PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY. JUNE 20, 1916. EIGHT PAGES D. W. Griffith Ftmm $tOO,000-a-yr Creator oi Moo ing Piclum 11.1(HU.VTIC ri.Mi'"" ' ...,,.1 A . i,l 11.111 KS Great Remodeling Sale DON'T DELAY YOUR SHOPPING ANY LONGER THAN YOU HAVE TO, BECAUSE THIS GREAT BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY WILL COME TO A CLOSE IN JUST A FEW DAYS. OUR STOCK IS REDUCED TO THE DESIRED AMOUNT AND THE REMODELING WORK WILL BE COMPLETED SHORTLY, SO IT BEHOOVES YOU TO NOT DELAY. BUY A SIX MONTHS' SUPPLY NOW AND SAVE FROM 10;; TO 50 "A pipeful of Tuxedo it a wonder fatly pleat' ant form of tobacco en joyment, mild and toothing." t $2.95 Waistsat$2.39 A genuine money saving opportunity. An offering of stylish waists at Re modeling Sale prices. They all have long sleeves and are made of voile and or gandie in all white or white combined with Copenhagen blue or rose. Good quality two-thread laces and embroidered organdie inserts form some of the trimming features. Now is the time to supply yourself with the kind of waists that you will need many of before the summer season is over. Remodeling Sale only $2.39. Seasonable Bargains from Our Popular Shoe Dept'. Rear End of MAIN FLOOR Broken lines of low and high shoes from early spring selling, not all six es in any line but all sizes In the whole lot. No. 235 Ladies' Patent Welt Sole Slioe, medium low Cuban heel. Co lonial Pump. Regular price, 13.60. Remodeling Sale Price $2 45 Xo. 227 Ladies Patent Welt Sole Shoe, cloth top fixed with satin beaded bow. Regular price $4.50. Remodeling Sale Price $2.95 HO. 456 Ladies Patent Welt Sole Shoe, Louis Cuban heel, Colonial pump Regular price 14.50 Remod eling Sale Price 2.B5 Mo. 511 Ladies- patent One-Strap Slipper, cloth fixed Louis Cuban hee! Regular price 14.50. Remodeling Sale Price $2.95 No. 213 Ladles' patent Welt Sole Tiro-Strap Pump.. Regular price 14. Remodeling sale price $2.85 No. 503 Ladies- patent Welt Sole Colonial Pomp. Regular price J5.00. Remodeling Sale Price $3.25 No. 505 Ladles' Black Suede Co lonial Welt Sole Pomp. Regular price $6.00. Remodeling Sale Price $3.45 No. 213 1-2 ladies' Gnn Metal Oair Welt Sole, tailored bow, Louie Cuban heel. Regular Price J4.00 Remodeling Sale Price $2.45 No. 50T Ladles' Gun Metal Call Welt Cole Colonial Pump.. Regular price $5.00 Remodeling Sale Price.. $3.25 Xo. 215 Ladies- Tan Calf Rubber Sole and Heel, English Last Low Loop Oxford. Regular pnce $4.00. Re modeling Sale Priee $2.85 . 561 1-2 Ladies White Canvas Rubber Soles and Heels, One-Strap Pump. Regular price $2.00. Remod eling Sale Price .$1.65 No. 509 Ladies' patent Turn Sole 1 -Strap, French Heel Pump.. Regu lar price $4.50. Remodeling Sale Price $3.25 No. 510 1-2 Ladles' Dull Kid. French Heel. Turn Sole Pump.. Reg ular price $5.00. Remodeling Sale Price $3.75 No. 535 Ladies' Patent Turn Sole Pumps, Louis Cuban Heel, Beaded Ornament. Regular price $4 00. Re modeling Sale Price $2.15 No. 464 ladies' Patent Vamp Cloth Top Lace Shoes, plain toe, short vamp Regular price $4.00. Remod. ellng Sale price $2.85 No. 453 ladles' Patent Vamp Cloth Top Shoes, Louis Cuban heel, diamond tip. lace. Regular price $4. Remodeling Sale Price $2.85 No. 415 Iiadles' Patent Vamp Shoe, plain toe, cloth top, stage last. Louis Cuban heel, Button. Regular price $4.50. Remodeling Sale Price $3.25 Men's Gun Metal Calf Shoe, welt sole, button. Regular price $4 00. Remodeling Sale Price $2.95 Men's Vlcl Kid Welt Sole Button shoes, regular price $4.00. Remodel Ing sale Price $2.95 Men's Chocolate Vlcl Kid Shoe, wide toe, welt sole, lace. Regular price $4.00. Remodeling Sale Price. . $2.95 Men's Gun Metal Calf Shoes, lace, welt sole. Regular price. $3. B0. Re modeling Sale price $2.65 Men's Gun Metal Calf Shoe, welt sole, button. Regular price $3.50. Remodeling Sale Price $2.65 "T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP" 3Bv CLEANLINESS ECONOMY All 15 SERVICE HOOD RIVER FIELD PICK STRAWBERRIES, CRATE, $1.75. CANTELOUPES Extra select melons, each 10c and 15c. T. P. W. SPECIAL BLEND The best 35 Coffee on earth. JELLIES AND JAMS Pure fruit product, jar.... IOC HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLE 6 CANS 95c THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where It Pays To Trade C. H. Shaw of Echo, was a week end guest at the St. George. Joseph Uunha, Jr.. of Echo, wa in tin' city during the weekend, 'Mike Healy of Heppner was tran sacting business in the city yester day. John Hushes, well known Hepp ner citizen, spent the day here yester day. H. E. Bartholomew of Stnnfleld, spent Sunday night In the city re turning from a trip to Portland, A. R. Costa, local sign painter and musician, has left for Whipple creek near Whitney to spend the summer prospecting. Stanley Sayres spent the weekend in the city with his parents, return ing yesterday morning to Walla Walla for the lust week "f the Whitman ei liege term. K. W. Fletcher returned Sunday evening from Heppner where he and Other local musicians furnished the music for the Farmers' Picnic Satur day and for the grand ball Saturday evening. ALL MEXICANS CALLED TO ARMS AGAINST U. S. OUAV.MAS. Mexico. June 20. (Hy radio to San Diego, Cal.l Posters calling all Mexicans to arms were dls plaved throughout the city and also It was reported, in the interior. According to reports, Mexican au thorities have ordered all able-bodied Americans taken prisoners and in tends to disarm all foreigners In the Yaqul valley. Trouble was reported at Cullacan, capital of the state of Slnola, but de tails were nol avallaDle. Many Americans employed on the , railroad in this vicinity aretaking asy lum aboard the United States cruiser Cleveland anJ the supply ship Gla cier, which are anchored in Guaymas harbor. n Writer Svks Searatlon. XKW YOltK, June 17. letter In dicating th:it Mrs. Annette Bwtrt Schwartz Fleischer, traveler, lecturer and public sehinltencher. is an ex-ItremeK- temperamental person and even now Is writins a nook about her self which Is to make her "noted of notorious" she hasn't quite decided which -were submitted to Justice ( 'alluRhan in Brooklyn in opposition to a motion for i2 weekly alimony and $SO0 counsel fee. pending trial f her stilt for Cftilftjjhfl n reservt ' My cupe." si "has been such a run it myself. I Adore the reckless, transcendent flight through Th' itrtetl plttnglng Into sudden openings, and grinding sudden, hair-breadth stops: rounding abrupt corners; tossed and I buffeted; Rittltntng Into new Mlill! It all seems somethim? of msef. Yes. or my reckless, da rin, da nger- lov ing self." ) llaaaaaBllaaaW. 1 laaaaH xk2) Score of Big "Movie" Men- producers as well as actors, are constant smokers and out spoken friends of Tuxedo. It's just the soothing, restful, re freshing smoke men of their nerve-racking vocation need. Nothing cahrjs and comforts a hustler Tike a pipeof mild, cool, sweet Tuxedo. ?Fuxedo 11,'M- WILLIAM f! WCOMBS. Tuxedo is aged fromthree to five years in wooden hogs heads to make it mellow and sweet flavored. But the thing that takes out all the bite and harshness and makesTuxcdo so bland and gentle th'at it can't hurt the most sensitive tongue or throat, is the fam ous and exclusive "Tuxedo Process." One week's trial of Tux edo will show you. You cn buy Tuxedo everywhere ji V: I Astoria Bierelw Held. ASTORIA, Ore., Junr Th oommem ement exercises Of 'he OtO rla high Mhool wore held .1! ihe Hldi tnrluni the address belli Aelivl -red I f 3. H. Ackerman, president of tho, stute normal school There were 10 mm berg of the graduating clui and its of fleers were: President, Grace llnmninrstrom; vice president, John: RUlOtt; secretary, James Overton; treasurer Lydla Kahoth. Miss (iraee Hammaralrom was the valedictorian, having maim. lined an I average of 94 per eent during the four year course. Miss Agnes l.ahti wasj Halutatorian. her average grade for thej four years having been 'J2 per cent. , Fimoui f lijfff Vy 'ffljpj nig; "unnry 1 Ready. THF. DALLES, June IS. -The big t T II. K,. l . 1 If. t IV.1... la I . I 1 1 1 1 1 i vji until), onirn mvhj prepared to handle the fruit of cen- H tral Oregon, and everything Is in 'f I readiness the moment the fruit begins arrive, aiiordlng to Manager imphell Asqotth i. and- llnsHlons. LADYBANK. Scotland, .lime IT. In observation of the 30th annivet ary of his election to the house Commons from Burt Fife. Premier As-1 ouith -isited his constituency for the i titst time since the oiitbreuK or the j Mr. Campbell said that the recent War He addressed a great meeting very warm weather ha practically Of his supporters and many who in 1 made no for the late season and that past years had been his opponents. j fruit now ... developing very rapidly The premier made a touching re- especially cherries, ference to the death of Field Marshal j t is announced that the cannery If Karl Kitchener as '-leaving a place expected to begin the season's opera. It. olid constitutional life thai none thins next week else can fill and a memory that Rrlll live as long as the Kritish empire." , HoMM lire llaglng. In a survey of the war situation j WI.VNIPKCS June 17. A forest firo Premier Asiiuith declared that the i Is sweeping the timber lands near Russian advance was one of the most I Fertile H. 0 today, ll was reported brilliant feats of the war. to be spreading rapidly. I In Gtan HumiJtri, iOcandWc. THE AMFRICAR TOBACCO COV.i'AITT IUimnIsIhiI Is PnafOfl. VIUiilNIA. Minn., June 17. Blood sheil is anticipated following the for mal declaration of the striking Iron miners in refusing to pay attention to the police order to leave the city. The police threaten to force them out. The miners organized and armed 100 men. Haywood was reported to he here. The organizer declared that three deputies would be shot for every miner shot if trouble starts. Perfect Health Is EveryWoman'sBirthright K Prescription That from Girlhood to i OM Kit Has Been a Blexsior lo Womanhood. HUGHES IN N. Y. TO BEGIN CAMPAIGN mm JEWETT IS AUTHORITY ON BIRD LIFE IN THE STATE MKMJiKIt OK moLOGICAL gUHVKI IS AUTHOR H BSVBBAL ARTICLES. Huw many people of L'matilta county have any Idea of the number of different pcciee nr birds In this part of the .Mte? How mmy can recognise more than a doren birds when the' eee them? How many know what birds are common and What are rare In these parte Pendelton Is now the home of one of the foremost authorities In the northwest on bird and animal life. He 1 Stanle.i Jewett of the biological sur vey, author of many articles on the feuna of the northweat and who ha worked for the government and state tor many years gathering blologiial data sun ! . Mi Jewett took a walk up j the river and noted 34 different spe I l ies of birds. Thia is only about a .third of tht different species that are to be found here, he estimates, and he aspects within a few months to ha e a complete catalogue of the bird and annual life of Umatilla county. Mr Jewett doesn't have to eee a bird to tell what it is. He knows it b its song or call and can give Its com- mon or scientific name without con sulting any hook. He has something over 1200 specimens In his own col lection and haj gathered several thou sands for the government and state While out Sunday Mr. Jewett discov ered a blackheaded grosebeak dead on Its nest, evidently having been .killed by a hawk. He skinned th bird and stuffed It to add to his collection. Of the 34 kmds M birds, Mr. Jew ett saw Sunday the rarest in these Parts were b.iti holder's woodpecker, ash-throated flwatclier, Blate-colored sparrow and house-finch The fol lowing is a list of the various species he encountered and also ol nests that he locsted: ''ass ms vireo, western warblln'i vlreo. Hati'helder's woodpecker. Lew is' woodpecker. Kedshafted flicker, Ash-throated flycatcner, Trails fly catcher, western kmgblrd. eastern kingbird western chipping sparrow, slate colored sparrow, Merlll's ong He came to Kansas City May ID to j sparrow, spurred townee. Lazuli bunt-1 be ordained und was taken III shortly ing, bla'k-headed groxsbeak, mourn-j Inter. Tuesda was the day set for ling dove, ruffled grouse, western'th.' ordination ceremony and though j crow, western meadow lark, western , v cak, Mr. Uerenski Insisted on being ! robin, lonftai'ed ehrckadee, longtall-, ordained. The excitement of the cer- ed chat, belted kingriaher. magpie, emony weakened him. He wished to yellow warbler, western yellow-throat. be allowed to officiate at one maH : kildeer, spotted sandpiper. Brewer's jbefori he died, but was too 111. ' blackbird, desert sparrow hawk, pa-1 . jelfic nighthawk, house finch, Amort Oka Merganaer, Bullock's oriole. Nests found P.edshafted flicker. i western kingbird, slate-colored spar row, Lazuli bunting. black-headed grosbeak, western crow, western rob in, magpie. I I Dealll BadS l.ifi KANSAS CITY. June 20. For 1 years Julian Derenski, 30 years old. 0 I religion and IIOM'. 20. For nlcn! how Suicide. NEW VOHK. June id, Abraham Krledlander shot himself dead at No, 126 Fast Seventy-sixth street. He: had Just called his god-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frledlander, Into the room. They believe that the young man 'luareled with a girl he was engaged to marry. Abraham har changed his his name to please his ""u""' """'"" sweetheart's parents. Still there was to the ume w hen he would be ordain- ; fr)c(Ion h,tW(.,.n ,, ed in the priesthood arid conduc! hlt- first mass. He was ordained at the liedemptorist fhapel Tuewlay. Today he died of pneumonia at the South Mala hospital. Mr. flerenski's perents lived In CM' cago. He took his vows In Kansas City five years ago before going to the liedemptorist Seminary at Ocono mow 00, Wis., to study for the priesthood. CHAJBES E H It Is learned' from government sta tistics that the United States navy constltuples the most thoroughly Am erican body of men In the world. Of the .12.. 161 men aboard American war- or r,-.,K on snore, (T,ee were (n ,hp republic born w thin thr, , . , r, t t , llmli. .,r 1 the United States, and of the remain der 1900 were born In the overseas I rv "n 'he way Into New York on " ' -:: : - ... I I I yGHES Dwa. When a girl becomes a woman, when ft nrntnntl ) ivi,,, a I when a woman passes through the 'changes of niidille life, are the three periods of life when health and strength are most needed to withstand the pain and distress often caused by severe organic disturbances. At these critical times women are best fortified by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, an old remedy of proved worth that keeps the entire female system perfectly regulated and in excellent condition. Mothers, if your daughters are weak, lack ambition, are troubled with head aches, lassitude and arc pale and sick ly, I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is just what thev need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheeks ami make them strong and healthy. I For all diseases peculiar to woman, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a powerful restorative. During the last 50 years it has banished from the lives of tens of thousands of women the pain, worry, misery and distress caused by irregularities and diseases of a feminine character. If you arc a sufferer, it yhur daugh ter, mother, sister need help get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet form from any medicine dealer to-dav. Then address Doctor Pierce, Invalids1 Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y and t'ct confidential nieiheil advice entirely free. You can also obtain a book on woman's diseases, sent free. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and in vigorate stomach, liver mid Ix.wels. Keep the body clean inside as well as outside rDXVWNDfRFUL mssam CH This picture of Churl 1 F,. Hughes nominee for was made on the fer- possesslon of this country. June 12, when he opened his foSl WILLIAM A . WlLLCCTlC ru stmvicm. months campaign hy conferring With n publican leaders In the metropolis. Resides Mr. Hughes Is William It. Vi ileox. u close personal friend and former chairman of the New Yorl Public Service Commission. trouble Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto-Intoxication. Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis and other fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owethelr com plete recovery to Mayr's Wonderful rtomody, I'nlike any other for Stom ,:ch Ailments. For sale by druggists everywhere,