DAILY EVENING EDITION , iBB5 aw t advertisers. I jflk m'" ' ) 4(5BL--v' ( M utVfalK(Nlti Ik iHina aJMHsaBfl 1 vJ f i I lV u II ill! i ill 1 1 it east id I'nrtlud and " mJ Tssanaai f if OAJUt VA 1 fr t lie largest In I'cndletuo ul BBH5 ugMI WHBM I Vl rNN gj w flf DAILY EVENING EDITION WEATHER Tonight and Siimla. fair. IMIilmill I UKATHFH DATA. Maximum temperature, mini mum. . wind. Went, gentle, weather COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 28 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1916. NO. 8868 FIGHTING FLEET OF SUBMARINES TO GIVE BATTLE Armed Divers Reported to be Ac companying the Bremen to Amer ica to Break Allied Patrol. Plot is on Foot to Discredit the U.S. Militia Plan KFFORTS BRING MADE Tt PROVE THAT PRESENT SVS. TEM is BIG I'AILl'RK DEUTSCHLAND STILL IN PORT tOngagcment Miiy Take iie Outaide Tbree-MDe i.imit v shh As oar- m.iM I nder-ca Root Arrive; Gor nuin Authorities Refuse to om- iihh mi tiie Reports, BALTIMori;. July 22. Tb Deulacblaad representatives HUhI oimranoo papers with Pnatrana IMlBOtor It.van this afternoon Mho gutted Ihut clearance had not ii beeu granted. (By William .Shepherd i SAN ANTONIO. July 22 A delib erate .Hid well-defined plan exists to prOVi that the militia scheme I" a failure Americans may expect a BUbtiS newspaper campaign against tin- Rlllltia system. The American mind ma he sluwly poisoned against the entire federalized mllula plan All huge federal arim supporters find hundred) I la encamped respondents . storv lief.. re RUSSIANS CROSS RIVERS IN FACE ; OF ENEMY FIRE Slav Forces are Progressing Steadily Toward the Galician Border Ac cording to Petrograd Report. First German Prisoners Taken . Picardy Drive of fault with till- mill here. Kewspeper cor- axeflllly weigh every puhllshlhK It. K.-cii! it BERLIN DENIES ROSS GAINS arm; officer! favor general conscrip tion Thai dlallke the militia sya- tern. They wear cltlsen's clothes i whenever poa-ible to avoid being mistaken for a militiaman The mill- I ...... i , . es ua is not pcrn-ci nui n is noi so nu-i as. the public may he led to believe Trenches in Hie Riga District arc Taken by Karopatklni wimic Aus trlan t nits re Reported to he surrounding: Berlin Snvs Rusahsn lltacks Growing Weaker. Til th Is was HALTIMoBK fill) 'll Deutaohland remained docked rooming It was reported .to awaiting the Bremen's arrival Bremen la due on Monday Ii rumored that a fleet of fighting ub marines Is escorting the diver It m is meet the DeUtgchl&ud outside the Virginia t'apes to netp run the block-: ado There was a terrific thunder-! iorm last nitrht Newiap'rmen In! lauru lies dimly saw the gray-green hulk of the Deuischland amid the lightning flaahes A myaterlous 1 ste.uiu r nr. ,i n, flashed unintelligible HlKtl.'ilN. A naval battle at America's very! doors may result if the German sub-1 inarm, escort dafhea with the glllatf patltlla A naval expert aaaured the United I 'reus that at reast two armed ; Mibmaiinai are escorting the Bremen , The Qannana ma) plan to torpedo the' lockaib rs a.s noon M they are Olitttdg the three mile limit Captain tlinsi b ! i member of the ( izean RhedeH. wan! retlctent CQWaf nlng th reports He rafgaM to confirm or deny them The DettteChland ready for an out-1 ward dash at any trine Allied spies flanking the aeuward route are cans in urumoten conaiderahle worry. Infantile Cases Are on Increase in New York City HY81C1AN8 ARE iSTOl'NDED AS THEY BEUEVED PLiAGCK W AS OVER. PBTROQRAO, July II, Dlgpatah said that General llrusilofi is pro- grsMlng steadily toward the Galician holder southward of Lutsk. He has crossed the swollen IJpa and StyT ; liven despite the enem fire. Whole Austrian unitj are surrenderinK. Cgvalr) is approaching Itrody from Varben. Riga dispatches declared that ICurppatkln has eroaaad three of Hlndenburg's trenoh lines near Riga, j The first Ug hatch of German prison. I i era has arrived at Klira. Mil Hill IIIWIIIHI mi I II ! I mi mull HIIIIW lllgllll I II illill lllli 1 1 iii I an 'IiMaMWillllWIIilllliaafaajaiil Ill ilWIHI THIRD LINES OF TEUTON DEFENSE FALL IN ATTACK British Sweep Over German Posi tions After Heavy Artillery Fire is Concentrated on Embankments. STR0N6 RESISTANCE IS MET I nuli -I Troopa Had Knomy En tmiclK'd t inier (.round With Steel RetiifbroeakeBta Which Only Big. rot (.mi- Can IfSaet; ITem'h Re-it-i Recadaa of n .Ajsasnits. GBRJ1AN PJaiSOKEISJ in this piett ar of the British lines. The MOW 1 aral sis atehuii a I he plagi ml rep, hours, tli out lireal. i hi cast Jeise a fusing ti Yorkers summer FORK, July It. Infantile again Increased today, l'hy re astounded They believed ie bad been conquered, offi rta showed II deaths in 21 e heaviest since the paralvsis A hundred and thirty-five s were reported today. New ml Connecticut cities are re- admit hundreds of New attempting to reach their holm-?.. BERUINj July IS, it was announc I ad that the Russian attacks were growing feebler. Attempts to rros the Dmena from both sides of Fried lerrlchstadl have failed. North of I Dvenlen a small detachment crossed I the river Northeast of Smoreen a j small force of German field guards retreated before superior forces. HlndenhurK reported that Russian attack southeast of Rica were de feated. Unstltgen reported that the capt b! a Wheat Jumps Three Cents in Chicago I'm Bast ' dav ; JUl) Bapt . Jul (Spe tags of Minn ?ial It price; Bend Boosters Will Come to Round-Up in a Special Train TWO ARE FINED FOR VIOLATING DRY LAW lallent experte positions at l encircling I PORTLAND, ore .n it Parsley and principals in the n Wedneada) aftarno. places at 11 North . Job lsle id by Russlai Werbei attack Submarines sank six Hrltlsh traw lers off the east roast on July 17 The authorities ordered the release of the British steamer Adam An Investi gation showed that a German torpe do boat raptured the vessel within Bver-I ""dlsh waters. The Swedish dls- patch said that a Russian submarine in Bottlan Bay. Swedish waters, fired Cortland. w PORTLAND rial) Club S: bli hi Una-pool LIVERPOOL, July pot No. 1 Manitoba, er bu.l: No. L'. lis -Wheat lis 6d (11.17 MAILBOX THIKI' IS CATGUT. BLACKLISTED FIRMS 10 BACK UP PROTEST Xi rgea oi tv in th rth Tenth street, pie Violating municipal fined linn ffrlise COMPANIES MILL SUPPLY WASH. INGTON W ITH DATA tSf. GERMING MinilOH v . paring fatlon I1NQTON, July II, -Repreeen-of blacklisted firms are pre to dive Wilson Inside Infor- Of how the Hrltlsh Intend to I Hon I , Parsley was j was his second j was fined If.O. . Parsley was in j i ii Tenth street there three days I structural , charge of Both men said that I ewn. r of the places, I pay Ih.-ir fines if th j Bellinger is now in Newman, j the police! soft drink street and a. led L'lliltV he prohrbl- I0UI1 today because it Newman Tr Set B) Ends Postmaster at silvorton in Lad'g Arrest. in of Bend boosters t Pendleton for the rdiriK to word receiv :. ITuitt. who Is In the! in the interest of the 19111 I'ruitt writes mat everyone in: that section i, a devoted Itound-l'p1 booster and that indications are that the largest crowd ever will be in Pen-! dleton Septemler 2t. J and II from the Bend Country, The Bend papers have shown an especially friendly- attitude toward the Hound-1'p. and have promised toj boost lor the show It is understood that through C. S. Ja. kson, editor of the Portland Jour nal, and originator of the well known Journal special trains to the Round l'p. is arranging for a special train from San Francisco. CaJ. The Cali fornia territory is one which has nev er been tapped very heavily by the Round-Up, but this year many In quiries have come to the Round-Up office from all parts or California and Indications point that from around the Bay a large number of people will attnd torpedo at the Blbe. The confisc prman ii ited th. West it first irouti Rott. hat the 'lass mail from the rdum. steamer British s.v What's roniinr CHICAGO, July is. Transparent bathing suits are promised ,. Chi cago modeste has Invented them They are composed of oiled silk and are as transparent as a window pane. Ralph Bellinger, I TT'V iiri colored blue. , .range and had promised to i P"Pla. y were arresled, , V l anclsi'o A , M... SILVBRTON, Through the dilii John H Brooks master T W. Iii. ore., July 22. 'enCS of Postmiuster and Assistant Post hes. Armond Math- harge of the resort tnd had only been Newman who Is a Iron worker by trade, had the Tunnel, on .sixth street eny. 1 years old. who Is charged with breaking into the mall boxes at the postoffice here was arrested. For some time We officials have been annoyed by complaints of pat ; rons that their boxes had been open ed and the mail stolen. Several Murderer is Rushed Away by Sheriff to Escape From Mob pieces oi had beer Mr. Ki mail oi have been found that in line warrant the law .barging has been conduct their boycott it was Indicat ed ;.i the state department that the Whit) house will be glad to get the ...r..,-...-,il,,t. neMntala wnnt to know axartW what altece.7 ads American I t flrma hav smmlttad. The adminis tration plans no further action until Ambaaaador Page reports it waa re port. t that the Britlsn might refuse W.si Indian coaling facilities to 1 lackllsted firms ana shlw In this event the American coaling station ai Guantanamo, Cuba, might supply the resaeta. OLD FIRST REGIMENT VETERANS ORGANIZED PORTLAND, Ore., July 22 Perm- ani a: organisation of the veterans of th. olu Klrst regiment. Oregon Xatl .tial Guard, was accomplished this weed it a gathering of members of the regiment who served under the orga- f ins", t lenerai nariea l president. . naries oa president; Judge lOOnd vice president, etary. ft, A. Moser . Itaorum surgeon. n is strictly civic in t loll nr. Beebe was elect i: Morgan first .c. u Ratanbetn c. c Murton si to asttrer, Dr, C The organlial character, but General Beebe said to dav that a semi-military font tire may be a. Med later. The old oi Bxlatenca in 1898 i. ous military bodies were conaollda ...I Inlo the Second Oregon volunteers At the reorganisation of tin First went out when tho va- ,,. Tint guard. t the Sp inlsh-American war. in" . dsrn nt was formed, i ompa G. II. 1 and K of the old First ri suited, however. In the vcter OClatton, and others are expect lln later. Will i:loci Democrats. Washington. July II. Chairman McCormick of the democratic catn patgn committee came here lo devel op a plan to elect democralc congress men. He conferred with Wilson and members of the senate and house. He leaves for New York this evening. He said: "I am merely complotlng orga nlatlon plans." He denied he was summoned here to straighten out the alleged row over the nnmlng of a democratic campaign committee. '.' than .'..mill iinii of lion.,,- .,., him vvlih Violating Iproduc the American bi nnu- Issued allv. , . I Greatest Scientist in Wnrlri HpH - - - m w ww m-M m-r VVIVI y ""dtaasSsT short t the bos Was ap Brooks other paring bting ti ith t serl ned mid discarded placed a decoy package e boxes Sunday and a iter saw Matheny open ike out the package. He .led immediately by Mr. intimated that several fellows have been tain he mail boxes, not real-Misne-s of their deed--. he to B, A iff who L Paso. July 31. Sheriff Walton I ight Hai t Spannel here this af-1 oon. He la charged with murder-1 his wife and Lieutenant Colonel Spannel apparent- j efuaed t.. tell why after Invitini them til sh t the mot. I. PINK. T. killed hi: is. July ::'. The sher- ,3 Harry J. 8pannell wife and Lieutenant Colonel M. c Butler on Thursday, j Mob violence is feared. He is be- j lieved to have been taken to Marfal miles west. Spannell refused to explain the shooting. He collapsed! shortly before his removal. He be moaned "my madness." but refused! to tell what transpired in the auto-: mobile Immediately before the kill-1 IngS, Persons near the scene said I they heard Mrs Spannell begging her husband not to shoot her after But- j let- was killed. liOMMiX, July 22. VitiUery fin- is waatslssj tstii -i.i. - of the Flanders hatUr lines today There Is RtUc Infantry fighting-. Mili tarv experts said tliat the alliis. lnilMlly are siidllng the .erman-pii-paratoi v t.. another advance. Others hcilevod tliat the Ger mans were endeavoring to locate a weak ssit In the Ultra lines to launch a Mir counter offensive. The French war office announc .si a violent homlmrdnicnt In the Henry seetor. Tin- Germans at tacked the FVencfa Vaaajea posi tions under a heavy curtain of fire hut were repulHtl. LONDON. July 22 Halg reported today that an intense artillery' duel is raging on the British front. It has continued for 12 hours. The Germans poaired gas shells Into the British front lines, and the British drove the Germans from their last riatural defenses The British en countered the strongest opposition on the third line positions. The attack ers found the Germans deep under ground beneath steel reinforced shelters Only the heaviest artillery fire affects such derenses. The German Verdun presBure practically has ceased as many of the troops have been sent to meet the allied offensive The French in the Per.mne sector have the advan tage of fighting from heights against the enemy below. The Teutons face a flanking movement there. They may be forced to evacuate Roye, Las sigeny. Ham and La Fere. PARIS. July 12. The French have repulsed German attacks at Moulin. Soustovent. Fumin. Fleury and North Saint Dak It w'as an nounced that French airships on Fri day dropped 1 1 5 heavy .shells on Metzzscablon in the Vosges. doing great damage. A German aeroplano was destroyed while attempting to pursue the raiders. German aero planes shelled Belfort but no dam age was done. OMN STARTS ( MPlt.. Candidate tor i-ii- Joiiit Representative Hood River. I j - SKILLED I M'.oc. g SCARCE HOOD RIVER, ore.. Jul) II. Mrs. Alexander Thompson, of The Dalles, the first woman candidate seeking a district office in Hood River and Was. co counties, was here in the interest of her campaign for the Joint fepre aentativeshlp from the two counties In the state legislature Mrs. Thompson, who is prominent in Woman's club ac Ex-Ruler of Vene zuela Can't tnter United States English Women in Parade Show That They are for War Raker District in N.hI oi and Mine Workers Millmcri tivitie.- crata - Mrs. K. the tw, choice of the d counties at the 'it Mas Th. Inde Islatun in The -rcprc. home pposed b) 1.. Kelly, live in the of both of whom i Wilson Sends appeal WASHINGTON. July 22. Wl signed a personal letter to the ru of Britain. France. Russia. Germat and Austria urging a quick soluti. the Polish rellel problem. About was cut 1915 700.000.000 feet of Until on the national forests NEWS SUMMARY General. Iivnehos arc taken h Professor Kilo Metchnlkoff. director i covery of the cause of long life am of the Pasteur Institute in Paris. IS Ong the Bulgarian mountaineers. By dead at seventy-one. All his family had died young and It was his own belief that he would not live much beyond fifty-four. It was then, how over, he began the Investigation ot longevity, vvhlch resulted In bis dls- Third lue tic British. lighting fleet of submarines said to In- on win from Germany to break allh-d iKitrol off merlcan coaat. Russians an' pnatrtsvsing toward Galician border. Infantile casoi are Inoroa-ln;; again In Nmv York. y I t' " , , -j wiiuMb. iiWIrm Irli ifflfclirfiiii 1 ' H ' Ii jma Mtf.m(Kk I - I. ; 7 HOT K.Jsle BAKER, ore.. July . Becauso the demand for skilled labor in prac tically all fields in this vicinity Is not heihg filed the great pr.gress now thriving in this vicinity ma be ham peied From mlue, mill and field comes the call for more workmen, one se: of SI jobs has been on the board Ot one employment agency for four days and no applications have appeared Mines that are calling for skilled men cannot get enough. All kinds of woodsmen are sought and lumber companies say it is al most Impossible to get out sufficient logs, une lumber company sent an . rder tor the sawyers that could he found. Th.-re us a shortage of team.-, too, hut there are morn unskilled men than are needed. MONSTER PROCESSION HELD IN LONDON BY MILITANT st I Fit VGisTS 111 KM SCHOOLS IMI ft t.ood Road- Are factor in OPUjeojlda t'on of t ints. the , following his own method he pro longed his ow n life beyond that of his ancestors For many years now he bus been considered the foremost sci entist of the world, with the possible exception of one or two British physicists. Bend to Issal special train t. iilllld- I p. Coroner Brown makes effort to tabttah Identity of boy klll.il In client. General Clpnano c.istro. former president of Venezuela has again had the experience of being excluded from the United States on the ground ..! moral turpitude Bllll Island au thorities decided tins after he had arrived from the Barbados As a matter of fact Past wis HMfel) on his way to Potto R:co from l:.iri.. t'os. his orU Waj of reaching there being h Waj of steamers from New M.'NM.UTH. ore.. July .'J A of the students taking work rural School department of the on normal summer school shows lumber ot te.u Inns, who are plan on leading consolidated rural ds on the increase. Already l of the normal school graduate-' n ncw lv -crouted cons.slu ated ! in Oregon and Washington new movement is receivim- mors support now than It did four or five ears ago by schoot hoards, accord ing to Professor Plttman. head of the department Good roads are given as the principal caus some interesting point.- have been revealed in the stud of consolidation in Oregon Full compart sons have been drawn between the singular lire of the old unit and the newer to lal sen Th, tBy Hal O 'Flattens LODON, July Zl. a monster pro cession of women para.lel to White hall, urging the women to more thor oughly Cooperate in the war business They carried a slogan "The al.-o serve who stay at home and work." The parade under the auspices of the Women's social political Union Crow..- enthusiastically cheered the marching militant suffragists, Una section wore allies' umTorms Wom en munition workers marched In ov . rails. The paraders demanded no comprumtaa with the Teutons. They FALL BLAMED TO SI N 1TOR Curtain Rous in banks Sol lor - hi lining. ' Sn)s t omlNinjf. SEATTLE, Jul;. 22.- That the cur. tain rods in stateroom ..-i.bs are not Intended for raising and lowering the occupant, or in other words for "chinning' purpoaaa, ts th.- substance of the reply filed I". the I' i II steamship company In the auM for damages brought agalnal t recently States Senator Carroll S I'age, of Vermont, Senator Page allege that, in .-t. ting hlm.ielf out of his berth the rod holding the curtain was so Insecure, ly (wStantd that It gtive way letting the senator fall to the floor, break Ing bonen In both fe.-t ind straining ligaments s v.-rely. The united Bi itsa is th. ool consuming country, w Britain does the hull of