East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 21, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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,c Post Toasties
mm. , m vsshl.
From House to House
the Good News Spreads
Post Toasties.
have found a happy solution of the breakfast problem in New
Thr-e now corn flakes are distinctive in that they bear a self-developed flavor
all their own the delicate, fascinating flavor of choice, white Indian corn. Unlike
other flakes, they do not depend on cream and sugar to make them palatable.
Try a handful without cream and sugar note the fine flavor and new form;
also the tiny bubbles" on each flake. These bubbles are a distinguishing charac
teristic an ' are produced by the quick, intense heat of the new process of making,
which also brings out the wonderful flavor.
Although the New Post Toasties are a great improvement in flavor and form,
they cost no more than ordinary 'flakes. Have a package delivered for tomorrow's
breakfast. ,
New Post Toasties
. sold by Grocers everywhere.
Mnnv Candidates Out for rlaoo; Ad
MM ltascball Tram t'lutu' Willi
AtlitMia, rrnier Winning by lean
of 7 to 4: Young People Hold
Church Meeting; Other News.
Army Aviator Is Injured.
! altitude of 4000 feet near here an'1
rvwmrRIDl M r Tune M T.ieu-t-suffered onlv minor iniuriefl
tenant Carlton D Chapman, piloting The descent was necessitated by a HILL BINGHAM IS THROUGH
an army Dlplane. voipianea irom an nr.iaen rropeuor.
Iron Is Greatest of All Strength
Builders, Says Doctor
BBCHI of the Great Knduninco and rower of Athletes.
Ordinary Nmated Iron Will Make
m-ln-ate Iff nun, nnndown Peo.
4e 300 Per cent Stronger to
Two Weeks' Time In
Many cases.
NEW YORK. X T. Most people
T. .(illshly seem to thins they are goin
to get renewed health and strength
from some simulating medicine, secret
nostrum or narcotic drug, said Dr.
Mar, a we" known specialist who
has studied widely both in this coun
try and Burope. when, as a matter of
1act. real and true strength can only
come from the food you eat. But peo
ple often fall to get the strength out of:
their food because they haven't
vnough Iron in their blood to enable It;
to change the food into living matter ;
From their weakened, nervous con-;
ditlon they know something is wrong
hut they can't tell what, so they gen
vrllay commence doctoring for stom-l
ach. liver or kidney trouble or stom-i
toms of some other ailment caused by:
the lack of Iron in the blood. This
thing may go on for years, while the j
patient suffers untold gony. If you
Hre not strong or well, you owe it to1
yourself to make the following test: i
See how long you can work or how
far you can walk without becoming
tired Next luke two five-grain tab-!
lets of ordinary nuxated Iron thre?
time per day after meals for twoj
weeks Then test your strength again
and see for yourself how much you;
have. gained. I have seen dozens of(
MTTOW, run-down people who were
ailing all the while, double their
strength and endurance and entirely
get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia.'
liver and other troubles in from ten1
to fourteen days' time simply by tak
ing iron in the proper form. And this
after they had in some cases been doc
toring for months without obtaining
any benefit But don't take the old
forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or
tincture of iron simply to save a few
cents. You must take Iron in a form
that can be easily absorbed and as
similated like nuxated iron If you
w.,nt it to do you any good, otherwise
it may prove worse than useless. Many
an athlete or prize fighter has won
the day simply because he knew the
secret of great strength and endurance
before he went into the affray, while
many another has gone down to in
glorious defeat simply for the lack of
NOTE Nuxated Iron recommended
above by Dr. Sauer Is not a patent
medicine nor secret remedy, but one
which is well known to druggists and
whose iron constituents is widely pre
scribed by eminent pnyslcians every
where. Unlike the older Inorganic
iron products, it is easily assimilated,
does not injure the teeth, make them
black, nor upset the stomach; on the
contrary, it is a most potent remedy
in nearly all forms of indigestion, as
well as for nervous, run-down condi
tions. The manufacturers have such
great confidence in Xuxated Iron that
they offer to forfeit $100 to any chari
table institution If they cannot take
any man or woman under 60 who
lacks iron and increase their strength
200 per cent or over in four weeks'
time provided they have no serious or
ganic trouble. They also offer to re
fund your money If it does not at least
double your strength arid endurance In
ten days' time. It is dispensed in this
city by A. C. Koeppen & Bros, and all
other druggists.
i : . .
j . .......
Kirby motored
in Pafldlatbn
Now Open
A Clean, Beautiful Resort at Which to Rest and
Enjoy Yourself During the Hot Summer,
In the Blue Mountains of Southern Umatilla County.
Dancing, Swimming, Hunting, Fishing, Etc.
Hot Mineral Water Pool and Baths.
Hotel Rate, $10.50 Per Week
or $2.00 Per Day
INCL1 IHN; liTlls. .
When he ran through the tape a
bare yard and a half back Of Ted Mer
edith in the intercollegiate half-mile
championship last montrr, Bill Bing
ham, the greatest four-furlonger that
Harvard University ever boasted of.
closed an athletic career that he mnv
I well be aroud of as Innc as he lives
It was hoped that Bingham would
stick to the game for a year or so as
a member of the Boston Athletic as
sociation track squad, but it's not to
be so. Tru Crimson captain has de
cided to run no more, and so passes
out as game and true a runner as
rver trod the path.
But for one factor Bingham would
be hailed as a world beater, and that
factor is James Meredith. As fine a
performer as Bingham was. Ted, the
super-runner, was a couple of strides
stronger and faster. Bingham ran
his full half in the amazing time of 1
minute S . seconds, yet it was not
good enough to win the championship
that not so long ago used to be taken
by two-minute perfnrrnexK. Bing
ham's experience is a forceful illustra
tion of the fierce competition that has
brought the Intercollegiate meet up
to Its present standard.
About 100 species of oysters have
been classified by scientists.
It's Wonderful How
Resinol Stops Itching
To those who have endured for years
the itching torments of eczema or other
such skin -eruptions, the relief that the
first use of llcsinol
Ointment and Kcsinol
lSoai usually give-i is
latfcdibk, ' Afier all
Lit- Buffering thiy have
endured and all the use
less treatments they
have spent good money
for, thev cannot lielieve
anything so simple, mild and inexpen
sive ran stop the itching and burning
ISHTASri.Y! And they find it still
more wonderful that the improvement
is permanent and that R'iirn)l really
drivel away the eruption completely in
a very short time. Perhaps there is a
pleasant surprise like this, in store for
you. Resinol Ointment and liesinol
Koap are sold by all druggists.
A Good Soap For Baby Skin
A good baby soap should contain
soothinsr. healufcf properties to pre-
and ctiann'H to wnten
tKast Oregotiian Special.)
ADAMS. Ore., June II. Frank
Henry, who has been gone for some
time to his homestead returned Sat
urday evening.
Jim U'wis, brother of Mrs, Frank
Henry, arrived in town Saturday eve
ning. Miss Neva Dallas returned to Ad
ams this week to remain at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence l.ieunlh'ii
during the summer months.
The annual school meeting was held
at the school house Monday afternoon
at two o'clock. A director was elect
ed. Although there were several
candidates forthe position. L U Lieu,
alien won by a large majority,
Hobart Peringer is in from work
for a short time.
Mr. Morgan, of the O. A. C, is In
town for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Morrison.
Misses (leraldlne and Roberta Morri
son and Holland Morrison motored to
Bingham Springs Saturday and re
mained over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stone spent the
weekend at Bingham Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. John Winn and dau
ghters t.eratine and I.ucile arrived in
Adams this week, after having spent
the school months In California.
The Adams baseball team played
the Athena baseball team Sunday on
the local field. The Athena team was
outclassed In everyway and If Adam
had not had a little bad luck (an
overthrow on third base) Athena
would have been completely shut out
As it was the final score was 7 to 1
in favor br Adams.
Miss Alice Hudson was
Mr. and Mrs. A. H
to Pendleton Monday
Uuy Mayberry was
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Marquis, who
have been away for some time, return
ed to Adams Tuesday morning.
I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krebs and Mrs,
christian motored to Pendleton Monday.
Miss Ada Winder is in Adams for
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams motored
to Walla Walla Monday.
Otis Lieuallen motored to Walb
Walla Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of
Pendleton were In Adams Sunday.
Mrs. Wallan and son Ralph and Ho
bart Peringer motored to Bingham
Springs Sunday.
Young Peoples' Meeting was con
ducted by Miss Lucy Marlow Sunday
evening. The topic for discussion
was: "My duty toward other Chris
The Adams baseball team played
the Agency Tuesday on the latter's
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DuPuls, Mr
and Mrs. Roseberry and Mr. and Mrs.
Ben DuPuls spent Sunday on the
Walla Walla river.
Clint Holcomb. one of the Adams
farmers, was in town uesday.
Bill Taylor Is now helping on the
I Soger's ranch.
Robert Jones went to Portland
Monday on business.
Miss Marguerite Straughn of Pen
dleton was in town last week
Mr. and Mrs Bill Taylor and son
Purl, and Mrs. .lames Chesnut and
the Misses Jessie and Dorrls Chesnut
motored to Athena Saturday
Mrs. Winnie McKenzie returned to
her home in Walla Walla Monday eve
MJys Beulah Spencer was a Pen
dleton visitor Saturday.
Roy Ferguson motored to Pendle
ton Monday evening.
vent the rashe
babies are liable
physicians r u
That is why so many
' Krtlnol N'up.
Training Branch Opens.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 20. A
branch of the Military Training
Camps association of the I'nited States
was opened in Kansas City by Le
Lancy K. Jay. secretary of the Na
tional association. A committee,
headed by John F. Downing, presi
dent of the New England National
Bank, was appointed to stimulate In
terest in the camps. A recruiting sta
tion will be opened.
The nearest training camp to Kans
as City is In Indianapolis. It will be
i nened Julv I and closed October it.
during which three periods of train
ing of one month each will be given
The committee appointed Is to ascer
tain whether Kansas City firms will
allow its employes ,'!0 days' leave of
."bsence on full pay to attend the
camp. The government will pay all
expanses and will provide the uniforms
and care for the men in the camp. It
is expected 50.001) men will attend the
Indianapolis camp inis summer.
"We will allow as many men to go
as we can spare and will give them
full pay," Mr. Oownmg said, and I
believe every broad-minded employer
will do the same.
The camp is for the purpose of giv
ing the men a month of intense mili
tary training without putting them
under obligations to the government"
Mr. lay said.
;ormans Check Ituwlans.
BERLIN, via Lmdon, June 20.--'lerman
troops under Oeneral Von
I.ingensen, are holding In check the
Russians advancing toward Kovel
from the southeast army headquarters
The Russians were repulsed on both
sides of the Styr. and nearly 3.00
prisoners, one cannon and 10 maehlni
guns were taken by the 'Germans.
Slip a few Prince Albert
smokes into you system!
Oprrluhl UK
You've heard many an earful about the Prince Albert
patented process that curs our bite and parch and lets you
smoke your fill without a comeback I Stake your bank roll that
it proves out every hour of the day.
Prince Albert has always been sold
without coupons or premiums. We
prefer to give quality !
There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling
your own, but you know that you've got
to haVe the right tobacco ! We tell you
Prince Albert will bang the doors wide
open for you to come in on a good time
firing up every little so often, without a
regret! You'll feel like
the national joy smoke
unnr miwp nflsT
CI l . . Vfc . . .. ...... J VM. J
has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot
back up for a fresh start.
You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a
thousand-dollar bill ! It's worth that in happi
ness and contentment to you, to every man
who knows what can be
gotten out of a chummy
jimmy pipe or a makin's
cigarette with
Prince Albert for
" - .i
THE Prim
Albert tidr
.ero ammy.
TU. if It nnrm
Id. ot lb. tidy
i .-a nil
red tin. and la
fact, evtry Piinc
Albert pacing, tiat
real mriiiif to you
on (t revert aid. Youll
read " Pruccai Patented
Julv 30th. 1907." That meant
that the United Stair Govern
ment hat granted patent on the
procea by which Prince Albert It
made. And by which fondue b'i and1
Vtrou pert n are cut out ' nvery
whtre tobacco It told you'll And
Prince Albert awaiting you
Intoppy red bag, 5c, tidy
red tint, tuc: nanatom)
pound and half-pound
tin humldort and In
that clever cryttal
glaat humidor, with
tpongt - moletener
top, that keep the
tobacco in auco
Ana condition'
f.ciieraJ Moltko Ih Doad.
AMSTKItDAM, vitt London. June
. Lieutenant General Count Hel
muth VOa Mnltke, chief of the sup
plementary general stuff of the army
died of heart apoplexy at a service of
rrournlnrx in the Reichntn.fr for the
late Fielti Marshal von ile Goltt, B&y
a Hullt tin telegram.
wltlt Mn-Skl Tread
Cost Less Than The Plain Tread Styles of
Several Other Standard Makes
ey Non-Skids
1 40
4V 3fi !U -nTo .60
Tl-. More tor
And the mileage returns this year are greater
than ever before. Car owners everywhere
recognize the greater dollar-for-dollar value in
Fisk Quality by more than tripling the demand
for Fisk Tires. More than 1 25 Direct Fisk
Branches throughout the country assure dealers
of promptest attention and tire users of un
rivalled and countrywide Fisk FREE Service.
Fhlf Tires For Sale By
Time to Rr-tirt)?
(Buy rtakj
Erery Fitk Tire backed by seventeen
year, of manufacturing ki.owl -and
the Fitk reputation for Quality.
KZXK. ....... lC2k 3U 7.
BINGHAM s one rfacc wcrc yu se wat
e ddi Kr c you wantthe my you want ll I
O I t 1 11 vJ O and a)hen you Want it.
Open Air Dance
Every Saturday
And any other time you
want one. Just Ask.
W. W. HOCH, Proprietor
Bingham Springs, Gibbon Post Office