EIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1916. UNIFORMED RANK OF I X. OF P. OFFERS ITS SERVICES FOR WAR SEVERAL THOlsWIi MEN WW DRIMJXG THROCGHOrT TUB NORTHWEST. lianW Wn rgaiiiHl as a Reserve lVirtv for I so Whenever the I'oun- tgy nieelrisl its service; Men Are Well Trained and Could In- In Hold Witliiii Short Time. There is Japan tea, for instance. You may drink it because you like tea but it's possible that you would like some other tea-taste even better. Schilling's Best offers you four distinct tatc-types of tda.'id a simple inexpensive way to pick your favorite. Schilling's Best Sold through grocers only 1 standard fa.kages, 8-sz. tnd Send for Taste Packet thick contains four ftrchmyn enrti tfes cf Si hilling' t Best Tea Jap tn, Ctylut, Oclcng and English Break sit. Enough for fcf or six euft of ttchiind. Mailed promptly on receipt if 10 tints (stamps or currency). Address: A Schilling W Ompany, JJJ Se.snd Street. San Fr annuo. iff V'ORTI-WD, Ore.. June SO. An set for the defense of the I'nited j States in time of war upon w hich the ( government at Washington counts , with confidence has heen uncovered j in the tender of the services of the . fmembers of the I'niform Hank of the Order of Knights of Pythias, several thousand of whom are drilling every week in the northwest states. The I'niform Rank was organized as a reserve force for vise whenever the country jreijulred its services, and a wire from Supreme Chancellor Hrig S. Young indicates that he has offered the trained forces of the Knights. "The Knights of I'Mhias is the only fraternity to receive a charter by spe cial act ot congress, and It is under peculiar obligations to the country." said (Jus C. Moser. chairman of the general committee in charge of the meeting of the Supreme Lodge which comes to Portland August 1 to 10. "The fraternity was organized at j about the close of the civil war, and was conceived"ns a medium for bring-; ir.g the South and the North together ' In renewed bonds of friendship. The I great work done by the order along j those lines is reflected from the pages at its history, and when the time came to cultivate a sentiment in the minds j 01 the younger generation for the de- j fense of the country and I reverence (M1 the flag of the nation, the L'ni- j formed Rank was formed. "Its members are obligated on the' flag, and pledged to Its defense. They are drilled and disciplined men. and whenever the president needs them 50,00d additional soldiers can bo mustered very quickly." The Uniformed Knights of Pythias , of .Washington and Oregon will go In-! tc annual encampment at the City ; Park in Vancouver during the con- j vention of the Supreme Lodge in Port land in August It is not yet known how many com- , panics will respond to the call for the encampment but It Is expected to ! contain not less than SOO men. The camp will be under strictest military 1 rules and will be Inspected by officers from Fort Vancouver. At certain I hours the public will be admitted to the camp. Companies of the Uniformed Rank I will participate in the great parade to be held on Tuesday, the first day of the convention, and later In the week : v ill engage in a competitive drill on . Multnomah Field. Attractive prizes' are to be offered by the general en tertainment committee. Pl BUSinyG DATA SOUGHT. University School of .loumaUsm to GtlH-r fftcU for state. , MINNEAPOLIS. June 29. At the request of the Minnesota Kditorlal Association to its annual meeting last February, the department of Journal ism at the university has been given an appropriation to m ike a survey of the publishing Industry of Minnesota. The work will begin at once, accord ing to Professor W r Klrkwood. head of the department It Is planned to have the data com piled and' published to turn over to the editors at their next meeting It will be used by them In establishing a service bureau to oluain contracts for foreign and national advertising. A questionaire will be sent to each of the 5S0 weekly papers of the state, framed to bring out a com plete analysis of their business and the conditions in each district. Quer ies regarding cost systems, equipment, character of circulation, advert Istng rates and the general conditions ot each community will be sent. "We will not get advertising con tracts for the edltois," declared Pro fessor Klrkwood. "We are merely going to furnish a 'sales talk' for them so they can convince foreign and national advertisers that they have something worth selling. Prob ably not more than ion of them will be able to answer, the questions and furnish the Information desired, but We will gather sufficient data before the next meeting for the editors to start the bureaM." The survey will be made after the plan adopted by the journalism schools at the Universities of Wiscon sin and Kansas. GANG OF MEN F FOREST SERVICE AT WORK ON NEW TRAIL IlociilK'ratloii there is not so much in the ordinary vacation as there Is in a single bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla. which refreshes the tired blood, sharp ens the dulled appetite, restores the lost courage. Take Hood's Sarsaparil la this summer. Adv. M L MI ST IIIXP HARVEST. BUDAPEST. June 19. The Hun garian agricultural aathorities have decided upon unusual and radical measures to harvest the 1916 crops In the speedist possible manner. The municipal local authorities throughout the country have been empowered to requisition for harvest ing purposes the services of every man. woman and child at home, not erring the state in some Indispensa his nv at fired waces. Prisoners of war working in non-military concerns ' also have been requisitioned for tri'j harvesting 1 Drink Soda in Bottles the most sanitary way. It's pure and easy to keep cool. H We bottle, sell and deliver to your home HIRE'S ROOT BEER SODAS, ALL FLAVORS GINGER ALE good as any in the state. m Agency for Weinhard's Golden Nector the fine summer drink. Pioneer Bottling Works Paul Hemmelgarn, Prop. Telephone 177. Quick delivery a feature. CKHld burst Fatal to 3. LEWISTOX, Mont., June 30. A bi? cloudburst near Winifred, 15 miles north of here, sent a wall of water down a deep coulee, in which Mr-). Charles Stone and her two children were living in a tent. OfJSAR SKIN COMES PROM wiTinx. It is foolish to think Sou can gain a good clear complexion by the use of face powder. Get at the root of the trouble and thoroughly cleanse the tvstem with a treatment of Dr. Klng'w New Life Pills. Gentle and mild in ac tion, do not gripe, yet they relieve tha liver by their action on the bowels. Good for young, adults and aged. Go after a clear complexion today. 23c at your druggist. Adv r.ra.'.buii Scores U s. Kill JANEIRO. June 29. The keen Interest with which Brazil Is follow ing the developments of the crisis be tween the United States and Mexico received a new Impetus following a spirieil discussion In the chamber of deputies during which an opposition deputy made a bitter attack on the United States. .The discussion was opened by this deputy, who commenting on the last note sent to Mexico by Secretary Lan sng. declared he was astonished that the United States should make differ ences in accepting the explanations of Mexico while promptly accepting those of Germany in regard to the submarine war. The speaker asserted that Germany was continuing Its un dersea campaign in violation of its promise to Washington and thHt the United States did not dare to protest He concluded by expressing the hop? that Rrazil would continue to defend the principle of sovereignty of all countries Deputy Souza Sllva. ' speaking for the government, defend , ed the international policy of the ad j ministration and declared that Brazil stood firmly for the solidarity and fraternity of the American nations. Deputy Sllva also denied reports j that the voyage of Dr. Lauro Muller, i minister of the foreign affairs, to the ! United States, had to do with the Mex ican situation. ROADWAY BEING CONSTRUCTED THROUGH t l l.i: OF CO 1. 1 Mill GORGE. ( am site- Wll Also Ho ITeparctl m Order to Make ltvrrttoiial Fea tures tr i;v'on wailable for Pvb He Use; Plans Are llrst of series of Improvements. The foret Service has a crew of six teen men building a new trail up the Eagle creek valley of the Columbli Gorge Pack. This Is In accordance with an announcement made today. Besides building the trail, this crew will prepare a number of camp sites in order to m ike the recreational fea tures of O e region available for pub lic use This Eagle creek project Is the first of Many development plans to be car ried out for the park The trail will follow the creek up Into the Oregon natloial forest, and then on to Wah tum lake From the lake there Is a trail down Hermar creek to the Her man ranger station and the Columbia highway, thus completing a twenty six mile loop. Parties wishing to make this loop trip can do so in two days, camping over night at Wahtum ,ake. The E-gle creek work also Contemplate other trails to points of scenic interest, and a general prepar ing of. the urea for the comfort and use of the public. The whole area of the Columbia Gorge Prrk consists of 14.000 acres along the Columbia river between I- .,1., " 1. VUntn ..).: V, wan set aside last December by order of ; the secretary of agriculture for thel permanent use of the public as a rec-1 reation parti The full development I of the park will take several years, and will Include picnic grounds, many camp sites. a,.d additional trails, but It can be need this season in Its pres ent site. A water supply has been In stalled and a sewer system built. A ranger has been stationed at Eagle creek to look after the grounds this season. ef Buy MICHELIN Red Inner Tube Often Matched in Color But Not in Quality! Mlchelln Tubes are Red because certain In f radiants necessary to their superior elasticity and durability make them Red. Many inferior fufcee ore $imply dyd red in imifaf ion of Michclin't but the Mlchelln ingredients are lacking, so these tubes) are no more durante tnan orainary grey lum. Buy MhchmUiuTht) Original Rett Tub And Gel The Beet I NRKPEX DENT OARAGE lleiiinH-lgarn & Webb, ITops. Cor. E. Court and Thompson Sts. Phone 133 cott" against their enemies during and after the war. Senator Stone asked that the reso lution lie on the table for the present. STAGE FROM RAINS DYSPEPSIA WELL MY t IIII.D TAKE Dlt. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY? This best answer is Dr. .King's New Discovery" itself. It is a pleasant !veet syrup, easy to take It contains the medicines which years of experi ence have proven best for Coughs and Colds Those who nave used Dr Kings New Discovery longest are Its best friends. Besides every bottle Is guaranteed. If you don't get satisfac tion you get your money back. Buy a bottle, use as directed. Keep what Is left for Cough and Cold Insurance. Adv. Till'. DALI ES IS GETTING HEADY FOR HIGH WATER: III FOOT M IRK NEAR. Hopes for a Settlement. NEW VUKK. June 30 Argentin ' j Ambassador N'aon expressed the hops of a peaceful settlement of the American-Mexican controversy. He told I the United Press that he had not made j any formal offers of mediation but believed that war yet could be avert -I ed. "I am confident that the present crisis will be peacefully settled. We ! must make It evident that no matter how great the differences between i American governments, continental j interests are supreme and Inconsist ent with recourse to violence In set- ' timg International disputes in Amerl- I risti situation Unstated. LONDON. June 20 Questions re warding the progress of the Irish ne gotiations directed t" Premier As luith in the house of commons were postponed at his request. This suggests that hopes of a set tlement have led been entirely aban doned, despite the action of the Eng lish Unionists and the Unionists from the south of Ireland, who are oppos ing acceptance of the proposals made to the Irish parties by Iavld Lloyd George, which provide for the exclu sion of six counties of Ulster from the operation of Irish home rule for the la riod of the war. The whole matt THE DALLES, Ore.. June 30. The Columbia river reached 39.1 feet here yesterday, a rise of ..' of a foot, Hiver men predict a III foot stage. The telephone company here will raise its switchboards and prepare for a flood at the 40 foot stage. Snake river Is rapidly coming up. rising .7 of a foot in the past 12 hours. There has as yet been no damuge. OF WOMEN Special Treatment Required. Cherry Oreluird Freakish. THE DALLES. Ore., June SO. At the s. E. Blunt fruit ranch on the Mount Hood Flat roud there is an im mense yield of cherries on some of the trees while other parts of the or chard are almost entirely bare. The barren trees form strips at tho base and top of the hill side on which the orchard lies. The trees through the center ure borne to the ground with the fruit. It Is thought a freakish frost miss ed the bearing trees, which wnl yield enough to make an average crop for the entire orchard. of conflderati this morning hich threatens crisis, was the n ai a cabinet Mexicans ruptured. COLUMBUS. June 30. Twenty M'Xican bandits raptured near Elvalln i are being brought north under guard I of a motor truck train, incoming drlv- ers reported. Boycott piun Questioned, WASHINGTON, June 30. Senator (stone, chairman of the foreign rela tions committee. Introduced a resolu I tlon requesting President Wilson to I Inform the senate of the precise char acter of a commercial treaty being ne gotiated by allies of France in the European war with "the declared oh ! Ject and purpose of establishing a boy. FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF REPUBLICAN NATIONAL NOMINEES juiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiin Known For It's Strength iimiiimiiiiiiiiiiii". eat Washington, D C, Oct. 6, 1915. First National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON is hereby granted the right to act as Trustee, Ex ecutor, Administrator and Registrar of Stocks and Bonds. Federal Reserve Board. By C. S. Hamlin, Governor. MHnrMI):! .SBBBBBBsWeleSBBW HOW? TAKE S. S. S. Fifty Years' Use Proves S. S. S. Will Relieve Stubborn Cases. 2 Hon. Charles Evan Hug-hes, repub-1 ren Fairbanks, republican candidate: onal headquarters, at the Hotel Astor 5 . New York, on June 23, during theli HniiiimtiiiimmmiiiiiiiHi SECURITY JiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiiini Vouf Vvs-Lr Afl InrtA 93 iiinli.,r thole llcan candidate for president of thel for vice president of the United State, i , . n D tilted States, and Hon, Charles War-1 photographed at the republican natl-1 at Chicago. Many" women suffer from a form of indigestion or dyspepsia which does not yield to ordinary treatment While the symptoms are simitar to those of ordi nary indigestion, yet the medicines usually prescribed do not restoro the patient's normal condition. There seems to be a kind of dyspepsia caused by derangement of the female organism. While this appears to be the same as ordinary Indigestion it can be relieved only by a medicine which, be sides acting as a stomach tonic, is good for female ailments. Read what such a medicine did for Mrs. Williams : She says: "Before I began taking I.ydia E. Pinkhsm's Vegetable Com pound I was trou bled with dyspepsis and bearing down pains in my back and sides, and aft. r my meals my stom ach would bloat up till I could scarcely get my breath. At times I was so weak 1 could hardly stand on my feet and I looked hollow-eyed nnd my skin was yellow. Now I have a good color, have gained in every way and can do my work without any pains. I think it is the best medicine on earth for stomach troubles of wo men." Mrs. NnXIl Williams, SI West 8d Stre4, Mew Albany, Ind. K-1 JJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIL: COME HERE FOR IDnl minn f'nnn winy w Tou have noticed the little festering pimples on the face and body swelling of the glands soreness in the legs and Urm muscles. These are the symptoms of Scrofula You may hav some of i these symptoms, possibly the taint of acroruitt inreciion. ui iu wmcr vmc, It Is a dangerous condition. Your blood Is Infected, Impure, and you can never hops to gain perfect health until the Impurities are washed from the sys tem. If you fee badly all the time, you must crave health. If yon want to feel renewed spirits, the glow of perfect health, bright eyes, clear skin, the knowledge that you are well, you can do so. Cleanse your blood by tak ing 8 S. S. For nfty years It has been the standard blood purifier. It relieves the trouble by renourlshlng the blood, renewing Its strength, and stimulating the flow so that the blood regains Its iliolllv unrt throws elf tie' poison Kven long-standing cases respond. But i you must use 8. 8. Take It for all blood Infections. Get It st your drug gist's today. ' , if you need speclsl advice writs tht Swift Hoe'-lflo Co Atlanta. Oa- S All the new ideas are here E i 5 Bathing caps of quality. i The newest ideas in bath- E ing caps now ready for S E your selection. Choose 1 E here and be better pleas- ed. First quality, practi- E E cal styles, popular prices, 50c TO $1.25. ( Tallman & Co. ( Leading Druggitti fTlllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiillr THE BOTTOM OF THE TUB is reached all too soon when it contains a can of Pendleton's Beit ice cream. For it has that "moreish" taste that is simply irresistible, ff you like ordi nary ice cream you'll simply be delighted with a dish of Pendleton's Best. is .lioiii lorger, io can lor our butter. It is true to Its name. Pendleton Creamery Phone 444