EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON! AX. PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY. JULY M, 1916. PAGE TW( This Store Can Best Supply the Many Things You will Need for Comfort, at Home and at Summer Resorts AH Colored Wash Dresses now $4.98 These include our entire collection of fancy net. voile and organdy dresses in pure, cool white. Several of these gar ments would make extremely attractive party dresses when worn over a colored silk slip. The styles are as dainty as can be and will be vastly attrac tive to any woman desiring a dress for afternoon wear at a reasonable price. Or iginal prices $15.00 to $25.00. Now i .-Price. All Fancy Summer Dresses 1-2 Price Formerly priced to $11.75. This sale, coming with the hottest days of the season furnish es unusual opportuni ty for style and com fort in dress at an ex tremely moderate price. The materials are mostly voiles in stripes, plaids, checks and flowered designs. The styles are ex tremely attractive, of latest design, with full skirts, both long or short sleeves. AUTO VEILS Chiffon auto veils in small, medium and large sizes, in plain colors, also contrasting borders. These come in shades of green, tan, brown, navy, Copenhagen, bluebird, grey, purple, lavender, light blue and pink. Price 65 to $2.50 BELTS Patent leather belts in black, white and red, kid belts in white and combinations of white and black, white and rose, and white and Copenhagen blue. Price 25 to 5c BEAUTY PINS One always needs a number of these little acces sories. We are showing a big variety of designs. The pair 25 HANDKERCHIEFS At always, first with the new things, we are now showing the newest in fall handkerchiefs of crepe de chine in printed designs, ombre silks, and pure linen handkerchiefs, with felt borders and medal lions. Price 25 to 75 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR "ROUND-UP GOODS" The largest assortments, the best in quality of Hats, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Boots, etc. We have your size in the '.'Round-Up Hat." Wear it tomorrow. BARGAIN BASEMENT Hot Weather Money Saving Bargains WASH GOODS REMNANTS ' REGULAR PRICES STRAW HATS UP $4.50 V3 REGULAR PRICES We offer you at Clean-Up Prices a whole basement full of Hot Weather Merchandise, in broken lots and odds and ends, with the quality the very best. Take advantage of these prices now. White Hose For Women . 15 Boys' Wash Suite 89 Men's Union Suits 59 Crepe Gowns 59 Children's White Sandals 98 Lawn Waists 69 Men's Khaki Pants 93 Comfort House Slippers 91.24 Men's Ught Suits $7.89 Bovs' and Men's Caps 9 Men's Sun Hats 8 Men's Summer Vests 19 We offer you another great big lot of bolt ends of Wash Goods in 6, 8, 10 and 12 yd. lengths. Many as low as l4 regular price. White Hose for Girls 15 Children's Sandals 69 Parasols House Dresses 79 Women's White Pumps $1.49 Middies 69 Patent Baby Doll Pumps $1.87 Women's Linen Dresses $2.48 White Petticoats dust ruffle 79 Men's Silk Ties 23 Fancy Ribbons 12 Envelope Combinations 69 $2.75 WOMEN'S RUBBER SOLE PUMPS $1.49 CHILDREN'S COOL SUMMER COVER GAR MENTS 29c THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Where Your Dollar Goes the Farthest. FREE Swat the Fly, a fly swatter free with every purchase FREE. MEACHAM LUMBER MILL IS FORCED TO i USE A NIGHT SHIFT I.XTKA I.AMUK XKlT-XvAKY Til HUi RCSB ORDERS OTHKR nkwny irons. i Em Oregonlan Special ) MKAOHAM n-e. July 31 The i'ae Lumber i'o. la r-.i-h.-4 with or ders and so has hwi running a few hours night shift to fill up orders Mr and Mrs Jo Parkes of Ten- ;ire at their summer time id ilarence Hawes went at I .1 ilrande last un I diet on a here. laurer to the r day. Kd Weliel and Ft. W. Will ams were here on Sunday from I.a Grande to try their luck at fishing but did not catch any Jim Heard, manager of Ihe Popular iish Store of Pendlet'.n. spent .Sun day with his famil ho are here for the summer. Jim Maker went to Im tirande Sun 4:i opining and returned the next fat after attending to some buslne." J. I rasey went to Pendleton on Wednesday to attend to bus ness. Bert Smith and family left on w.-dnesdav to motor to Wallowa for a week or In ia s outing trip. Mrs. L'hre lcr moved to Kamela II Saturday !o Join Tier husband, who is working there as an engine wiper. Miss Marjorle Kline of La Grande i came down on Sunday to spend a i while with the Hilyard family. C. P. Lonergtin and E (inlanders of Pendelton, were up Sunday cheok llng up the wood of Mr. (inlanders Mrs. Henderson and ch'ldren are up from Pendleton spending the sum I mer ramping. The families of B- J. Riddle and ; Fred Kiddle who h sawyer at the : Casey mill, arrived 'on Saturday from , Wallowa to reside here RACE RECORDS SHATTERED, The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays to Trade Review of Important Speed BS'SOU ghovn l ast Traveling to Be tile Rule. ! A review ol the Important auto-j mobile races during 1916 to dutc i shows lightning speeds lo have be come the fashion. thl March jth, at the Ascot Speed- way In Lis Angeles, i'ullen In a Mer- cer took the luu mile notsofl at over 1 tis miles an hour over a loose screen-1 surfaced macadam track which was ' Unusually hard on t;res. O'Donnell In s Puaacnbcrg, two' I weeks later on the same track won i won a 58 mile race at over l mile-, an hi Un Apr irona lionnell again plucked the highest honor in a 301 mile race at H6 1-1 f miles in hour without a single stop I for tires. The record for this course of s7-i miles per hour was made in I'M I b) Pnlton In a Mercer. Prior to the last race, however, six cars did better than 101 milrs per hour In ut. Again at the Ascot Speedway on April liiih. u Donneil took the UO i mile thriller at 15. 1 miles per hour. Hughe.- in his lunar Special at Eta kcr.-iield. I'al, on May 7th. traveled! the century over a dirt track to thu tune of l-6 miles per hour without tl Stop Have you ever noticed how many expensive cigars from Cuba have the square-end shape? Of course you know there is a reason for that. The reason is this: Of all cigar shapes, the square-end is the one most likely to give a free drawing, even-burning smoke. You can see that this is so in the case of the OWL. Notice that the blended leaves of the OWL filler run all the way down to the burning end. When you light the leaves evenly, you know they're going to burn evenly. No air-holes or torn ends of leaves to deflect the draught and make the OWL gutter. That square-end cures that Notice, too, that you get the full flavor of the OWL from the first puff. Not an over balanced taste of wrapper, but the full balanced flavor of the cigar. We selected the square-end shape of the OWL as we select the leaves and the Sumatra wrappers to make the OWL a good cigar. The Million Dollar Cigar M. A. GUNST CO. INCORPORATED MILITIA OFFICERS QUARREL If H I 1 1 III iua.iMi-.vi im M UriMSRH ( II lltGE EUE tiii,i; vv ri ii iiik m in KL PAKO July :!. The Pvmiavl vunla in llila officers ire quaJTaUnf among i hems. Ives The offlceta cliaiged that I'o.onel Williams Mr. Ke, oommaader of Kirt Pennayt vaula, fotced his own appoiiitiio ' while Mute senator of Pennsylvania. Tha adjutant general Is report, -i as alleinpntig M fore ceitaln militia oinmander to sign for MftppMN not received 'I'll mi d i muster of the Seventh I'diiiM h una sins h.-'ll n-vr a HII lot supplies not reiclvd EAGLE SHOOTER GETS SUSPENDED SENTENCE S. J. Lock wood Promises to Stuff Bird and Present it to Fish and Game Com. l,oltTIAND. Ort, July 2.-On HM ajtreetmllt of Soinucl I Ixk. .,d. Ihe county motorycle officer who .hot an eagle last Monduy Mil knowing that II a to violation that he would pay the coat of mull ing Ihe l.lrd, aboul 112. tor prenen latlon to the i ollevtton of Ihe Klsh nd ikanir r.nnm aaton. the charge again! him before nietrlcl Judge I n ion tiwlerday ee -unturned In deflnlelv I Mr, UMkWOOd could nOI plead gu 1 tjf to the i harue without automatical ly resigning from the employ of the. County, for i onvlctlon of the crime chargi-d agalnut him by -State Bio logist W, U Kinley Ih QMS for hla immediate removel from office ac cording to the Htatoten of the state. The motorcycle orflctr hot the lilrd. thinking it wan a hawk, though he admitted taht he did not know that it wan illegal to nhoot an eagle. There are pHllllim an well aa nen I mental reaauna for proi.-i ling the Aiiierh-an eagle," explained Mr Kin ley yilerday. "In addition to the ravel that there in a sentimental rev- efeeCe for the hlrd and that It In an attraftlftfl to ihe ColanMs river hlgh- ay, there rataalM no- fact that it ii not a serious menace to the farmer. It In Seldom that an eagle wl'l caff) "'f a lamb or chit-ken, dehpii'- the popular notion, lor the hlrd Uvea i hlefl) on fbth, The eagle nerve" a muo iiKi-r along Ihe ( olumha river, living oit dead fleh thai have be ' let Bp on the hunk It la a Unh ealing idrd primarily mid la common along mill region..' W Mil is mi. I'AVOIUTK iii Tiui 1 1 H-. i to in. Brstry. ilimg im V'xllore. Sy. ( D. IHake VSIIIMITON fat) 27 When it i omen to affecting a convee)tlon city In 1114, I ehull he for St Iule." oh ayrved it i Blaka, a flslaagto to the rniiit democralh conveatloti, at ih Raleigh. "Bafors rolng to my own i convention at Bt Uonki i stopped In 'hidtgo to eae what the raptMicana were doing and how they were helnK treat eg. The continued rain, ol COIUM, Interf erred with the plana oil 'the Chicago official" to make the con-1 1 vent Ion VtnHOfa comfortithle. hut It I 'did not co m pel the hotelkeepir. and otbeft to Impoiie upon their guet .1 The difference hetween Ihe two con- vention ijtlcn, no far a. I could olj aorva Was into: In Chicago they trd to .in ever. thing to the Vtohtora, g herean In Mt- Iiuti Ihey tried lo do, ever) thing for the vlxitorx. st. iiuin hai an elaborate pro gram or entertainment which in- eluded aiitornohlle Iripn. luncheon. gad d ri' urn for Itewspapaf men and1 delegate. While in I'linigo the otil entorta lament i w provided a i lot of fireworks which were eel ot ! mi 'lo- laet ri ght "f the convention. " I Pugatti aatog rad indigtKp "I liavo u-eu ' iiamherlaln'a Ta -j lata and mnel say Ihey are the beat bars ever uned IM otiallpatlon n'.ii I indige.tlon "i lf alao i std them '.I they did fcef EXPERT REPORT ON THE COLUMBIA NOT NEEDED Official Recommendation as Naval Base Will be Given Without It. Washington .miy 29. -The Co lumbia naval base Is looking up. af the renult of Conferences held today The Oregon house delegation Inter viewed Captain SfcKean of the bureau .f paval operation, who declares emphatcally a repori of esperts need not In- awaited to determine thai a f i Indlgeetl' food," writ r t mlngton, M C et are mild at lion Olve th ene . Knight, Wi harnberlaln's lu. gentle In their Mt f trial. Tou t'e certain to he ,icaefl with the ag.'--at-!i- effect eii.cli ihey produce. O talnahle eve'-, v cere Adv Flaying Him Alive OI unnlon of opponent by our candidate ubfnarlna baae should he established on the Columbia. Lnne'i amend meat should staj in ihe bill, he aajra. McKean al the same nine declared op. po.ltlon to a complete naval bime. llrltR'Ing further influence on the cotift reea, the house delegation win ae Becretary Daniels late today and a. I, him to nend a written recomnien datlon "f the Columbia baa to fhuir- maa Kadgftf of the hoiine conferecn The eecretaf y ha. already Indicated lo Senator Cgma he will do t h lei. Iklbotti BStOPlnal and Holler, three of Ihe five hoiine i .11 fel een, are now lelleved favorable to the Ijitie amendment. Itoherln la healtalinK over hla lack of expert recommendation, hut u letter from Daniels to Chairman Padgett, If obtained. Is expected la necure hi. nupport. a. well uk lhat of Padfatt At Bheepfhead Bay, New York, on ; May 13th Aitken drove a Peugeot 2(1 m'.ea at over iuh mllee aa hour, 1 with three other drrver.s hehind him I each doing hetter than 104 miles In the to-mlle, atulford In a Peugeot made early 101 iii'lejt an hour with out tire trouble, while Itii keiibach'T In hin Maxwell did Ihe 1 .Ml mile event I at over iir, milea per hour without ! .Hopping. : Indianapolis, on Decoration Day, jsaw Etaata in a Peugeot cover 3(111 ! mile? on a hrlck Hack at over 13 i inilcs an hour, while D'Atotie in a, I Duaasaberg ami Muiford in a Pan- ! geot followed hot at his heela. i lieata aga'D, OB June I lth at Chi cago, toed Ihe 100-nsUS event over 'a i-mlle hoard tracK. at ClOSS to 99 miles per hour with out one stop. i Tin- next eight drivers in this claaatc lull did over 00 in.loH.nn hour. L At Den Molnea on June 24th. De Palms in in.- Mercedes traveled a 'one-mile hoard track 160 times :tt! naarlj 03 miles an door, while itick-i eabacher, in a Maxwell, took the 10 mile race at over 04 miles per lie Palma at atlnnaapolls drove hi Mercedes home, the winner in thei 1 10 -mile hrush ul 91 miles per hour. The latest racea have been thoae ut . SfoUJ City, la., on July Hlh. wh'-re D'Alene in a Duewniierg garnered I the money In the lo-mlle race In 7 minute'. 31 eeeonda, while Wilcox rode a Premier to victory In lfi min utes, S seconds for 2U mllen, and aloj negotiated the hair century in mo span- of 41 minute, lacking one aec ond, and al Omaha, July 9th, where five new world's records went on record on the mile and a quartet track. Rents driving a I'eugeot. hung up Ilu rallsi an hour for .', miles an the mark rot- others lo aim at. while Rlckenbacher made the Maxwell hum arnttnd Ihe OVgl at a peed that shut tered all prevtotej 1". II, - and 25 mile records, hi. average for Ihe lat ter lielng HIS mlbw per hour Btllotnoseei ami atonuich Trouble, "Two eara ago I suffered from fre ipicnl attacka of stomach trouble and blltoUSnaaS,'' wrltee Mine Kmma Ver hryke. Mma, Ohio. "I could eat very little food that agreed with me and I became so dizzy and nick at my etomach at times that Ihad to take hold of something to keep from fall In. Seeing Chamberlatn'e Tablets ad vertised I decided to try them I Im proved rapidly" Obtainable everywhere.- Adv. M NATK PASSES RESOLUTION imiTIMl sftMESD -Tl VMI'it llllt CASKMKM CVOIMKOi TAKES nv OKRMAN hoat WASHINGTON, July 29. The sen-j BERLIN, July 29. It is annuunc ate, voted forty-six to nineteen, pass-led that a Herman ' miser captured lag the reaolutlon asking that Britain the Hritlsh armed steamer Ksklmo. exercise clemency toward the Irish They hauled an hour southeast of political prisoners. Ardendal Thursday A I 71 I At me toucn of a match All the convenien ces of gas better cooking and a cleaner cooler kitchen Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient than your wood or coal stove, and costs less to operate. Your cooking is better, too, because you have heat-control like a gas stove. NEW PERFECTION OIL CQSTOVE L , X For litst Rtsultt Ut, The Now Perfection give! a clean, odorless. Bootless flsniebei ause of the long blue chimneys. Cuts out the drudgery of wood or coal. Keep your kitchen cool. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-hurner sizes, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Kire less Cooking Ovens. Ask your dealer today. Standard Oil Co. (L'llilotnh) For Sale by W. J. CLARKE GEORGE C. BAER & CO.