DAILY BAST OREGONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1916. TWELVE PAGES jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiitiiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiNiii: A LEADER OF THE PROGRESSIVES Cut Your Tire PAGE BIGHT ginii llllllllllllllllllfll ; s I I i .tm THE PRODUCT OF EXPERIENCE The Chevrolet Gar ii i 5 is the best and most economical car on the market, for I I $650 I If you don't believe it. we will be pleased to call and 1 I show you. El I 701 E. ALTA ST. PHONE 297 Sam E. Paine, Agent I 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 m r M : M 1 1 M 1 1 1 M M 1 1 1 1 1 S 1 M M 1 1 M I t r I m r 1 1 1 1 M I M 1 J I M i I M 1 1 j r i J M J 1 1 1 f f M M j r 1 M i 1 1 M J 1 4 1 1 J T f OF -ALD ANIMALS FOR CIRCUS IS NO SNAP i;ktk-t OAM.Kli COMES TO MKS WHO (. INTO HUNTS FOB SP1 VIMl sa. ular evening service. o'clock. Ser mon by the pastor, subject, "A Stran ger at the door." Anthem by the ;uartet. Solo, Mayree Snyder. WILLIAM FLIKN. ONE OF THE FIGURES AT CHICAGO Christian, Sunday, June 11. Bible school ses sion opens at 9:45. -This is) a school for all ages. Good live classes with efficient teachers, li a m , preach ing and .communion service; Pastor Hubbell will preach upon the theme. Joint Heirs With Cnrist," Rom. VIII 17. Children's Day program by the Sunday school at 7.45 p. m. All are invited. Kew who see wild animals in cages realiaa the vast amount of trouble, danger and expense necessary' t" set, them there. The greatest danger lies; 'n tapturing the wild animals in their native country With the John Rob-j IMM Shows which will give two per-i Icirmances in Pendleton. June 14, there are several, hundred wild ani- mals most ot which were captured inr the fonst and jungles of their native, countrv. There is no more ticklish or danger ous task than tracking lions in the vast Nubii.n deserts The scorching sun MM down with such force that lew men can stand it. The effect on the eyes is blinding There is little or no shad The wariest and most careful hunter may be tracking an an- Bsptist, Bible school, 9:45 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m. subject. "A Greek Vision." B. y. P. I'.. 7 p. m. The Children's Day program will be given instead of i he sermon at S p, m. E. R Cleven- Btethodist, The following services will be held i t:.t Methodist Church tomorrow: - in h school at 10 a. m ; Epworth League at 7 p. m.; preaching at 11 a. in and 8 p. m. Morning subject, "The Marki of Jesus" Text, Gal. 6:17. Ev-ni,- subject, "Seeing the Races"! Text. Heb. 12:1-2. ie tme be tracked seeking, who may ie time be tracked is forms are used imal, and at th by the animal imal. and at the same time For capturing full-gro large traps of various forrr One trap is square, one of the sides lifting upon a spring like the old fashioned mouse trap. This trap is hated with a piece of fresh meat, and us soon as the lion nas entered the trail the door shuts down and he is a prisoner More than a score of lions with the John Robinson Circus were i-uptuted in this manner Elephants are generally caught in MM A number of men surround the elephant after they have previous, ly formd a circle of fire about, the !east The fire gets closer and closer to the elephant and finally a noose is thrown over his head. He is then se curely tied to a tree aid allowed to remain there until quiet. Tame ele phants are then brought into use and appear to be a sort of persuasive in making the huge animals tractable. In catching snakes various devices are used. One Is to set the grass n tire in a circle where it is known that snakes have hiding plates. As they rush out they are caught in large nets founted on Mr,.,, Jen hoops to hi h Is attac hed a Large hag. ATTRACTIVE HUSBAND DISFIGURED BY WIFE SHERMAN, Texas, June 10. Be cause she feared her husband was at tractive to other women, Mrs. I.. P. Gathright poured lye In his eyes and over his face as he slept, according to a confession Sheriff Simmons claimed the woman made. Gathright's sight was destroyed and his face terribly eared. Most of the armored motor cars used in the present ar for outpost and scouting duty are Incased in a light frame of tough steel plate, rang ing In thickness from three quarters of an inch to a quarter of an inch, and are impervious to rifle and machine gun fire. jjrf8Hv"""rl - lal&fci S. WILLI AM KENYON. German Destroyer Is Sunk. AMSTERDAM, via London. June The Telegraaf says that German MtroKpr struck a mine and went 'vn off Zeebrugge May 31. Parchment manuacri years old, from which faded from view, have I Berlin scientist wtin them with ultra violet Pts nearly HO' the Ink ha been read b: photograph rays. SCENE OF GREATEST NAVAL FIGHT IN HISTORY OFF DENMARK COAST 6 HURCH ES ChMcfe i,t tin- Redeemer. Tomorrow being Whitsunday thersi ill be a eilebration o! the H"ly Com-' Uttloa at 7:30 a. m. ; Sunday school! at 10 a. m ; divine service at 11 a. ra. : and 8 p. m. Harry Williams of Port- land will be the soloist All are cor-1 dially invited, rharles Quinney, ree-' t,,r Ctintitlsn scJcinv. K Wei, I, and JotiiiKon streets Ser vices Sunday, 11 a m. and 8 p m. Sunday school, LI a. m . Wednesday. . p m Subject of lesson sermon "fined th.- Hssswm .,r Mm" The reading r,, m at the church is open dally, except Sunday from until 4 in lTi.byt-r,lii. The following seivbe vH l- held .:t the Presbyterian hurch tomorrow. Sunday school, lo a. ni . morning WOT ihlp. li a m; sermon by the pastor Subject, "Waysile Incidents In the Ufe of the Master " Anthem by the oUHriet. sole. Mae Hager. Kollnwlng the in,,rnlng service, the i ongren ,tl"n wlil go to Pilot Rock to Mttend the Children's Day exercises and partlcl I'.tU in a basket dinner Vou are nskrd to Join us If you can find a wav tt go L'eople who nave cars should invite those who have not to ride with them V P S C E . 7 p in. Pop- SSCOTID (ffiX f L J, NORTH T P A HULll -HELGOLAND CI ENGLAND v-2berun "' """ . " . . , . ,,; xr'&Cy. ' 1 ' - JHE- Warspite fi KHCKC THE SiA 3ATM was rovoni The greatest sea fight In the history , the coast of Denmark, May 31, In' to have been sunk along with nine I warfare was the battle be- which the Wareplte. one of the five other Important Rritlsh vessels This i and British ships off; greatest battleships built, was believed! map shows the location of the fight. naval Auto Accessories id Supplies Fire Extinguishers Tires and Tubes Weed Chains Water Bags Blow-out Patches Tire Tape Spot Lights Jacks Shock Absorbers Camp Stools Gabriel Snubbers Tire Covers Pumps, Clocks Batteries Spark Plugs Brake Linings MOTOROL Non-fluid Lubricants In fact your every re quirement in the accessory line is to be found here. Vulcanizing and Retreading The largest and best equipped plant in eastern Oregon. Our Gasolene Service Station is conveniently lo cated at our curb. Free air and water at our curb for ALL. Our employes are ex perienced in their respec tive lines and our service department can be relied upon to relieve your auto mobile tire troubles at the least expense, in the most efficient manner and to your entire satisfaction. Cost With 010 Here's the big tire the big tread the big mile age getter the big service performing tire. Here's the tread which stops all skids, all ways. Here's built-in strength, resilence, toughness and long wearing value. Here's the tire that gives hundreds of thousands of men the most for their money, and by an over whelming majority they have selected Diamond Squeegee Tread to do their work. The best thing you can do for yourself and your car is to PUT ON DIAMONDS We watch your tires from the day they are put on until the day they are discarded. If your tires give you trouble or you suspect they are defective. COME TO US. WVwill give you valuable informa tion regarding the care of your tires and it will cost you nothing. t For Best Service and Supplies SEE US PendletonRubber&SupplyCo. ! 305 East Court St. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WM. DUNN, Manager. Telephone 135 LENORE Ulmch " PAULA" At tlio Vita Sunday and Monday. A watch requires n r, separate parts more than 2400 operations being ne eessary In Its manufacture. Northern Pacific Ry. THE YELLOWSTONE PARK LINE THROUGH TRAINS EAST NONE BETTER GET THE BENEFIT COURTEOUS TREATMENT SUPERIOR DINING SERVICE. EASTBQUND SUMMER EXCURSION DAILY FROM JUNE 1. li. S. LAND OPENING. Colvllls Reservation. Register (or a chance July 6th to 12nd, at Wilbur, Wash., the reservation Gateway. The fflcial drawing wl) be at Spokane, July 27th; ask ths agent Round Trip Homeseekers' Rates TO MONTANA, and return. Low, attractive. Let us explain them. TO CALIFORNIA, have your ticket read from Portland via the "Great Northern Pacific S. S. Co. Fast Palatial Steamships, making train time (but 26 hours at sea.) Low fares, with berth and meals included. Tickets and full information WALTER ADAMS Agent, Pendleton, Ore. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A. Portland, Ore. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL, June 7-9. LOW FARES. LEHMAN HOT SPRINGS J. M. ROYER, Manager. The Blue Mountains Most Popular Health and Pleasure Resort. OPENS JUNE 15th I Thor note ooohlv Renovated Rates Reasonable CABINS FOR RENT. FREE CAMPING GROUNDS. You Will Like Our Meals Swimming, Dancing, Hunting, Bowling, Fishing, Hot Mineral Water. i