East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 31, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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V. L. S. E. Presents
15c Adults
6 ACTS 6
5c Children
Mr. and Mrs. C A. Murph) left by
auto this morning Pr Portland and
the mult. They will be away for two
Mm K. T. Wade hait left or lfan
don, Coos county, to visit an the guest
of her son and Wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ce
cil K. Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. E. U, Mortimoie and
children arr.ved here .Saturday from
Methow. Wash., and are '. isiting Ml
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stock
man. They expect to locate but MlM
Olive Mortlmore, their daughter, will,
return to Methow to leach school this'
-Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ma) have re
turned from Spokane where they at
tended the funeral of D. C Fecord. a
! brother-in-law of Mrs. May. Mr. Fe
cord was 'prominent Spokane engi
neer and had frleri'ls In Pendleton
(Sb Advertising in Brief
l'rr llnr first Insertion 10c
Pa Hue. additional Insertion.... Sc
Ivi lint, irr tuunth 11.00
No IixhU tHkeD for leu Mian '25c
'ouut 0 ordinary ftorils to Hue.
l.tMsU will not be liken oyer tbe
telephone, escsnt from Kant Oregon
mu paid up subucrlberm.
I haul your garbage anil trash
Phone bliM. 1403 W. Railroad st.
"Kenmore" dining room
17 Willow street,
to order, for ladies
For rent
and kll hen
Hair work
Phone 46
Touring car for hire for
trips Phone 1.
Mis W. Clark, graduate ursi
lake special cases, ln-iiilre this
For rent Light housekeeping
rooms Phone 308W. 4U1 Aura
Kooms Housekeeping and sleeping
Prices low. 808 Willow. Phone 6U(I.
For rent Furnished house. In
quire 129 I .-wis
Prh.ile maternity home skilled at
tention Phone 3"J.
For rent nicely furnished house
keeping apartment st 10S Water
.Two nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. r.jl Franklin.
For rem- Furnished housekeepins
room Inquire 501 Clay street
Suits pressed 60c, thoroughly clenn
i d II 16 Itlldd. 310 W Webh
Apartment for rent, 400 E. Alta.
j For sale Itupld flreiess cooker
'Aluminum lined Phone 218M.
For rent--Two furnished light
housekeeping rooms. "26 Johnson St
For stale Automobile truck Ex-
ceUant for llglu delivery. Inquire
Frailer & tiretson. (30 Cottonwood.
Wanted -Harvest work for myseir
i und four horses, good run Address
jtieo. L Wurster. Bcbo, On
For rent Three room rurnlshed
apartment. 118 Orange street.
I For auto rates to Lehman. Hlla
nay or Bingham Springs call Alex
i Manning Phone 202
list Three year old grey mule,
branded on front shoulder Suit
able reward If returned
Ccunpetent nurse Lady with some
OperUaM In nunslng desires posi
tion us nurse. Address T. H , rare
Kast i H-eKolllan.
Willi Wanted Good, reliable young mun
fflcrl for "steady Job. Must be industrious
mil periiianeiit. letter only, care
I a , r.ssi ijji fjiHiieii
Mattress makirg. furniture repair
mg. upholstering, called for and deliv
ered, city or country. La Dow tiros.
Ill Beauregard PokM 22;j.
I Rooming house for sale. Mall
' street, in center of business district
i Doing good buslnesi. Inquire of Pen
land Bros.
Some well bred young horses will
I trade for lund or Pendleton property.
See H. E. Cook, 301 Johnson street,
j or phone 211J
1 have 320 acres in Harney valley,
i 10 miles from railroad now building.
200 acres good grain 'and. Joins good
range all lencea, gooa wen
Ford ta.rs ut Bargain. Mr- ana m,B
.. i ., ,..., fr.i and Mrs T. J.
touring cars in first-class condition i 'dab
. that we will sell at a bargain ii taken
el i,n, e. Better hurry.
W. O. Dixon and Mr.
Woods of Twin Fulls,
passed through Pendleton yes
in their automobile on their
home from a trip to Portland.
Fon I
Karl W. Outhank Made Secre
tary to President Campbell,
Succeeds Grimes.
Portland and Seaside yesterday where
he took hlB family for an outing. The
family will remain for some time at j
beach points.
gene. Ore.. July
the executive ommittee of the board
of regents last evenmg. Karl W. On-
honc 2F23. thank was elected secretary to Pics'-
dent Campbell, succeeding N.
Gilmes. .Mr (iiithank has been su
perintendent of schools at Tillamook.
i r. He graduated from the univer
sity in 1913.
I'r Fred Merritt was chosen dlrec-
tor of community welfare with rank
. and lib- of professor in the extension
department Chester Allen was elect-
ed In May. but did not accept Dr.
1 Merritt i- at present a professor at
I the I'n vanity Of Iowa
Hugh Jackson, a graduate of the
' University o Wisconsin, was chosen
! assistant professor In commerce,
other elections were: Dr. Herman
j Be H WrS, assistant professor In er
I man. succeeding (leorge O, O'Don
; nel. resigned. Allen C. Hopkins, as
sistant In the Industrial stirve E
Keezel. instructor In department of
education; Chester F. Kronenberg.
'reader in extension department. Mrs.
C. C. Thorne, Instructor in department
of public speaking.
Mrs. Thomas C Warner, u ho has 5E
.been visiting at the home of Mrs
i William Schultx. and son. Harold J S
Warner, retunted to Portland tin- M
ok OBBtaON Bit- morning.
31. At a meeting of
Mr and Mrs. A P. Proctor and
J children left thi- tio.ming i-r l..ip-
j wal, Idaho, to pass the remainder ' e
i the sunimer. Mr. rl'octor ha- a stu
i dio in Iapwai. 1
Miss Amanda Milium returned this
morning from Portland where she
lias I con passing her vacation M s
Brma Mumm will remain In Portland
for soe time.
Miss Edith Johnson. Miss Norma
Allowuy, Dr. E. O, Parker and Har
old Hlakely. returned yesterday from
an extensive automotdle tour of the
northwest as far north as British Columbia.
Return Engagement of Deaves Royal Manikins
The only act of its kind in the world, "featuring the bottom of the sea."
Jesse L. Lasky, America's Premier Film Producer, in association with David
Belasco, the Dramatic Genius of the Twentieth Century, presents beautiful
In an imperishable photodramatic version of the most popular historical
romanc; in theatrical history,
8th Chapter of the "Iron Caw."
'The Stroke of Twelve'
Miss Fuller takes two parts in this photo-drama.
TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, the inimitabe star KING BAGGOT in the 5 reel
Red Feather production "THE MAN FROM NOWHERE."
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Chluupek are
being showered with congratulation.-,
upon the birth of a son, their second
VI t-u Vlurv I'.,,: '. nil Miss H,islll,
" . . . ... ,h child, who arrived yesterday
BppW who have been visiting at the . W '
home of Mrs. Charles V. Colesworthy,
I left for Portland yesterday. Theyj
! were taken as far as Walla Walla by1
Mr. and Mrs. Colesworthy In their ati-j
tomobllo. 1
Mr and Mrs. Charles Kussell Fra
ler of Honolulu, uncle and aunt ot
M SS BSfls Jean Frazier, who have .Stewart is the central figure. Re
been visiting in Pendleton for the past member today Is your last chance.
ban's famous novel. "The Silver behind the draper!-.- surrounding
.Shell, ' and deals with Ufa in Russia. I Verney's bed Julia's slipper falls oft
Interesting scenes of the oppression J and is recognled by her husband. Ha
the Russian peasant is inflicted with i is about to un Vernej through when
are shown as also is the workings of i Kitty appears, and Vtrney to savo
the inner circle of Russian bureau-1 her from disgrace, announce that she
cracy and the plotting of the revolu.is to become his wife. Heavily cloak
tionists Throughout rt all Anita led and marked and wearing Kitty a
clothes, Julia sups out Kitty beara
the disgrace. Capt. Spicer and Lady
Big tier fir Country Trips.
Seven passenger Fransnn makes
. - 1 .... ,, . . . , , , . . , . .... I
HarKaln If taken country- w. a
to MiiiKnam. uqnifi ui ,
Springs. Easy riding, quick service i
Haadquartara at Sutton's cigar store, j
Phone 464 or phone 2i'Jil nighta
Aov. I
For rent 7-room house. Hath and
hade Inquire 17 Willow.
Kor runt Mode tin 7-room house.
l!17 Mark street. North Side C L.
llon,ne. Standard Oroctrj Co.
f.r nle I mi Kimball liar or or
gan slightly need
at once Call or address. 513 Clay.
Prompt automobile tail servlca,
day or night Funerals to cemeterj
only IS 60 Phone 680 Hotel Si
Oeorge Carney Tasl Ca.
For sib- Modern, one year old
bungalow. :. rooms, Dutch kitchen,
fire place, full cement basement East
front, corner lot. 417 Ixigan or
phone 366R
For sale - Emmerson piano In first
class condition. Inquire Folsom f , ,.
furniture store. hat
For sale New modern 6 room bun- you
calow and itnrage. furnished or un
furnished Bargain tasy terms, in
quire this office.
Call Penland Hros. van to move your
household goods Telephone 339 Also
baggage transferring and heavy haul
ing For sale Five room house, east
Court street. Desirable location, close
to school A genuine bargain fat
particulars address R C. Jory. Mau
pln, Ore
small house and barn on pluce Lan 1
lays level, no alkali 120 per acre, or
will trade for Income or residence j
property Address Bd Muhcr, Starke)',
Johnson el Hep'ii't
Constructing Fleet That Will
Make Their Country Com
mercially Independent.
Walla Walla, is
I .hi I it.' Round-Pp Hats.
Remember, ladles, we are all
Round-Up boosters, too. Everyone
Ii luppoasd to wear their Round-Up
hats commencing Tuesday, August
1st and we have a beautiful showing
'Girl of the Golden West
for ladles. See our window Owl
urs now and be a booster.
i.Xdv i . 1 0 Main Streal
llalidtwdnt Manlmrlng
ladlaa, save your combings. Hair
H6j t der Shampoo and mas-
p.ndbton Halrdresslng and
ire Parlors. Pendleton Hotel
Phono 45- Adv.
xf.w vtiitK, July 11. BrasillanJ
hip builders are constructing fleet
I of merchanunenl that will make t heir
I eounlr commercially independent.,
j Oaoar Voratla, Bnudltan vice counsel..
I said today .
Almost a dozen ships f from 161 j
I to 10,000 tons each, are Hearing COM
pletion, hp said. llrazlllan workmen!
were cnpletlng for the Compania Na
oloja le N'avigaoei Costeria, u freight.
T of 10,1X10 tons. Half a'dosen more.
will be cons'truetad for the'samo coni
! pany.
wopi.ds i )im s mi:ik i,
Auto for Hire.
citv or country trips. Phone D
Residence 284M;
office 130
Bigger, Busier,
Handier than ever
The Big Cash Grocery in the
Low Rent District
525 Main Street
The old Folsom Furniture Store in Masonic
Our expenses are no more ami our Grocery
priees will be no higher than formerly when
Conroy was the talk of the town.
Try us during August and see how much you
will actually save in big round dollars.
Watch tomorrow's adv. for some new prices.
Harry Kldwell
in town.
S H. Holgate was here fron
H. E. Mitchell of (irandview, w
is in town today.
P. '. Hunter of Echo, was up
his home Sunday.
c. s. Mndge of pjeno sn
visitor in the city.
W J. Furnish came up
land this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Hale Slusher are
from Xolin today.
En d C. Daniel of Portland is a
incss visitor in town.
Mr. and Mrs. C E. Lewis were
from Echo last evening.
J. C. Campbell of Cay use wa
town Saturday night. I
C. T Schoonmaker of Stanfield
In the city yesterday.
.1 c CatapbeU of Hermlston,
n Pendleton yesterday.
Allre.l grants was a visitor in
o.er night yesterday.
Mrs, B, P. COOk came down from
Kamela this morning.
Dr. W. W lllsby wa a Hermlston
VWtor in the citV yesterda.
i Lysis Fowler of Baker is an out of,
i town visitor in the city. l
Marlon Jack is down today from h'si
summer home at Meacham.
H. E Johnson of Portland is here'
today upon a business trpi.
E. C. Deiflon of Vale, was transact-1
j t.g business here yesterday.
U'ri Eldtidge of Pilot Rock, was
i a Satlirdaj visitor In the city,
j W. P. Brown of Dayton. Wash Is
I transncimi; ousiuess here today.
M. A. Bturdlvaat, well known I'
Rook man wits In the city today.
I Kelix Johnson of Range, was
I the city this morning on business.
tieorge Hurr of Baker, was regis
lered at the Hotel St (leorge ester
Charles i
lish were ii
Mr. and Mr
villi-. Mo., ari
N Williamson of Portland wa- rag
istered at tbe linlden Rule hotel yes
leida) .
Mrs W. B. II u
it the Hotel
week, en route home from an extend
ed tour of the I'nited States, left thi'
morning for Sau Francisco from
whence they will sail on August ilth
lor Honolulu. During their stay here
Mr. and Mrs. Frazier were entertain
ill ut a number of delightful affairs
among them being the dinner at
which Mrs A. M. Herriek and Mr E.
P. Marshall presided on Friday even
ing and the dinner on Sunday evening
lor which Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Carter were hosts. .Several days ot
the Erasers' visit were spent at Bing
ham Springs. Mr. Frazier is rromi-, ventures
nently Identitiea with the misineai
life of the Hawaiian capital.
Tomorrow orml Mawley
American Prince.''
here Palo Alto. California, Fall term opens
, Aug 80. Catalogue upon request.
Alta Theater.
Mae Murray, beautiful photodra
matic star, who recently created such
a sensation in the Jesse L. Lasky
production of "To Have and To
Hold." will be seen at the Alta on
Sunday and Monday, in the Lasky
Belasco photodramatization of David
Belasco's famous play, "Sweet Kitty
Bella! rs."
The story has to do with the ad-j
Mistre.-s Kitty, the reign-1
! lag beauty of Bath, the latter part of
the eighteenth century. It is a Para
mount Picture.
i Lady Julia, bride of a few weeks,
heartbroken over the infatuation o!
her husband, Sir Jasper, for Lady
; 1 arLara Flyte, talis Mistress Kitty
in for advice
in "Her j Barbara spread the scandal concern-
ng Kitty and when she is to lead th
j dance at the ball, all the ladies leave
the floor and Kitty is humiliated. Ver
ne) is requested to resign from the
army if he marries Kitty and she. to
save him from disgrace, tells him that
her acceptance of him was merely a
joke. .Subsequently they are happily
C.n unistaiil'wl Ev Kli iwv.
Do you believe that a man should
be convicted of a crime on circum
stantial evidence Whether you do
or not It Sri I pay you to see "Thei
Man from Nowhere, w.th the inimit
able Ging Baggot in tbe leading role.
He takes the part of James Henon,
who has threatened to kill his sister
if she does wrong. This unwise
Motion Picture News
finally proven innocent is shown in
this wonderful Ked Feather prodUC
What the Picture Theaters Have
to Tell You.
threat is overhead and when his sis-
Mistress Kitty suggests : tar is found dead he Is speedily con-
that Lady Julia make her husband I netted with the murder How he ia
jealous and to this end gives her a
ringlet of red hair and a tender mis
sive which Mi-tress Kitty received
that morning.
Lad) Barbara is very anxious to
overthrow Mistress Kitty as the
reigning beauty and tella or
ardent suitors, Captain Spi
tion through whu h is
lug love theme.
Mr. Baggot Is abl;
Irene Hunt, Helen
Girard and otheis
that known. This feature will be
i harm
ted by
,i the
Tin: si spi: t a mi an it v
The Pai
ustiine Is Mrm-iung
Drama for the IjBi Tina
Today. p dure, be it comedy or drama,
will draw capacity houses on the
hottest day of the year, certainly has
to be a good one ami when the day
happens to be Sunday when most
people are at liberty to find comfort
In some mountain retreat. It is even
more remarkable hut this is what
Anita Stewart in "The Suspect." did.
she will accept his suit if he can cre
ate a scandal about Sweet Kitty.
On ljtdie- Day, when the lnniskiH-
i ings Kegiment from Dublin is the
lliisrdaii ' guest of the English 51st regiment
Ueut. Verney falls madly in love
with K tty, Lady Julia sees her hus
band w ith Lady Barbara and taints in
Verney s arms.
Jasper, seeing this and reading the
note which Kitt) has given
Cosy on Tuesday and Wednesday
When I .ill nn f,ih Wal a DaaoM
Lillian Cish, the star of An Inno
cent Magdalene, the new release on
the Tr angle program, and well known
for her work in "Daphne and the
Pirate. "old For Marriage and
"The L.I) and th. Hose. was once
a dancer of rare grace. As a ter-
htr, pichorean artist, she toured the I'nit-
prompt!) ihallenges Verney to a duel , ed States for two seasons in the corn
Kitty and Julia, realizing that Ver- pany of Sarah Bernhardt. She BUM
ney has nothing to ao with It, call to New York after that to finish her
at Verne) s rooms late that night to, dancing lessons. It was not lone
Plead with h.m not to fight the duel.' until she had found her w.u Into
Crowded them in botn afternoon and Capt. Spicer. hearing of this. Induces film work, in which she made such
evening and judging from the com- , the officers who are having a drink ! rapid strides that she loon gained
ments she made the biggest hit ol inc bout at the barracks, to visit, fame as one ot the greatest emotion
her brlliant career. The play. "The Verney's rooms. They force open ml actresses of the screen.
Suspect.' is taken from H. J. Wthe door and Kitty and Julia hide! At the Temple today.
nkerton and John Bng
i town today from Wes-
T. B. Mertz ol Peri A -visiting
friends in the
ibard wer,
p Hon oi Boise,
the Hotel How -
Mr. and
last night.
Mr and Mrs o
were registered at
man yesterday,
F. Ii. Scarry and family
i tonight for Seaside when
I pass the warm period.
Lyman 0, Kice of the
I tionul bank! has returned
(short trip to Hood River.
I Mr. and Mrs- J. B. Keller ,,;' 'om
eroy and 1 .1 Bryant were in town
yesterde! on their way west.
Dr. Simon Flexner. one of the Miss Dovle Oliver has returned
world's most famous constructive from Freewnter, accompanied by
medical man. Is hard at work at thejMIss Maaaor and Josephine Nolund
Rockefeller Institute of Medical Re- Mr and Mis J. It. Peri) and -Miss
search devising a means for exterml-1 Jennie Perrj expect to leave the last
natlng the dread and deadly Infnn-'of this week for an auto tup u, Cut
tile paralys'a 1 ter laike.
First Na-
t'rom a
Lillian Gish in
Coming Friday & Saturday Aug. 4th SL 5th
'Damaged Goods'