, July Those shrewd buyers who have long wanted a PIANO and have waited for the time to practice eco nomy, have waited just long enough. The opportunity is here. The stage for our greatest PIANO SALE is set. We've reduced prices on our entire stock of fine PIANOS, MU SICAL INSTRUMENTS and SUP PLIES to rock bottom. This is a piano sale for the eco nomist. A clearance, in which you can come to expect bargain bar gains that you thought almost im possible to get. The time for a pi ano purchase was never riper. Every piano included in this great sacrifice sale is refined and. beautifully finished throughout. And every' one carries with it our usual guarantee of absolute satis faction or monev back. Come In Monday and Look Around TERMS TO SUIT ALL Warren's Music House S20 Main Street. Telephone 524 sar :tr, per cent of tne vote obtained w. thorn difficulty. TROOPERS HAUL HAY FOfi MOUNTS Man by those who hold th of them such as the Vanderbilt fortunes are here t'itiirv. Society at larire. pro tecttd in this country by the such teachers have had noedu- UniUd States government, has cation beyond the eighth bean the chief factor in ereat-j grade. Teaching in the coun ing that wealth. A federal tax try they do not have the bene- Mrmi I EP s u 9 I aw " uaH The Demands of Yov Blood When tlie Wood (the power fluid of your bodvl ia properly nourUhcd, your body 'n- variabiy radiate tim of flowing health But it ii 10 easy to neg'ect its importance, and blood dictate's nj malignant form, like Rheo nKtism, Catirrh, Malaria, Scrof. ulous poitunt and akin diseasei take hold before we ate aware the result of negli eence. Kern voir blood (twer fluid) runninff pure by ihe nourishing qoah'if of i. t. f. and banish tlicse uri'e'-irable tenants from your body. Set the Genuine t.S.S. Irom yeur Druggl , i CRAWFISH FALT'S famous Fresh Every Day OYSTERS CLAMS Fine. Clean Furnished Roomi In The Quelle Restaurant dlptrlbtitinK dpot In rmtma tor FAIYT ""onnectioiL SEA CRABS Steam Heated. Kiclualvr Veodi inn, i inmiiii ' mmmm " ' .RjrrjHG U HAY FOR THE- t Y.MoUMTS AT THE BOXDE-R ev National nuardtunen. miinv i.ntlrelv unaccuatomed to th ere dUidiiyirisf what l eoaaKt if them marftaU aUll In the routine work ofibalee of hay from the nuto truckH. larinn tor their mounr In the oampeltrilt the men (to to It with a will if i uni'k. on the Mexican border. One of the tank I- the handlMd af hay. it i: re.l re- no i:h pro)oitl"n to "to" tht you think It " eaiy try It aome nav when the temperature i near 100 n It le now In Texan. Go East This Summer via Northern Pacific Low Round Trip Fares Lnjoy every moment of the circle tours via this line. Get additional scenery and Bervfci at no additional expense. Through daily trains to 9t. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Kansas City-St. Louis with thi best dining car service in the world. E'nroute stop at Yellowstone National Park Enter throuc-h fiar.llner OateWO) -original, "'onlc and only Nort'hern ntrance spend a week or month in America colored terraces, paint pota, lirnnd Can- Excellent hoteH. See the wild anjtnata, geyserh win of the ylloWBtiine. etc A. D. CHARLTON, Have you visited HATDBN LAKIt M"Ni beautiful pot Hotels, eamplRt, boating, flahlnsr., golfing Near Spo knne Write, call or phono for tickets Informa tion and trgVel literature. I,et uh animus your vacation trip. WALTER ADAMS Agent, Pendleton, Ore. Asst. Gen'l Passenger Agent PORTLAND, ORE. Ifuiintt tr1 wCttbOUnd summer tourist tickets on sale dally tell your eastern frtende, Attractive Homcaeekcra iickt to Montana points and n'tiirn.