BIGHT PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1916. The Sweetness of Low Prices Never Equals the Bitterness of Poor Quality Our Merchandise is the Best Always We do not Carry "Take-a-Chance" Goods"It Pays to Trade At" The Peoples Warehouse SMART WASH SKIRTS $1.50 TO $5.75 Dashing styles, perfect fit and exclusive materials distin guish the wash skirts we are showing. They are different from the average garments displayed for your inspection. All White Skirt of Jean. Indian Head, Linene. Gabardine. Fio.ue and Cotton Poplin. Striped Skirts of Gabardine, the new Silverblooni and Ticking. Most suitable for picnicing. camping and motoring. They are made full flare, with wide belts, sport pockets and cuff bottoms SI. 50 to S5.75. MEN'S WARM WEATHER SHIRTS Our shirt dept. is now in perfect shape, and our stock of shirts is the greatest ever. The widest assortment you ever saw, including silks, madrasses, oxfords, percales linens, etc. The greatest se lection of sport shirts ever shown in Pendleton Sl.OO, SI. 50. $2.00 to $4.00. NOTICE This store will be closed from 10 till 11:30 in the morning and from 1 o'clock for the re mainder of the day on July 4th. WHITE CORDUROY For extra skirts and "Norfolk Suits," 36-in. wide show in the narrow wale. Medium weight and in white only. The yard 85 PETTICOAT SATIN A satin especially constructed for petticoat wear and absolutely guaranteed, shown in all shades; 36 inches wide. The yard $1.25 SPECIAL NOTICE Our buyer of Women's Ready-to-Wear Gar ments will leave for New York City in a few days to purchase the season's latest and best styles in suits, coats, dresses, muslin underwear etc., and children's wear. He will be glad to perform any errand you may wish. If there is any special garment you want talk to him about it. JACK TAR MIDDY BLOUSES We are exclusive agents in Pendleton for the cel ebrated Jack Tar Middies. All are guaranteed fast color notwith standing the present dye situation. All of the latest novelty effects in stripes and plain col ors as vell as the staple r e g u 1 a tion styles are included in the extensive show ing. They are priced from.. 89? to $2.95 "T D U7 D 17 7 CLj" 3 Main Line I. T. rV. 1 UfC I UVU OllUy Phones 1 5 CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE Saturday's shoppers will find a great variety of Pure Food Table Supplies in our wonderfully cool, clean, per fectly ventilated basement. FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES, everything that's in the market, kept clean and away from the flies. For That Picnic Lunch Baskets, Lunch Sets, Wax Paper, Paper plates and Napkins, Cold Meats, sliced to your order. Milk Fed Dressed Chickens for Saturday's trade. Phone your orders early. Fresh Cocoanuts Grated with the milk, can 15c Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple Packed in rich sugar syrup. 6 cans 95c Ginger Snaps Fresh and crisp, 2 pounds 25c Bing and Royal Anne Cherries For canninir. phone your orders. Hood River Strawberries Extra fancy grade, the box IOC; crate S2.25 CROCKERY DEPT. Percolator Sale Special each $1.79 Blue and White Dinnerware Cups and Saucers, set of 6 $1.50 Plates, set of 6 $1.30 Meat Platters, Sugar Bowls, Creamers and Vege table dishes to match. T. P. W. Special Blend Coffee Pound 35 T. P. W. Special Teas the season's finest picking. pound 60C and 75C T. P. W. Bath Tablets Peroxide and Rose Glycer ine, box of 12 $1.00 PURE CAN SUGAR, 100 POUND SACK $8.75 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where It Pays To Trade Mr and Mrs. Dudley Hoffman spent yesterday visiting Mrs Hoffman's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Taylor, and left on the evening train en route to their home In St Louis. They have been making a honeymoon trip through the west. Mrs Stanley Jewett, wife of Mr Jewett of the biological survey, arriv ed last evening from Portland. Thev will make their permanent home here P. T. Harbour of Weston was In the eity yesterday. It oss Newport returned to Hermis ton last evening after spending the day. Judge J. W. Maloney arrived home thty morning from Portland where he spent yesterday. , Sheldon and Balf I'lrlch left last evening on IS for a fishing trip to Meaihnm ereek. SPEAKER POINTS WAY TO BETTKU I I V a (Continued Irom page one.) unsightly wlroJ overhead? No mod ern eity tolerates these things on thelt business streets ate more, and you don't have to tolerate them. All 'hat is necessary is that you stand to. petite- Slid nnike I community de mand for their removal. Your nrnn rhentaj post tamps give a good im predion by night but the sight o( these piles (tree another impression by day." In speaking of th approach to the city, he complimented Pendleton on the tf.iutlful depot parks but ask'l whv the first view should he spoiled by the .-'ght Of the ugly Happy Can yon grandstand. He kt.-i.r.gly urged the city to take advantage cf Its lertfi hy heautlfyin; them and making of them a pictur esque promenade Pendleon has a beautiful location between hills, he slated, hut declared the city should have parks on the hills and should beautify some of the bald, uglv spots that show prominently, by planting trees and shrubs. He commends Pendleton for her Round-T'p of which he has heard a great ileal, and he advocitted that, In the event that this eity should give up her frontle,' show, to get some o'her distinctly celebration. He also ptalsf' tin city for the beautiful nata torittm but asked why more provision has net been made for public play grounds He had good wards for the new M- pests are no longer necessary. It Is L , . tMMlH n.,,nU to take care , ii, , I ' , 1 U I 1 ',,.. , r, of their own poultry' and cattle than for the whole town to have fences It Is cheaper to stop the breeding of flies and numqultos than for the whole town to have screens. It will soon be as disgraceful to have a fly In the house as a bedbug A fly is not nearly so particular about her asso ciations. "America's chief contribution to city making Is the tree-lined, lawn-lined, fenceless residence stieetB. These streets should open out at frequent Intervals into parks and playgrounds. The schoolhouses should be surround ed by playgrounds. All the public buildings should be grouped for con venience and beauty and he used by the public as often as possible There can lie no adequate public spirit with out public recreation and public mee. ings. Kverybody ought to vote. Tho man who doesn't vote Is a traitor to his town The woman who doesn't vote is a traitor to her town. "Do Improvements cost money'.' The nations of Kurope are spending over 50 million dollars a day digging graves. If we become Involved we should appropriate at once a thou sand millions for murder, fan we not spend freely for life? Are lovo and science not so powerful as hate and greed?" WO '9f JmifM VOLUNTEERS ENLIST IN A NEW COMPANY (tOAEBUBO, fire., .lune 10. Acting with Colonel ft i'. Qantanbetn of i ortland, ir. v. w. Hgynea, a lieu- ti nam with the Second Oregon Hoops lii the Philippines, on Wednesday be gan the enlistment of a volunteei company of Infantry for Itoselnirg. which will be ready for duty in case of it call for volunteers. According to Captain J. . Buchan an of the Coast Artillery company here, there are a number who will enlist either in the Const Artillery or a company of volunteer infantry, and Dr. Manes expects no trouble in secur ing enough men for a company of volunteers. A number of recruits have alreadv been secured for the Coast Artillery company. , A Sensible Cigarette BARS CI.EIRED OF GtRLS. the Fifteenth Cavalry, who was killed by being crushed under a horse at Kort William McKlnley at Hual. Ill the Philippine Islands. May i Thompson's body arrived from San Francisco and was tQ be sent 00 the ti rand Trunk to QoodfllSj Midi. hl firmer home. The bier was draped here with the American flag and a car has been placed at the disposal of the army b the railroad. Thompson was the nephew of F. W. Ruby, of the Thomus Cusack Com pany, and the first of a family of 10 children to die. Ills mother Is a wid ow. Before enlisting about three years ago. Thompson was a member of the Michigan national guard. and brary nd t new feiien.l about the compliment; I revision hi St. Paul police Start nintnKn Increase Detoottves, ST PAI'I,. June .10 -.Augmenting J St Patrick's so-called purity squnil by ; two additional detectives, police he gin the other night what Is said to be a detci mined move to clean on i itv 'streets and wine rooms frequented , young girls. Six detectives started the crusade Detective Joseph Beau belt! mil Pat rick Smith were transferred from the Prior avenue district and assigned to s Im atlon and for the 1 work with Detectives Herman Vail. building inn his remarki I Henry cummlnia, Joseph Pugioasa Itv hall were not verv and Thomas McMahnn. Early thai night they were called in conference with Henry UcColi. nrnmlaalonar of public safety, and John J. O'Connor, cnief of police and were assigned 'beats In the downtown district. The campaign. It ts said, first will be one of warning, but failure to ob serve the letter of the law will mean quick nrre-t Dotty Thorne was arrested at 111 North Franklin street for selling li quor without a license Several wom en were arrested on charges of vag rancy "The Increase of the purity squa I has no significance of particular Im port," Ci mmlssloner Mcfnll said. ' We Intend to enforc e the law." M CENSE CLERK MISSING, He asked why some it been taken for the grouping (f public buildings in a comnr'nlty center. Dr Zuebelin declared himself In favor c municipal ownership of light and water plant.-, as a means of giving citizens better and cheaper service i and he predV-Wd that It would onh be a matter of time until Pendleton I adoptl the p'an of a business manager for the adrriipsfratlon of the city. H ' contrasted the country of today ! with that of thirty years ago showing j the big advances being made In every i line of human endeavor and actlvOv. Incidentally he told of striking In stances of (it'es over the country de- I veloptng a community spirit and of the results "Twenty "ears ago there were but three avenues for the citizens whi wnpte 1 to l-e of social service the church, the nhoi i and charity," he Organ He c nl!l)Ued: i "These were Carnal to the mat ! who really had n love for his fellow men. Respects hie .tonic thirty years ago were not snr-l o-ed to be interest, ed In polities f.ii' today no right ' mldded nerson feels 'hat a stigma is plaeed iipan h'm by enterlnfe politics. I On who wishes to .erve his fellows jmott effectively erd Immediately I should go Into pahtk1 life. Any man If tot, good to go Into BACON AND CORNED BEEF WILL BE DIET CHICAGO, June 30. Corned beef and bacon will 1 the steady diet of Ihe American soldiers at the border If orders placed here by the quarter master's department of the army are a criterion. So far. I.OOO.iino pounds' of baron and SOn.OnO pounds of corned beef have been ordered from local packing firms for the government for emergency delivery. Tim Boys Have Friend, W1LL.I8TON, V D. June IS, Har ry and Aunts Otrtand, It and 11 years old, respectively, sons of X. J. g iand. are the heroes of Wllllston as result of wiving the life of John Town, send. 1" years old. who was drown ing In the Utile Muddy river neur traded by the Townsend bojrt . James O gland went to his as nee. The drowning boy caught nd about the neck and the two ipeared The elder hoy then res both. whi h" p(l'ltil church. into new ( It to, the the ivlc Is ital In If LOCALS (Paid Advertisement. Housekeeping rooms 108 Willow. For rent Furnished rooms. 621, Franklin. Wanted - Middle aged woman to work on ranch Phone HI Wanlet - Amateurs Apply at Alta theater. Anyone wishing Mrs Mae Fried!)' to sew by the day, phone 77 W For sale 10 bead of good work homes $U0 e' h Inquire E L Smith C o. For sale-Emmerson piano In first else condition Inquire Folsom furniture store. For rem office room in Judd building Apply F. E. Judd. Amerlcn rational Bank. Lost Sack of truck chains, be tween Weston and dry creek. Notify 1) B Waf' le, Pendleton, Ore. Prompt automobile taxi service, day or night Funerals to cemetery only II 10 Phone f 10 Hotel , George. Carney Taxi Ce. Good building lot for sale on West Webb street Telephone 124. For Rent S-room house. Garden and Shade, Inquire 17 Willow St. Suits pressed 60c; dry cleaned. 11.50. Rudd. 210 W. Webb. Phone 681. For sale 10 head of good work horses 150 each. Inquire E L Smith & Co. Rooming house for sale. Main street In center of business district. Doing good business. Inquire of Pen land Bros. Mattress making, furniture repair ing, upholstering, called for and deliv. ered, city or country. La Dow Bros IMS Heauregard. Phone 227J For Sale The only exclusive con fectionery In town of 1500, doing a good business. Selling on account of other business. Address East Oregon la n, No. 11. For sale Five room house, east Court street. Desirable location, close to shook A genuine bargain. For particulars address R C. Jory, Mau pln, Ore Fr Rent, K'-nmore Apts. and rooms, call at 117 Willow. Wolves Ittack Ranger. HOQUIAM, Wash., June 30. chria Morgenroth, district forest ranger for the Ellwah river district of the Olym pic Peninsula, was forced to seek safety in a tree by a pair of big tim bt wolves while on a trip In the Ell wah valley about three weeks ago. He shouted at the wolves and threw pebbles at them, expecting to be able to frighten them off, but thev paid no attention to nls attempts, hut began to draw in (lose to him He finally escaped, but was forced W fight his way for two miles along the trail until he reached the Gran; Humes ranch. The wolves pressed dose on him all of the time and three times he was compelled to hack against a tree and fight the brute off with a club and stones. Word of Morgenroth's adventure was brought to Hoqulam by For -t Supervisor R, I. Pill Will, In charge of the Olympic national rorest. Morgen roth, whose headquarters are at Port Angeles, has been employed as a ran ger for many years and Is one of the best woodsmen on the peninsula. In the past he never has carried a gun, declaring there was no danger In the woods of the Olympic Peninsula. Wolves have been noflccable nu merous the past season In the Olym pics and lately have been CO mini ddwn unusually low., I I nit Juice plant Ready. ALBANY, Ore, June 30. Albany's new plant for ihe manufacture of fruit Juices will begin operation. Practi cally ii. 1 of the machinery has been installed, and, with the exception of ronie mi'ior matters which can be ar ranged o.ter, everything Is In readi ness for operating the plant to full ( opacity The Albany i-'rult Juice company, which owns the new plant, has est&b- ;jshi'd : record for quick ganhMtlob was begun onl weeks uro. but the stock oniokly and mat hlnerv ord machinery has been installed rapidly so that ihe plant could lake care of the tocacll.iries us soon as they be came i!,c. The company Is composed laigdy of local men. rk Thi Benotine la a clay which Is used to give body and weight to paper in the preparation of dressing for In flamed hoofs of horses and a consti tuent of antlphloglstlne and as an adultant of candles and drugs. Stockhridge, Mass Today there are ,.r tbi m ir i( :,7. Central Pan. New York was e-l.'loished amid wild protests. Now 'he cHy without a park an 1 tittlVyfiid system doesn't lift Its heal In ".Slid bathing In the oceiii at BtSton w is no longer pro hibited Nd until 'yiv did Milwau kee establish the fust public both In the Country. In 17 2,. Brookllne, Haas,, tttablmhtd i playground, but Boston did not htf r of It for ten years. Now every city has them. In the same year a Vacation school was recommended in Cambridge, hut Bos ton established the first one several years later In rfftfty every case the original impulse was dormant for twenty years and Cltly within the Inst ten or fifteen ears has It become a .Bring and ( lorce. "The town heglfM at the ford or btldtfa or pike (i railway station where peotd" ain.-e There must be only one railway station until the population reaches half a million From this station the progressive town make. ,.in approach by a park or dignified, weii lighted street to the business section, lii the business area the town cannot afford to have polos or wire- in sigh., except the post to support its display lighting. The streets must oe paved and clean and free from encumbrances (f the town is to prove that it fias Jive business men. The street Is where the char acter of the t'wn is read. When there are dirty streets, there nre dirty people. Refuse must tie disposed of by the municipality garbage, ashes, streetsweeplngs, sewage all being handled collectively, pure water, pure milk, pure food must he presupposed Flies, mosqultos, smoke, and other l snme rime iMn or Dm ion, o Funds Disappear. DAYToN, ii June II. Baity A. Alagazlner 26 years old, city license clerk, has disappeared and the police of several cities have been requested to look lor him. MKgaziner is alleged to be short $-Jiui in his accounts. Maguziner lias not repotted for du ty and Finance Director Hugh Wail has begin, an examination of his books. Mrs. Magaziner called on Finance Director Wall, having been mystified by, her hUsbajtd'l absence, she de clared that lie had kept her in Ig norance Of his alleged WrOngdOlUgl and she almost collapsed when In-1 formed 0( the alleged shortage DKAD s, h i, h i, ()oRKI). Resinol Sureiy Heals Sick Skins " i Skins When you know phyatetaaa have pre leribed h. for met Ml yesrs in the treatment of rcsttna am! other itching. burning unsightly skig eruptions, gad have written thousands of reports tuning: "It is n v regular presc iption for Itching," "Resinol 0 dnced brilliant ' "Tiie result it lias pr results,' gave W one of t When I! Ig skitt;J, f eczema, etc- nt touch lteha ualhf stojn gad act of lUn.el clears away eo ", or 1 1 her di iv, leaving the .' Sold by all Kctall lakes Charge or Body or Man t Who Dies in Philippine. Use Resinol Roup n ilarly I CHfCAOO, june 3d. "He was a '"' Mtoniahed to Bnd 'iov quickly soldier of the United Btates." j j' oottea and clean ... (he pores, and With this explanation Lieutenant! ' '" ' .' "I'd fresh, Kennedy, of the recruiting service id ! Hie Arinv in Chicago, ordered a detail j imn to do mllltarj honori over the body Charles . Thompson, private of R F F IU P You let any work in our r. d"rr n i a !ine' dor,,t forget t0 et VAb I UK I A our pncea- Estimates For Infants and Children uSVES" ? In Use For Over 30 Years cement work "fftfzsr S. RUGO & CO. signature of l-tWZ&2c&K Telephone 461 Pemeco Meats Prepared In Pendleton We will buy your eggs, chicken and veal CENTRAL MARKET Phone 455.