East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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He careful this warm weather of the tilings
that you eat. Cheap can goods, cheap eggs,
( heap butter are high at any price.
We handle only the best grades and all
things considered we can supply you as cheap
as any store in the city.
Oregon Swiss Cheese, pound 25
Cottage Cheese, pint 15
Full Cream, made at Halfway, Ore., lb... 25
Tillamook, pound 25
Apple Syrup, gallon $1.50
Do your shopping early Saturday. It mean
better service.
Two Phone, 28.
823 Main St
fpidomio or Colds,
An epidemic of colds and whoop
inn cough is sweeping over the city
There is no serious Illness reported
Registered in The Red lea.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Sayrea. Stanley
1 tyres an.l Madeline Garner of Day
ton. Washi. were registered at The
Datttl hotel Wednesday
Vmimit Man Here.
Clarenc B Ash. cfty editor of the
Oh. Hay Times of Marxhfield. arriv
ihI lost night to transact business in
the city.
Todd Funeral Today.
The funeral of Marcus . Todd will
be held at Hrown's chapel this after
MMM at 4 o'clock. The body will be
Shipped to the east for burial.
Tallin ii lias e Druggist.
Al Harris of Klamath Falls arrived
this morning to accept a position as
I resi ription clerk at the Tallman
drug storei Mr. Harris is a gradu
ate ot the Oregon agricultural college.
Win! Cut Second Crop.
J N Stephenson, former proprie
tor of the Uolden Ruie cafe, now em
ployeii on the llusg rami near Kcho.
Is in the city today. He says the sec
ond crop of hay will be cut next week
in that section.
married to Habte mm here and a
daughter. Mrs. Springer of Malheur
Use ot Pi o Wag ijuigungv rhargwd-
Ruby Knuck wa arrested this
morning on a charge of using pro
fane language. She will be brought
before Judge Flti Qerald in police
court this afternoon
Flue Itiiru- Out.
The tire department responded to a
Call this afternoon about 1 ;H o'clock
lo the house of Roscoe I'oane. 817
BOUth Main street, where a flue burned
out. No damage Is reported.
To HuUd at Rleth
1'eter Kamborts today made a
purchase of lumber and other build
ing material from the Oregon Lumber
yard for the purpose of erecting u
merchandise store and pool hall at
I rase Kmire Hotel.
Mr and Mrs. H. K. Peters, proprie
tor of the Arlington hotel, have leas
ed the Umpire rooming house and
will conduct it us a First class family
hotel. The Kmplre Is undergoing a
complete renovation.
You never get anything for nothing and when it comet to thee wonderful so
called sales, you get the left-over the shelf worn the mismated the old stylo
the discolored goods in other word you get the doubtful the riff raff of any
stock. You can buy the new at the Golden Rule Store for less than you pay for the
old at anv of these so-called sales.
I'iiiou slip-, each inc. a l-io, i.v
sint'i. isixM sto, Me
Itltwhed Muslin, yard idc i-4c
House Lining, ard 4c
Nasaretn Waists 18c
lUte Ruben Veati . J 5c
i luMrcu'i silk Hose Mc
stork Paul- 2,v
I idles- Rathlng Hutta. . si. its. s-.mi. i.n, $:.9
lloi- or lilrls' Ha thing suits lit.'. Hc
Ladies' While Waists
Ladles' silk Waist
Ladies' lllO ('UH
Ladles' Auto scarfs
IhmIIcn' Lisle Gloves
Ladles' silk QloTea
Menneaes and coigates Talcum
Light Odored IVnnles
Hero Silks, colors
(.Ills' slippers and l"unips . . .
You Can
Do Better
MO, Hc
... 4tC
25c, We
I Sc. 9o
. 7 I -SO
. . . . 9Gu
7o. SHc
J. C. Penney Co. Inc.
We Lead,
principal ports on the western coast
Of Mexico and the I'nited States dur
ing his enlistment
3 I
St. George Grill
when you want a good
35c Merchants Lunch
Served Daily.
right for the Springs run.
Mortgage sale Tomorrow.
Sheriff T. 1). Taylor will
Rathe .Man tieta pictures.
L Owen Thompson ot the, Pathe
Weakly film service, ts in Pendleton!
today taking a few views of the cltv.
He , aught the fire department mak
ing a run today and vil register the'
William Knapp, of Pleasant Hill
Mo is visiting friends In town to
day. II T Dennis, I Holt harvester ex
pert of Springfield, is in the city on
Mr and Mrs H U Campbell of
Spokane, were guests of the Hotel
St. George yesterday.
0, B, O, Itleness of Okanulgen,
. okla . was registered at the Golden
itllle lintel last night
II I. Lyon, division engineer of
the i'-w, is in the city today.
mortgage sale tomorrow at N'olin over --"'mining pool ana KOUna-1 P furs
property of the Chris Roberts BetatS, today
which is now in probate. The sale,
it is reported, will bring forth a large; vtl '"" ' W
number of bids Ayuslakatsagon. one ot the oldest
Indians .hi the Pacific coast, Is ill at
hi place two miles the other side o(
aytlse. Ayuslakatsugon is said t
Palo Alto California. Fall term opens
Aug 20. Catalogue upon request
Pmonl 609
MoOonM purchase Fine cur.
w. c. McComas yesterday re
-ived !
Expert repairing
a new Pathfinder automobile which i
was driven to Pendleton from Spo-i
kane. The oar is a roadster with 3
OlOTarleaf seat and is one of the fin-;
est makes ot automobiles in Ameri
120 years old as his ntemor)
back to about the time of the war
1112, with his wife who is v'. ye
old the man lies in tepee
HTHE most popular drink
in Pendleton
Will He Here for Round. I p.
Policeman w. c. Ptxmora
kane, has written Chief of
Tom awdaa that he would lik
attend t tie Pendleton Rpund-Up
can bring two men with him. 1
dane invited the men to attend
big show.
t .spo-Police
l.owcli Appointed Guardian,
Stephen A. Lowell has been sp
i pointed guardian of the estate 01
Berlaa B Hall, deceased, located in
tlmatila county. The property in the
count) is valued at JTUU. The heirs
I to the estate are Irdena Hall, a wid
ow, ami Viola Hull, a daughter
deceased passed away in 191-'.
Public Sale
July 11)16
Conunenotni X p. m. at
John Wright's llarn. Allieua, Ore.
I have bought Hie Tom Cook out
fit and lease and will offer for sale
Ranting up to 1 too lbs., ail good
farm stock ami ready for harvest
Also 8 sets good butt chain harness
TKHMS October I without Inter-
e per cent off for eaen.
i, V SCOTT, Owner
r. Ot Lucas, luctloneor.
Hatch is rxmunluee Chairman,
Raymond W. H.mn of Pendleton
has bean appointed chairman of th''
finaii' e committee at the twenty
sixth annual session or the Synod of
Oregon of the Presbyterian church.
Rev. Joseph Diven of Albany ho
Vas elected reporting clerk, is a for
mer Pendleton pastor.
Texas Into Party Through,
A party Of Texans composed ol
.Mr and Mrs. K C. Kidder, Addie Mc
Clellan, Will Morley, Gladys, Celeste,
Krin and Kleber Miller were in Pen
dleton yesterday in laree automo
biles en route to then home in Aus
tin Tex., by way Of Salt Lake. The,
have been through California at
Oregon and as far north a- portlan
Invigorating Non-intoxicating
In a class by itself as a summer
drink for men, women and children
Oa Draught and In Bottles
at Following Resorts:
Conner's Cigar Store.
Billy's Place
Coutts A McDevitt
The Crescent
Round-Up Poo Hall
Sutton I 'igar store
W. W. Hoch
Bungalow Pool Hall
The Charles Co.
Gritman'a Cigar Store.
Served at the Following
Pt. George Grill
Quelle Cafe.
Sold to the family trade in cases of one dozen bottles and up,
5 quarts or pints. H
5 We also recommend our new True Fruit drinks, 5
PORT-0 and PEND-0.
5 Brewed and bottled by
Wm. Roesch Bottling Co.
City Brewery.
E Wholesale nd Family Trade. Telephone 528
Train ltifaks Bumper.
The rail bumper at the O.-W
freight station was broken off this
morning when a train which was
backing hit too hard. The rail to
Which the bumper was attached was
broken off. Part or the sidewalk on
Main street was torn up for a short
d istance.
To ReceiTa Birds.
Deputy Game Warden George Ton
kin ha.s received word from William
Johns Hopkins Man Here.
Dr. John Lyman, former pro
i Whitman College athlete, was i
dleton today a few hours enronte from
i Baltimore to Dayton, Wash., where ha
I Will spend a month's vacation with hi.
father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Cor
nelius Lyman. For the past year lr men managers of the
Lyman has been In the Hebrew hos- tie- will have to take
pital in Baltimore, while in Whit- consideration and be vi
man Lyman was a star football man.
Finley, state biologist, that
the next week six crates of
pheasants containing 72 birds will be
shipped to Camas Valley for libera
tion. Four crates containing 4H birds
will be given to Birch creek.
Returns l-Yom Inspection Trip.
Stanley C. Jewett of the local of-1
fice of the department of biological
survey, returned last night from anl
Inspection tour He journeyed as'
far east ,w the Idaho line Jewett re- j
ports that good work is being done by
the many trappers in exterminating
predatory animals.
of Kureka. Cel., June
pumped out and her
boilers iollrwl irt
; went into tne pool six times aurmn stt..im a
the day. according to William Mor
rison It is planm-d to have the for
mal opening of th, Natatorium on
XI INE carefully selected
pearls make add-a-pearl
necklace an appreciated gift.
Five to thirty dollars will
start a strand.
Wrestler to Honolulu.
L. H Ireland, better known -i.
"Kid Irish,' will leave today for Hon
olulu, where he will engage in the
promoting work or the mid-winter
carnival. I'intil a short time ago
when he received a broken arm K
Irish was one of the nest known
welter weight wrestlers in the coun
On Rural Bank Committee.
By action of the Portland Chamber
Of commerce a committee is being!
formed to work for the establishment
In Portland of one of the l land
granl banks to be formed under the
terms of the newly passed rural cred
its law. As president of the Commer
cial club W. K. Brook was asked to
name a local man to serve on the
o-mmittoei and Mr Brook named G.
'H. Rice, vice president of the Flrsl
National Hank
Answer is Fifed,
District Attorney Frederick Steiwer
for the state of Oregon tislay filed
an answer to the petition filed last
week ny alleged heirs of the estate
of Absalom Master Erb. deceased
The answer avers that the heirs are
not known and In ract. have never
been heard of by the state. The es
tate was cache;. led to the state some
time ago when no heirs were found.
Motor to Iji tJrumle.
A party of motorcyclists
of Mr. and Mrs 0. P. T
Will Re Scuttle Editor.
C, H. Newell of I'leveland. Ohio,
passed through Pendleton today er.
route to Seattle where he goes to ac
cept a position as City Editor of the
Seattle Star. Until recently Newell
has been connected with the Newspa
per BnterprUM Association in the pub.
Ilcatlon of a magazine called "Pep."
Hi was at one time editor of the Den-
er Express, Newell says the Round-
Up Is well known throughout the east
and a number of eastern people will
attend the 191G exhibition.
New Bnlelc Arrives.
uaenits, Driving an from Portland H. C
Martha Lee Tellier, Clyde Flak ai Haye Bulck representative, arrived
John Torkleson of Eugene, passed ,1Pri. Hary th mnrntBg tn one nt
through Pendleton 'his morning en ,t. nPW four cylinder Buick carat It
v Wl HMki i
1 Wi!lHi Of W,t,ka.
I 19 Head l.nnd Wnri Hnrec
H I - . . I I IL IIUUU uuuu nuiiiiiuiuvu
.Wr-. , II I Satisfaction guaranteed I
f m Wm. Hanscom
If' Tur i i.-
" l "" IM.
V . . I J
. mmmimmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaa
rjSJ'" ; "s...,,i,u jniunuai, JULI nu, IHLKt
.1 1 1 I I DP A ss n & htr.
I MiSJ 7Vry MAiru
pin. Miss Anne Martin of Nevada S f I'rAaCa' A It li-FAr
nd she will m inuge her 1 impalgti In H
reive nuffrage states There the I a. t. 1 O
55-j-C i m umgnam springs
nice to her EVERY NIGHT.
Lively Music Guaranteed by Piano, Violin, Trap
IQnginrs ami iPtiers ic Drum.
in-1 Pound in (;ood ( 'ondltion.
IS ' ...k. r-. .. k-. ....... . .) , KU.ll
r-. . r i.i.' ' t. .ma -1 i lie w -v -v-s -
Uon't boret that Our
1 I, has leer H "
engines i I s. C'-i.
condition and 1 CIll VIiy
i! . i ri one '' oier acciii oum
to a dispatch received lo re i.-. is becoming more popular each day. Cleanliness is
Haers owners, the san rruncisco a wtiat is making it so. Large airy, clean rooms and m
Portland steamship company cottages for rent completely furnished, and well
No attempt has been made to : I Lpnt Ml
the stranded steamer off. Mpl.
R.iinrl trirt faro IVnm PanJI.lA. CO OA 'I 1,,., :.. H
r - - .v.. a. . l. w - i III.- Ill
eludes Stage fare from station.
a parts of popular Pendleton ma- H
Irons are enjoying an outing at Bins'- S fQ
ham. Those who an- In the party I B V P;
are Mrs II. W. Collins, Mro L O.iS , .aneasaisssss1 M
Frazier and daughter Jean, Mrs. Roy ; mM IB:
J bimiiMl Hi B
Helix Nat Is a -Dandy."
I That the bathing euit will soon be Siiiiiist's
the national coBtume at Helix is
dicated by reports reaching hen e
to the popularity or the swimminc aummer Mpar wnkh runded sout'i
pool, just established there. The poo
was used for the first time yesterday
and one patron was so enthused he
route Iq Iji tjrande where they will
take In the motorcycle races. From
La Orande. Mr. ano Mrs Dasnitt
will Journey to the Harley Davidson
factory at Madison. Wisconsin. The j
say the roads from The Dalles to
lone are In a terrible condition. They'j
left The lialles yesterduy morning at I
5 o'clock and did not reach Kcho un-l
Royal M. Sawtelle
til 2 o'clock this morning.
I times they lost their way.
Jeweler Since '87
Pendleton, Oregon
Former Prssdletonlan Dies.
Word ha-s lsn received here of the
death last week of Robert White ol
Borgon, former veteran stage driver
from Pendleton to Boise, The de
OSased was 67 years or age He re
sided in Weston for some time and
then took up a homestead at Nolln.
About a year bko h and a son went
to Brofamn, Malheur county Ka ta
is the I) 4-35 and the demonstration
car is the first monel to reach east
ern Oregon. On the trip Mr. Hayes
was accompanied by Charles Camp
bell, Goodrich Rubi er Co. represen
tative. From here they will drive to
La fl rands and Haker and on this part
of the trip they will be accompanied
by li. s, Ttombby
and L. D. Drako
Alexander and Mrs. C E. Nelson.
Mrs K .1 liurke will join them to- S
day ,
Klmer li. Thomas
Spokane this morning where he reg-
I stared In the Colttus reservation I
land contest. Thomas wll return to'B
Duncan tonight where he In a forest g
ranger lor the government
Mrs. K. K. .ludd was a charming
hostess at an Informal party yester
day afternoon, given at her home on
e.ist Washington street In honor ot
Miss Kdna Thompson, -Mrs. Oliver P.
Morton of Iss Angeles and Mrs. T
I C. Warner of Portland Auction
bridge was played jiuring the after-
j noon
rfsttimtf itt tiiifrttitiimtif iniiiitiiiiiitii i : itirt if f it iti Miitiriiiiif timiii ii iitmtf ltm riit
I ill-sell 1'arli-tt Visits.
Russell Parlrtt, popular Pendleton
boy, now with the United States navy,
arrived In Pendleton today to visit hi i
father and mother. Mr and Mrs. R
Parlett during a 12 days furlough.
Parlett has been assigned to the crui
ser Saratoga but will soon be trans
ferred to the battle-hip West Vir
ginia. August .'1 he Will leave on the
latter shin for a cruise to Key West,
I l i rids Be has vl Ited all of th
J. T, Mathews of Salem WSS In the
city yesterday.
Carl Ungdnhl came In from Helix
for the day.
Mrs. j Peterson of Vansyclo, is in
Robert Slmpton town today.
Mrs. .1. M. tuest of Helix has been
visiting here today.
Counts School Superintendent I. K. S
Young Weill to Walla Walla today, 5
William Morrison, well known Helix Is
realty man. is here today on a busi
ness trip.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Collins of Relll
are here today enroute to Rlelh where
thS) are to locate
a parly of young Pendleton matroni
motored tb Walla Walla today to pasa
the day with Mru. Storie,
You Can Have a Little Vacation and do a Lot of
Business Every Day if You Own a
The car with the lowest first cost and
after cost. The car in the shop the least
and that runs the most.
Roadster f. o. b. Pendleton
Touring Car, f. o. b. Pendleton
812 Garden Street.
Telephone 651