PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST ORECOXIAX. PKXPLETOX. OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1916. EIGHT PAGES PROSPERITY "COMING HOME" AN IMOI'E.M't T VKWSI'AI'KR rnnnb-d l' and Kml ttwkij it llrloo, iirjuo. dj til ANW OfcUEOOMAN ITKLISUING CO. particularly when absentee ownership prevails. Men who never see tne city, ana possi bly have never heard of it. lannot be expected to catch sten with the eitv's wishes ami its needs. and so The one, thorough remedy food many of the people situation here is a muni-'0' Uu United Mates came to I life in a republic. I go to Europe. They should Official ("oontf loper eUmtwr 1 Dh -.! IT A.ltlon otrrw) at th i-t..fn. at NMM too. for the .nm mm mm, . ... iu., ! 1a ,wv i.. ...... i Tk ... ;.. ..!.. i 1 1 pa i piam.. umer emes ,l pwvvnv hv " 1 1 large and small, have tried that gan was pretty nearly always on sale is othkk ririKs nan with rood results Seat- a valuable me for vote-getting. latpwlal Hotel Neo Staod. I'ortlaad, , . . , - . . . I Rut una tho Phi Trie.. imimia Mm ,rll rnulvUvV 1 v .-w iiiv ; have done so. Likewise Raker. une Puts il' the old republican Eugene, Milton and various! mc aD0Ut prosperity is other small municipalities. In "l'ming home." every instance the story is bne We are prosperous, tremen- ot success of reduced rates , aousiy so. i ne U. u. if. papers iso "erter service, and the elimina HI not) of the electric Ht republican party The normal school campaign claimed to be the exclu- reveals the fact Pendleton has sive party of prosperity host, of nnwpn'nl l.., -ill vociferiously ;over the state. Bowna Nm Co, Portland. rtoe. on nun at Cbk-Ofo Boro. & Security Bonding waauoftaa. 1 . Horao HEtb turret, N ML ror With harvest at hand the advancing price of wheat will make a hit with all of us. "Peace, prosperity anil pre-j paredness still holds good. On to La Grande and "Speed 'em Up." hchscriition Rates (in advance i Hot? oo Ter, tM mall li t Ml Booth, hj null Uall. thr month. ,by mall....- Dolly, oo mooth. by m: Usllf. oo ' 'J arr .- Daily. li month, bj oarrlr Dellj. on month, by carrier Doll, thr month, by carrier Seal Weetly. on year, ti; mall ami -l;i li mooth. bj mall ami Wkly. f. v.r month, pi mall and orators cannot deny that, because even a blind man could i'om n:i nv i n' from the political affairs of the set So they fall back upon J dty. mht onlv argument they have i 5 s,m Hav pnriitn ;n donf those lines and sadly an- ... l.on P-nH lpfnn will take this step and it mav come ,,Hun.c? tn!" a' tm.s spiendui ao s.i.-W -A? A. l . l 1 A i The people will grow 1 """"' " """ 1S 0Ui iem" tirp. .,f ,i-i.- ctrf K.i i.,.,i, porary. wneti neither they nor I soon. ing business thoroughfares, ' out-of-date and dangerous .equipment and excessive rates. .They will grow tired of excus i es. subterfuge and hard luck i stories whenever betterments are asked for. They will con clude that if private ownership ; is unwilling or unable to meet anyone else reallv know whether it is temporary or not. Even Mr. Hughes ventures this opinio;! on a matter of which he can know nothing. Rut you cannot preach cala mity to men with full dinner pails and better stuffed purses. As the same Chicago Tribune ita iust obligations it will be -u.senes anci u is not a aemocrauc paper, euner: "People who have more ompany is dig-i "W than used ging its own grave. Let the " 1,1 w ' "lue '"resieu. ;e suspect, in arguments ten- logical to establish a municipal i plant. The electric amp9aAKlaaEif. I B HomVMflommKKaoWnw ' H K8wT H "You Should worry" ' work proceed. A WISH. NO WONDER OREGON DOUBTFUL IS AO ihe That really is American . The head erext and shouhlerg etjuore Cleon-minded fellow, jujn and fair. That all men picture when they IM The glcric-us banner of the fre I d like to be the nort flag could tKast about, I'd like to be the son of man it cannot live without, I'd like to tM the type of man I d like to I the son of man the flag now typifies. The kind of man we really want the flag to symbolize; The loyal brother of a trust. The big unselfish soul just. The friend of every nu pressed. The strong support c that's best The sturdy chap the bi BMmBt Where er it flies to rei :1E and HE Oregonian refers to the condition on the bor der as an "opera bouffe" war. hatever it may be the blame for the situation rests largely upon the shoulders of our interventionists and tory newspapers, such as the Ore gonian. Without their carping the trouble could have been settled long ago. The sneering manner of the Oregonian shows discontent that our boys on the border do not have real fighting to do. There is dis satisfaction because they are not facing Mexican rifles and machine guns. The Oregonian wants a tragic war. It does not care if it means broken hearted ing them that by all the regu lar rules they ought not to have this money. The answer is that they have it." And that answer has not yet i been refuted bv Today an. I TomorruM at AIM SWI KT QAPQRAIfi STII.1, CIGAR BITE FAVORITE. republican party has been able' to say or do. Nor can it be. Boston Post. THE AMERICAN VS. THE' EUROPEAN SOLDIER Demon' ton in thr CM j show h Thfc itraiMi Ham Retained its Popularity, Kew men. as they grin their fa- anything tne "" or cigarette and purr en- Jo.vmgly, rememlKT their Mist lllrta- lion with Liidy Nicotine if they could they would undoubtedly recall how, as a boy, and p00Ooed in some mysterious way of a package of ci garettes, they sneaked back Of the barn and Initiated themselves into what they believed to be the rudiment.- Of a man-of-the-vorld's knowl- . v. t i i "'r " " ac. uaint.uaes wun tne to the effect complaint is wet,u t.ame about , lhia is mane mat American SOI- reasonable to believe that the ugar- diers are not as well treated as ! ette they so closely guarded and story from San Antonio is; It will pay you to stop helping with and worrying about the family washing. SEND IT TO US. We will return the flat pieces ironed and folded, the wearing apparel rough dried, pieces starched that need it, for seven (7) cents per pound or we will iron the wearing apparel at a very reasonable extra charge. Ask the driver. Phone Us 179 "We Wash Everything Bui the Baby" Troy Laundry Co. Telephone 179 are the European fighters. Such stuff is rot. No American with relatives dependent upon his is obliged to stay at the front. By offici al action of congress he is ex cused from service if he de sires to be excused. Therefore R. H BUM is an Kchn visitor In the city. smuggled were Sweet Caporalu. Andj w- F Thompson or Nehalem. la in although perhaps fortv ream have ,he clt" Lady Nicotine never smiles' J. T. Matthews of Salem passed so sweetly as she did no that long-! yesterday In town, ago day. Demonstrators are now inj B. A. Corder or Cattle Rock pass the city and are explaining bottled yesterday In the city. -eei (.apt.rals. ilrst made in ln7:i, R. H. Oliver la Wnlla Walla visitor in the city. Manuel Friedly. ance man, went t Ing. Mm I-extef H Portland today on tlon. well known Insiir I flellx this morn- Is leaving for month's vaca- mtnners anci Miners, sorrowing: the married man who remains widows and little children left fa, the sen-ice and neglects his as orphans. It would send famny has no one but himself brave men to untimely graves bame without cause. It is disgusted But that is not the onlv dif with the settlement of the lame ference between the American by sane methods. The Ore-i svstom onfi tv,Q v,,aor, DIGGING ITS OWN GRAVE fiTonian wants bloodshed. But tern. The Europeans are fight - l "a! war should result fog, by the millions. They an VMlltlUL1 intenaing sucn.mrougn e'reumstances oeyonn killing men with as little "f-r? results the electric com- the control of our president nunction as thoup-h thev any ana its local sup me uregoman wouia piay tne I flies. The American govern porters, are doing effective , copperhead and denounce the i ment is avoiding war and se work toward the establishment administration for "getting the ! curing results with extremely ot a municipal electric ..plant country into war. have stood the test of time by reason of the high grade tODaCCO and paper used. The sanitary condition under the cigarette; are manUfactUT' also explained. I H. Kelly, well known tobacco salesman, la In town this week. Pat Connell came In irom Hilgar.l yesterday to pass a trw days in town. Mrs J. C. Baddeley or Walla Wal la visited I'rlends In the city yesterday. i '. K. aflat er csterili Hanson d at the ' Kennewl. k Hotel Pen. I i'. W Meajtle ..r JTIIgard I n the city today in l.uslneea J J I'ruinp .r Athena, w.u- in out or town visitor in the city yesterday CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years coni-were for Pendleton. The attitude of obstruction taken by the company with reference to the overhead wires on Main street shows the futil ity of relying on a private plant for electric service. The com pany is interested in dividends, little bloodshed when the situ- In many respects the Port- ation is considered. I land Oregonian is a fine news- The difference between Eu paper. But with reference to: rope anci America is that the Wilson and Mexico it manifest-1 European soldiers come home: neither conscience, mentality j;n coffins or rot upon the or a fundamental conception ground ; the American soldiers of patriotism. It has no case! if Wilson has his wav, will against the president and lacks come home a trifle tanned but Airs, .lames Aiken am two rlauah lers f Voungstown, Ohio, arc fUMt- N , ...... ., . , , . I the Frederick I lf I d M dusk im Hesiuencc Lots ut ing Attorney Steiwer will leave for La Grande to night on legal bualnea. He will re main thfO-e until after the motor1 cvcle ra. es Sunday. lira. Man- Epi ML-s Kosine Kpi.le. residents of Pendle here from Portland C. r. Coleaworthy. and daughtar, ith rormer lical m. are visiting s suems or Mrs. not in proper service or in tne the vision to discern the fact. : alive and happy, progress or the appearance of The Oregonian is doing a lot Those who cannot see the Pendleton. tc place this state in the Wil- j superiority of the American This will always be the case, son column. system are too thick headed for - - Mr. and .Mrs. .1 T I.ieuallen of American Falls. I.Trtln, were rerls iere.1 at the Hotel Bowman yesterday. H. K Stltes of r.a Grande, was In town ..ver night James H. Sturgis or the K L. Smith Co., has le.-n transacting hus Ine s in La Grande. Jm a BBtfWptuS H :eEpTflBt5BMBoBSBBIBB SfT, ''mKSIrA am mwr MBMtii fcBJW aK aaaLvalaBSaH . .ttflBlRHSIANaswl iaflE3BB aolara JBtml kwkkkkm lr B9mh BTflHaaw ' fV kwmkmM -SiaR vljffej k oval Busint NOW FOR SALE in the new town of DORIS Umatilla County, Oregon, formerly known as Pilot Rock Junction will sell for cash or on terms Investors are advised to get in early and se cure the hest locations in this promising new town For further particulars see, telephone or write Geo. J. Geanakopulos & Co. Doris, Pendleton P. O., Oregon P. O. Box 607 felephone 23F4 Mil Bamfka itMaatlan at TMrtvIe laUvnfaij ui ,-iiih;u).