DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION WEATHER Tonight .ind Saturday fair. TO ADVERTISERS. Tbe Kast i i villain has the largest buns fide iiml guaranteed paid circulation of iuiv paper Id Oregon, east of Portland and L far the largest circulation In I'endletun of a ii j newipaper. IMOMI1 WEATHER DATA Maximum temperature. HI: mint mum. 43 ainfall. 0; triad, west light weather. dear CITY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1916. VOL. 28 NO. 8855 BERLIN SAYS IMPORTANT GAINS MADE BY BRITISH Claim Check Administered to Entire Allied Offensive; Admit Loss of First Line Trenches. GERMANS WILL HOLD FAST A MM v of Germans to Mold Second IJste Inspires Confidence; Import m Gal rut by inm li Are Admitted Thuagti Condition It Not Serioua. U1HUN, July 7. A severe die k has been administered to the British In the combined Anglo-Frem h offen sive, Recording to reports received here The Hrltili suffered unusually heavy losses Since the opening day of the British attack Haig's army has been unable to make tmportunt gains again?! the German lines. Though fore ed to abandon the shell-wrecked first line of trenches, the Germ. inn ruttrnl to the necond line where they threw liack time ufter time British In fantry ma tilts The niunner In which the Germans stood the first shock has Inspired eonfidence In Ber lin that the anticipated later assaults will he r pulstd "'We thought It would be a romp after our guns had finished," a cap ture. I officer Is quoted as saying "In stead the Germans popped out fron. all sorts of funny places and got ma chine gor-working on us." That the French made substantial tan, south of the Somme Is not de nied liere. The gains, however, it Is stated, c institute no serious menace to the Herman MnM, which are atnplj prepared to repel any serious motiac on the se-tor around Preonne. ONLY FEW MARRIED MEN ARE ON DUIY WAIt DraAitTMKNT tWTAI,S SAY only looo Ai-t-wricn HY SJXltJTTAKY'S HIKK. WASHINGTON. July 7. War de partment officials believed today that the number of guardsmen eligible to discharge under Secretary of War Makers order permitting the retire tic i, of married men with dependent families wllf not exceed one thousand. In freeing these men. the states will give honorable discharge but mu.t then recruit others to fill their places. The guardsman who wishes to escape service must mnke affidavit that his family is in need of his support. The commander then will tree him without further ceremony or formality. Wheat Holds Even in Chicago Market i-HICAOO, July 7 (Special to the East oregonlan ) - Range of prices today: open. High. Close July $103 I1.04H I10JH Bapt tt or, $1.05 $1.06 Portland. PORTLAND. Ore., July 7 (Spec al - Club 84 bid. 90 asked; blue stem ii 1-2 b.d. $1 02 asked Germans Admit Loss at Handsof Russians ITALIANS GLUM VICTORY FOR MLIKD FORCES ON PRO NT IN TRENT! NO. LONDON. July 7. An official state ment by the German war office re ported violent fighting on both banks 0l the Somme. but contained no ad mission of the allies' gains. Tho Ger n in however, admitted their retire met under a heavy Russian attack near Chattery and announced the Itusslans delivered strong attacks on Von lllndenhurjt's front In the north. These attacks. It Is asesrted. were re pulsed The Italian war office report i ll another victory for the allied of fenilva on the Trentlno front. Raided English Coast. AMSTERDAM. July 7. A portion of the German high seas force swept the waters close to the English coast, capturing the Erltlsh steamer Lestrye, it Is announced by the German ad miralty. The raid was made Wednesday- Boys at Home 'IibBsbIsbsbsbsb(hs " T' affli I ijrt IHbBbIHbP idnnBnnnrsBTnnnVnnfln? "' :;- onirrinu nririuj j x join TO t50dUJ Thi photograph .she villi-. Texas, where the Natiom General Service Board Will Fight Infantile Paralysis WASHINGTON. July 7. The gen- oral service board of the United Siaten public health service went lulu con ference today to discuss ways and UMani Of fighting the infantile paraly sis epidemic in New York and othe. Five In Cleveland. CLEVELAND, July 7 The fifth Cass of infantile paralysis was report ed today. No deaths have occurred, but the authorities are planning a ri gid Campaign against flies and dirt. one diioaao Death. CHICAGO, luly 7 The death of one child from Infantile paralysis and the discovery of seven new cases LULL IN FIGHTING ON THE FRENCH FRONT BOTH AT VERDUN AND ELSEWHERE PARIS. July 7 A lull In the fighting on the French front on both sides of the river Somme where Hie allied offensive Is under way, contin ued throughout the night. The war office reported an utter calm on the Homme front. Tho night passed without infantry Enormous British One of the British "Big Berthas" on German lines. The photograph Send Ammunition 1 ! eardsnien iiardtiiicn fit I New York loadini New York nrtj now m munition ping rushed. prompted the authorities to take steus nrevent the ,ni,i,,,. ...i:,.. ing prof of dfseax unions similar to in New York. the wave iiKhiiiut is Itesumed. HEKLIN, July 7. Severe fighting is going on both to the north and south of the Bom me where the allies have resumed the offensive, the war office announced. Lively engage ments occurred laet night south of ' 'ontalnialson and around the village of Estrees. ItussJans Make (lain. PBTROORAD, July 7. Russian troops have occupied Gradie and Ko-1 meruvp, the war office stated a part of the increased cost of freight j fighting on the Verdun front, although' The bllsi",ss wil h distributed am a violent bombardment occurred on I "ng miHs "" ,ne 11"es of ,ne ''ompanvi the east side of the Meuse. In the Omla Protre Wood southwest of Ver dun, the Germas made an unsuccess ful attack on the French trenches. French grenadiers retaliated, cleaning up the German trench and many prisoners. taking, I Guns Hurl Tons of which Is being used with telling effect Is an official one and shows the big sun to Boys at Front Qrrt- RUi SEf&KE. for shipment Hrowns- Railroad Prepares to Handle Wheat in r ii tl- O DUIK I III eaSOn PORTLAND ore.. July 7 Con tracts for 2.500.oOi) feet of fir lum ber will be placed by the Union Pa cific system within the next few weeks w!th the manufaturers of the . orth'vest. The material is to be used in building Inside doors for boxcars in which grain L to be moved In bulk across the continent to the export'n-; ports on Me Atlantic coast, says G. W Saul purchasing agent in Port land The railroads are anticipating a heavy movement of grain eastbound tnis year, tne same as last year, the European war and the uncertain dependability of the Panama canal make It Impossible to get vessels to carry trade from the Pacifi ports. Coast In normal 'imes the grain grown' in Oregon and Washington Is handled! largely in sacks. The elevators on the! Pacific slope are not prepared to han-i die it in hulk, but the Atlantic coast I elevators are and the railroads are' preparing to deliver it in that fash- ion. The farmers of the northwest I thus will save In the cost of the sacks ln resn. Washington and blah Official figures show that fogs are more frequent on the coasts of Maine and New Hampshire than on any oi her part of the coasts of the Cnited States. Shell on Attack In the bis manned Allied "push" that has Just opened on a sixteen mile by the British Royal Attdlerj. IITISASH OERMAh LINES AT I VARIOUS POINTS : Important Gains Reported by Gener al Haig; Thousand Yards of Trenches Gained Yesterday. NEW POSITIONS BOMBARDED Adjult lentous Reclaim Some Lost 1. 1 on n, Temporarily; Haig SI (Airmails Have Suffered Heavy lom -cs; ijost Important Strategical Points. LONDON. July 7. British troops resumed their great orfenaive against he Germans at dawn today, with simultaneous smashes along a wide front, an official statement from Gen eral Haig announced a striking British success east o' Laboiselle. where a thousand yards of Herman trenches were taken, including the capture of several important tactical positions. "Northwest of Thiepval the enemv tempo-arily regained two or three hundred yards of lost ground.'' tho report said: "During the night the enemy heavily bombarded our new positions at Bernafy Wood. Montau ban and Laboiselle. sometimes using lachrymous shells. Captured 1000 Yards. LONDON, July 7 British troops I captured a thousand yards of Gcr- I man trenches In severe fighting east f Lnhoisc le. General Haig reported this afternoon. The gain is one Of 'the moat i.mmrtant advances scored by' the Brtih since the first day of the - . Mies- great ' fensive. Severe fight- ins Is going on in the La Bniselle sec- ; tor- "aig ( ported, me oermans sui- 1 ere! heavy lo c RUSSIANS CONTINUE U STHIAVS BEING DRIVEN RACK THROUGH THE CARPATHIAN MOl'VTUNS, REPORT. PBTROORAD, July f The Rus-. ton armies in southern Oalicia arej within ten miles of both Stanislau and! Nadvorkona, pressing the advance! westward despite an increasingly stuo - orii Austrian resistance. The Aus ".trian force that evacuated Nikuliczynj giving the Kussians command of an Important railway is retiring south1 toward the Carpathian mountains An I . offietal statement or the war office announce i frath successes in several sectors along the battlefront. NO TROUBLE EXPECTED FROM SANTO DOMINGO WASHINGTON, July 7. Unit ed States marines were expected to enter Santiago. San Domingo. Inst night or this morning with out opposition, said a radio mes sage, to the navy department from Admiral Caperton. The Domln- 4 Iciani are reported quiet and the navy department believes there 4 will be no more fighting on German Lines WIU WARLIKE WON PLANS HI TO AID REHABILITATION OE MEXICO Lansing Accepts Carranza's Offer of Amicable Negotiations; Carranza Asked How This Country May Aid Mexico's Welfare; Task is How to Place Country on Stable Foundation; Aid Against Villistas Asked for. HEAVY TOLL TAKEN! BY STORM ON GULF: JACKSON VII-LE. July 7. Twenty are dead and several million dollar's property loss is today's estimate here of the toll taken by the storm which ravaged the coasts of Alabama. Louis iana and Florida for two days. Elghty Missing. NEW OliL EANS. July 7. More than eighty are missing according to rc ports reaching here at seven this morning from various sources. The r;:dio to Mobile and Pensacola is working fairly well. It is thought the less from Thursday's hurricane will be known this afternoon. Many ships are missing. The Frie- i ia wllh a crew of twenty one, from I New Orleans to Progreso. Mexico, Is overdue. It is feared she went down schooner with sixteen aboard, left Gulfport Thursday and is not heard trom. Reports from Chandler. Mis- sisslppl say five fishing smacks with crews of sin are missing. DRIVE'Former Local WomanlKneLri: Dies 3t Ha at iiuiijnuuu After a Long Illness MRS. MINNIE OLIVER. SISTER OF GRACE GILLIAM, IS DE.U); MANY LOCAL RELATIVES. Word was received here this morn inv nf the rinath in H,,llnirtnH Co I , f .,,,. . H.. k, 111 for many months and confined to her bed since husband, C. W last November. Herwoula D tne salvation of Mexico. Oliver, is a son of F. M Oliver of Pendleton and Mrs. Oli ver was a member of the Gilliam family Hock. pioneer residents of Pilot dor Arrendondo. acting upon instruc tor father was county asses-'Hons from Mexico City, has notified sur here for two terms. 1901. He died in Mrs. Oliver leaves, besides her hus- band, a daughter. Merle. 17. her mother. Mrs. E. Gilliam and the fol- j lowing brothers and sisters: Mrs. El- I la McBroom and Albert Gilliam of i Pilot Rock: Mrs. Hadden Agnew of l Pasadena. Mrs. George Rugg of Pen- dleton. Elmer Gilliam of White Sal- ! mon. Grace Gilliam of Pilot Rock. Mrs. Bert Hutchinson of Pilot Rock ' Hn(j 3,irs Guv Howe of Ontario. Miss Grace Gilliam, who is the republican ' nominee for count; treasurer, has ben attending her sister since No- I vember. She was born at Pilot Hock Septem- j her 9. 1S77. and died this morning at j four o'clock, aged 39 years. She wasi married October 3. 1S95. and lived in I ' Pendleton until the family moved 10 j Portland. They spent three years j there and then took up their resl j dence in California where they have lived for the past II years. Germans Abandon Line. HERLIN. July 7. German troops have abandoned their lines in the vi- unity of Chartary and voihynla, I dor attack by a superior Bui j force, it Is officially admitted. un- rian Would Rrc-uk McLean Will. WASHINGTON. July 7. A legal ' battle to break the will of John R I McLean, Involving the administration i of the millions amassed by the pub. Usher, was started today by his son. I Edward Reale McLean, the sole heir NEWS SUMMARY General. President turns attention to for rehabilitating Mexico. plan Itriti-li claim important gain-: (. oc ularis make denial. Storm on Gulf of Mexico did much damages i Only few married giiartlKiiien sertdrc at border. ill Local. Two nxxJvc heat-) rinew for boot legging. Utile boy Injured In fall from bicycle. ASPECT GONE WAHDNGON, July 7- al Pershing's punitive columsi wt not only renaJn In Mexico "for the Ume being," but may even he sent farther south to take a whack at the Villa band reported to have annihilated the Car ranza garrison near Jimtaoz. This to learned from high authority, following the formal nothTicaUoa of the Vliist success. WASHINGTON, July 7 Preaider.t Wilson proposes to let Carranza him self suggest the best means whereb;' thi.1; country can aid Mexico to solve its dlfr.'.i'lties. '.'his is stated todav and is the meet important feature of the note frcrr Secretary Lansing to Mexican i J.'eign Secretary Agullar accepting -he tatter's proposal for di rect negotiations. Trie note, in com- nleted form wu r ra nm ir tnH nftAi a j ,ong cah e( K u expecUd t0 be forwarde.1 Ui Mexico City by Aip- tassador Anendindo before night. The Ai.ierican-Mexlcan situation to day had (ranged from one that con templated war to one contemplating the rehabiliiat:cn of Carranza's ooun- trV HOW Ii, nr.nv nU ln t, r,r.,. ' rity out of tne MeIlcan chao, WM the rrob,,m of WUlK3n and nis cab. inet Tn CJipe.ted t0 mark th, I aecoad step by t'.e president in work- CT-1Ilon i.m.-r.s'i repty to Aguiuar s reply pacific note . Other problems con front':. g tho cabinet were: What will be done about guarding the border: What to do orotic sending militiamen home, with an incidental increase in the regular m y How to place Mex ico on a firm fc ting among the na tion.1!. The ao ministration feels that it canno: eno ,i uge bankers to ex tend aid. i ut is liopeful Carranza may I tae Itrong guiding hand. It is estimate.. hundred million dollars VI.Hsias Won Battle. WASHINGTON, July 7. Amba j the state department a large band of Villistas attacked the Carranza garrt son at CorraJhoa, near Jiminez. In the state of Chihuahua, Wednesday, al most destroying it Fearing the ban dits might take to the desert. Car ranza has asked the state department to have the border watched on the American side between DoHgnillaS and OJInaga. to prevert a raid Attack Is Feared EAGLF PASS. Texas. July General Pablo Gonzales Is reported to he en route to the border to assume command of the Carranza garrison at Piedras NegTa which was augmented by the arrival of two troop trains. The Americans, fearing an attack, have moved to this ide of the border, . ENGLAND AND GERMANY TO TRADE CIVIL PRISONERS COPENHAGEN July England and Germany have agreed to exchatigi civilian prisoners according to infor mation received by Americans here The exchange will afreet many thou sands of Germans Interned in Eng land after the LosJtanla. sinking ami a large number of English civilians in the German internment imps AUSTRIANS FIND THEY ARE BETWEEN TWO FIRES GENEVA. July 7 - pl-Mei.smn be tween Austrian and Hungarian states men over the disposition ol Austro Hungarian troops tt reported in ad vices reecived here. The Hungarians. alarmed at tho prospects of i Russia 11 Invasion, successfully urged tli with -drawal of troops from the Italian front to help check the .Slavs The Italians Immediately advanced The Austrian leaders have appealed to stop the transfer from the Italian front lest the country fall In'o the hands of the Italians Lydi.t P. Barnes of Rockport, III, age 111 is still lottos tn household affairs.