DAILY EVENING EDITION 8Bj& SnsnHHan I A m CCsa$OClkseB? papei in CU.giMi, ..f I' u'llnnd mid I 1 I DAI LJV W. 1 T m. Mt fur Hi" In In IViidletun of aatSBMBP"'l J foul -XX X -MggS M mi, newspaper. f AisJ "ftEWJ'irt SjBa ;s" CITY OFFICIAL PAPER t" VjpPo DAILY EVENING EDITION VnCATHSB ni?ht and Kri'l.tr tir vitkiuws weather d Maximum temperature, 7t. mum.. 4; riiinf.ill. triad gentle; wether, parti) lou.h TA COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 28 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1916. NO. 8872 E FLEEING TURKS TO SIVAS OUTPOSTS Huge Quantities of Booty Together With Sixty-Three Hundred Prison ers Captured. BRODY ATTACKED ON 2 SIDES In Spite Of Heavy talus, Czar'a Army KecM l' Vigorous Assault Km-o-ltki Hold i'lrut Against CohtiJl uuun Attack of HUJdoubierg. llistilail- lllllit Retreat. VIENNA. July 1' 7 . It is ad muted thai the Russians havs retreated south' of LOBtnyoW be fore Superior Hus.dan forces, II In reported the Russians have made 'insignificant advances." following terrific bombard ments noar Radiivlllow . The ItallaiiH have ceased attacks. There mn artillery duels on that front. On July twent) fourth tlx' Italians ill line sec mr lost thirteen hundred men. PKXntoo ra l, July 27.- It is an nounoed that the Russians are pur suing the Turks begond Erzmglgan They have raptured quantities of booty The war office claimed ad vnnceo " every front except south of Like Voltchlno whore superior en em forces canned a retreat Along the river Lonlowkl the Russians have i allured sixlv three hundred prlaott cra. five cannon- and twenty-two m.i i h ne guns Heavy rains are impeding the Rus Blan Gallclan drive The guns miretl Despite throe handicaps the Russian are attacking Brody on two stdw Oil the extreme north Kuropatkln is withstanding lOatinUOlM Hlnd-nbiirg attack. War office believes the TurkK are ftoolng towar.l sIvhm. a hun- Irod and thirty Erzlnglgan miles to the West of REPORT Of POLITICS IN BORDER POLICY 1$ CALLED TREASON M'OOHMICK TH IT HI I KEPT st i IKES Rl MORS III tMEN W ILL HE I ROM VOTING. NEW fORK, July 27, hairman Vance McCormlca of the national democratic campaign committee call ed the report that the president I deliberately keeping the militia at the border to prevent militiamen from voting is "treason '' He said "The I guardsmen are patriots ami an are good soldiers. There may be a few grumblers But the are not inspired by political outsiders. President WU- .sun aenl the mllltla t. the border for th. coUntry'a protection. To infer hu aanl them for political reasons is rot such talk Is treason." HUGHES AND Fill CONFER NEW YORK. July 27 - Charles E RUSSIANS PURSU Hughea came frmu Bridgehampton j today to consult Senator Fall who just returned from the Mexican bor- SPOKANE, July 17. The first name der where ha investigated conditions. In the Colvilla reservation land draw He conferred for an hour. Rushes ling was Deorge T. Lennon. A, m. said they had a "pleasant conver- j Anderson of ktUkllteo, Wiuihlngton, satlon," but refused to tell what he : was second. Other winners are El dlacuaaad, George B. Lockwood. pub- m. r D. .Si. hols. Moscow. Idaho; Ra lish.r of the Hunlce Press, told lelghl o. Tomlinson of Baker. Ore.. iiuches the republicana would car-1 Frank Shlelda of Trail, British Colum talnly earr) Indiana Hughea weatarn bla, and John H, Rlbb if Bremer- trip Itlnerarj is still incomplete. Disorderly House Ordinance is Passed With Amendment With an amended clause, the ordi nance making a disorderly house a nuisance and providing for Its abate-! meat, was passed by tne city council laat night. The new clause provides that before an owner of a house of such character is guilty ot any crime he must have had 10 days notice that the house is being run as such. This notice must be actual and served b) the chief of police. The other provisions of the ordi nance are the same as announced when the law was Introduced. It provides that anyone WHO "erects, es tablishes, continues, maintains, uses. Dire Calamity Awaits ' Man Who Defies The Round-Lip Hat Edict It seeiiLs Hiiro that the awful in evitable muni happen. In even tOWn or city In thbi broad universe there are aome p'opIe who reluae to abide by the dictates and regulations of the lobar and hard thinking people. So in the great little city of Pendleton do we find several of thla so-called stubborn folks and Justice, cold and M ling must be dealt 0111 according ly. Yesterday It was officially decreed by the Huund-l'p and Happy i."anyon authorities that anyone caught on the streets of l'endleton on the first day of August wearing any other than a ROUnd-Up skyplece would suffer the humiliation and disgustation of hav ing said bonnet, be it straw, felt or bankok, strucken and destroyed. Late yesterday afternoon following the an nouncement a prominent Pendleton man boldly shouted that he'd bo swuggled If he would don his Hound Up hat so early as It would b too hot. It is thought that the man was loused to his sudden and indiscrimi nate act by some of the Pendleton merchants who thought perchunce they might sell the fellow a hat after I lie old one had been caved In Tile official! will be on the keen lookout for all such offenders on next Tues day and fit burial services have been ananged lor all those. Motto: tiet out. dust ill on your Round-Uo hat. ,1 put OF U. S. NEUTRALITY VESSEIJi WERE SPEClEICALLi INWTRltTEII TO REMAIN OUT SIDE TERRITOHI h N ITERS WAHINQTON, July -7. -The Brit ish admiral commanding the cruiser quadron off the Atlantic coast Indig nantly denies that British wars-hips entered ChcsHpeaKo Hay. British Am aaaaador Boring-Rice t..ii Conaellor l Ik. Ihe admiral raporwa ms w- to U M ,,. Tne slatp de. s were especially Instructed to j" I partn.enl will make its contents peb Jn outside territorial waters. He Uc ofl j,,indav ,, is understood the was iiiu. li maturoea over ine report, i 'I he British em baa!) cabled to Lon don for Information concerning a mysterious British cruiser seen at Lynnhaven Bay Tuesday night. It Is not learned w hether the state depart ment inspired the Inquiry. WHEAT JUMPS TWO CENTS IN CHICAGO Liverpool Market is Also Stronger; $1.72 per Bushel American Terms. CHICAGO, Jul : the East Oregonlan. ) is today: .(Special to -Range of pric- Opo Hlgh Close 1121 11.23 July 11.21 l September $1.24 Jl ! I M Portland. PORTLAND, ore., July 2 -(Spec. lal.) Club, 3: Uuaatem, 11,14, rjvarpooL I LIWRPOOU July : -Wheat jspot No. 1 Manitoba. lis KM (1.72 i 1-1 per bushel); No. 2. lis Id, BAKER MAN IS WINNER ton, Wash. owns or leases" a building, erection, or place in which Immoral acts are permitted shall be guilty of maintain ing a nuisance, on the conviction thv record ar is to Issue an order of abate ment or for the closing of the place for md more than a year if it Is deemed expedient. Tile owner or leasee may sm ure a cancellation of the order by putting up a bond. The penalty provided for conduct ing a nuisance, for entering a place ciosco i)j order, or ror ratling to heed an order tor abatement is a fine up to $100. Imrtoonment not more than SO days, or both. TAILOR TBYS TO SEE WILSON KANSAS CITY MAN ARREBTEI) FOR SUSPICIOUS ACTIONS NEAR WHITE HOI si;. WASHINGTON, July steven 1-erverbauer, a Kansas City tailor. muJ bpcn a tota, , thlrty foUr nun. was arrested near the White House, j ,lr,, ,, ,.,. caw, ,,,',. In ou. He demanded an audience with Praa- broajl. There were thirty ..ne deaths Idem Wilson. He claimed he suf- todajr, making a total of seven hund fer.d from persecution in Kansas( r(., thirtepn. Health officials have City, He was taken to a hospital. (aaued a warning against quack reme- jdles. TAX on movies PROTESTED. I PBRU DEHTES KEORET PAT. Deiegat.s, ui National Convention j LIMA, Peru, July 27 It was an- M-iid Manai u rilliailMaaail I nounced here Officially that there was CHICAGO, July D Ufa tea the convention of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' LafUfUa of America oted to smitl telegrams t.. aanatOrl and rep resentatives in Congress protesting against the proposed government war revenue tax on motion picture the aters. A resolution federalizing the allied branches of the motion picture In dustry was adopted. Deutschland's Sailing Orders are Suddenly Countermanded Believed That Submarine Has Received Word From Bremen; Boat Submerged During Fore noon But Later Rose; Tug Takes on Extra Coal Preparatory for Departure. BALTIMORE. July 27. Alarming I reports or news from the submarine Bremen kept the Deiitschlund here. I Orders for the submarine to depart I during the night were suddenly coun termanded, it is generally believed thai she received word from the Bre DEMANDS ARE MADE TO PROTECT BLACKLIST FIRMS U. S. Protest Went to London Last Night Will be Made Public Soon. WASHINGTON, July 17. Polk has announoed that the American note protesting the British blacklist went a. ..a. snprifif. miaruntcos thai the blacklisted firms lie allowed to fill their outstanding contracts and collect outstanding debts The blacklist la not to be extended. The British can not prevent the blacklisted firms trad- inn with South America. !om tfre E VfcN .NCyl PARALYSIS PLAGUE LESSENS I HEALTH OFFICERS OK N KM VOlth! W ARN AGAINST QUACK REMEDIES. NKW rOfllC, Jul IT. Infantfie niiruk mIu huu allL'htK ,1,., n.u w,-.l Th.r.. no truth In the report that Peru and agreement with the onject of taking vast tracts of land, the possession of 1 which they dispute with Colombia and, Ecuador. Reports of such an agreement were received in Latin-American diplomat is quarters In Washington early this week giving rlae to fears for the peace of the four nations. men. I he tug liiiiiniiis took on ex tra coal preparatori to towing the Deutaehiaod beyond the capes or re maining awhile in lome Chesapeake Bay cove. During the forenoon the DeUtaohland submerged and then arose again. I RAIL MEN FAVOR STRIKE BROTHERHOOD IS PREPARING HAI.U)Ts FOR DELIVERY TO NEW YORK. ST. LOUIS, July 27. It is learned that between ninety and ninety five per cent of the Missouri members ot the four niw.iy oroineraooaa lavor a strike. Th oroinernood officials of the St Louia district the ballots for delivery ters In New York. me pit-paring to neadquar- GOOD FOR THE CROPS. GERMANS AGAINST BRITISH E Reinforcements are Rushed From Verdun to Frustrate New Ad vance. 20 MILE RETREAT LOOMS Eery .Mailable Man and Gun Is Thrust in iircach, While Allies Work rVvort-h) Entrenching and l ortifyliur Gains. .LONDON. Julv 27 Hag reported a havnnet Mriinl Is raarina around 1 ha new- liriiish trains The Germans I are firing chemical eye Irritants 1 ne dispatch said: "Our artillery' was ac tive throughout the night. We con tinued to press the enemy at varioua points. There was no important event.'' Military observeis lelieve the Ger- ii, an- are preparing to hurl tremen- dotta counters. They concentrate their '.tticks at Pozieres and are rushing ' re nforcements from Verdun If th ! Britlab advance six miles more, the l.iermans must retreat along a twenty mile front. The Germans are hurry i ir.g every available man and gun in I an effort to frustrate the British I movement. The British are feverish- ly entrenching gains. and fortifying their WILSON SIGNS BILL FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS Includes Appropriation for Widening Approach to Brooklyn Navy Yard. WASHINGTON, July 27. Presi dent Wilson has signed the forty two million dollar rivers and harbors fill. One new- project appropriate three hundred thousand dollars to improve the East River channel to permit attleships to reach the Bn.oklyn navy yards President Wilson urged this despite strong efforts to defeat it. Heal Drives Man Insane. CHICAQO, July 27 This is the In, Best dav this summer. Tne mer - ENC RUNG MOV registered one hundred at noonj"' time to retire when you opened i cury i- i . district. Three deaths oc- p OlSlIiei. loire ,n-aiir m.- Arthur Sheehan. aged 40. an i agent, was driven mad. He! rurred insurance humped from second story window and wa.- Inatantly killed. police era BOH OH at m mm mm AS ONE OF SERIES OE CHS Detectives Arrest Four Men, One of Whom is Reported to be a Labor Leader; All Informa tion Points to Widespread Plot and Startling Developments are Expected. BAN FRANCISCO, July 27. The police have arrested two more sus pects in connection with .Saturday's bomb outrage. One gave his name as John Federo. The others name is temporarily withheld It is reported hp ' a labor leader. Captain Duncan Matheson. head of the bomb squad, declared there were One new project approbates three lieved the police have definite infor- mation and are not working in the dark. Matheson said: "All informa tion indicates that this crime is one of a series of bomb outrages planned f..r .San Francisco and the vicinity. We ll show that the plot was very widespread when all the facts are public." The first "important" arrest In the hunt for the plotters who exploded i I'omh during the San Francisco pre paredness parade last Saturday, kill ing eight and injuring 4a persons, was POPULAR ROUND-UP COWBOY SAVED IN NICK OF TIME MIXED SUIT CASES ALMOST PROVED UNDOING You know Danny Clark, cowboy. Bound-l'p champion steer roper and livestock man for the O.-W. R. & S. and know his pleasant smile, h , engaging personality and his ex - tremely chic cowboy clothes You know what an extremely nice fellow Danny Is.' But supposing you were ;. demure little lady coming into Pen- dleton for a first visit arriving at the depot yesterday afternoon about d o'clock when all the trains were in and the people were running here , ana mere ami tne caooies yening ami I the conductors calling and general confusion prevailing, and you grab- btd a suit case and rushed away with ' up that suit case ana round tnat you -r - were supposed to sleep in craps, high-heeled cowboy ver mounted spurs, an extremelv noisy shirt and a buckskin lariat. RIOTOUS SCENE IN IRISH MEMBER CAUSES HOUSE ADJOURNMENT Near Rioting Occurs When Sergeant Attempts to Re move Lawrence Ginnell. LONDON, July 27. Lawrence Gin nell. Irish member, caused an ad Ji.urnment ..f the House of Commons. I He asked the Home Secretary. Samuel Stone, several o,uestions and called the replies insolent. The house became uproarious. Sergeants-ut-arms at- ' temptel to remove Ginnell, He fought ! and the speaker declared the sitting ' suspended. The whole chamber was uproari ous when Speaker Lowthef terminat ed the sitting. After a brisk fight five attendants overpowered Ginnell He submitted quietly. The guards escorted Qlnnell outside amid confu sion. BRONX STREET CAR MEN OUT ON STRIKE THOI SANDS FORCED TO N VI U BEOAI SE OE i NION s DE M M FOR MORE PA1 NEW YORK. July 27. A strike has disrupted Bronx street car service Only twelve cats operated all morn ing. Thousands walked The men demanded more money and recogni tion of the union. BRITISHCOMMOHS Popes t,nl i Moved, ROUE, ,lul IS.- -The body ..f Pol la1,, xiu lias been removed fr.im cim d eating place to another Inside of St Reter'a The ceremony was simple in. I private. made yesterday when Chief of Police White and a squad of detectlvea ar rested W. K Billings, an automobile machinist, and held him incommuni cado. The arrest was staged drama- , tically in the free clinic maintained by Stnfnrd Cnlversity in the Lane Hospital, where the suspect was re ceiving treatment "not for a wound," the police said. Immediately after the arrest the pollct announced they had made an Important capture which they expect ed would lead to further arrests of persons connected with the bomb out rage, but further than that no detail! were forthcoming. The hospital au thorities likewise refused any infor mation. Ed Nolan Is the third man arrest ed today There Is no Information regarding his connection with the ca.se '.,lan Is a machinist. He is re ported to be fourth man arrested. That is really what happened to a young lady last evening and this morning she was down town bright and early trying to find the owner , of the cowboy suit case and make a ; very desirable exchange with him. she described the contents of the suit ; case she had to T. T. O'Brien. local agent of the O.-W. R. & N., and he imediately tied the ribbon on Danny Clark for no other cowboy in the ; northwest carries such decidedly nice , clothes with him. Danny didn't open i his .uit case when ne retired for the night so the surprise was all the greater this morning when he waa told what happened. Danny was ex- pectlng to leave for Cheyenne laat warn 10 eniei uaaw roping contest and there is a little amusement In just imagining what Danny would a pair of have looked like had he attired him boots. sil-; self in the clothes in the suit caae which he had and galloned out on a ; horse to rope a steer !! IN I DAY Al uLtVtLANB CITY SWELTERS IN WORST HEAT OF SUMMER, MERCURY TOUCHES 100 MARK. CLEVELAND. July 27. This city is experiencing the hottest weather of the summer. Over twenty deaths oc lurred durina the day. The temper a ture ranged from nineo four to one hundred. BILL IS PASSED BY IHE SENATE WASHINGTON Jul The ten ate has amended the amu appropri ation bill giving fifty dollar! a iicuilli relief to the Sependeni f i mil as of mi litiamen and regulars on border duty. The senate passed the three huSdred and twelve million dollar army appro prtaiion bill without a record i"t this afternoon. In the house Rghti , are expected on both army and navy With one exception this lull is th" largest m peace times in the military budget histon . The exception b the three hundred and blaeij mtlUOS dol lar Russiun appropriation of nut providing for fhra million soldiers House Leader Kltchln announoed the army ami navy billi n,-ver baS mat his approval preaidenl Wilson takes a positive st in.i thai 'Ii-- navy bin must be approved Senatoi ' bainber- lain said he hoped th. akftte suppt.rt would he giv. n hia meaaure ''h.ur man Ha) told Chamberlain thai oppo. atilon t.. ins i, ill not aa strong i prevlousb AMENDED ARMY ..'.:.' u. i ui Page Four )