PAGE TWO lT SALE BEGINS WEDNESDA Y, JUL Y 12th This, Our July Clearance Sale Is An Annual Event WE ARE NOT MERELY PUTTING THIS ON IN ORDER, TO CARRY OUT THE ABOVE IDEA, BUT TO GIVE TO YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE GOOD, SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE RIGHT AT THE TIME WHEN MOST NEEDED. YES, IN SOME INSTANCES WE ARE OVERSTOCKED, THEREFORE WE MUST CLEAR THESE OUT TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR LARGE FALL STOCK ALREADY CONTRACTED FOR. SILKS-SILKS LOT 1 FANCY SILKS 98c An assortment of silks in dress lengths and waist patterns of plaids, stripes and floral effects. 26 to 40 inches wide. Some plain colors; worth from $1.25 to $2.00 yard. July Clearance Sale 98 LOT 2 SILK DRESS PATTERNS $1.37 This lot consists of "the cream of our silks." These are exclusive patterns; shown in all colors, :6 to 40 inches wide; plaids, stripes, checks, etc.; worth $2.00 to $3.50 vard. Our Julv Clearance Sale $1.37 $1.00 TUB SILKS 67c A few lengths left of the Tub Silks, shown in assorted colored stripes. These are worth more, but our price has been $1.00 yard Now in order to clean up we are putting out on Bargain Counter during our July Clearance Sale 67r ALL SILKS ARE REDUCED In the face of the fact that silks will be higher priced for fall and too. the silks we now have in stock are "every piece" what will be used again the coming sea son, but in order to verify our statement a sale price on silks, we are going to of fer you silks at a big saving; whether you need now or later buy now. 25c Quality, July Clearance Sale ... 21C 50c Quality, July Clearance Sale ... 3e 75c Quality, July Clearance Sale. .. 59c $1.00 Qualitv, Julv Clearance Sale 67c $1.25 Qualitv, Julv Clearance Sale 96c $1.50 Qual.. Julv Clearance Sale 81. IS $2.00 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.69 $2.50 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.98 $3.00 Qual.. Julv Clearance Sale $2.29 DRESS GOODS Dress goods of all kinds are included in the annual July Clearance Sale, such as Storm Serge'. French Serge, Poplin, Wool Taffeta. Coating Mixtures, Plaids. Stripes and Novelties. These goods can be made up now and be worn into early fall. 75c Dress Goods, July Clearance Sale 59C iearance arance $1.00 Dre Goods, Ju Sale $1.25 Dress Goods, Ji Sale 98C $1.50 Dress Goods, Julv Clearance Sale $1.18 $2.00 DrCM Goods. Julv Clearance Sale $1.71 $2.50 DreM Goods, Julv Clearance Sale $1.98 $3.00 Dc". Goods, Julv Clearance Sale $2.37 $3.50 I)rc-s Goods, Julv Clearance Sale . $2.87 $-4.00 Dreu Goods, Julv Clearance Safe $3.19 $1.25 SPECIAL LOT DRESS GOODS 79c Ore special lot fine Dress Goods, such as Palm Beach Cloth and Tropical Wor sted, shown in mixed and striped effect, 42 to 54 inches wide. Just the fabric to be used right now. and worth $1.25 yd. Julv Clearance Sale 7!)f Special Lot of Mens Suits Reduced Please remem ber that these are all our reg ular high class makes; we carry no other. This is an exceptional lot at special Advertising the Truth No matter what you read in our ad vertisements. Come to the store and you'll find it. We mean what we say. You are the judge. We maintain that we give you the best merchandise for the price, no mat ter what the price. Remember, a reduction on everything except contract goods. Parasols 1-3 Off All our Parasols are reduced J g from original price. A splendid assortment to select from. Every one a beauty. Every one guaran teed first class stock. Right now when you need it most, 1 :; off regular price. sj prices. $25.00 Suits. Julv Clear. Sale $17.25 $27.50 Suits, Julv Clear. Sale S1S.25 $27.50 Suits, Julv Clear. Sale 813.50 $26.50 Suits, July Clear. Sale $14.50 S15.00 Suits, Julv Clear. Sale 810.7.1 817.50 Suits, Julv Clear. Sale 811.75 820.00 Suits. Julv Clear. Sale $13.45 828.50 Suits, July Clear. Sale $18.25 827.50 Suits. Julv Clear. Sale 816.25 825.00 Suits. July Clear. Sale 813.75 822.50 Suits, July Clear. Sale $14.35 $13.50 Suits, Julv Clear. Sale $8.75 MEN'S HATS SACRIFICED Among the greatest sacrifi ces will be hats. Hats of all kinds are reduced. We don't mean to say all hats in stock are reduc- are some that have come in within the past week that are already marked so closely that no reduction can be made on them. We have divided our hats in to 4 lots, viz. : Regular $3.00 Hats. July Clearance Sale $2-35 Regular $3.50 Hats July Clearance j o30 Regular $4.50 Hats, July Clearance Sale S3-20 Regular $5.00 Hats. July Clearance Sale S3.95 MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS and PAJAMAS at July Clearance Sale Prices. imi Oiialltv Julv Clearance Sale sl,(' July riearanc .-ale July Clearance Sale. ....... 9tM Jul) Clearance Sale SMS Jul clearance Sale M.M July Clearance Sale READ CAREFULLY EVERY ITEM on this page, as it is the most interesting in this paper today. We also invite you to look up our ad in today's issue of the Evening Tribune and note the hundreds of money saving items. si. 2.1 Quality xi..V) Qualltj si. 75 Quallt; ' Quality Stat Quality LACES LACES LACES Ijyy (. Yd. Val and torchon laces, a nix ertment of patterns, suitable for trimming lawns and underwear. July clearance Sale, the yard 40 I Ml 2 lot- Yd. Shadow, oriental and Imita tion eluny laces, worth iip to 2c yard. July CIttnMi Sale, yard KMBHOIDKK1 WD LACE ' ' HCIXGH lot i si. mm Embroidery and lace flouneinsi . i i al lovers worth up to M.M yard; desirable I itterns. July Cleat ItC Sale, yard " LOT S ISC LaM and einhrolderv flouncing Slid aMoyers, worth from 11.00 to t.M vard. Jul c ,.rarKe Sale Price Me Table Linens All our Table Linens, Napkins, Lunch Cloths, Lunch Napkins, Table Cloths are to be put out on Bargain Counter. Right now you will be able to use the goods. Some special Table Damask Cloth and Napkins for harvest time. TABLE LINEN 65c Quality, July Clearance Sale ... 4S 75c Qualitv, July Clearance Sale. 59C $1.00 Quality. July Clearance Sale 79c $1.25 Qualitv, Julv Clearance Sale 97C $1.50 Qual., July Clearance Sale $1.18 $2.00 Qual., July Clearance Sale $1.61 $2.50 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.95 $3.00 Qual.. Julv Clearance Sale $2.27 NAPKINS Including Dinner and Lunch Napkins. $1.00 Qualitv, Julv Clearance Sale 87C $1.35 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.10 $1.50 Qual., July Clearance Sale 81.18 $1.75 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1. 17 $2.00 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.59 $3.75 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $3.13 $4.00 Qual., July Clearance Sale $3.39 9 1.50 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $3.98 $5.00 Qual., July Clearance Sale $4.18 S5.50 Qual.. Julv Clearance Sale $4.69 $6.00 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $5.10 $6.50 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $5.39 $7.00 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $5.98 $7.50 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $6.29 $9.00 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $7.65 $10 Qual., July Clearance Sale. . $8.13 TABLE AND LUNCH CLOTHS $1.00 Quality, July Clearance Sale 79? $1.25 Quality, Julv Clearance Sale 95 $1.50 Qual., July Clearance Sale $1.17 $2.00 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.61 $2.50 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.95 $3.00 Qual., July Clearance Sale $2.39 $3.50 Qua!.. Julv Clearance Sale $2.H $1.00 Qual.. July Clearance Sale 13.81 85.00 Qual.. Julv Clearance Sale $1.2H $6.00 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.85 $7.00 Qual., July Clearance Sale $5.79 $8.00 Qual., July Clearance Sale $6.75 $9.00 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $7.65 $10 Qual., July Clearance Sale 87.95 TOWELS AND TOWELING This in itself is a great big depart ment. Towels or toweling of all kinds, whether for home, notel, boarding house, camping, or the ranch, we have the kind you want. During this sale fill your needs at reduced prices. 5c Quality, July Clearance Sale 1c 7' jc Quality, July Clearance Sale.... 5C 10c Quality, July Clearance Sale.... 8C 12C Qualitv, July Clearance Sale. IOC 15c Quality. July Clearance Sale.. 12c 18c Quality. July Clearance Sale.. 1 It 20c Quality, July Clearance Sale . 16c 25c Quality. July Clearance Sale. 19c 40C Quality. July Clearance Sale.. 31c 50c Quality, July Clearance Sale . 38c 65c Quality, July Clearance Sale. 49C 75c Quality, Julv Clearance Sale . 57 85 Quality, July Clearance Sale.. 62C $1.00 Quality, July Clearance Sale 76C BEDDING Yes, you will have an opportunity to purchase Bedding at a reduced price, such as Comforters, Blankets, Bed Spreads, Sheets and Pillow Cases. Buy even now for your winter covering. Comforters and Blankets $1.25 Qual., July Clearance Sale $1.10 $1.50 Qual., July Clearance Sale $1.20 $2.00 Qual.. Julv Clearance Sale $1.70 $2.50 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.90 $3.00 Qual.. Julv Clearance Sale $2.40 $3.50 Qual., July Clearance Sale $2.90 $4.00 Qual., July Clearance Sale $3.20 $4.50 Qual.. July Clearance Sale $3.30 $5.00 Qual., July Clearance Sale $4.70 Sheets and Pillow Cases. Sheets 90c Quality, July Clearance Sale. ... 76c $1.00 Quality, Julv Clearance Sale S3C $1.25 Qual., July Clearance Sale $1.10 Pillow Cases 21c Quality, July Clearance Sale.. 20c 30 Qflality, July Clearance Sale.. 26 50c Qualitv, Julv Clearance Sale.. 39c WHITE GOODS Including White Goods of all kinds, such as Lace Cloth, Organdie, Lyklinen, Voile, Crepe, Dress Linens, Waist Linens, Handkerchief Linens, Gabardine, Pique, Beach Cloth, Linene. The prices on these goods are cut now at an opportune time. Just when you can use to best advantage. 25 Quality, July Clearance Sale 18 35c Quality, July Clearance Sale 24c 10c Quality, July Clearance Sale 31C 50c Quality, July Clearance Sale 38c 65 Quality, July Clearance Sale 48 75C Quality, July Clearance Sale . 59c $1.00 Quality, July Clearance Sale 79c $1.25 Qualitv, Julv Clearance Sale 95C $1.50 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.18 $2.00 Qual., Julv Clearance Sale $1.71 82.25 Qual., July Clearance Sale $1.89 GLOVES GLOVES Women's 12. un Kid (Hove Women's 11.78 Kid 0 loves IMS Women's 11.80 Silk Clove SI. IK Women's 11.21 Bilk Gloves Me Women's 11.00 Bilk Qloves TSr Women's 80s silk Qloves Sis Women's r,Oe Chamolsette Qloves Ms WOMEN'S HOSE W omen's 30c Usk Ross Me Women's I to UslS Hose 2c Women's 88s IJsle Hose Ittc W omen's 80o Silk Moot Hone 4.V children's ISc l.lslc Hose IBc children's '.'"( Lists Hose Its children's S6c Half Sox Mc Chililt en's I8s Half Sox ISc children's 88c Silk Hose 2 children's 80s Silk Hose .Ittc WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR REDUCED All Women s I'tiderwear of Silk. I.lsle and Cotton at the following reductions: 1. v Underwear. July Clearance Sale 12c 20c Underwear, Julv Clearance Sale ISc ISO I'ndenvear, July Clearance Sale Ittc ISO Underwear, July Clearance Sale .. 2Hc 10c Underwear, Jul) clearance Sals 3Mc It.V Underwear, July Clearance Sale Ittc Mo Underwear, Jui clearance sale Mo 51. M Underwear, July Clearance Sale "Be II JB Underwear, July clearance Sale . ... Ms SI. .VI Underwear, July clearance Sale .... Il.ll SI. 75 Underwear, Jul) clearance Sale .... Sl.att 52. wi Underwear, July clearance Sale .... li.." S2.25 Underwear, Julv Clearance Sale .... 11.70 S2..MI Underwear, Jul Clearance Sale .... I1.M M.M Underwear, July clearance Sale .... 2.:ih v..." Underwear, July Clearance Sals . . S2.7 M.M Underwear, July Clearance sale . .., Ml M.M Underwear. Jul' clearance .-'ale .... S3. lift 1 LOT NEC WEAR 49c Women's Neckwear of iBOC trimmed organdie, worih from 75c to 11.10, July Clearance Sale Price Mc FANCY RIBBONS 69c Fancy velour ribbons, hanlf"me pattern! for imi:. liR varir-t 4 if color, worth up to $2 frt yd. July 'lruninre Snl yard (' VEILINGS 2. "c Veilings. Jul) Clearance Sale ISc :i.v Vellisi, July Clearance Sols 2Hc Mo Veiling, July Clearance Sale SSt SSo Veiling, July Clearance Sale 4ttc 7.V Veiling. July Clearance Sale MB Veiling, Jul Clearance Sale .. 7ttc All Staple and Fancy Ribbons Reduced 10 Per Cent. All Notions Reduced 10 Per Cent. 35c RIBBONS 24c HIk lot ''f fancy Hair How Ribbon eXOtlfon! Iftc value; July Clearance Sale . .... 2 it T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP T. P. W. Pure Food Shop 3 Phones 15 Cleanliness Economy Service The Cleanest, Coolest Grocery in Pen dleton. JULY CLEARANCE SALE Canned Sweet I'matocs A real treat July Cleurance Sale, .1 cans MU'. ISO mm.' July Clearance Sale, .' cans SI. 00 Mo n4irB.n TIn Julv Slearance Sule. 2 cans Ml T. I'. W. Hath smi Julv Clearance Sale. I '1 hurs to hox MO j.'a Battls CaJanp July Clearance Sale. hnttle Ml :t(h Tomato atMii A well know n In and of the finest iualltj; July Clearance Bale I" Mr .lap Tea Jul) clearance Sale, pound.., Ms r. Pound LotS, pound 2ro WlllHSnsIt Blue anil white pattern, new design, milled and sold In open stock. We are Iholud' inn It for Introduction In July clearance Sale less la per cent regular price. Ifemtiey'fl ocon Julv clearance Sale. 1-2 lh. cans Ittc; I pound cans 37c (.round in., . tatc Tniy Clearance Sale, One pound can MCI 3 pound' cans ISO Vasj Camp's Soups July Clearance Sale, .1 cans 2.c Pendleton's Greatest Dept. Store THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Wnere It Pays to Trade