East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 05, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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1 1
Coffee Fads
Good Coffee Depends on the Making and the Quality
One is Just as Important as the Other.
We r;irry tho best grades of Coffee selected by experts
and blended for its cup value.
Seal Brand
If not we would like to have your order, as we know
you will be a regular customer. In sealed cans only.
1 pound can 45
2 pound can 85
3 pound can 91.25
5 pound can $2.50
Grav Bros. Grocery Co.
Two Phones, 28. 823 Main St
Hoy rndetwKs 0xmtitii.
Ely Kmbysk's little son underwent
an operation Saturday for the ri'inov.H
of his tonsils and adenoids.
the school year. Rem a substitute for
the summer while he turns to more
profitable form of laDor and then re
nnet's it when he returns to school m
'he fall. Uist summer he took over
Mb in Motor Kun. ,he garden of the Mgr. school agrlcul
Dwight Jesse, well know,, and pop-ltural department and made good re
ular young conductor of the O.-W turns This year he ha ten acres in
has hid In the motor run between potatoes on the reservation
Pendleton and Umatilla.
Mid".- lit, cenii.i ill
Icrailni'nt at 1 iftli .
Owing to a small derailment on the
main line running through the Uieth
yards, passenger trams last ,.
had to he routed by on a side track
Judge Thomas Pits Gerald, city re
order, is confined to his bed with an
attack of la grippe
T. Temple Oulte ill.
J F. Temple, veteran lVndletonian.
s still an invalid at his home u., i
suffering with a sciatic complaint and
his advanced age makes his
O'Brien (H-rut(l tin.
Word has been received from P
I. mi that T. F. O'Brien, local agent
of the O-W. R. , x. underwent an op
eration at St. Vincent s hospital Fri
day for the removal or gallstones.
He Is reported to have rallied, well.
Warm Weather
Causes summer needs to come autck and fast
Men s
I'alon suits
H. V, l. Union Bull
POKM Knit Suits
solsctte sport Shirt
Work shirts, sport style
Work shirts 39,
Work Socks
I lock ford Soeks
INiros Knit I iiion-
Boys' nib Overalls
lUl.ts Suits .
Mi ll's suits .
. Re
. Bo
2.V, 49c
si. tin. M.M, SS.k, $i.h
. sti.mi. I2..V, $14,TS
Ladies' Muslin (Jo wild SIC, Me, lis.-. SI. ID. $.M
I jh lies' Muslin skirts Ilk. tie, use. 11.41, fl.
IjiiIIiV sleeveless Vests So, H l-Sc, IP.-, II I-'
IjmIIcs Onion suitM Ilk), itc, . tc
infants Cotton Itubea Shirts 25c
NMMVth Waists 18c
stork Pants 15c
Utdlet' White Summer DteaaM SS.H, SI-MI, $.
White IHmltlcs, stripee or itws liars, 10c, til t-lc
I 111 broideries Be, 8 I - it.-. I lie, 12 l-SC to Mo
xvhiu- Bkxmwn i&c
(.Iris White Drawee I He . m. . SI I III. SI. US
J. C. Penney Co. Inc.
Mon- Election Expenses,
The campaign expenses of lieoige
A. I'ressy amounted to $26.30, Oliver
Dickenson was out lii.SO and (i. W.
Brkdles wa-s out ts3.:.4. according to
their statements filed with the countv
St. George Grill
& P. O. Elks Attention.
All Elks are requested to meet at
the lodge room at 1:15 tomorrow aft
ernoon to attend the funeral of Bro.
Frank Murphy, which will be held at
2 o'clock
you want
a good
35c Merchants Lunch
Served Daily.
W. O. W. Attention.
There wil lbe a social entertainment
and meeting tonight at S p. m at Eagle-Woodman
Hall. Refreshments.
CmtahBnHIa coming Hack.
Cuba Crutchfield, champion fancv
roper, and his wife, who is a talented
vocalist, will return to Pendleton
jhout June 20, according to a letter re
ceive.! from the former bv n
Drake. They are In vaudeville .-till
recently appeared xx the Attn theater1 v--.. m
here. I annu ni.h k. i i ...
viir 11.,.- I'li'iikin nun Ml Wit?
circuit AnnH feu 4litAss 1
"ad Rattle With ltattler. husband. Kay Clark. adenine .,.....
Hill" McKinnev teller at the ..,,'.,,. Th i-j ... . .
- - - - .- cn' uiairieu in iowu in
onai nana. Us counting : 1 90 4 ami have four children The de
fray hairs among the red today assertion is alleged to have occurred in
the result of a terrifying encounter he I December. 1913 She also asks for
had with a rattlesnake yesterday while title to a lot In Pre water. Peterson
fishing on the north fork of McKay & Bishop are her attornevs
creek. The rattler was coiled about I .
18 inches from him as he spied it and, Peterson and Kins Ejected.
....m jusi as tie jumped. It missed Will U. Peterson this mornln. re-
ling locl floral show. The Tallman
land Pendleton drug stores. Popular
''ash Store. Sayres and other stores
have these displays In the windows.
All persons having roses who would
like to have them on display may
jstnd them to any of the stores accom
I pan led by a card giving the name of
I the rose. b. whom grown and calling
attention to the floral show.
Leave ivr Kant
Mrs. J, L, Stockman and nephew,
Lowell, are leaving today for an ex
tt nded visit in the east. They will go
to Niagara Fulls, Washington, D. C
! for a time and later spend two of
three months In Ohio.
Lost June 2nd, between Pendle
ton and Ijt Orande, two 7x5 tires la
riated on clincher rims. Notify Mc
l.e.n Auto Co., Pendleton, Oregon.
Lost Between Pilot Rock and
Pendleton, Saturday night, half breed
bulldog, black tall bob, white stripe
in forehead. Suitable reward for In
formation leading to return of same
Phone 16F14.
him and. after an exciting battle
kinney killed it.
Mrs. Ina Rice was among the Pen
dleton people going down to the Rose
Festival today.
THE most popular drink
in Pendleton
MC- celvrd a telegram from Secretary of
: State Olcott advising him that he and
Will !. King had been elected dele
gates to the national democratic eon
' .-5 Ventlon which meets In St. Louis on
, June 14 Mr Peterson expects to
leave toward the latter part of the
week an.l he will probably be accom-
pan led bj Judge Dennett of The
Dalles and Judge Crawford of La
Q ran da
flacks thorn in Hovtea,
In a letter received by "Doc" C, S.
Kvaus. Oeorge Hackathorne. former
Pendleton boy writes from LM Angeles
that he and his half-brother, Bodie
Coffey, have already worked in three
moving pictures down there, one a
Vitagraph entitled "Through the
Wall," one a Fox Film called "The
f." aml De,a Lasky un-i K"t WW HWe l-ri- saddle,
named. He Is now working, he s.ivs : tin... ..,.i.. n. ...
, ,.K , , ' i. u, niyior as Kinc
" Jhe Parson of Panammt." starring J0, of the Rose Festival, rides at the
Dutrtia Farnum. nau of thp pendl(,n I0Un,M-p foll,
in the festival parade Friday his
Mad.- a Coud latch.
James Howler, Lyman Rice. Robert
Lu.lwlg and Chester Martin made u
trip up Birch creek 25 miles yester
day and spent the day fishing. They
brought back a good catch Many an
glers were out yesterday despite the
v. ind and dust.
-' j yy t 1 1 uiciA-j
EYfsie,pd CI 4K f.mniiin
Phone 609
Ootec Over 1 'migrant Trail.
George Feebler, prominent
Ralph u-n sTitio,
James A. Ralph Of H.iuiiston. who
was murdered reetuUy, left personal
property worth $7 1 00, according to a
pititlon filed for the appointment of
an administrator. The property con
sists Of slock in the Hero.islioi lleht
company, an auto and other personal
property. Frank Ralph, a brother,
was appointed administrator.
Refreshing Invigorating Non-Intoxicating
In a class by itself as a summer
drink for men, women and children
On Draught and in Bottle
at Following Resorts:
'"onner's Cigar Store.
Billy's Place
Courts & McDevitt
The Crescent
Round-l'p Pool Hall
W. W. Hoch
Bungalow Pool Hall
The Charles Co.
Gritman's Cigar Store.
Served at the Following
St. George Grill
Quelle Cafe.
Sold to the family trade in cases of one dozen bottles and up,
quarts or pints.
We also recommend our new True Fruit drinks,
PORT-0 and PEND-O.
Brewed and bottled by
Wm. Roesch Bottling Co.
City Brewery.
Wholesale and Family Trade. Telephone 528
ton pioneer who was Saturday elected
as president of the fmatllla Cmintv
Pioneer association, will leave tomor
row by auto for Albany. Ore . to visit
for a month. He will be accompanied
by his wife, grandson and niece. Mrs.
W. S. Mayberry of Milton. Mr. Pee
hler will follow as closely as possible
the old emigrant trail which he first
went over in 1853.
throne will be the haanttfni r.ri. ,,!
Pendle-j die won last year at the Round-up by
Lee Caldwell, chatnnion broncho host.
,r Hamley Co. the makers, packed
it yesterday and shipped it down to
Portland so that the president of the
Round-up would have a saddle be
neath htm befitting Ins rank and sta
Mini- (m .All Northwest Team.
Wesley Mims. captain of the Pendle
ton high school track team, has been
generally selected to the all-northwest
interscnoiastic track and field team.
His record of 154 feet and one Inch in
the javelin throw, made in the Walla
Walla meet, is the best made In the
northwest this year or any other year
by a high school athlete. Vims is the
only eastern Oregon man to be select
ed on the theoretical team Young
Mims left yesterday for Portland to at
tend the Rose Festival.
Pythian! Ui F.ntertaln Brothers.
This evening Damon Lodge Xo. 4.
Knights of Pythias will entertain the
members of the other Pythian lodges
i t the county at then- hall In this city.
inis Will be the Incur kniurhtu' roeln
(ot st too ami Then Deserted.
Married March 4. 1S16. to Do le H.
Ooodman, Elisabeth M. Goodman al
leges that in the following May she
desired to sell a piece of property and
that before he would sign the deed,
compelled her to pav him 1100. Im-
mediately afterwards he deserted her.
she alleges, she asks that her maiden
name of Llnsner he restored to her.
Carter & Smythe are her attorneys.
June Weddings Numerous.
Han Cupid's business is picking up,
now that June, the fabled month of
1 marriages, has arrived. Five licenses
June 1 Pearl Month
Every woman before Clea
patra and since has admired
beautiful pearls.
They are worn by women of
fashion and refinement
throughout the world.
We will be pleased to quote
prices on real pearls to inter
ested customers.
Cultured pearls in rings and
La Totca pearl strands we have
for your inspection.
Royal M. Sawtelle
Since 1887.
Of P. lodges in the county, one each
at Athena. Adams. Weston. Milton.
Helix and Hermiston. Rig representa
tions are expected from each this ev
ening. Work in the esquire and
knight ranks will be put on and re
freshments will be served. J W. Ma
loney, J. K. Snyder and W. I (iadwa
- I are the committee In charge.
i. is. iiy s industrious.
Arnold Reed, high srhooi hoy and I Roees are Displayed,
track athlete, is one of the most in-j Many prettv display! of roses may
dustrious students the school boasts, be 'in the windows of down town
He keeps a paper route all during stores to draw attention to the com-
uiouuu ior me entertainment given , , .
them recently in tnelr visits to the n '"" Saturday and today. One
other indws Th.r. ... Iwas "ecurel b' Thomas Carvassa
. Il.ese all.l .MISS 1 n s" Sh.'tnt' e of Ml.
Ion and one was secured esterday by
Cephus C. Mustard of Nye and Vash
tie Morse of Freewater. Saturday li
censes were issued to Harry M.
Chambers and Phyllis C. Parkes of
this city and William Arthur Robin
son and Maude Kdith Kmmerson.
- - ,
m T1LM I
' f t 5CRV1CC.
''. " - '' ' - ' '
I . I... Defeats colored Boys.
The Colored Tigers of Pendleton
went down to Kcho yesterday and
l ined the crack team of that town.
Though they lost by a score of 3 to 0
they put up a strong game that sur-
prised the Kcho people. A grand to
tal of five hits was made by both
teams, Krause for Kcho holding the
Tigers to two and Bracken for Pen
'ileton holding the leaguers to three,
j However, the colored hoys were
weaker in the field. Krause struck
out 1". men and Bracken six. Neither
allowed a walk. The game was n hur
led In the fast time of 1 hour and 35
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
Rose Festival?
Hotel B&rr
your headquarters. Two
blocks from Union Depot
and close td festival cen
tre. Hot and cold water
in all rooms.
Rates 50c, 75c and $1.00
Write for reservations.
i Dr. 1 1 Robbins
18-20 Judd Bid., (Jor.
Court and Main Sts. Den
tistry of best quality using
the latest painless meth
ods. Evening and Sunday
by appointment.
Telephone 229
Everybody's Going! j
Milton Horse Show I
I and Strawberry Festival 1
Fine Display of Illonded Stork.
Horse itaces. Haseball Hume, other
Danelng Afternoon and Evening.
Batiacher'i Big United shows all week
m You are invited to join the crowd.
Wind Defeat DmattHa's Man.
The heavy wind of yesterday de
feated the plan of the citizens of I'ma
Olla to pay yueeti Muriel of the Hose
Festival a pretty compliment. They
hud made all arrangements to send
her a huge bououet of roses so that
she might wear roses from her home
county. W. E. Pound of that place
has some white Frau Carl Urnskl roses
that viewers declare cannot be sur
passed in Portland or elsewhere. The
wind of vesterday however whipped
them so badly that the buds and
blooms were both so damaged that a
creditable display could not be picked.
The citizens of Umatilla are very much
disappointed In not being able to car
ry out their plans but declare that.
when Queen Muriel returns, they will
end her a bouquet Just to prove the
claims they have made for the benu.
of their roses.
mmmm mmm mttiHimniiniiin mtttmnnHaimmtnttimiHiiiiil
NBW rORK. June 2 --"The neaco
5Cf the world will finally he brought
I about by the United States." snys Muis
S Wewai. the only Japanese delegate to
Sthe 13th biennial convention of the
I Federation of Wom-n's clubs, now In
(Paid Advertisement.)
For rent 3 housekeeping rooms.
I'hone 791W.
Furnished house for rent, close In.
I'hone 219R.
Wanted Second hand piano. Ad
dress "S" this office.
For rent 2 nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, 726 Johnson.
For rent Light housekeeping
rooms. 40! Aura. Phone 308W.
LoBt Envelope for top of Hudson
auto. Jeuve Domestic Ijiundry and
receive reward.
If you want a good cook and a com.
Winn uiith, bcd i, n iwxoy anu wife
jias made u report of this work before, at 210 West Webb street, Tuesday or
' tin. ft iti van t I in TIT.. .1.. .!.. UI a.
Miss Kewal halls from the Philip
pine Islands, where she has spent
some time In working among the lep-
its and day nurseries In Manila. She
A V f.J mr Mn
There's a reason why there are more than
one million three hundred thousand Ford
cars in use today, and that reason is based
on the matchless service and economy of
Ford cars. Universal service is the most
conclusive evidence of genuine value.
That, is one good reason. Buy today
Touring Car $492.45; Runabout $442.45;
f. o. b. Pendleton. On sale at
812 Garden St. Telephone 63
i, v-
I. -- -
sslon here.
...v VHTVMtavw r 1 1 II ' ' 1 ,1 I II IB rTITH.