EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1916. PAGE THREE We want you to know that CASH AT The Dean Tatom Co Will Buy You MORE of the best GROCERIES not for one day, but every day in the year, because you are not paying others bad bills nor tied-up accounts and we are enabled to use your cash to pay cash and buy cheaper. TELEPHONE 688 AND GIVE US A TRIAL WllJ.lh- IS SKN'T TO JAIL. An- 00-Year.Old Son ininlsBed for noylng HI IKY. Aged 90. CAMDEN. N, J . July I. AtthOBfh he i SO years old. William Brum was convicted of having annoyed his father, Frederick Q. Brum, 90 years old. a retired shoemaker. Kecnrder Htackhouae gave the "nautthty hoy" 20 days In the county jail. The Coming Baby I Hooray! Hooray! Nothing else ran so completely endear as to the present and the future as the HMttM trrlTnl nf bur, 'n "p mrBn Um UM com fnrt of t.ip mother ll of rast Import. .ncc. There Ua fplcncifit external rem- cdy known w "Moth er" Friend" which ei- tr(i a wonderful Influ ence upon the expand. lug iuiimIcs. They bt come mure pliant, stretch without unique pain, mn1;r tlv p rlo; one of ptaMtfri nntie (nation iMtettd (f ap prehension. In a series of r?h wild lt!ten Irom all orcr the country rr.oihc.M tell of the great help "Miner's Kri.-n 1" wui ti them. Eren frandrootheri ttf the wonderful story to their own rlaujrhtir shoot to enter tha state of moUiertMNtd. Ost bM" - of Mftfott 9f Friend" today of JPOUf retreat !nmrlt. Vse this splendid help !h mtf Own hand truldrd by your own mind, i V r a fros book of Interest and importance to ill not hen write to Hradfleld IsnMStor Co.. 491 I SSSSf Bldsr . Atlanta, Ga. It relates li e persons! experiences of many happy mothers. It tells many thfnjr th;it nil women Brtl Nttd N fa miliar with; it Is at Of I a nr o o-J uu Inspiration. WH i.ir t Is hm .. Pulitenmn Fred Watnon testified that he hud been called to the hOUM OK numerous occasion to quiet "Wil llo," because ho would abuse his aged father and mother every time he got filled with "joy water" A relative was to appear in court, but as none appeared, tho recorder took Watson's word for Hrum'H shortcomings and sentenced him. title Out Off 2 Weeks. l.A CROSSE Wis , July 3. - The St Paul Hallway the other day reache'i Wauknn Iowa, and the La Crosse .4 Southern reached Viraq.ua, wis , cities of mora than 3000 population, which had been cut off from conununlcatlon fur two weeks by floods. At the foot of nearly every coulee On i he Southeastern between Btod dard and Vlroqua, 10 miles, the track vrai washed out "SHALL WE FIGHT MEXICO?' 2m&wr vmssm rats tfJiC'Y ot win V'-mzr-x-: GOAT ROPING TEST IS PART OF TEXAS TOWN'S OBSERVANCE SAN AXGBLO HAS BIG FOURTH (KLKIIUATION WITH AN ODD AMUSEMENT. SAN ANUELO, Tex.. July 4. San Angelo's Goat got loose today and skidded around the town common pursued by a band of yelpinir, larlat swinglng cowboys m the newest Fourth of July stunt The goat-roping contest enlisted cattlemen from the surrounding country and money that wasn't wagered on the horse races wan placed on the chase for William Q. NOMINEE Is NOT QUALIFIED. Lane hemis-rat to Withdraw From Race for School Bapertntendent. BDOSNIi Ore., July 4. A. C. Hates, nominated by the democrats of Lane county as a candidate for ths office of school superintendent, is not '(ratified to accept the office, as he has not tayght school in the county for at least 11 months, as required by law. according to County Chairman, ti M. Travis. Mr. Travis says Mr. Bates will with draw and that the democratic central ci mmlttee will in all probability se lect a woman to oppose County Su perintendent E. J. Moore, the repub lican nominee. CASEMENT PLEAS PILE UP. NWtOn D. Baker, secretary of war, I state, outside of the White ilson Ulutcd to Request Britain to lie Lenient with Irish Knight. WASHINGTON, July 4 Petitions requesting that President Wilson urge the British government to grant clem ency of Sir Roger Casement the Irish r volutlonist. poured into the White House from many parts of the coun try. It is generally understood the Uni ted States can bring such petition House t" the attention of Oreat Britain only Make This Store Your Headquart ers The Fourth We are open in the morning, cloae during the parade, and for the remainder of the day we cloae at 1 P. M. FANCY PARASOLS, fast colors, best quality of silk, paragon frame, military handles. Prices $2.50 to $12. MISSES AND WOMEN'S SPORT HATS in stripes. brocades, leather trimmed 75? t $2.00 Motor Veils, all colors $1.00 to 81.50 STRIPE PONGEE FOR SPORT COATS, SKIRTS AND DRESSES, 36 inch, yard $175 WOMEN'S NEWEST NECKWEAR, just received by express, large collars and collar and cuff sets, made of voile, chiffon, crepe de chine, mull and Swisses, trimmed with Irish lace, valj Venice lace. Prices 35 to $2.50 KAYSER'S SILK UNDERWEAR, Chemise, Corset Cov ers, Combinations, Vests, etc. The name Kayser stands for quality. $2.50 to $5.50 are the prices. Ask for No. 365 Silk Boot Hose in four colors 50f ALEXANDERS and it"hert insing. secretary grounds after of president on Ihe nnference with the Mexican situation BOMB CAUSE OP EXPLOSION. UllllilllllllllMtllllllllllllllllllllltllllllll I COME HERE FOR I Bali Caps All the new idea are here Bathing caps of quality. E The newest ideas in bath- E 5 ing caps now ready fo; E your selection. Choose E E here and be better pleas- ed. First quality, practi- 5 cal styles, popular prices, I 50c TO $1.25. Tallman & Go. I Leading Druggist j Illlllltlltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr I I m ; m ' I Timing on Piisc Kvidcntlv Intended to Wreck Train on Mile. OAKLAND, Cal.. July 4. The ex Illusion which occurred In the smok ing car of a Southern Paoitto train v)iich was standing at the Sixteenth Mreet station, anil which injured 13 peraona was aooompllihad i a blank powder bomb, protiably with the in tetttion I so timing the fuse that the bomb would explode on the Oakland n-ole. and possibly cripple the South ern Pacific's western terminal, ac cording to the findings of the official ard of inquiry which conducted an eattfatlon today. The failure of the supposed bomb explode on the mole was ascribed witnesses to the fact that the train ts ahead of ltd schedule. dlmilnial from the army for attempt ed high treason and resistance to the authorities are described in Dutch ifwspapers of Saturday. The Berlin populace fought with Micks against the police and military. The soldiers fired Into the crowd with the result that ten persons and one soldier were severely wounded. Fifty socialists were arrested after a wild scuffle. informally. 11 AltVKSTElts HK WANTED. Ibiiiiirenients of ( nil in Kansas Helds Placed at :t 5.000 Men. KANSAS CITY. July 4. Thirty five thousand harvesters are needed to handle Kansas grain properly, ac cording to the report of the govern- ment labor bureau here. ! The greatest need was announced to j be In the central part of the state near 'Great Bend. Wages ranging from 13 I to 15 a day with board are being of fered with no takers. OLD MINER KILLS SELF. MME PETR0V A .THE SCARLBT WOMAN" .Mia Today. SEVERE RHEUMATIC PAINS DISAPPEAR RtietroiatitlC dr 5 ll ori in the blood, which afi mus. It's nml .ioints. prod1 AaTuntHon, rtiffni - n 1 1 1 ncid ifcts iu'o t,i- blood mm defect in the riu?i ttiv Hood'i Strupatilli . the hlood ionic, is vcty uxem tnatntnt of rbetiiliam. directly, with p' ri'i'iu' 1 thatbloodi and i nr " cs 1 tioi.. flon'l idftr. C -t Itop. Sale of Mine- at Tm Low a Hgure llellercd to llute Caiisetl Act. LIVINGSTON. Mont.. July 4. llh JfiOu on the table in front of him and I tinned contract for the sale of his mining properties for 117.000 ciutched in his hand, the body of Qeorge Fisher, an old prospector of the Cooke City district was found by neighbors. He had shot himself In i the temp1!. It Is believed that the ol'i man thought he hud parted w ith his i mines at too low a price and had; brooded over the matter. Mr. Kisher alwas believed that his properties bad a great future, ana1 that he would some day lie enormous b Wealthy, He willed all his assets to a friend. He was unmarried and. so far as known, he had no relatives. BATHER KILLED BY SHARK. Wife of Minor Aoctuea, lAl.BA.NY. Ore.- July 4. George B. Powell I minor, is under arrest on a charge of faiiiiiu to support his wife and two babies. He is under $500 bonds awaiting the action of the Linn county grand jury. He waived ex amination before Justice of the Peace Swan here. The churge against Powell was pre ferred by his wife. Ida Powell, not yet IS years of age. They have a little girl 16 months old and a baby boy I !! months of age. Mrs. Powell as strts that her husband left her and r- fuses to support her or the children FAX WF.FD" IS INVADER. Italians In New Attack. ito.MK via Imdon. July 4. Con tinuing their offensive in the Tren tir.o. the Italians have began an at tack on the Austrian fortified positi ons between Zugna Totya and Fop piano, says the Italian, official state ment. The Austrlans were, driven from sections of trenches north of Pedes cala. the dispatch adds, and some more trenches were carried between elx and Monfslcone. In the latter battle lSj Austrlans were taken pris oner . Plant That Destroy! crops aud Im poverishes soU Is Found. BAKER, Ore . July 3. That the noxious "fan-weed." which caused considerable loss in Montana a few yean ago. had invaded Baker was learned when a fpecimen was found by W. J. McCui'ty. who lived In Mon tana at the time the weed caused such in uble there. The weed gets its name from the fan-.'ha;ed se-jjpods and is not only destructive to crops out impoverishes I the b'Oll The p'ant is thought to have been brought here in importa tions it glass 'ct-d. Burning is said to oe toe only way to eradicate it and this melh d will probably be applied 1 here. STOPS HEADACHE Victim Attacked In Surf Blew Heron' He i an He Rescued. HF.ACH'HAVKN N. J, July 4. Charles K. Vansant. 3 years old. son of u Philadelphia physician, was al locked by a shark w hile bathing in the surf off here, according to eves wit nesses. He died before he could be rescued. I BKItl.lN SCENE OF RIOTING British i, aln In Africa. LONDON. July 4. Another victory for the British against the Germans In German East Africa was announc ed in an official statement as fol- li Ws "General Xorthey. who has been operating east of the Livingston-! mountains aitainst the Germans, has ejtcted them from the important 1'hena center and driven them north ward. General Northey has taken booty and prisoners and Inflicted losses." ACCIDENT ENDS CUP RACE. Vanderbtlt Yacht loses, Topsail in Sqall. After Takijig; Lead. MARBLEHEAD. Mass. July 4 .An accident to Harold S. Vanderbilt's schooner-yacht Vagrant put an end to the second annual ocean race of the Eastern Yacht Club, from Newport to this harbor for the Yanderbilt gold cup. The Vagrant lost her topsail in a heavy gust soon after she had taken the lead of Seacunnet over the Virgi nia, owned by i . F. CrofOOt, of Oma ha, the only other entry. Now Open A Clean, Beautiful Resort at Which to Rot and Enjoy Yourself During the Hot Summer. H1DAWAY SPRINGS In the Blue Mountains of Southern Umatilla County. H. M. CULTER, PROP. Dancing, Swimming, Hunting, Fishing, Etc. Hot Mineral Water Pool and Baths. Hotel Rate, $10.50 Per Week INCLUDING BATHS. or $2.00 Per Day COTTAGES AND TENTS FOR RENT. FREE CAMP GROUNDS. GOOD BARN AND INCLOSED PASTURE. Stage leaves Pendleton Tuesdays and Saturdays at 1 o'clock from French Restaurant. Hidaway stage meets Pilot Rock stage at Ukiah on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES Chineie Style HOT TAMALES CHILLI CON GARNE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date FIRST CLASS 8ERVICK TEA 5c Packaxe Under State Hotel Cor. Webb end Cottonwood 8ts. Phone 167. Pendleton, Ore. A NEURALGIA Don't suffer! Get a dime pack of Dr. James' Headache Powders. You can clear your head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. .Inmes' Headache Powder. This old time headache relief acts almost magi cally. Send some one to the drug store now for a dime package aud a few mo ments after you take a powder you will wonder what became of the licitii arhe, neuralgia and pain. Slop suffer ingit's needless. Be sure you get what you ak for. Outbreak Caused lv Punishment of Socialist Editor. THE Hague, via London, July 4 Street fights In Herlln after the sentencing of Karl IJebknecht. the so CiallSI leader, to penal servitude and Nancy Is Itomlmrdnl. PARIS. July S German long range guns shelled Nancy last night, it was officially announced. Author Has 2 Husbauds. NEW YORK. July 3. May Elea nor Gutes. author, began action at White Plains for annulment of her marriage to Frederick Ferdinant Moore, formerly of San Francisco. In August 1 ! 1 4 . Miss Gates ob tained an interlocutory decree of di vorce from Richard Walton Tully Her marriage to Mr. Moore followed Recently Miss Gutes learned that the decree was not binding. On the confirmation of the decree of separ ation from Tully. it is said that Miss Gates will remarry Mr. Moore. You will like that Chocolate Ice Cream at Koeppen's and its only 10c a dish Hong Kong Gaf 8 AND NOODLE PARLORS Noodles AND Chop Suey Outside Tray Orders a Specialty Boxee for lad lea and gentleman. OPEN DAT AND ALL NIGHT MEALS ISO AND UP. Special Chicken Dinner Sunday 548 Main Street Next to E. O. Bldg Phone (OS GO TO THE St. George Grill when you want a good steak. 35c Merchants Lunch Served Daily. Mm Jr Hga t mm S mUr ' TV JmP' sSt &gflflH&HL gflgSaC Idaho Hankers Pardoned. WASHINGTON. July 3 President Wilson pardoned S. B. and W. Q.I .slmpson. owners of the First Nation i al Hank CiI Caldwell. Idaho, convicteil March, Ula, and sentenced to five; pears' imii"isuumont for issuing a cer-i t if bate of deposit with intent to de-, fraud. The brother.- pleaded that no fraud waj contemplated, and that the loss had been n i'de good. They were granted respites a few days ago and; nave not serviv. any part oi tneir sen lent es. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j Known For It's Strength llllllllllllllllllllHIlk Washington, D. C, Oct. 6, 1915. SCENE FROM "WHO'S GUILTVr CHAPTER NO. 7 (PATHE). TODAY AT TKMPLE. First National Bank I lliform Mont Iltiuon Ann. HKiiLiN. July 3. it is lanounoed .-t-m i -o f f it' lal I that a funeral meat t.ti'ii tir the entire empire will be in-1 troiucwl September 1. The t'ardi- already nave been intro-( dlicd in the south derman Itatct an-l thi larger cttlM Of rrussia, but great irregularity us to the amount of meat hllotttd to the different parts of the country provalli and the objoet of the ; national eard is to insure uniformity in i i oust! m pt ion. FENDLETQN. OREGON is hereby granted the right to act as Trustee, Ex ecutor, Administrator and Registrar of Stocks and Bonds. Federal Reserve Board. By 0. S. Hamlin, Governor. The cxar la reputed to be the world's 1 wealthiest man. His Individual hold-j nSgS are estimated at 136,000,000. ' iiiiimiitiminiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii SECURITY hiiiiiuiiimmmiiiiiiiiiimiiif