EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1916. PAGE THREE anilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIJf I Potatoes I These are solid and free from decay, are grown in the mountains and are extra good. .. $1.75 I SIXTY CARLOADS OF FINE WATERMELONS TO BE RAISED HERE I Eggs :l This is the time of the year when you have so much trouble in getting good fresh eggs. We have them that we will guarantee every egg to be strictly fresh, per dozen 30 I Butter Don't overlook the fact that we have the best butter in the market today. Cascade is second to none and the price is right at pound 30f The Dean TatomlCo. TELEPHONE 688 DOWNEY'S U. S. INSPECTED MEAT Phone 187-188 illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllh- UMATILLA ( l VTV WILL M IKKKT PRODUCE THROUGH EWVS IXMtMKI) EXCHANGE. Sixty carloads of watermelons of the finest grade produced in the west will be raised on the Umatilla pro ject thin year and they will te mar keted through the newly formed Her mlKton Melon Crowers Association. The association was recently form ed to promote the melon industry on the project and 60 acres are In crop this season. Most of the melons are of the Monte Crlsto variety. An ef- RAILROADS HAVE A kiiiiiiiiiiimiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiimi iiMiiiiiiMitiiiii TROOPS TO BORDER i OFFICIALS BELIEVE THAT COM-1! PAN 1KB Wild. ESTABLISH KKOOHI) IN TASK, Prices That Talk IN OUR MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT you will find some of the tea son's greatest bargains and right when you can make use of them. CHICAGO. June 19. The western railroads are facing the greatest test. of efficiency if they can move the.' eighty to hundred thousand militia men summoned to the Mexican bor der without a hitch .nit! without af fecting the passenger traffic, "railroad 1 1 officials declared. "We have plenty of equipment and I ran make up many trains as that I within an hour the public will noti: fort Is made to produce a unirorm j kmiW tne difference. ' one said. Rail ouallty of melon and by marketing In , roa(jer, expected few trains would be ..... l. I. 1...I1......1 ..... .t a cooperative wa u wuwvw results can be obtained. W. T. Sellers Is president of the as sociation and Yayton Hoone, secre tary. The association expects to send 12 cars of melons to rendleton this summer. 1917 CADETS MAY BE GRADUATED AT ONCE WASHINGTON, June 20 Embar rassed by a shortage of regular army officers at this time, member of the general staff considered graduation next month of the class at 1 think. Hoffbrau. Who is the girl Chicago .' Give me her phone num ber and I will call her up. I would be pleased to see anyone who had talked to my little girl yesterday. "Say, honey, write me so 1 can get a nice loving letter Saturday. Al- Wesl vn" yuUr Doy-" ROOSEVELT'S PHYSICAL CONDITION IS BETTER OTITIS BAY. N. Y . June 20. Colonel Roosevelt spent a quiet Sun day playing with his grandchildren, Theodore III and Grace Roosevelt, and nursing his cold. He is In much better physical condition than when moved to the border for several days. Trains are moving today toward mo bilization i'oints in the various states. Santa Fe officials said they can move I XOOO troops dally without affecting-5 the regular traffic. - leem aLw THE SEASON'S LATEST IN MEN'S NECKWEAR Worth regular 75c to $1.25, and they are all going at 55 each. Lay in a supply for the summer. STRAW HATS Most all sailor styles and in all sizes and shapes. Regular $2.00 to $4.00 hats and these all go at only ?1.35. Now is the time to get in and make your selection. Permit us to show you through our large stock of New Summer Suits. Our pri ces cannot be beaten and all goods are guaranteed. Suits priced, from f 7.50 to $35. AUSTRIA IS CALLED UPON FOR APOLOGY WASHINGTON, June 20. A sec-'r ond note to Austria-Hungary regard- I ing the attack by an Austrian sub marine upon the American tank steamer Petrollte was coded at the state department for immediate trans mission to Vienna. It Is understood he left New York and will begin re-to demand an apologv fr the attack ceivlng callers todav. The colonel, and reparation for the damage. showed much Interest in the announce ment that the mllltla had been order 4 .,ni fr sci -lie on the border but refused to comment on the situation, j Mr. Roosevelt also rerused to com ment on rumors that he would accept a place In the Hughes cabinet or be come candidate for the United States senute. some official told Secretary Baker! IN CITY Or MtXICU such a step v.ould be necessary. The suggestion now considered til MEXICO CITY. June 20. Corn to give theae men their commissions in pi, tely apprised of the critical altua- July and send them as militia and re-; tlon existing b-tn n tne l mted states u ;l 81arl,n ,lf ,he sylvan glades in cruit instructors Should the numoeriand Mexico, tne citizens neie, minus Yi.tr'il I'ark for Shntatza. her laven- iler and pink cockatoo, which flapped hi wings and flew out of the window- studio on the fourtn floor of the Uncoln Arcade a few Lavender Cockatoo Doit, NEW YORK, June 17 The Baro ness BUM von Freytag, whose hus band Is said to be a Herman army of ficer held a war prisoner in France, NEW ARRIVALS. PIECE GOODS DEPARTMENT Our Piece Goods Department now has the largest and best line of Sport Stripes to be found in Pendleton. We have them in percales, kindergarten cloth, lawns, dimities, voiles, surf suitings, pongee, failles and taffetas. Give us a look before buying. . Another shipment of our No. 100 guaranteed Silk Hose have just ar rived. They are still $1.00 per pair. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Fresh from the gardens this morning we have Red 5 1 Raspberries, Watermelons, Cherries, Canteloupes, Cab- 5 bage, Cauliflower, Radishes, E ; Turnips, Carrots, Onions and head lettuce. Phone your order to 526. be Insufficient, it was suggested these cadetM be commissioned and assign ed to posts, while the class that would ordinarily graduate 111 1918 be sent out as militia instructors. example from the official!, are calm No violence has neen offered any , ... .1. ... .... ... fir n a la L . ..iu. .,..., .. " " f nr Uiiri)R..S Some of thi newspaper editorials ...... .. ,.t ... i . - r I . , ir, I unu'iir- UIC 1UII ."J .v. i . ranted violation of Mexican autonomy. ,i,.rted DETTEK HltlViK DIVORI I Cbfcaffo Woman t.cL-4 s.vi a Month Alimony and Tare of Daughter. by the United zens to await erilllK tit Suites, but advise CIO" the action of the gov-. its playmates Big Turkey Attacks nor. CONN ELLS VI LLK, Pa., June 17. Joseph H. Smith, 4 year old son of Hela B. Smith, principal of the Con. nellsville High school, was attacked I by a turkey gobbler w hile visiting the farm of his grandpanents near Belle- vernon. The gobbler had lacerated the boy's face before his father drove IB the fowl off. The lad had snatched is Up a club and bravely tried to pro- II tect himself up to that time. The turkey weighs 30 pounds and j s the I 12. The father, a form. -r i - ,,, Ulllllllllllllllllllil Illllllllllll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I f 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 i I f 1 1 1 1 J If II Ill, " The Daylight Store; Better Goods, Latest Styles, Prompt and Courteous Attention. We pay the postage on all Mail Orders. ALEXANDERS tackle on the Lafayette College elev en, with visions of his son's prowess later on the gridiron, said, "He'll not quit In the third quarter." Chamber A. Kits Tor Militia THE DALLES, i ire.. June ...... in,. v,.n Winkle alligators, a ' namoer oi commeice i o.. j prismatic chameleon, a mud turtle , "ni nere in ia.o. ... , . .. - ,..i KruDDa a fancy Pomeranian. The , a meeting of the board of directors , ...,JU i, ,!,,.- ,,n the window a icsoiuiioii l'. ........ .... (Joll i Mnyeri to Work. I sill with Sharatza. when "cocky " heard BOSTON, June IT. The trials and ;tn,, c,n ,,f it. mate and took the bird's Central Park or Broao- vhite duck ..in..., ,. 1,,.,.. i! .."Mi- little ' ... . . .... -. ,..K. .. girl" was the starting and "always tribulations 01 wnraw """" airline i.. w,r Km," '., the finish of a letter I ers in defending themselves from em-: ,vyf nuhts ;u , r- .- Mrs i Plovers who are "'mai-hcrs' were put, The baronesi, wearing W ,.' ,.. ,,,,... ,,,.... Ker- in the Shadt When Ulal Oerlrude I trousers and a r4 garment that went ' ,.',. ,1 nr.... .h uls, Kor.l. financial secretary of the Stall-1 fifty-fifty with awarded ISO a month alimony and Krnphers' union the custody of her s ear old daugh-.to dmlg ter, Helen. l..r .lashilm Nounglat 111 Iling session o ,".' salesinan and won the heart of Em-1 England women social workers' con- udi ib lir.nlle. switchnoard operalof for in. nc IM lormar reporun, ... , .1 Thll ,mrnBS nBm an artiat'i mod james & roro in . . v h ., ,. ,h ,,. u i. told how she had a nasMf while taking die- j I tatloii. She was one oi tne apaaaen .... in the onculne session of the New and a i ing fni hastily, Rharatn later haratsa. a fireman's red shirt in Into Broadway cali che returned quite ; li.g the establishment of a militia or ganization here and pledging the aid of the chamber to recruiting work. A DELEGATION OP WOMEN were lntenselv Interested when thev recently visited the Hlnkham Labora tory at Lynn. Mass . and saw' the ex treme cleanliness and purity which nrevall in the preparation and stor-1 t tnajigf ( Lvdia B .PlnKham's Vegetable giving her ei, plana 'P difficult. Install.' lit skidding and slipping In thcr the streets of San are sanded by a machine This w as one of the many I mounted on a motor truck. related to prove that tne Her former employer, si accustomed to smoke and . i ,.i .k. a, :.,.,. n,t his golf dub for practice WnlU '"ash .no. carried bin, 0V ;he dictation. What with the choking ri,,. ftO.nd. of matrimonial proprieties. smoke blowing it. her face and I the , lie always went around with OtBW terror ot being at any moment T p women and had them telephone him." bad over me n-a,, .. ... a. tin . handler testified. "I spoke to bom concentration on her notes WSJ Mm about It he said: 'Whiti are rou going to do about It? Are you going tu May and stand! for it?' "One day he received a telephone call and then went out. 1 followed' Mm. He met a woman and they die- j woman AIDS JAUiRREAH appeared in building on the south. Veiled Vlsttor t OaUa is Believed to l,i lltne Pa il in Saws. The following letter, dated August I CHICAGO, June IT. Tw it i'io, it n.l said to have been writ , held to the grand Jut ten by Chandler to another woman, i harges was Introduced In evidence: ,ii t. i has had the run and this was ine ursi wine compound, as wen aa oi nei that it bad staled out medicines. An hour Is required to go through so large an establishment. One thing which struck the visitors was the great number of files con taining 'he letters of women who told how much the ramous Compound had done for them. Only part of them are published, and no letter la ever published without the writer's permission. Adv. ffl on a stenographer's mind was ient to Justifly her working only ilit hour day. MAY ADOPT ANOTHER BOY AND GIRL HSHaVaWHHaflHHi dSB9KHBKBMUKBtfc' "iX. A SCENE FROM "THE GIRL WITH GREEN EYES" (PATHEjV AT THE TEHPIjE TODAY men on many ,f highway robberi escaped from the old " Fiftieth-street ponce My Utile lilrl I am writing on the station early the otner uav oj asiw streetcar. It seems that all I am do- off three wooden bars of their cell. Ing here Is work and accomplishing; A heavily veiled woman, who visit nothing But it can't be that wuy al-j ed the prisoners on Memorial day w ,v I fter they had been held to the "No we were not In the Collet !'. grand Jur , was sought by the police. The nearest we were to It was the She Is believed to have Slipped the Union. The other cafes were the'saw through tho bars of the cell dur .tat. and Stillson's and Hdelweis audi ing her visit Along With Splendid Flavor In Grape-Nuts This famous food has both delicious flavor that appeals to appetite ; and the rich building elements of whole wheat and malted barley that makes for sturdy bodies and keen brains. Thousands who have made Grape-Nuts, with cream or good milk, a part of their daily rations find that it helps wonderfully in restoring "balance" and vigor, and puts "go" into life. 'There's a Reason" Grocers everywhere sell Grape-Nuts. y- .. . tz?? :."yr?V'!i!iijf;3W!' '.'''W'W.y $ t : ' ' " ?! ! t -s.4ljS ' ' Tar Pi re start.- lanic. L'l.EVKLAND. June JO Two score ,assengers on a Clifton boulevard car had narrow escapes from injury re cently when they fled in fright attei a broken trolley wire had set fire to the car roof. The wire snapped at Thoreau ave nue and Clifton boulevard Kalling.-u struck the front end of the car and flame! shot up, Shrieka oi women among the passengers, most of whom were on thei- way to church, threw the car into CSnfOBtoB. Windows were broken as men tried to escape. She crowd rushed for both exits and managed to reach a place ot safety, while the car crew fought with the crackling 1 lames above. The Lakewood fire department an swered an alat m turend in by one ol the passengers and the fire was extin guished Tra'.tic was tied up for 20 minutes. the soond by a German warship and taken to Swinemunde British Enter Kennan. LOXDON. June IT. A Reuter dis patch from Teheran says that Gener al Sykes. with a British column, on Monday entered Kerman, the princi pal town of Southeastern Persia. The purpose of this movement Is not known publicly here, but presum ably it is intended to maintain order bl the British sphere of Persia. Mi nor disturbances there have been at tributed to German and Turkish emissaries. New President pointed. SANTO DOMINGO. Dominican Re rublic. June IT. The senate designat ed Jacinto de Castro to be president of the republic in succession to Presi dent Jil.inez. His name was sent to the chamber of deputies for approval. The chamber last month took a vote for provisional president, but Rear Admiraf ."aperton. in command of the American force of occupation, re quested that the election be postponed until quiet was restored throughout the republic. Y. W. C. A. Workers Raise S212.524 WILMINGTON. Del.. June 20 The 'ight-day campaign of the local T- W. C. A. to raise a fund of $200,000 for a new buildir.r closed at the Hotel du Pont The 'und was oversubscrib ed, $212,526 -eing realised. DD.D. TAI, I.MAN DRTJG CO. Prescription for Eczema for 15 years the standard skin remedy ft liquid usrii cxteruaii) ihsmhi renei rrom ilea. the mildest of cleaners krrpsj thr k iii il w . iii in. I ht'.ilthv. Come iu ituti aslf US about both Soap Strike to be Arbitrated. BUTTE, Mont., June 16 The strike of the Hutte Workingmen's I'nion and the Butte Teamsters' Union, which had affected many other trades and crafts and forced more than 200u men Into idleness, was in a fair way to be settled when the union leaders de cided to treat with the employers. MRS FIMLEY SHEPU20 FNjVEY JR. Gxt fcnSEX t'on by Mr. and Mrs. Shepnrd, com- NEW TORE, June 20. It Is Ueved that Mrs. Flnley Shepard be "Doe" and Ixiuls "Doe" wh i the Pny. 11..!.... Former lie,, u ition'i v, , ui,,u . are now on probation at I-yndhurst to adopt two children, a boy and girl (h(. Snoparil ,.tate at Irvington-on- to keep Flnley J. Shepnrd, Jr., known the-Hudson, may soon be known as as "John Doo 104," bofore his adop-l Helen and Louis Shepard. (iermnns Capture Vowel. LONDON. June IT. An Exchange Telegraph dispatch rrom Copenhagen pays that the Danish steamer Askoe has been captured by B German war ship In the North Sea and taken to Hamburg. The Swedish schooner Evea on her wav to England, has :,een captured in PURE, RICH ELCHO MADE E.Y KCOD u Ture blood enables the stotnaen, liver and olhei digestive oraaM W do theirwork properly. Without i they arc sluonsh, then is loss of appetite, some! in; s (aintosm, a de ranged state of ll: intestines, ami. in feneral, all too qptOM oi! dyspepsia. Hood's Barsaparilki makes pure bloo.l, ami this is w y it is so very successful in the ticn'mint of so many ailmcuts. (Jet i; today. PF A Great Clearance of Silk Suits Every Silk Suit in the store greatly reduced right at the beginning of the siik suit season. Silk Suits of Taffeta, Poplin, Gro-de-Londre and cotn binations of tafleta ami French serge in all the season's newest colors. Re member, every suit is this season't latest model, gar ments that have melted us just a short time ago from New York. If you want a silk suit now is the time to buy. Quality First.