PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 27. 1916. EIGHT PAGES July Clearance Sale THE LAST WEEK OF OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE IS RICHER IN ALL THAT MAKES VALUES FOR YOU. THERE ARE DAILY OFFERINGS OF UNUSUAL MERIT, AND MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO PRO VIDE THE NEEDFUL SUMMER THINGS AT A WELCOME SAVING. THIS IS A REAL CLEARANCE. SUMMER MERCHANDISE MUST GO. Ready-to-Wear Bargains !w,fstwww!stwfitwiw am run RUT HIT Tfl THE HUM II II II II I I II III STATE LIQUOR LAW SUGGESTED REMEDY For Friday and Saturday SUMMER WASH GOODS HOUSE DRESSES 79c and chambray house dresses in neat and a good range of colors. Extra 79c Ginghams tailored style special SILK WAISTS $1.39 Crepe de chine and tub silk waist in white, flesh, pink and vellow. Real 92.95 values; sizes 34. 36. 38. for . 81-39 BUNGALOW APRONS 49c In light and dark colors of best quality percale for price. Special 49f MONEYWIRTH WAISTS $1.00 A complete showing new styles of these wonder ful Moneywirth Waists; always special at.. 81.00 LAWN KIMONAS 98c Dainty lawn kimonas in flowered designs; good quality. Special 98 TAILORED DRESSES $4.98 Tailored dresses of linen in shades of blue, rose, pink and tan; values originally sold at $11.75. Now 84.9S DON'T OVERLOOK This wonderful sale of this season's cloth and silk suit, coats and silk dresses. Truly extraordinary values at 810.00 10c Lawns 15c Lawns H 20c Batiste 1 25o Voile 1C U5c Organdie lSc 25c Voile 24C 35C Organdie 24c 40c Voile 31c 50c Voile 3Sc 65C Voile 4UC 25c Pique 1S 35C Pique 26C 40C Pique 31C 50c Pique 38C JUNE POSTAL SAVINGS BREAKS ALL RECORDS WOtTiD PROVIDE THAT MAM - r un units, Drotnra VI. COHOli FOR BUSINESS M,AY ;kt LARcaa yi anti- II 9 .ttii'-;iiflrsl ltnmn May lfnoiv for nsMcrntiin of N'xt W-glshi-luro Is Hopeful ta Will lie At jiiil In IHlr ManiHT. $86,0C0,0OO Standing to the Credit of 603,000 Deposi tors in United States. IT'S THE FAD TO "ROLL YOUR OWN" CIGARETTES! JUST RECEIVED A complete assortment of Columbia Crochet and Embroidery' Thread, all sizes and colors. Crochet Thread, all sizes IOC Embroiden- Thread, per spool 15C Art Department, 2nd floor. T D IV 7 D. C-J Cl 3Phones l . r. w . rure roou onop ah is ECONOMY SERVICE CLEANLINESS TODAY'S STORE NEWS Green Corn, Green Peas, Head Lettuce, Green Beans, Bell Peppers, Ripe To matoes, Cucumbers, Fancy Eating Pears and Apples, New California Grapes, Canteloupes and Watermelons, Logan Berries and Red Currants. 50c 3.1c ; quart jars, 60c ; Water White Honey 3 for Extracted Honey Pint jars i .-gallon jars 81.00. July Clearance Sale in our Pure Food Shop. New Crockery and Glassware just unpacked. T. P. W. Special Blend The best 35C Coffee on earth. T. P. W. Special Teas Pound 60C to 81-00 M The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays to Trade v i w ji . ii i it: ji i . : i 1. 1: ui. ,ui i.i m i.t aumj Mjmu m m um am am m Ore., July T. All amend I RMnl to the present prohibition law whereby manufacturers Attiring alco hol for tea in their business may ob- I tain it in l.rc. r amounts than the I law now permits is suggested by At I torne -ilcneral ltrown as the best way to solve the problem now eon j fronting Oregon manufacturers. I If no one else should propose such en nmcniltnent, the attorney-general satil that he would prepare an amend . ment for consideration of the, next ! legislature by Which the legitimate I manufacturer needing alcohol could obtain it in sufficient quantities aft er furnishing a satisfactory DOHA The j attorney-general believes that th" j law can be amended so as to give re- ! lief to Oregon manufacture ri afw at ! the sametime prevent Importation of , alcohol for illegitimate, purposes. ValMlt) of Derision Doubted, The recent decision of circuit I Judge Morrow of Multnomah coun J ty. holding that any manufacturer j needing alcohol In wholesale uuanti 1 ties may import as much as is desired for manufacturing put post, in the opinion of Attorney-Oeneral Brown. Wtl not stand under test. "in snj event," said Mr, Brown, I "state officials will continue to force the law as it is now on the I books As I understand Judge Mor 1 row's decision, the San Francisco A j Portland Steamship company is held i liable for delivery of two barrels of spirits to W'adhains Co, Under the prohibition law. however, it Is unlaw I ful to receive more than the legally I Specified amount of Intoxicating li quor, and the contention might be I made that the receipt of more than j the specified amount of liquor enn ' stitutes a violation of the prohibition I law. Receipt Declared criminal, "By careful reading of section 1 -' j of the prohibition law. it Will be seen that It is made criminal for any per son to receive Intoxicating liquor, the I transportation or deliver; of which has been in violation of the provi sion! of the section. The legislature had a right to pass a prohibition law I prohibit tig the manufacture and 'sale I of Intoxicating liquors n the state of Oregon It had an equal right to llm I it the amount of intoxicating liquors i that might be awfully delivered to I any person within the state. "The Webh-Kenvon Taw especial y permits the lawmaking power ol the state to enact legislation mak'ng rlmlnal the receipt or alcohol as .as tough t by Wadhams A Co. Liquor Made Outlaw, Intoxicating liquor, in the aspect i being received, possessed or kept. r in some wa used in a manner NEW YORK, July :6. June rec crds for postal savings deposits were eclipsed last month, when a net gain of more than 3.8lfl,noo was rolled up. quadrupling the net Increase for June. 1915. according to figures made public today at the New York post offtee. Postmasters attribute the In crease. It was said, to the country wide prosperity of wage earners and tc the legislation of May last, which Increased the limit of deposits from $100 to 11000 a month. Among the cities showing the larg est gains for June are: New York. HIMll; Brooklyn. I ill, 141 1 Detroit. 1I7, HI; Chicago, tliMO; Boston. 111. Ml: Pittsburg ss.;SUI; Cleveland s:i ::,i itnffulo. I&M41: 1 ham into a J4V4H7: Philadelphia. 47."S8: Port land. Ore., SI6..44S, Newark. N. J., J4ii,:ia7; st. LotUs, MMtsi City. 111,011; L-os Angeles San Francisco. :.'". 7-1; Jersi 111,160; Columbus, Ohio, 1)1,7(1; Ta rt. ma. ISMSO; Toledo, :o.77l'; San DlegOi $ix.i31. On June It there wire 7701 postof- fices accepting deposits in the United Stales. Alaska. Porto ltlco and Ha waii, ami the number of depositors aP Smart Smokers Everywhere Are Rolling "Bull" Durham Into Fresh, Fragrant Cigarettes Most Enjoyable of Smokes Fashion for smokers decrees thst if you would be smart and up-to-date you must supply your self with "the makings" and roll your own" cigarettes. "The makings" consist of "Bull" Durham tobacco and a book of "papers". When you have poured a little "Bull" Dur- paner and soaped it to your liking, you are ready to eniov the cigarette that cm ""!" noisseurs say is the most enjoyable i smoke in the world -fresh, fra grant, mild ami sweet. It's an easy matter to learn to "roll your own" with "Bull" Dur ham. There's a knack to it that's all. Any man can master the art after a few trials. And to proximated i With Itg.OOO.OOO I make it easier, the manufacturers of Bull" Durham, Durham N.C., will mail free to anv address in the United States on request an illustrated booklet showing the correct way to roll your cigarettes. "Bull" Durham is sold every where. Get a Sc sack today. A free book of papers goes with it. "Roll your own I" standing to their credit. Klght offl- I ce. New York, Brooklyn, Chicago, I Boston, Detroit, Pittsburg. Chicago. Boston, Detroit, Pittsburg. San Fran cisco mid Portland, Ore., have pass ed the 11,000,000 mark and these eight hold approximately 42 per cent of ail deposits. l.AHOlt DEPARTMENT TO SI NK ;f,nts to aid sTHIKi: SETTLEMENT SBATTL8, July 2(1 Immigration Inspector White, the Longshoremen's sirike mediator, said the labor de- en- partnient is sending several Washing ton igsnts to confer with the strikers and employes In every city affected They hope to effect a settlement. White said it probably would re quire some time to complete the work They must change the entire attitude of the strikers and employers. The water front Is guarded following the outbreak of strike violence. A crowd of strikers rushed the strikebreakers and the latter fled and remained con cealed until the strikers departed. Philadelphia 1 -22 NorthfdTn legu Spokane S2 34 101 Butte 4.. 4 40 ,114 Seattle 7 47S Tacoma 40 44 .474 Vancouver 40 44 .44f, i, teat Kalis J4 4S 44J All adjustable be II invented to eras to enlarge the finders mounted i be MttSShSd to l am th Images seen has in 1X1 prohibited by Which it li t mrtpl, is an it Interstate lr;i wti from th LLOYD RICHES 10 -BE OK PROGRAM OF for the editors of the state piaitically every newspaper I i g in wiii be represented will be the guests of t Midfird and Jackson ' ar- jolting their effurt! plans to entertain the editors. Ben and i i ire- Tne e'libirs thi time citizens ol 1 nighi a m'n KTASMK1 i GD4TOR WIIJ. Ill U) PAPER W PP. i I M HA at .MKirii:ii on iroi'W 1. r, 6 AXU 7. OBCOON CITY. "re. July ii The program for the annual conven- Mai tion of the . regn State BdKOTial .V- it": kociatlon. to be held at Medford and on, "rater I-ike Aug ut 4. 5 6 and 7. was aaooaaeed today by E e. Brodle of i-. this city, presidcrt of the sgSOCigthW Cri TI,. oonvaatlon will lie a busy one n i Sheldon being chairman of the i rater i uke to v- Wted. Ips to the California state In uei at Ashland and a tr.jj f-r Lake were included in the beginning at . J o o cio h n'ght. Edgar H. Piper, ed the Oreg on lan, will le am rpeakert al 'he buqust morning 'he editors wil be pass- I. Orlves the famous pinacles. fishing lid 'Mating on the lake will occupy if the editors, and Bunda) g ram, fire will be built on of the lake, gram foUoSTs: Friday, Registration and payment Methodist, Opiacopal church, Salem; address of welcome; response and an n i.i I 'ddn-ss. President K. K, Brodle. I ..loiring Knterprise, ciregon Cit'. ntment of committees. "The Editor's Wife," Elbert Beda, the Sen- I Unci Cottage drove; "Cooperation j Between th" Publisher and the Col lege of Journalism." Eric W. Allen dean School of Journalism. I'nlver ttj .it Oregon, Kugene; "The Pub i shet and th- merchant." C. S. Whimore, the Washington Farmer Festtle; "How to Make a Country Paper Pay." A. E. Voorheis. Daily Rogue River Courier. Grants Pass: "Th Washington Newspaper Weld." Major H W. Patton, editor the Daily IVttfhlngtonian, Hoqul&m; adjourn i. o-iit at 3 o'clock. Automobiles will take convention delegates and their wives over the pa . ific Highway to the California state i n- over the summit of the Siskl ous and return to Ashland, where a banquet will be served in l.ithia Park, after which they will return to Medford. Snttinlay. t a. m. "Phases of Ovaanisatlen that it .lature s of the state t. be or Is in fact, im unlaw and divested ol charat t.-r ami with nterstate protection ai he federal government rhether th. ILL 1 MMARY. 4 National league. W. I. Pet. Brooklyn, 4 33 4ws Boston 44 35 .657 Philadelphia 45 35 .556 Chicago 43 46 .43 New York S9 43 4 76 1 Plttdbufg 39 43 .476 St. Louis 42 40 402 Cincinnati 37 r,2 .416 MJ.I!I N LEAGUE. New York 50 38 56H Boston 50 38 56S Cleveland 50 4 .556 Chicago 50 40 .556 Washington 47 42 .528 Detroit 48 44 .522 St LoulS 41 4 8 41 DRAYTON ARROW COLLAR THIN. LIGHT YET BTARCH1D AND MoliTLV lie each HmWc aotrr, rajsoM cosisc ANSCO CAMERAS kSSPEEDEX FILM uphold thr hf ffupretne Uttty "f sec Ibltfon law " BIG BRITISH GUNS ON SOMIWE LINE Work,'1 G. I-an-dng Hurd. extension department, Oregon Agricultural Cnl- lep-e; "How W'e Handle .Newspaper prepSISd Organisations in Washington," Wa'- r. where la.-e It. Jeasup, president Washingto i State Press Association, Bremerton. "The Most Humane Way to Execute the Prlce'Cutting Fienu who Mutil ates Job Price- and Legal Publication Bates. ." ti. D. Hamstreet the sun Sheridan; "Problems or Journalism.' E. Hoffer. Pacific coast Manufactur er, Salem: "Some Differences in city and Country journalism." Lloyd RIchM, the Standard. Stanfield; "The Newspaper as a Rural Communit! Developer," t;. j. Taylor, the pi. er Motalla; I" It Good Business to In etal a Linotype in a One-Man Of-lie- " W. C DePew, the Criterion. Lebanon; adjournment for luncheon. I;t0 p m. Report of committees; ennusj report or the necretary, Philip B. Rates. Pacific Northwest. Po.' land. "Newspaper Ethics." Joseph P Herb. Washington county News Ties, Eote-t drove; Partly Libel snd the Party Label," ', a Ingalls, DalK i iz. tte-Times. Corvalttsi "Guaran teed Adverising" John K. Gratke, It'll Budget, Astoria; "Why Are So Many Newspaper Offices Dirty " E !l Olmsted, the Ma ';. Sta'lon; . Slandard Uniform Cost-f.'inding Sys- m and Its Appl cation." John J .1 ,i nek, w. Baltes & Co., Port iar. i: general dlscUeSfOfl of lUggesi -: topis .-lection of officers; adjolirn- Tak.'nlj big Chances, It Is a gleM tk to travel withnii. a bottle o" CliamUr Iain's Colic. Crnl rra and I) arrhoea Remedy, as this p-eparation cannot be obtained on the i'ains or qtf-atiu hpg. Attacks of bowel COmpls'nt IM often sudden and vary severe, ami everyone nhoiild go for tie in ohtainaMe ev BEFORE You let any work in our line, don't forget to get our prices. Estimates gladly furnished on any kind of stone, brick and cement work. S. RUGO & CO. Telephone 461 l it ( Is JOKKI'H is II I. ZURICH. Jul JT. Members of the Austrian imperial family have been summoned to BchoefliOrunn, "wing to WRITE TO TOUR FRIKND8 ON Monogram Stationery w. 6. smith & CO. WEDDING AND VISITING CAR! ENGRAVERS. I40ROAN BLTJO.. PORTLAND. OH TAON'T let another U summer go by without an Ansco. It will add more to the pleasure of your out-ino-s than anything elic, All winter and long afterw ards you can live over ajain with your pictures those nood glimmer days. Let us show you the Ansco line. $2 to $55. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggist! emperor, the illness of th Joseph, according to from FnSbruofc. Several specialists ar the king-emperor anr tin war is being withheld fr Kr. W! Ilnpatche Utendlng of thu r. l' - i. NORTH BEACH QIC BWXJSJi 6UN IN THE, OREAX ADYMyC& Heir i a Picture of "Big Jim." one ot the guns which Is creating InO I I M.IOTT Is sOl.D TO I III, CMIC . I H I-, announced the sale pf Rowdj Elli ot) to the Cubs. The flnnl details are agemenl Of the 'inks until Ihursdav when he starts eastward. I Cosy Today. WASHINGTON 26 MILES of smooth, firm, white sandy beach sloping gently into the sea no dangerous under-tow a scorn or more of delightfully interesting oceanside hamlets simple, restful life combined with different, tasteful foods and only the best of summer-resort pleasures Thai's NORTH BEACH "PRIDE OF THE PACIFIC" Weather and beach conditions are jut's right--therefore, 00 NOW we will b glad to help plan your trip. Asl; for the new North Beach inat off the nress. Fares and Hon full information upon applica- T. F. O'BRIEN, Arrt. O-W. R. & N. CO. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM