East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 11, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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IMS "0.
nrn it! CnMtj lir
Hunt. I r,Ui ITcaa Anns latton.
tairred at 'hf ..iofflo at IVodlHee.
itrafmi. M eei-ond i lau mail matter
laparlal ll.tfl Neaa Staod. Portland.
It mio Npira r. Portland. Oregon
tiN Kll.K AT
CBlrogo Unreal.. !ov ocorlt "eliding
WlSsIsgtoa, l' CH Uureau Mli lour
tseotn Street. N M
Dally, oo jeer. 1 1 mall
Holly, ill i.: ha. Si; mall
Dolly, tfcrr month. bj mall.-
Dolly, oo m into, by mall
Dolly, oo jeer by carrier
Dolly, ill mootha. by rorrlr
Dolly, oo naontn. by ramer
! 00
.. 2.S0
.. 7 50
. S.75
llly! tbr mootha. by carrier 1 95
end Weetlj. on rear. Ty mall IJJ
ol Wkly. all maitra. oy man
DlWaenly. fiur m.iotha. by mall....- .BO
Let others sing or those who've
4 won
Full hoard ol irgin gold!
I mike the lyre for those
who've none,
But yet are strong and bold
Who've blazed the trails
through i pathless waste
And on the world's new chart
have tra.ed
The lines that lead where the
treasure's placed.
And all their seorets told
4 So while others sing of the cho-
) Who o'er the Fates prevail.
I will sing of the many, staunch
and true
Whose brave hearts never
Who with the dauntless spirit
of pioneers
A state are building for the
coming years.
Their sole reward their loved
Th- met who Maze the trail:
Sam C. Dunham
Furniture and House Furnishing Business
every article going at cost
Will Continue
My object in retiring from
the furniture business is that 1
may give my undivided atten
tion to undertaking. I will
continue my undertaking par
lors in their present location
the corner room of the Ala
sonic building and will spare
no expense nor effort in my
endeavor to give Pendleton one
nf the most modern undertak
ing parlors in the inland empire.
Owner of the building advise me that Conroy has leased the store room and must be given pos
session this month. Help me get rid of my stock and I will give you the greatest snaps in high-grade
furniture and house furnishings that you have ever known, or ever will.
Store Crowded Every Day
Thursday Will Be Wood Bed Stead and Baby
Carriage Day-DON'T MISS IT
As 1 am retiring from the
furniture business all sales
must be for spot cash. Price
have been slaughtered and
sunk to bed rock. The highest
price you can pay is the actual
' ost of an article and in many
instances far below cost. You
cannot lose, even if you should
buy with your eyes shut, for
everything represents a bar-gain.
,sRY1NG to be scornful an piies to people who are willing! try into war"?
UL, eastern newspaper reier to sacnfice important national
that the sentiment for war is some in Oregon, that showed a land and sister submersibles
;-0iv unanimous knffVnn trpnk hv assailinsr the i the Germans will now find that
ItUL ClllrilVIJ ' " U ' ' ' . " f
Hnu-pvpr. f "nacitist ap-! president "tor eettingthe coun-our supplies are ior sale 10
rnem as well as to tne allies.
For anti-Wilson newspapers' News stories from Baltimore
to the democratic party rights or the country's honor, to attack the president as a pa- state that already a great
as the "pacifist party. Just for tne sake of peace the tenncifist is good. quantity ot rubber ana otner
how much reproach is carried j8 not applicable to Woodrow ; - j material needed for war pur-
in the fling depends upon the Wilson and his backers. WARDEN OSBORNE'S VIN-j poses is piled on the dock
meaning of "pacifist." i The McLemore "scuttle" DICATION ( awaiting shipment. In other
Tf all who do not wish to see resolution that would have! I words Germany finds this
on the i TIP nr. reappointment ui t- country neutral when once it
Vly Al. Usborne as v arcien
cussing the effect of the
American interests.
The newspapers printed
dispatches from Holland ami Den
mark Indicating increased public an
xiety In Germany on account of the
western and eastern offensive by the
allies, cine declared the kaiser 11
traveling to the front t,, meet the con
ferring generals, each advising against
a reduction of his forces.
can be reached and the United
States was not responsible for
the fact that for manv months
politics, criminal procedure German merchant ships were
and reform movements. .unable to come to our Dorts.
the countrv involved in war or given jn to Germany
l.n.. Avop'fincnmirur Hpsire jiiKmnnno mipctirin rlpvelorted'
n foe hnllpts are naeifists it that fW-t The administration of Sing Sing Prison ends
:v. u a MHt4..i tra- ;D that rpsnlntion a most remarkable incident in
UC ,UUU JWiHVia y a? agailil vis!,
tegy for the democrats to fly f,nd it was tabled by democrat
thp' neaceful flag. Down on ic votes. The majority of re-
the border there are some 50 publicans in the house, headed I W hen r. Usborne resigned For their determination to
or 100 regiments of national bv Minority Leader Mann vot- W arden some months ago set up traffic with this country
guardsmen and as a rule they ed for the resolution. In other "e was under indictment tor a by use of submarines and for
are recruited to about one half words when some real business 'number of grave offenses. His tneir 8UCCegg thus far the Ger
ihp ar otmnirth. with a nowerful nation was on I enemies predicted not only mana are to be congratulated.
Though earnestly calling for tap the republican party, as;""" '", H"w II li tne energetic, manly Wy I drifting north by northwest
recruits these regiments are not represented in congress wasjuld be hopelessly discredit-t overcome the British block-
I'Pttinir them very fast. At the the oartv of the "white tea-ir". yaL"""c.""u'" aue. ineciaim maae unui i v. .me iienso,, xiBKin nKed
Manal rim nnt nf inma onethpr." i be disgraced and compelled to now bv ro-Germans in thi
hundred million people in the Three weeks ago when the occupy a cell along
WASHINGTON, July n. -Federal
port brought by the steamer Paralso 0,flcialS bsoieved that the question l
Derelict RighUMl.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 11 Float
ing bottom up In Mexican waters a
short diatance south of the tip of
Linwer California is tne wreck of .
good slsed vessel, according to
Captain Fogorstrom, trom the lower
South American coaat. The wreck
which was sighted In latitude I de
f.itea i minutes north ami longitude
Ida degrees 11 minutes west, was cop.
per bottomed, but the hull was not
i:igh enough out of the water to re
veal the name. The derelict was
with his country that we should not sell
United States about 98.900.000 Mexican situation looked omi
have entirely refrained from nous and the national guard
going to the front. The figures was called to the colors for an
may mean nothing but it is not ticipated action of what politi
far fetched to sav they indicate cal faith were the newspapers.
The March King's stately name is known wherever music
holds its own, wherever drums and cymbals throb, and
orchestras hold down their job. A
Sousa march just mention that, and
mark how people smile thereat; they
know what Sousa's mubic is: it 's melody
without the hzz- it's full of energy and
pep, and makes old graybeards dance
a step- they hear the sound of marching
men, ol chargers trotting down the glen,
the shock of battle and the roar, and
billows beating on the shore. And
Sousa. when he would compose that
music which the whole world knows,
fills up his pipe with good old "Tux"
(name t'other brands, and he says,
"Shucks!"). Tuxedo is the smoke of
men who do big things with lyre or
pen, who make the old world's wheels
go round, whose names will down the
gges sound.
convict proteges. Var supplies to the allies be
The charges were shown to.cause Germany did not
be the result of penury and a access to our markets was
conspiracy engineered by the "baby talk." It was such be
old prison ring, furious and un- cause it asked for partisanship
reconciled because of the re-; not neutrality from the United
form of the prison. Mr. Os- States and asked from this
home's triumphant vindication country a policy to which Ger
in court is now made complete 1 many WOuld have vociferously
by his restoration to the war- objected had the situation on
denship. The demand for his the ocean been reversed,
reinstatement shows the tre- one result of the Deutsch
mendous impression his meth- land's cruise will be a vindica
ods have made on the New tion of the American policy
York public. He resumes with regarding sales to belligerents,
increased, not diminished, It will now be borne home that
irestige, his former duties at Germany's failure to obtain
the most famous prison in Am-isupplies in the past was due to
erica and doubtless also with German weakness on the sea
increased sophistication re- Lot to anv fault on the nart of
Vinelsnd, N J., was examining a rc-
Volver, the weapon was discharged,
the ..uliet Roinic through ills hand.
The bail struck a porcelain wash ha.
have "in. 'oil around the bowl and lodged
ir tin elbow of the same arm.
internalonal law raised bv the arrl
a of the Clerman irper-submarlm
Heutschland mlghl ne soon cleared
A preliminary report In the course
of the day from Collector Ityan at
Baltimore Indicated that the vuuel
was purely a merchant ship, devoid
of any peculiar status because of the
Unprecedented manner of her trip
across the Atlantic. Should ibis Indi
cation be borne out by the more de
tailed examination that will be made
officials see no reason wh diplom ti
le complications should develop. Ther
was no prospect that the allied (rot.
srnmenta were preparing to protest
In the etnt that the Peutschland la
held to be a merchantman,
The navv department detailed Cap.
tain C r, Hughes to aid the itaiti
more collector in examining the submarine.
Af,er experiments eoyeiing teveral
yearn rubber tn-es have been success
fully transplanted from the banks or
the Amazon to points In the interior
of BrssU
Notice is hereby Klven that City of
Pendleton Improvement Hon, Is s.
'. and t. Series and No. anil 3,
Series If, aril) be paid upon presen
tation thereof to the underslu'nnd nt
tin- American National Hank. Pendle
ton, Umatilla County. Oregon. Inter
est on said Honds ceases August !
Dated July 11, 1916.
Treasurer. City Of PendlStOOi
By Will, Mb'kelsen. Deputy
......r. LADIES! This is Parasol
And Hit Band. Sayt
"Ail the vim. energy
and enihuiiatm we put
into the playing of The
Stan ani Stripes For
ever 'ufefind in the tleady
use of Tuxedo. ' '
-t hj
Jlnd H,i Entire Band
-pectinff the possibilities of po
litical intrigues, wheh he ap
parently found a greater prob
lem than the reclamation ol
men with criminal records.
It may easily be believed
that his vindication will mark
fn era in prison management
in the Lnited States. Missouri j Germania waives the rules,
especially is in need of the in- j
fluence of his intelligent and From a roadside viewpoint
humane ideas. St. Louis Post- the crop outlook is far from
United States.
It is always well to eradicate
Hies and dirt whether there is
infantile paralysis epidemic
or not.
Rrittania rules the waves;
.-W IN'.; found a way to
resume commerce with
the United States,
'hrough use of the Deutseh-
i:i.iaip lll PART IN
Hi: vrv
To add to the beauty of Summer
costumes, we are showing a beauti
ful assortment of "Sun Shades" in
most every color combination. Many
new and novel shapes are shown,
among which the "Fujiyama" Japa
nese model seems to be the favorite.
Make your selections NOW. while
the assortment is most complete.
Reasonably priced from fl.KO up to
$1 1.50 each.
Children's Parasols in many
color combinations from 25
1.00 each.
iTp to
LONDON, July I, England played 'ieneral sir DOUglaS Half, who is In
promlnenl pari In forming the Bus. I Personal command of the British
so-Japanese treat. London iiewspa-' troops who are smashing through the
pers stated, regarding approval of the! German line on a sixteen mile front
pact. The papers refrained from dis- 'n the west.
Pendleton's Quality Store.