East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 31, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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The Kaxt Oregmilan bu the mntmi boM
fide mid guaranteed paid circulation of aiiT
popcj In Oragea, cam of 1'orMand and Li
fir flic lui'Ki-at clrculallon In Peiniletun of
'Uf ncwapaprr
Tonight and Tuktv fair.
Maximum temper;!' nr.- Hi mini
mum. 44; rainfall. I wind wl,
gentle; weather dear.
NO. X87"
VOL. 28
a ' l H " . . , . i , m -
$1000 for Cowboy Relay
Uneasy Lies the Head
Without a Round-Up
Round-Up Increased Prizes all Along Line;
$750 Offered for Girl's Relay; $800 for Buck
Contest; Steer Roping $750.
InCMMlng the purse In the cow-i 1 nil tlxtrlt with the Inrlut and In -bOjrtf
relay, the Itound-IJp classic, to I lell.gence on the part of the roping
tTOOO, the i owboys- bucklnK cunteat ! pony there la nothing which compare
to tSOO. the cowgirls' relay to $7&U,jwith It. The goat to lie used thin
the steer loping to 1700 and other' year have already been purchased In
event in proportion, the Hound-Up ' fexas and will be here a month be-!
announced one of tile biggest cash I fore the show
prlie'Ilsl ever offered for the 11 The complete prute list is aa fol
show, September 21. 22 and 23. Injlow: Cowboy pony race, I15U;
addition to the money prlxe there i squaw race, $160; cowboy' relay,
will be the uau.il high claa addle ! 1 1000; bulldogglng. 1200; cowboy
and other valuable trophie In the stundtng race, 1150; cowgirls' buck-
Savage German Counter Attacks at
Minacue and Ham Wood Repulsed.
. anous event.
Om alded feature which haa, never
been put on at any exhibition in the
nOft)lrSI la the goat roping contest,
for which the Hound-Up ha set
...fide a cash prise of 1260. Goat
lupin 1 a favorite pastime among
the Texas and other border stale
rowbnya and lor display of skill
Ing. 1250; Indian pony relay, ISO".
Indian pony race. tI50; steer roping,
1750; goat roping. $260; maverick
rmOO, $30; cowgirls' pony race. $150;
stage i oach race. $200; pony express
race. $200; cowgirls' relay. $750; In
dian cuvilse luce, $150;
bucking;. $800; tug of war
burse race, $160.
Whole Austrian iieta. luncm (.he
I I' Including Hie ominundi i and
Staff Onr Thousand I colons aud , h,i
Four Machine (.mi-. Num'iidVml at
Vnotlm i-oint.
Hat on August First
The stage is set the actors are in
trim and know full well their given i
parts, the city Is to be the audience.
TomOtTOW. oh must unkindly fates j
have officially decreed that ull of the .
masculine populaiiou of tin- our fuir
city, must top their beans with the'
officii) Hound-I'l. hat. The refusal!
to obey the dictates of the order will!
lie a terrible thud, denoting ruina-1
tion of skypieces. The wailing of
tears and the gnashing of teeth will
be of no avail for pigs is pigs and or
der Is orders, captain m On with the
It is learned with meat satisfaction ;
the movement is meeting with,
wenty Million
Dollars Damage
From Explosion
PA RIB, July 31. A is announced
that the French have defeated vio
lent Herman attacks, si Minacue. and
liatn wood. The Germans suffered
oowboy ! terribly. The French are consolidat-
$72; wild ing newly imui positions on a four
mile from north Of Homme. They re-
184 Bodies Are Recovered
From Ontario Forest Fire
i cupturt
H The
1 1 mail i
Wife I
much popular favor even among 'he
younger generation. In a letter re
ceived today from a high school miss
the little lady says that "Tuesday is
the da when all real fellows should
wear Round-Up hats and yet some
are complaining about it, saying it is
too enrl m the season to wear a
Two are Known to be Dead, 116 Injured and 25
Missing in Series of Terrific Explosions That
Rock Five States; Warehouses, Piers, Tug
Boats and Freight Cars Destroyed.
Mi i.NTKEAI. July 31. North Hay. , simultaneously at several points. K
... .. loli 'in. nine pale was mow nil;, ne sni
Ontario, reported at noon that a nun-i
flames rolled over the COUntTJ like
ore.l and eighty four bodies , thunderatorm driven by a hurrl- I
i ootid in the forest fire district there, cane Everything wa very dr
d a trench near Minacue farm.
statement said numerous Ger-
oilnlers against Ham wood
sfjuked. 'Ihere weic extremely
violent combat in that neighborhood. j
The French lefl bank batteries en
f UJtded l he enemy, caua ng heavy'
loa es. Tlie Germans' attack on tht t
VerdUn HUk was halted by machine;
guns. The French progressed to I
West Flcuiy A German grenade at
tack west ot Vaux 1'happeile wit un-
beaver hat. To
would think thev
wear a 1'endletoi
life, instead of a
hours." The writei
relate how the htg
while advertlaing a
ball game, did don
parol, although tru
ly and snow did tall
Meanwhile uneasy a leap will he the'
rest of all those miscreants who fa J'
lo comply with the law.
ar them kick you
were condemned 10
Indian blanket for
port' hat for a few
ei then goes on to
Igh school students
i li Grande hasket-
.IKltSKy CITY, July 31. Allien
H. illokmau. the Lohlglj Valley agent,
and Alexander Davidson, of the Xa-
tlonai Storage mwny, have been
arraiiriied ilM iln- siiKriir court
charged with man-laughter in con
nection with the Black Tom I -la n 1
epiiion Sunday. Tile cases were
se-tioneid until Friday. The men
were released on five thousand do.
tars hail.
llcavv rains drenched the flames last,
night They expect to renew railway
i oiniuiinlratlon this afternoon. The
fire burned hundreds ol acies between
i 01 Inane and He.. i st . Several lOwBO
war reported destroyed. . million
...liars' worth of timber burned.
The fire started at four o'clock j
Saturday afternoon and wa. reported
was no chance for the people to save
their homes. The ill lag of
lloiirkea. Ita more. Matheson. Muahka.
Uontalth, Kelaq and Iroquois June
t on were obliterated. Cochran still
Is burning. The business section la fcXockod r
gone All the troquoifl Kails burned thirty firs
except the tnlils of the Abltlbl I
and Pulp Co
PSTROGRAD, July 31. it is an
nounced the liussiaiis won a fierce
I attlf around Itrudy and drove the.
Auntrian and Qerman to tlie Qrgb
rki and Seret rivers.
The war office asserted the RU
nans wire fighting forward to the
r region. The whole
Monved Austrian legl-
J. W. iMcCormmack is
Making Experimental
Trip Over Continent
in u
Wheat Remains Up
in Chicago Market
Kasi t ire goniao i
day Opan
July $l.l!i.
Sept. $1.1
II. (Special to the
Hange of prices to
Hlgh CloM
11.204 1 1.11 H
ItU ILIltt
Tori land.
PORTLAND, tire.. July II.
clal) Club ; bl.iestein ll.Oi,
Kl. PABO, July .11 Mexicans have
killed two troopers of the Kighth
cavalry In a running fight on Anieii.
i an soil near Fori Hancock. Five
Mexican were killed One Amerlcun
wils wounded. A cavalry patrol sur
prised the bandits en route to raid
an American ranch The Mexicans
fled toward the border. TWO hundred
sh. is wear exchanged.
The dead are I'nvale John J. I wo
no . of troop K
tor Hubert Wood Sergeant Lewis
Thompson was wounded Three
troops of cavalry chased the Mexicans
to the border.
I l i-i pool.
Spot No 1 Manitoba. 12i
per bil l: . ,n. , It id.
Id (11.1
HQ Auti
Y , Jul!
Motoring to Pendleton, J.
rmmach of the Pendlati
mem has surrendered, including the j '"I'uny. -en ine r.anniin
commander and atftff. At another i bli" M lyraotiao, N.
10 lit one thousand Teutons surren-' " ,n ' " ,erl,'s 9
a... u.ih four marnine nuns. ! The I'endletiH motorist la
Kiel, e artillery combats are in '" make any records hut is out t
progress northeast and southeast 0n find the actual amount of gasoline an,
, i i. ni cr i Dnka Nicholas Oil needed to make the trip. A tele
cenoite.i ii.nher Draaraa axamst ihei 8r"m sent here yesterday
Turks 'riie Ruaaian have ad Tan cad
from Kl unman They repulsed g
Turkish attack toward Mossul.
from Oma-
Ihii. Neh.. said that so far he had got
ten over -'J miles on a gallon of gaso
: line. He will return to Pendleton
! eurlv next month.
NEW VORK, July II. State and
federal officials have started an in
vestigation of Sunday's explosion.
Fotu are know,, pa be dead. One
hod) was rioatlnu in the bay. Scores
oi Isixe- of dynamite were floating,
ship captains have been warnetl.
Pro-eeutiiig Attorney Hudsiiuth de
clared that eveFy railroad terminai
Ing in Xew .Ici'M'y had flagrantly vi
olated the laws nxnlating the storage
of high eyplotilves. Twenty three
inen are still missing. Tlie cause of.
the disiister lias not been ascertained.
'The fire are subsiding. An inspee-j
i lain of the ruins has started.
WD 70 FEE!
hkkli.v July 31. -it is announced
Ihut French attacks from Longuevnl
to ihe .Somnie were heuvily repulsed.
Rliaaign attack were repulsed. North
west ol Ituczacz the Kussian.- pene
trated the first line and Were later
mb. its are pro-
-I t 111 I
WASHINGTON, July :n Becrel
! Service Chief Hlelaskl said the agents
reports Indicated that an accident
a .loseo lie .Now . ..r . t. I . o .s .. , .. n
and I'ustoins Illspee- i,..,. , ..... , .'
. , ' " m' ir.n-11 .ones?, oio-l l C-
porta show that .uitside influence
wrecked the allies munition! stores.
greasing favorabl
Btwaan Poiere
Seven hundred pi
machine guns we
the Soraroa there
lire. Near .arev
ter-allack failed.
prifonora were ti
Indications Are
Deutschland is
to Depart Today
Longuevai. I
ind thirteen1
South ol thirty p
t artiUon ' removing
HALTIMiiKE, July 31 At one
m the tug Ttmrnon began
the barges obstructing the
in coun-
hundre '
Deutachland. There wai
cation of immediate depi
LdNDii.N. July 31-Haig has re
ported the Brltin further advanced
north "f Balaotlno l.e Petit. They
sent the nighl improving pOeltlonl
won vesierday.
Fran Josxyph Sick in Bed.
I'HK HAOl'E. July SI. Emperor
Franz Josef caught a severe cold in
specting the troops at ehonnburn Fri
day. The Vienna dispatches said the
emperor was sick in bed.
Their auto struck by O-w. K. & N.
freight train No. 256 near Weatherby
yesterday afternoon, A. B. Robinson
of Meridan. Idaho, was dragged un
der the train its entire length and
horribly mutilated and soon died
while his father-in-law. Frank Weitr
aridt of Battle Ground, Wash., was
nurled from the auto a distance of Ti
feet He is now in a hospital at Wei
ser, Idaho, and may live.
The men were in a big Six Mitchell
and were caught on a blind crossing
However, the locomotive signalled
and the coroner's jury at Huntington
exonerated the railroad men front
blame. The accident occurred Just
e.ist of Weatherby and the men were
first taken to Huntington.
Weigand! and Robinaon were bound
for Pattle Ground.
NEW YORK, July 31. The cause is still unk nown.
iwo are known dead. Twenty five are missing. A hun
dred and sixteen were injured. Seventeen warehouses,
six piers, four barges, one tugboat and eighty-five freight
cars were destroyed. It is estimated the property dam
age to the National Storage Company is twelve millions,
the Lehigh Valley Railroad, one million and a quarter;
the Central Railroad, fifty thousand ; the Moran Towing
Company, sixty thousand; the ammunition companies,
five millions, other cargoes, two hundred thousand; Man
hattan Island, three hundred thousand; Jersev City, two
hundred and fifty thousand ; Ellis Island, a hundred thou
sand ; Bedloe's Island a hundred an fifty thousand and
other points a hundred and fifty thousand. The total loss
is nineteen millions five hundred and ten thousand.
Slocum Exonerated
of Blame for Villa
Raid at Columbus
WASHINGTON. July 31. -The war
.l. partment has exonerated Colonel
Herbert J. SlOCUia of the Thirteenth
. avalry, from all blame for the VII-
llsta raid nt Columbu. Slocum was:
commander during the raid and neg-
li c in e was charged.
i II till. i s JOHNSON, JKI
Oiarles Johnson, pioneer Umatilla
count farmer, aged 71, passed away!
at bis home six mile west of Adams,
S t.nilay night The deceased had1
an attack of la grippe last Tall and
had never completely recovered. The
immediate cause of his death was the
setting In of gangrene on nn Infilled
Mr. Johnson was Iwirn In Finland
October D, Hit, and came to Ore
gon during the Indian uprising In
1 s , n wnn ine aiouiuini . iiivei. nana
troops He seltled on his present
farm where he has resided for the
past 38 year. He la survived by a
wife, three sons, William. Albert und
Mlo. nnd a daughter, Wllma. The
funeral will be held this afternoon
at tho Finn church Burial will be
madi in the Finn cemetery.
I Would Find Danish West Indies Valuable Asset
ii II
: " g
r SiJ-MJsViv.tJUM ' ' ' k I
wmmM ova
i?,-.'.vhiy -
I LJ W K I . " . f f I
, jar T :
I ' Ti l , If v. ...'- :iy v. r a., r- -r e i . . "
This map show the strategic location Of the three islands in the I'lirriheun Sea comnrlsinir
from Ileum. uk lor 116,000,009,
LONDON, Jul SI. The admiralty
ha announced that a British areo-
plan hauled a Zeppelin thirtv miles
ff the east coast. The, British Pilot
lought until his gun burst. He was
stunned and when he regained con
sciousness the Zeppelin was gone.
Is I 'rc !OS 23 a IRmhIoo'.'
Superstition is declared by 4J
many scientists to be a torm of
ignorance. Whether super.-u-
tion is believed or not. a pecul-
iar coincident has happened in d)
Pendleton in connection with
numbers II and 23. Council
man Joe BU. chairman of the
city ine committee, is not au-
peratiUoua, tor he ha had pot
office liox number 13 lor aim"-'
..ti years but his records of the
tires in Pendleton show a re-
tnarkabl tact.
When the fire alarm boxes '
were being installed three years !
ago last spring m connection
with the new system, Mr. BU 4i
strongly urged the placing ot a
box at the vomer ot Main and
Webb street Several other 4i
member ol the fir committee ;
strong lj oppoaod the propoai-
tion but in the end an alaim Wl parioon the Chev.-nr show-
was .it -lulled, at the corner and 4)1 comaa out second best,
hagam box J3. A record of 4 The grounds and .iccniiimo lat ion
the fires in the city since the ! tor staging the show do not compare
(By Herbert A. Delima. Written for United Press.)
JERSEY CITY, July 31. I was jarred from my bed by
a titanic burst on Sunday morning. Mv first thought was an
earthquake. Thousands fled to the streets in their nightclothes
and remained until dawn, expecting the buildings to collapse,
i he lights went out. Many clocks and watches stopped. Doors
crashed inward, roofs ripped off, brick chimnevs fell and light
ning flashed hundreds of feet skyward. Flames shot to the ze
nith. Roosters began crowing, ambulances began passing fire
engines hurried past. Suddenly the entire world seemed split
open. My ear drums were almost broken. A pillar of flame
shot skyward. A huge smoke ring twenty feet in diameter
whirled above. It formed a mushroom shape. Then came an
other crash. A door fell inward. The earth seemed to drop
away. 1 felt a sensation like suddenly dropping fifteen floors
in an elevator. There were whistling, whirring sounds over
head. Shrapnel buzzed around. I lay face downward. A
bombardment started from the harbor. There were continu
ous heavy explosions and many smaller ones. The nurses were
not exciU'd and attended the wounded as the policemen carried
them from the houses. When day came the ground for miles
around resembled a war correspondent's descriptions of ruined
fortresses. Twisted steel bars weighing fifteen pounds were
found three miles from the scene.
There were many freakish inci- soldier' sheepskin overcoats rained
dents. Iron was ch:pped off the Lib- on Ellis Island Immigrants coiudd
erty Statute. The explosion awaken- ered the coats heaven's blesaing. Not
ed John Rockefeller. Junior, in the a solitary window was broken In a
I'm antino Hills. He telephoned to twelve tory New York plate glaa In
New York, asking the location of the surance company s skyscraper. The
earthquake. company must pay millions of lnsur-
Polieeman Henry Ooherty. patrol!- ance on smashed plate glass through
Ing the Jersey water front, landed In out the city. A Janitor In a downtown
the water. All his clothing was strip- building forgot to close the window
ped off. Bargeman Charles Sutler Saturday night. All were aaved
was hurled skyward. He alighted. Every window In the adjoining build
unhurt in a car of borax Kritiah lag was broken
Cheyenne Show Has Largest
Crowd in History, But Work
Lacks the Round-Up Punch
1 1 ii
'. vy. July
I have just had Ihe pleasure of it
tending a performance ot the juih
annual t'heyetine FronUer Days and
as one loyal to the Uound-l'p very
naturally comparison of the two
shows is suggested and in such com'
mer Kound-I'p
arena MHhO)tf
Parsons tic
. or tw.. other.
MUlil I'e lh
.. htaton or ih
installation of the boxe. shows
that more than twice as many
I alarms have been
at all favorably with thoee Of I'en
.dleton in cither beauty or utility.
turned in The events were slow and did not
fro box L'3 than anv other The 4 have the snap and go that the Hound
re yesterday Wa the 23rd fire 4. l p officials always succeed in inject-
This does not take into account
fft la alarms
Box 13. located at the corner
of Court ami Johnaon streets,
is next after 2.: in the number of
alarms turned in.
West Ind
The United States Is about l" purchase I
ng into the continuous performance
if their events
The Indian events amount to on
Uttte an l the dress of the tribe dOM
not compare tn Hchnatai or gramie .i
:o that of the Oregon Indians 'lb
lumber of Indians raking part wis
Hill" Bobbin. l
Weir brothers and
The attendance
greatest in th .'" .
Take it all and all, I believe The
RoUAd -t'p is the greatest show on
earth of its .,, ii,, CMpeRM Fron-
t.er Darya should be compare with
anh or its k ml an.! riic.nne Fron
BfjaM, Let r buck'
HI: J. 1 1 i'I..MiM"N.
Ai h. na, i o agon
Ninety pe, cent ..I itailaa oooi gad
shoo factor!) ar tolpped th Am-