EIGHT PAGES PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1916. Ford Distributors tor ii Kn Exclusive Ford Garage Umatilla County VfpgiHjHH MWHii Round-Up City Mo Co., of Pendleton, Announce a GREAT DROP IN PRICE ON EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1st, 1916 1 Mon of the Year in Motor Car Circles FORD ROADSTER $397. 45 A cut of $45.00 from the old selling price of $442.45 SPECIFICATIONS: Brakes: On transmission and rear wheels. Carburetor: Special float feed. Changing Gear: Planetary type. Clutch: Steel disc. Ccrtiol Arrangement: Operator sits "ii left with brake and gear levers on let L. Coding: Water, with thermo-syphon cir culation and vertical tube radiator. Cylinder: Four, cast en block. 3 3-4x4 inches, L-head. Final Drive: Shaft. Ignition: Single system, Ford magneto built into motor. Speeds: Two forward and one reverse with direct drive on high speed. Tires: Front, 30x3 inches; rear, 30x3 inches. Type of Springs: Semi-elliptical, trans verse. Wheel Base: 100 inches. No options given on Colors, Tire or Equipment. TOURING CAR 45 $412. A cut of $80.00 from the old selling price of $492.45 Same standard equipment as 1916 cars, except non-skid tires have been added on rear How Can They Do It? The Ford Motor Company is one of the largest consumers of steel in the world 200,000 tons this year. The great volume of produc tionover 500,000 cars and the ( fficient Ford manufacturing orga nization brings production ami selling costs down to a minimum. That'-; why Ford buyers get more car for less money, The new cars are made of the same vanadium steel and other high-class ma terial that have made the FORD car famous for durability. Better Order Your Car Today Round-Up City Auto Company, Inc. 8 1 2 Garden Street Umatilla County Distributors Telephone 65 1