East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 21, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Fancy Hood River
Two Phones, 28. 823 Main St.
I mlergoes operation
Mrs. E. L. Cooper of this city morn-!
tng underwent an operation at St An
thony s hospital.
auniis in the West Indies and South
America and some species are edible.
W ill ll'iild Now nungataw.
John Oreulich this morning took
out a permit to build a 13000 bunga
lw on Cosbie street.
A ChHMce Hill Son.
A baby boy was born this morning
to Mr and Mrs. A. A. Herrtck pi
Call. ise Hill at their home.
Will Repair Dwelling.
Frank Dttprat has taken out a per
mit to repair his dwelling on College
street. The repair work will cost
about J500.
Son Is Itoiu.
A ton was born this morning about
5 o'clock to Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Boy
len of Pilot Rock.
One Marriage license.
A marriage license was Issued yes
terday afternoon to .lames Orlando
Wood and Kathleen Iris Tucker, both
of Weston.
Maj Not tight Case.
It is understood today that Mrs.
Rose Ilogert has abandoned her In
tention to make a fight for the custody
of her daughter, Zua. but will permit
her to become a ward of the court.
Ladie,s White Dresses
What is cooler or daintier looking than a pretty white dress for street or after
noon wear during the hot weather? We are showing a large assortment of these
charming and much wanted dresses. Priced the Golden Rule way, $2.98, $3.98,
$4.98, $5.90, $6.90, $7.90 and $9.90.
Infant White Dresses, . Ic, flfe-. Me, Sl.ttt. Sl.ttK
ls,.- White I)iin.'s HHo, SI. IK. Sl.lM. L.H. M.HS
Silk UloveH 4th 89c. Nc
Muslin Gowaa :sto, ie. m: $1.49. $l.s
Muslin Combinations 111.-. 61k', tHc. SLID, Sl.tIS
ladle-- Ralaooata. . S2.HS. H.M, SI.BH. to $14.75
l adies' summer Coats $9.90. SI2..MI
ladles' Suits S12..MI, SI 1.75
Ijuli.s- DrM skirts . S2.S. SS.98, $I.9H, $3.90
Ladles' Silk Waists $2.9H, $S.H
I allies' llose 12 l-2r. SC, Ittc, Mo
Ladles' I nlon Sull.s 3.V. I-. 9r, Hc
l adles' HicerdeM VeM. 5c, 8 l-SO, 10c, 12 i-2r
Ladles' Collars 25e. 19c, Doc
Yelling, all colors, yard 25c
Ladles' Itatldng Nulls $1.89. $1.98. $2.19, $2.98
Ladles silk IVttlcoals $2.19. $2.98, S8.4S
Ituiutulon Aprons 44k'
Corsets c. Mo, ll.M, $1.98, s.m
liaih Towels, plain or fancy, per pair 19c, 2.V, 39c
beter J.CPenney Co. Inc. J
l') league TO
St. George Grill
when you want a good
35c Merchants Lunch
Served Daily.
Auto Stage,
For Adams. Athena and Westoa,
leaves The Quelle restaurant at 10 a-
rn and 4 p. m. each day.
Nodes to Farmers.
I We want 73 tons of bundled wheat
(Adv 1
For Hire.
Studebaker touring car. D. B. Waf
fle. Residence, 2S4M. Office phons
Si 130. Adv.
"""THE most popular drink
A m Pendleton 1
jieciing 01 lioosmiinors. : n-
Major Lee Moorhouse, who la a
member of the Oregon Geographic
Board, has received notice that the I WESTS ItVlLLE, O., June ill
board will meet in I'ortland on June Titos in chaise of the program of the
24' Anti-Saloon League of America's eon-
. Veatton to be held in Indianapolis
lined f,,r 1" "' June '.'S-2H. report that one of the
1-leadlng guilty to a charge Sflttrongeat speakers on the program
speeding. Carl Peringer this Borstal I will i. State Senator John I' Willacy,
paid a fine of $J5 in police court. The X(.xaa Xot onlv wl he nmk(, ,(
alleged offense was committed Sntur-1 ,.,, s,H,h the Climmiuee am,mlnc.
day evening on West Webb street and es. hut the fact that formerly he was
complaint was made by residents ,ne fl,e of proWbJtlon , , A
Karl Longford Killed.
LONDON. June 21 It was an
nounced officially that Brigadler-Oen.
sral Bar Longford, previously re
ported wounded and missing, has
Seen killed. He was the fifth Karl of
Longford, and was norn in 1S64.
ltus Vpart incut Incase.
E Refreshing
Invigorating Non-Intoxicating
In a class by itself as a summer
drink for men, women and children
On Draught and in Dottles
at Following Resorts:
Conner's Cigar Store.
Billy's Place
Courts 4 McDevitt
The Crescent
Round-l'p Pool Hall
W. W. Hoch
Bungalow Pool Hall
The Charles Co.
Gritman's Cigar Store.
Served at the Following
St. George Grill
Quelle Cafe. '
Saloon Leasue will make his appear- j
lance on the tihitf i itmtM. I- I
r. r. voiey HI purciiaseu wie lease csting
Of iha U . '!. .. Innm.nlG .... Wll-i ...
, . . i ', i. , ,, 1 ""lacy for a long time honestly
low street from Mrs. Mae Frledley r,,arlesslv fought prohlbtUon. K1ml.
and has already taken possession Mr ly however he came (Q bc t
Carey recently came from Portland fOTHM champions
where he was connected with th.j ls 1)arIlclpaton , tm ,ram
Mitchell. Lewis and Staver t o. w, be , pmJM tQ
" Morgan Smith, of Chicago, who, for I
Object to of Park. L number of years w,,s ,..
Objection has sprung up to the OM M of tne Mod() Ucense Leans, but
of the north side park for the ehatt who d(otded after much ,nVMUgB.
tauqua next week. Some Of the man. Uo ;llu, experience, that prohibition
bers of the Civic Club are taking the was thp an, solutioll f tne
lead in the remonstrance, declaring traffic
that such a use of the park would do ls ointed out by ,e leaders'
a great deal of damage. that th, (.nventlon comla on tne
heels of the national gathering of the
toother old Paper. political parties, in Chicago and St.
In the possession of C. E. Powell of Louis, is a fact that j.vill contribute
this city is a copy of the Ulster Coun-;to the attendance of the league meet,
ty Gazette published on January 4.1ng and the attention that will be
1800 and containing an account of paid to it. The omni-partisan, non
the death and burial of George Wash-1 partisan character of the league is
ington, first president. The paper is' well known. The organisation has,
badly worn and discolored with age. 1 never sought to accomplish Its pur
pose through party help or party en-'
MeKenaie Hirer Trout. "lit the individual is supported or
In the La TXiw windows today are ; opposed, regardless of bis party affil-
being exhibited some specimens of , lation. accordingly as he favors or op
redside trout caught in the McKenzie poses the things for which the league
river above Eugene by W. N. Matlock I Stands.
and W C. E. Pruitt of this city. They By the time the league opens Its
are from 12 to 18 Inches in length. ' sessions the great political campalkn
Messrs Matlock and Pruitt, with their, of 1911! will be In full swlnir.. The
wives, are expected back in Pendleton attention of the temperance forces
in Friday. I wi" lie drawn to every candidate for
office, from the greatest to the least,
and none will escape the "once over"
of the careful voter.
All traffic associations have now
Ai E. Otis, formerly manager o!
the Golden Rule Store of this city
but now located in The Dulles la a
PsnttlStOQ visitor today.
R W. Fletcher is a Hermlston vis
itor thisi evening where he Is assist
ing in the music for the dancing par
ty given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. n,
O. Monkman, who leave soon for
their pew home In the east.
A. K. Otis and wife of The Dalles
are In the city to attend the Balley
Wonibough nuptials tomorrow even
ing. Mr. Otis is manager of the
Golden Rule store In The Dalles and
formerly occupied the same position
in this city.
E. O Boswell of Cove Is at the Pen
dleton. Ora Jasper of Fteewater. was am
ong the visitors in the city yesterday.
JudTe C II Marsn and George A
H ulm io drova to Weston this RWrn.
County Superintendent I, E. fonuM
is uttondlns the Err es water cherry Day
R. ChloUpeg will leave this ev
ening for Wallowa county to circu
late petitions for the putting of the
norma school measure on the liriv'ot.
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm, Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
Roy Temple Is home from Port
land whore he had heen attending the
Hill Military Academy.
Mrs diaries Hamilton, who has
been III for the past throe weeks, ;a
now convalescent
Honry W. Collins and Will Wyrlck
motored to lone today, Mr. Wyrlck
having a Hand of barley near there.
Dr. R. B. RotAins
18-20 Judd Bldg., Cor.
Court and Main Sta. Den
tistry of best quality using
the latest painless meth
ods. Evening and Sunday
by appointment.
Telephone 229
It is highly prized by Mr. Powell.
Muntcii Uruana on Exhibit.
Major Lee Moorhouse has today on
exhibit in his window a fine specimen
... . . . , ,u to and from Indianapolis for the con-
The reptile, winch is of the lizard.
veiuioil. ,w
Superintendents of a number of
SUnead a rate of two cents a mile
family, was with the carnival com
pany which recently showed here'
and died while in the city. It was
state leagues are arranging caravan-
series of automobiles from principal
thrown away but Major Moorhouse re-1 ' . ' , ' , ,' ,
S I . . . ., . , points In their states to Indianapolis.
Sold to the family trade in cases of one dozen bottles and up,
S quarts or pints.
We also recommend our new True Fruit drinks,
PORT-0 and PEND-O.
Brewed and bottled by
Wm. Roesch Bottling Co.
overed the body and had It mount
ed by Henry Taylor. The iguana
City Brewery.
Wholesale xnd Family Trade.
Telephone 528 5
M. Sawtelle
Since 1887.
than 20fl machines. Cincinnati. To
ledo. Columbus. Ft. Wayne. St. Ixiul9
and other cities will make great use
of gasoline-driven conveyances.
Airships nrrcrod Mi'ttla.
Pacific Aero Club telegraphed Adju- j
tant-General C. W. Thomas of the
California state militia, an offer of
eight aeroplanes, three balloons and I
the immediate service of three avia
tors. The balloons belongs to Edward ,
I'nger, a balloonist. ,
tgnatins Jncorn (iuilt.v.
LONDON, June 21. After a pre
liminary hearing on the charge of for.
Kery, at the conclusion of which he
was committed for trial, Ignatius Lin
coln pleaded guilty.
He expressed hope to the court that
justice would be tempered with mer-
Perfect fitting glasses can
not be secured by looking
throimh a few lenses at
some test type and selecting
those which seem best. In
the fitting of glasses At't'l -RACY
CARE are necessary, and
proper fitting glasses are on
ly possible when the siKht has
been tested by an Optician of
long experience who Is equip
ped with the most modern
sight testing devices.
My office Is equipped with
the most modern equipment
for the eliminating of all
guess work so that all who
come here for glasses may
receive the utmost benefit
from their use. Reasonable
charges. Kryptok lnes a
American Natl Hank liblg.
WHEN good fellows get together, who
hail from Pendleton or Umatilla
county, they attract attention for their care
of dress.
Bond Clothes
$15 to $30
which a majority of them wear has
made this possible.
Bond Bros.
Pendleton'i Leading Clcthieri
Mrs. William flavin, champion wo
man golfer of lineland. and runner
S up In the last American woman's
E championship tournament, Is again
g playing a wonderfill game thla year
a "nd Is working her way to the top In
Sthe Metropolitan Women's champion
S i ;hip now being played at Haltusrol,
I n. j.
a Mrs. Gavin plays a particularly
a strong game and her driving la re
a markable. She spends much of her
a j time In competition with men golfers
a: nd ha acquired a masculine style of
a play which makes her formidable
a when playing against members of h
Chautauqua will Ix- hero with Its New York ;ity
Marine Hand, the OootUS Players, the Mawxon Ilc
turea, I liarlcs .uchllu and many other attrat'tlnns
id nnuxual merit that will make the week's program.
This nuaa program has liejen glten through all
southwestern t'nlutl Statcw and the people are say
ing It Is the greatest ever. You must see this great
I urogram.
Season llckctx for Chautauqua admitting to every
thing arc on ale now at two dollar and fifty cents
each. VI noon of the opening day of Chautauqua,
the price will positive!) advance tn three dollars.
Save that fifty cents by buying now and buy with
a smile.
Pendleton Chautauqua
June 27-July 3, Inc.
Fori Roust about Delivoiy I
Complete as shown above.'
Mr. Farmer, don't break and scar up your big
car to do your roust-about work during harvest.
Here's the car that will give you the most ser
vice at the least cost. Also ideal for shop, mer
chant or camper.
812 Garden St.
Telephone 651
!S"-nWW1II vU tffH M M ti ll IISI U II IIIU II U K M HS1 U IU liWitKWiSI1 Bl VI UVSHkJ
l iub ixn imh mm imn n.ii n.n . twm im if .WQ HUB IH iwn Ml IU
n sex.