East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 05, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Motion Picture Mews;
Last Time
The Alta Theatre
What tin i-li'lure n ap r. Have
to TeH You.
i'l CAN 111 . DOME.
Ethel Clayton and Tom Moore in
unniiinn Aim uir urniiAiiu
UULLAno m ll VUrlffl
In Addition Ham 6 Bud and The Masked Marvel
Crane Wilbur in
1 Law Unto Himself
Garbage Mir Is Gunnl'il
Nmv rOIUi June I. WlM arm
ed, guards ana n named win- fence
r presen Kdwnrd P, Doyie'l Idea of
preparedness In defending the posses
sion of the meadow land on Staton In
land Sound, at Martnrr'H Harbor, on
Which li Is proposed to afOI tho gar
bage disposal plant.
If Doyle has hi way and hi- Is
banked tiy Mm vlgtlan ommlttee or
ISO representing 21 lil'limind civic
'.rgaalzailons- the harbage plant will
i ever lie erected und will not fall In-1
to thr possession again of Sterling
Iimke, real mill itim , of 29
Uroadway. New YorK. who declares
he awncd the land and disposed 0f It
for Ihe erection of the Incinerator.
Contrails for tin plain have been
IWM by Mayor MUchel and tho
1 oard of estimate Pnle, who says
iho lend came In him through a grant,
surveyed his pre pn roil n csa prepara
UODI last ii i k lit and dryly remarked
that possession was nine-tenths of the
Aftor a ronfereni o yesterday be
tween Borough President Calvin Van
Nmip and Superintendent of Hulld-i
mioi William McDermott, tho latter I
announced that the Borough Prcsl-;
donl had ordered lilm lo refuse to la-,
io a building permit for the erection
of ihe trtWIt plant
5MI Klllnl lii Britain.
LONDON, Juno fi. in the attacks
the Itrlilsh Idea from sea .m. air
tin ni- the war. 2166 persona tiavfl
lieen killed or wounded. The BUMlbef
of deaths la 650.
Tho figures were Riven In the houao
ff commons by Hereon l, Samuel,
thr homo aocrotary. us follows
In the three attacks from boh. 61
mon. 4" women and 40 ehildron were
killed, and fill person woro Injured.
"la the 41 air raids. 222 men, 114
women and 73 children wore killed,
.mil 1006 persons wore Injured."
Was Elected Judge of Supreme Court by Largest
i lajority Ever Given to Any Judicial Aspirant
In Fart tile lantlmc Proved It Ycw
Hundreds held apelltiound by a hu
man story on the screen, which, ac
ordlng to the ethics or "the popular
drama," should be a hopeless failure
There la no villain; no vampire wo
man, no murder by Die old toll-Kate,
no rags-are-royal-ralment when worn
for virtue's sake; no furniture broken
In a fight; no one pulls a gun; no one
ihokes the leading lady, no one forges
a check; no one steals the baby; no
one plants a bomb; no one cracks tho
safe; no dictograph; no lawyer; no
mortgage; no poison.
Everything the public Is supposed
to want is absent, yet "Dollars und the
Woman," featuring Tom Moore and
Ethel Clayton, a photoplay version of
Albert Payson Terhune'a story, "Dol
lars and Cents," Is creating a stir that
already marks It as tile most notable
screen success of the season.
In addition. Ham Hud and the
Masked Marvel. Last chance. pas
t'me today.
Starred by famous leavers M dapta.
tion of 'Audrey."
Pieumonla destroys annually 132 -40
lives and Is the most prevalent and
most fatal of all the acute communl-
able diseases Its occurrence has
! i
A dishevelled, ban-footed, radiant
ly happy girl, with nalr streaming
out behind her, sped madly down tho
course, easily out-distancing all her
competitors, and was erected with a
burst of applause as she won the race.
It was Pauline Frederick, the beauti
ful Famous Players star, who eschew
ed tho role of adevntuross to play tho
title part In the adaptation of Mary
Johnson s celebrated novel "Audrey,"
adapted as a play by Harriot Ford and
K. F. Bodd i ngt on , which Is the Para
mount Picture at the Alt Today.
"Audrey" Is distinctly dlfferenl
from any character which Miss Fred
erick has over played on tho screen
before and it Is Interesting to note
that the star herselr has declared It
to be the one which she has most on
Joyed playing I'nlike "Zasa." "Bella
Donna" and Donna Itoma In "The
Eternal City," Audrey is a simple, un
sophisticated girl of tno woods who
has been rescued from the Indians
when a child, made tho household
drudge of a hypocritical minister and
his wife, and is finally nearly drowned
by an angry mob that believes her to
be In tho power of a witch.
"Hippodrome Vaudeville"
In the Comedy Sketch "AS If WAS" by Jin C. $
Daniel Frohman Presents
In a Vivid Adaption of Mary Johnston's Celebrated
Novel and Play
Adapted by Harriet Ford and E. F. Boddington
'Tammany's Tiger"
2 reel Bison.
War in Mexico
COMING to the Chautauqua is Judge it M Wanamaker of (he supreme
court of Ohio, the BU who threw the doors of the Ohio courts open to
the people In such a way thai every man lias access to those equal rights
guaranteed to him under the law. The eminent jurist's expose of defects in
shown considerable reduction during I legal procedure. Invigorated by remedial measures, which personal domonstra
tho last in years, falling from lso.5 1 tlon warrants him to present; Is of most timely Interest lo every liberty loving
deaths to llin.non population In 1900
to 131.4 in 1913.
nine Wllhnr in "A law I nto Illm
seH," lastlmr TAicwday-Wednesday.
Ohio Town s tin the Map.
SANDUSKY, ().. June 5 The vil
lage of Slyde, 14 mllcB aouthwest of
this city, was the home not only of
Ihe highest ranking officer killed dur
ing tho civil war hut also of tho first
American killed In Ihe Spanish-Ameri
can war. It has the distinction also
of being the nucleus of wht Is now
ihe Women's Relief Corps. General
I .1 11. McPherson, killed at Atlanta in
the civil war, and George B. Mack,
the first American killed in the Span-Lsh-American
war, are both burled
According to Joel Elliott, of Clyde.
Mrs. Hatlle McPherson. aunt of Gen
eral McPherson, organized the first
I .idles' Aid Society arter the civil
war began, and It was from the l a
dies' Aid Society of the '60s that tho
Women s Kellef Corps of the present
clay grew
Elliot says further that Army rec
ords at Washington will show that In
proportion to population, more men
enlisted at Clyde for both the civil
anil Spanish-American wars than
from any other place or Its size in the
raited States.
President Garfield was to havo
I een tlie principal orator ai the unveil
ing of tho McPherson monument
when, on Saturday, July 2, 1SS1, h
b ft the White House to go to the sea
side to spend Sunday with his family
before proceeding to Ohio, and was
hot while waiting for his train.
l( lias House Famine.
AKRON, 0., June o. Because of
the Influx of workers attracted by
good wages in the rubber factories
that are crowded with orders. Akron
l. In the midst of a house famine
Many families are living in tents un
til new houses can be put up.
Patrolman Pat McGuiro has his
own way of meeting the situation. He
explained in the police court that the
reason he arrested six mon on charges
of vagrancy was to get them a place
to sleep. All were newcomers and
had Jobs but couldn't find rooms.
At the Temple.
"Tlie Woman's Law- Is a modern
c'rama, the theme of which is largely
hullt up on the curious (although al
together probable), theme of a man's
physical double George Orcutt, a
dissolute young New York millionaire,
has forfeited his wife's respect and af
fection by his notorrous infidelities..
Gail Orcutt, his wife, centers her at
tentions on her young son, Vance, and
withdraws from society in a sense of
shame for her husband's misconduct
Orcutt, continuing his wild life, slays
a friend in a quarrel over a young
woman. With tho fear of the law on
him he tells his wife all, and she. in
an attempt to save him, starts for the
office of her friend. District Attorney
John Kent. On the way she comes
upon the living double of her husband
a stranger, sitting on a park bench,
his mind stunned by a terrific shock.
She takes the unresisting man to her
home, and, telling her husband to flee,
substitutes the stranger for him.
Temple tomorrow.
Mass said for Irish Dead,
M'.W VOliK, June 5. A solemn
mass of requiem for the irishmen
who fell in the recent revolt in Ire
land or were executed for taking part
In It was celebrated In All Saints
church Members of the Ancient Or
der of Hibernians attended,
Inside the altar rail Stood color
bearers with (he American flag, (he
green flag of Ireland and the flag of
I be short -lived Irish republic pri
claimed by (he Sinn Fein.
The Ancient Assyrians
wore skirts. What a progress toward comfort since)
We regard comfort as all-important.
Bond Clothes
$15 to $30
combine comfort with style in the highest degree.
Bond Bros.
Pendleton's Leading ('Lilian
(8tS Advertising in Brief
Per line first Insertion -luc
Ptr Hue, additional Insertion.. 6t
Per line, per mouth SI 00
No locals taken fur lest lhau 'J5c.
Count 6 ordinary wards to llDe.
I.cs-als will DO! he taken over (he
(elepiioiio eici'pl fioni Kait Oregon
Ian paid-up tniiiscrlbers.
good as new N K. Holt. Helix, Ore
gon. Wanted Experienced girl for gen
eral housework. Ptione 113 or call
600 W Court.
For rent Large, nicely furnished
front room in private home. North
Side. Phone 535 J.
Rooming house for sale. Main
sireet. in center of business district.
Doing good business. Inquire of Pen
land Bros.
For sale Modern five room bun
galow. One year old. Full basement
Five minute walk from Main street
Terms Address "W" this office.
Prompt automobile tail service,
day or n'ght. Funerals to cemetery
only S3 50. Fhone 6S0. Hotel St
George. Carney Taxi Ce.
1300 Buys a big, powerful automo
bile. Machine and tires In Al condi
tion. Terms to responsible party. En
quire "C" this office.
For sale cheap 12 foot Blewett
combine Almost new. D. I. Hop
kins, Helix.
Wanted A woman to keep house
for widower Four small girls. Steady
position for right woman. Address
C. E. Welch, Fklah. Ore.
Ii pays (o buy meals from Boucher
Kains We carry a full line of beef,
pork. muKon. veal, country sausage,
hog lard, smoked bacon and all kinds
of smoked meats. We try to please
118 W. Webb. We buy cattle, hogs
sheep, veal and poultry. Prompt delivery.
showers indicated for latter part of;
the week.
Upper Mississippi Valley and Plains
Stales: First half of week fair with
normal temperatures followed by local
thundershowers and lower tempera
tures after Wednesday.
Rrcky Mountain and Plateau Re
f OBI sad Pacific States: Generally
' .r (neither with temperatures above
the seasonal average.
E. H. BOWIE, Forecaster.
Alaska May Send Bishop.
SEATTLE, Wash., June 5. George
D. Schofleld, republican candidate for
attorney-general of Alaska, says that
the special committee chosen to nom
inate a eandida(e for congress after
James Wickersham, tne present dele
gate to congress, had declined to ac
cept a nomination on conditions of
fered by the republican territorial
convention, will take no action until
after the national republican conven
tion. There is talk of offering the nomi
ntion (o Episcopal Bishop Peter
Trimble Howe.
3 RAiinitin June 8th
hectare and Moving ltnirc
German IfoMl .unnnnl.
NEW YORK. June 5. Negotiations
have been virtually completed, it was'
announced between Germany and a
New York banking house for a new
offering In this market of 1 10.000.000 i
6 per cent serial German governmenl
no(es They will be offered In (his
Country on about 6.2 per cent basis
Paiiik-rss Childbirth.
For rent-Furnished aparlment
rooms. 502 Wa(cr street.
Good building lot for sale on West
Webb street Telephone 5"24.
Penland Bros.' transfer Co. have
torage warehouse Phone 3SS
For sale, Holt gas harvester, 16
foot cut. Phone 2F11.
Oats by carload, cheap. Any N. P ,
or O.-W point. Phone 793W
Dressmaking by day or at home. ,
Room 10. E. O. Bldg. Phone 245M.
I haul your garbage and trash
Phone 53M. 1403 W. Railroad St.
Pundte wheat hay for salo w R
Kcberts, Box 36, Pendleton
Protestant Hospital, Mrs. Jas.
Spears. Hyers Grove, Pendleton, Ore !
Phone 340J.
For rent Furnished rooms foi
light housekeeping or lodging. Brown
Hall. Phone 360
For rent Office room In Judd
building. Apply F. E. Judd. American
National Bank.
For sale, reasonable Horse, wagon,
and harness. Inquire Telephone Sta-bios.
Auto Stage.
For Adams, A(hena and Weston
leaves The Quelle resiaurant at 10 a
in and 4 p. m. each day.
3iiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii minimi! c
WMiMAMAWmn. nr:.- ..t :t.s:.7.v 7: 7: v: r. :: : ".'
For Hire.
Studebaker touring car. r B. Waf
fle. Residence. 284M. Office phonj
130. Adv.
Ixxik Here,
For sale. 36 acres, 30 in cultivation,
good hen house, other Improvements
1-2 mile east of Rieth, Ore, 2 1-2
miles west of Pendlolon, all for JS00.
Inquire at ranch or address F. J. Kcss
ler, City. Adv.
Suits pressed 60c; dry cleaned
11.60. Rudd. 310 W. Webb. Phone
Wanted Mail and wife with no
Children! to work on ranch Inquire
(his office.
Few head of heavy work horses for
sah'. Phone SF12, or write Route 1
Box 44.
l-'or sale- A few nead full blOfM
Shropshire sheep Jas. Porter. Phoni
For sale- Brown and Lew is com
bined harvester; 16 f(. cut and almost
Aliunde S(a(es Tho weather will bo
generally fair with normal tempera
lures until after Thursday when lo
cal showers are probable.
Middle Atlantic states: Generally
fair weather with temperatures near
the seasonal normal are probable dur
ing the week, excepi (hat local show
era are probable aflor Thursday.
South Atlantic and Fast and Well
Gulf States: Normal temperatures
at.d generally fair weather, except
that Mattered thundershowers are
nhio alley and Tennessee: Fair
veathor and moderate temperatures
(he flrel half of the week. Unsettled
weather with local showers probable
after Wednesday.
Region of the great lakes Pair
weather with moderate tempera!
; robable during the m il several da!
Unsettled weather and pruuann ,
I "Sunshine Dad"
Florence Reed
'? Anna Nilsson and Tom Moore in
5 Third chapter ot "WHO'S GUILTY?" Thl i
series ot' photo dramas, :i : ;i i i. I.
,?f,.: i