EIGHT PAGES PHOENIX SILK HOSE Phoenix guaranteed silk hose, black and white, 75. 91.00. ?1.50. and 92.00. Colors, a big variety to match your sport coat or bathing suits, the pair 91-00 SPORT SUITINGS Wide stripe sport suitings, all colors on white or tan ground. The yard 35 40 and 50e WHITE NET White dress nets, make an ideal white dress for summer wear, 36 to 72 inches wide. The yard 50 to 92.00. 12V2C LAWNS 9c. White lawns with colored dots, stripes, etc., nice for children's wear. Remodeling price 9 "T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP" 3XSS In Our Cool Clean Flyless Basement 50c JAPAN TEA Special the pound 30 T. P. W. SPECIAL BLEND The best 35 Coffee on earth, COLD MEATS For quick meals, sliced on our san itary slicing machine. BLYDENSTIEN'S PREPARED FLOUR sold here Sacks 30 and 60 try a sack today. CANTELOUPES Extra fancy ripe melons, ea. 10 FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT Extra select large fruit, each 15 TOMATO CATSUP Full 16-oz. bottles, special the bottle 15 kitchen 81.40 HANDY HOUSE STEP-CHAIR Every should have one, each THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Make thi Department a visit. Every Bargain mean s a cold cash saving for you. A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF CASH SAVERS FOR THE MAN $15.00 to $27.00 Suits $6.75 $3.00 to $6.00 Odd Panto $3.00 Dress Hats $3.50 Straw Hat $1.25 Auto Caps 50c to 75c Caps $2.50 Silk Shirts 75c Dress Shirts 65c Work Shirts 50c Work Shirts to $13.50 $2.19 $1.69 89c 29c 9c $1.39 49c 45c 29c $1.00 BLUE BIB OVERALLS $1.00 Heavy Weight Overalls 75c Work Gloves The Best Canvas Glove Yet .... Best Work Shoe in Pendleton . $4.00 to $6.00 Men's Oxfords 79c 59c 49c 7c $2.98 $1.98 FOR THE WOMAN $17.50 to $37.50 Tailored Suits $4.50 to $5.50 Dress Skirts $1.75 Jordine Silk Petticoats $3.50 Summer Dresses $4.00 Heavy Linen Dusters A Good Serviceable Duster $3.00 Silk Waists $3.50 Rose Silk Waists Prettily Patterned Parasols $1.00 Middies Neatly Trimmed $7.85 $3.49 ... 98c $2.98 $2.49 $1.69 $1.98 $2.23 $1.49 69c SPECIAL HOUSE DRESSES White Muslin Underskirts White Crepe Gowns Black Hose, 2 pairs for White Pumps, 3 bar White Pumps, Medium Heel .... 79c 89c ... 39c ... 25c $2.39 $1.23 59c MEN'S UNION SUITS THE BEST BARGAIN YET Summer weight knit, short sleeves, ankle length; every garment perfect; no seconds nor refused garments. You've paid $1.00 many a time for no better garment 59c. FOR THE BOY Boys' Suits $2.39 to $3.16 Boys' Single Pants 69c to 98c Boys' HaU 19c to 67c Boys' Sport Waists , 29c Boys' Waists, High Collar 29c Boys' Genuine Buck Gloves 69c Boys' Ribbed Stockings 9c Boys' Wash Suits 98c to $1.27 69c BOYS SANDALS Save Buying Shoes; cheapest price in Pendleton 69c Boys' Handkerchiefs lc. Boys' Tennis Shoes 98c Boys' Calf Skin Shoes $1.89 FOR THE GIRL Girls' Gingham Dresses 49c Girls' Outing Suits $2.47 Girls' Middies 69c Girls' Sun Hats 18c Girls' White Hose, 2 pair 25c Girls' Black Hose , 9c LOOK AT THIS Girls' White Newbuck Button Shoes that sold for $2.75; good soles and low heels; shoes like this don't often appear on bargain counters; Real Bar gain; Serviceable Shoes $1.89 Watch our Bargain Basement ad for the biggest bargains in High Top White Shoes we have yet of fered you. Hih heel, 10-inch top, new toe, lace. 10 YARDS MIGHTY GOOD CHECKED APRON GINGHAM 35c Visit Our Bargain Basement. Where Your Dollar Buys the Most THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where It Pays To Trade ma Great Remodeling Sale IF YOU WOULD PROFIT BY OUR REMODELING SALE YOU SHOULD DO YOUR SHOPPING AT ONCE AS THE SALE WILL CLOSE IN JUST A FEW DAYS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO LAY IN A SIX MONTHS' SUPPLY NOW. ANTICIPATE YOUR CORSET NEEDS At These Bargain Prices We are daily expecting a rise in the price of corsets. Now is the time to se lect your next one. One Special Lot of Corsets, comprising odd lots, discontinued models and others slightly soiled that formerly sold up to 93.50; Remodeling Sale.... 09 A Special Lot of Cool Mesh Corsets for summer wear, special at 69 A Genuine Royal Worcester Corset in the latest model, made of best coutil and with all the care of design, at 98 MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHEN YOU AT TEND PENDLETON'S BIG FREE FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. SEPARATE WASH SKIRTS Never before has the separate wash skirt been so popular, and with good reason too, for there is no garment of feminine aparel so adapted to comfort in warm weather. Not only are these skirts comfortable, but they are stylish as well. They are made of linene, gabardine and cotton poplin in all white and white with fancy stripes. Materials are Palm Beach and Silverbloom. All are reasonably priced from 91-50 to 95.75. I : l I iJl " iw iwa iw. iw iw. wmwii i I iai imm m ii imiiin iu up m hi m m im m iw in 1V1 One of the most delightful sessions ever held by the ixdtes' Missionary Soclety of the Presbyterian church was that held yesterday at the beau Ofttl country home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hales twelve miles northeast of Ptndelton yesterday. Twelve ears were brought Into service In the morning to oonVV) the more than seventy gueste and the entire duy was spent there. The living room of the Hales homa was decorated In potted plants and roses while a profusion of bluebells gave a beautiful effect to the dining room. The following program was given and In addition Mrs. C. S. Ter pSBlai read u very ueautlful original poem; Forenoon session. Hymn. Responsive reading. Devotional. Mrs. Muloney, leader. Heading, Answer Thou Me,'' Mrs J T. Klchardson. Solo, Miss Mayree Snyder. Reading, "Is the Stranger Welcome in Your Church," Mrs. J. V. Malon e.v. Hymn. Prayer, Rev. J E. Snyder. UanuueL Vill i noon xvill. Instrumental solo. Mrs. K. Iv Boy den. Vocal solo. Mrs. J. B. McCook. Prayer, Mrs. Snyder. Reading of the minutes of May meeting, by the secretary, Mrs. Warn storm. Treasurer's report. Roll call. Topic, "Chinese, Japanese and Co reans in the I'nitod States," Mrs. S E. Paine and Mrs. K. E. Baer. Heading. "The Squlre'a Opinion,' by Mrs. P. J. Hegemann Address. Hev J. E. Snyder. Duet. Mrs. Snyder and Miss Mayree Snyder. Prayer, Mrs. Hegemann. The following were present: Mrs. W, M. Hlakley. Mrs R. H Horn, Mrs A. T. PcrKln. Mrs. ShP- herd, Mrs. Ed Morgan. Mrs. J. W. Maloney. Mrs. J. E. Snyder, Mrs.. J. L Hall, Mrs. Earl ulllanders. Mrs. i Thos. Thompson, Mrs. Sam Thompson, Mrs. C. E. Bonney, Mrs. Clarence Penland. Mrs. Warnstrotn. Mrs. Ous Uyers, Mrs. Elvin Craig. Mrs I E. I Kaer. Mrs. S. E Pain. Mrs. Dr. Kin Mrs. In- Boydcn, Mrs.C. S. Terpening. Mrs. Bell. Mrs. VV. A. Storie, Mrs. J. T. Richardson, Mrs. Wlatler, Mrs. Conn, Mrs R. F. Kirkpatrlck. Mrs. .1 T RoulatOM, Mrs. KUIott. Mrs. Charles, Mrs. Wm. Sutherland. Mrs. P. J. Hegemann. Mrs. Chas. Koch. Mrs Edmunds, Mrs. J. P. McManus. Mrs Horace Mann. Mrs. Doug. Pelt.". Mrs. B. Parlett. Mrs. J. H. McCook Mrs. David Nelson. Mrs. H. Thompson. Mrs. L E. Twltchtll. Mrs Elmer McCormach. Mrs. (Jeiss, Mis I J. O. Hales. Miss Mayree Sn.der. Mis Lois McCook. Miss Kleta Hull, Miss Elinor Paine. Miss Eva Nelson MIhs I Marie Nelson. Wm. Blakley, J. E ! Snyder, A T. Perkins. Charles Koch. . J n. Hales. J. W. Maloney. John Hales Stephen Bonney. Donald Mc Cook. Harry Nelson. Carl Nelson, Sle gel Parlett. Miss Warmstrom. Mis. Baldwin, Miss Effie Csrgttt Mr. and Mrs H- E. Wylie of Eugene who have been guests for two weeks Of I Mr and Mrs. deary Kimbrell. left today lor their home by auto. John Snyder, well known Pendle ton boy, left last evening for Wash ington, D. C, where he will attend the national convention of the Lamb da Sigma fraternity as a delegate from the local chapter, Dr. Victor Clalsyer of Walla Walla, formerly of this city visited during the first part of the week with Dr. C. W Lassen Wilbur Badley went up to Athena and Weston today It circulate normal school petitions. A Phimlster Proctor, the sculptor, arrived home last evening from Port land where he had been for a week Robert Thompson, well known 'o cal plumber, has returned from a visit in Portland. ARE YOU HARD 10 FIT NEVERMORE will you say that you are af ter you look into the mir ror and see how "natty" you look in a suit of well tailored and artistically made Bond Clothes Gl'ARAJVTEED DYES $15 to $30 Little man, big man, long man, stout man join the procession of sat isfied neat dressers that starts at Bond Bros. Pendlelon'i Lending Clothleri TESTS TO BE MADE I DEVICE TO KEEP FISH FROM DITCHES MAX Y THOl'T DOE BY BEING WASHED OUT OR LAND UMXU IRRIGATED. pari, the natural melting of (he snow was hastened sufficiently to make shoveling unnecessary. Thorough tests of devices to prevent I fish from entering irrigation ditches 1 1 .re to be made by forest service offl I cers who say that thousands of the I trout plaCed In western streams by the I government are killed through being I carried into the ditches and washed out on the fields. There are not less I than 1200 Irrigation projects on or j m ar the National Forests, and In many places the loss of trout Is very I neavy. The amount of water used in I irrigation. It Is said, often determines the advisability of srUflcalty stock . itig the streams I The government annually plants large quantities of rlsh fry in the u earns of the national foiests. Last 'ear over 1.100.000 were planted In : Colorado and Wyoming alone. This was done to render the forests more j attractive to the public by affording I good fishing. Where much of the wn I btf is used for irrigation, unless the ! ditches ire screened, the trout enter I and are washed out onto the fields. While fish are said to make good fer tilizer, officials think that trout are i loo expensive to be used for that pur j pose. Ill the far north of the Russian em pire lives a race of people who do not know who the Husslans are and who do not know that there Is a war : PROTECTION IS WANTED AGAINST TUBER MOTH Because of the heavy snowfall last winter, forest rangers found It ne cessary this spring to remove two feet of snow from the Beaver Creek nurs ery In Ftnh, so thut the young Ireet might be uncovered by the time they were needed for spring planting on the national torests ol that region. Part of the snow was taken off by use of shovel and pick. By spreading a thin layer of fine soil over anothet LOCALS ( Paid Aflertimtn. Ileum -keeping rooms, 08 Willow. Wanted Au.turs Apply at Alta theater. FVir rnt Four room cottage. Ken-' nor Apti. 17 Willow Reliable woman wants work on ranch Phone 27J. Penland Bros.' transfer Co. havi torage warehouse Phone II. Furnlahed house for rent, close In. Phone 2I0J For sale. Holt (as narveater, 16 foot cut. Phone IF11. I haul your garbage and trash Phone 55.1M. 1403 W. Railroad at For rent Newly furnished rooms. 723 Aura street. Phone 324J. Lost school. Store. Room and board wanted for elderl lady. Address Charles Thomas, City Wanted Woman for general house work on farm Call 19F3. Auto top nood, near Mission! Protestant Hospital, Mrs. Jai. Leave at Schaefer's Jewelry Spears, Byers Grove, Pendleton, Ore , Phone 340J. For automobile upholstery, an artl-1 For rent Office room In Judd Good building lot for aale on Weatjflclal silk Is being made from spun 1 building. Apply F. E. Judd, American Webb street. Telephone K4. glass in England j National Bank. PORTLAND, ore., June II. There is an insistent call from various Inter, ests of the Pacific northwest for the taking ol immediate steps to chut oil entirely Importations of California po tatoes. The finding of so much tuber moth stock here of late In (he shipments ol potatoes from various California dis tricts has caused almost the entire trade to demand restrictive measures Both Oregon and Washington slate authorities are being called upon to protect th potato Industries of the Pacific northwest. Idaho has already taken a hand In the matter and n.i further shipments from California will be allowed to enter that state. Var ious interests now' express the opin ion that decisive action should bp ta ken at once by Oregon and Washing ton bec.Ug unless all act together. the protection afforded I -it- Induitr would not be complete. That tuber moth has not already ruined the potato Industrie of Ore gon. Idaho and Wasnlngton Is a mere matt r of luck and not due to any ipeclSl precautions taken by the au thorities. The latter have done their duty as far as lies In their power, hut It Is Impossible for them to examine every potato shipped iti from the south or even every sack I'nless the for mer Is done some or the tuber moth Is likely tj slip through the lines anil the Industry placed in great danger. Japan I now being deluged with a shower of umbrella orders, China, India and the South Pacific countries having turned to that market since the war cut off their Sngllsh trade Suffered Great Pain 1 Letter TeUi of Lma Looked -far Prexriplum. Dear Mr, Editor I am making a per sonal appeal to your readers who are bothered v itb kidney and bladder trouble and 1 licuraath.ra, to give up tho u-e of L imb, salts, or alcoholic kidney medl- - and In their pla take a short treatment of "Aimrlc" and bo convinced of its wonderful virtues as I was. 1 suf fered great pain, bod a great deal of Irritation, water became, foul. I tried everything advised but with no results. I sent for a box of "Aimrlc Tablets" and won discovered that they brought relief. I have used them since, and now the water Is natural, my health good, and appetite splendid. Some of the doctors pronounced my trouble enlarged prostate. Now I have no mora trouble and I most assuredly feel that this latest discovery of Dr. Pierce's lstho best remedy for bladder and kKney troubles that I know of. If I can Induce anyone to give it s trial, I feel that ho will thank me for calling attention to this great boon thai, relieves this seemingly wont of all troubles that human flesh can fall heir to. ( 'Jlgned ) H. H. Fleisueu. AS GOOD AS A CHEW OF "SPEAR HEAD That Means the Supreme De gree of Rich, Luscious Tobacco Flavor NO OTHER CHEW EQUALS IT Nature varir the flavor she puts into the different grades of tobacco leaf ami the beat of all is the flavor of choice red Hurley that pleases you SO mightily when you chew Spear Head. The delicious fruity flavor of a chew of Spear Head is a revelation to the man who has never chewed or who has ojeen chewing near-good tobacco. For chewing is the one way to get all the wholesome, healthful, appetizing flavor of the tobacco leaf providing you chew a high-grade plug like Spear Head. No other tobacco can compare with Sprar Head in the wholesome satisfac tion it :ies. You get more savory sweetness in a chew of Spear Head than in a whole plug of ordinary tobacco. And you get it in its purest form for Spear Head is made amid the most wholesome surroundings, in a great, new factory that's kept absolutely clean and sanitary. Try this rich, mellow, satisfying, pure chew. Such a chew cannot be obtained in any other tobacco than Spear Head. In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. You will like'that Chocolate Ice Cream at Koeppen's and its only 10c a'fdish Note: Up to thin time. " Anuric " has not been on sale to the public, but by the persuasion of many patients and the Increased demand for this wonderful healing tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally decided to put It Into the drug stores of this country within Immediate reach, or send 10 cents for large trial package. Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's Anuria Tablets. Thero can be no Imitation. Every package of "Anuric. "Is sure to be Dr. Pierce's. You will find the signature on the package Just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, tho over famous friend to ailing women, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, pro ven by years to be the greatest general ionic and reconstructor for any ono. At any rate don't give up hope of being t ired of your malady .intil Just s few doses of " Anuric " have proven that It will make you foal like a differ ent person. Editor Please Insert this letter la some conspicuous place In your paper. BEFORE You let any work in our line, don't forget to get our prices. Estimates gladly furnished on any kind of stone, brick and cement work. S. RUGO & GO. Telephone 461 WRITE TO YOUR FRIENDS OK Monogram Stationery w. o. smith & CO. WEDDING AND VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS. MORGAN BLDG., PORTLAND, OR.