East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 05, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Dean Tatom
Our cash system of selling groceries is a sort of saving
institution that Pendleton people seem to appreciate. It
puts us in a position to quote low prices that a credit mer
chant can't touch.
No one who will stop to think a moment can question
the contention that, everything else being equal, the mer
chant who sells for cash can be content with smaller pro
fits than one who does a credit business. If not. why, may
we ask, is so much emphasis laid upon the "Spot Cash"
feature of various purchases?
Every time you buy a cent's worth on credit tome one
loses money. Why? Because, you know good and well
any one can buy anything cheaper for cash than on time.
You may be trading by the month and paying your bills
promptly, but we know well that there are some who do
not pay, and you are the one that helps pay these losses.
TENDON "Who are you?" de-
diimandcd a chesty Hrltlsh officer of
ii brawny Scot In kills Just from the!
Highlands. "A'm fine, thank ye,'' re
sponded the Scot, "and hoo's ycrsclf'.'";
I'AKIS Verdun, near which some'
Of tho fiercest fighting of the war hai
deevloped tU used Til 1S03 by Napol
con for the Internment of British civil-1
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pembrooke and
(Jeergo Hoch went to Pendleton Mon
day In the Hoch car.
W. W. Hoch and Lew Huelen went
to Pendleton Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs Dolfay Thompson left
today for Weston and will remain un
til after the picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brace went to
PdAlfltOn today to remain over Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and
Mr and Mrs Henry Thompson expect
to leave tomorrow morning for Wes
ton by auto.
DaiMt' is Glren at Alba W illi Many in
Attendance ; Hud Cotvln Meeti with
Painful A oddest When Horse
Falls; Animal's Neck Is Broken;
Calvin Suffers lYiuturc.
Bert Wisdom of Pilot Rock came
In Tuesday for Levi
load of cream cans.
Mr. f.'ulter, Mr. Ji
lf of Hidaway were
day on business.
Mr. Jones of Wall
buyer was here '
Charley Hynd i
Pilot Uock Krida
with a S."1
lfe went to
meet M rs
( East Oregonian Special. I
1'KIAH. Ore., June 5. Marlon
Jack, James Harenett. Frederic Stei
wer of Pendleton. Asa Thomson of
BohO. John Miller and George Stan-
Ker of Pilot Hock who have been at I automobll
the Gazlnka ranch for the last two Rock.
weeks on a bear hunt, left for their
homes Tuesday; they succeeded In
killing two bear.
Ward Kmlgh of Walla Walla and
proprietor of the I'kiah creumery,
came In Saturday returning Sunday.
Fred Grooms, ranger. passed
through Fktah Wednesday enroute to
Sumpter in response to a message an
nouncing the death of Mr. Ireland,
former ranger of I'kiah.
K W, Shaw, wife and son, Henry
I'onger and daughter and trs. Sarah
Balance of Ing Creek passed through
I'kiah Sunday in their cars enroute to
Walla Walla.
Arthur Cardwell of Long Creffk,
who has been attending school during
the winter at Milton returned Wed
nesday and was the guest of his sister
Mrs. Caldwell Wednesda night, go
ing on to Long Creek hursday morn
ing. Henry Lazlnka and family came in
last Sunday In their car to visit their
daughter Mrs. Ganger returning to
Pendleton Sunday.
Mrs. Meengs and Mrs. Allison came
over Saturday from Bridge Creek to
meet Hi-len Mengs on her return from
school. They returned to Fridge
Creek Sunday.
Ben Colvltl of Ran
Sunday night on business.
it All
Miss Scrngglns
sed the eighth
Hind's sister, Mrs. J. H. Urdhal of
Portland who will visit for a month!
at the Hynd ranch.
Mrs. Jennie Moore left Friday mor
ning for Gurdane to visit her son
Bun Moore and her daughter Mrs
Selhy for a few days.
Walter Helmlck came In Friday
morning from Heppner on account of
the serious Illness of his sister Mrs.
Mrs. Ed Thrasher was brought out
from Bridge Creek Thursday and
taken on to Pendleton to the hospital
where she will undergo an 0 Deration,
J. W. Studlvant purchased a Ford
of Charley Miller of Pilot
Vivian Glbbs of Pilot Bock Is here I
visiting her sister. Grace Gibbs and I
other relatives.
is In I'kiah
Yule Ez-Prealdcnt Hurled.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., June J. At
tended by members of the Yale Cor
poration, the faculties of the various
departments, members of the student
body and distinguished alumni, the
funeral of Kev Timothy Dwight, ex
1 resident of Yale 1'ntversily. was held
from Battle chapel on the college cam-pnt
Kttvumli tomes from well digested
and thoronugbly assimilated food
Hood s Sarsuparllla tones 1he dlgeStlvc.
organs and thus builds up the
ftrength. If you are getting "run
down " begin taking Hood's at once
II gives nerve, mental and digestive
strength. Adv.
(East Gregonlan Special.)
GIBBON, Ore., June 5. Mr. and
Mrs Henry Thompson were In Pen
dleton and Athena Monday '
Mrs. Have Bonlfer and two daugh
ters. Gwendolyn and Genevieve, went
to Pendleton Wednesday
Roy Swart and Will Brace went to
Pendleton Wednesday.
Woman Sought As Clew.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 5 The po
lice were still In the dark as to the
Identity of the Russian anarchist who
was killed here last week In a sensa
tional duel with the police after he
had Bhot and killed Police Sergeant
J. Morlarty. It was Believed that
some light might be thrown "n the
nan's pant by a woman who telephon
ed to a local undertaker requesting
that he take charge of the body The
woman gave her name as "Miss Fits
gerakl," hut gave no address.
Members of the Vnion of Russian
Workers, to whom the dead mnn was
known as Phillip Ward, started a sub
scription lc; pay his funeral expenses.
A dance was givei
day night In honor t
and Miss Dick who I
grade. Those who attended thai js balm
dance from Ukiah were Helen De Vaul j noff,
(la Sturdivant, Clair Murdivant, Harley
Kirk. Gordon Mettle and May Martin
Jim Johnson wife and daughter
were guests at the Peterson hotel
Sundav night enroute to Heppner to
ROSEBL'RG, Ore , June D. Fol
lowing S lengthy conference with
Sheriff George Quine, Thomas Sweek I
and C. B. Montague, federal officers,
left for Portland this afternoon with
4(1 (iiart bottles of whiskey which I
was confiscated Sunday from the
warehouse of the Gardiner Mill Com
pany, at Gardiner.
Sheriff Quine said last night the
liquor taken to Portland would be 55
used as evidence against Zimmerman 5
&Co., of San Francisco, who w ill be ' j
arrested on a charge of violating a S5
federal statute In connection with 1
shipping whisky into Oregon labeled
as beer. The consignment consisted j SE
of 19 separate shipments at 24 Quarts i 55
each of whisky labeled as beer.
I Sheriff Quine and Deputy Sheriff
I Charles Holland returned from Gar- i
(diner this morning with Jack Imhoff 5
I whom the officers accuse of being the
'leader of the gang implimated in the
attempt to defeat the prohibition
law. Imhoff is in the county jail H
I pending a hearing before the grand
jury. Harry Bow man, a resident oi S
rdiner was also brought here and
Ydu whom are anxious to see those new, sheer
Call in and let us show you one of the prettiest and
daintiest line of goods ever shown in Pendleton.
These come in all white, fancy stripes, all white and
white background with colored embroidered figures.
Those large checks and plaid designs that are so
popular. Also some very beautiful flowered ma
terials. These are priced at 15, 20, 25, 35f,
50t 65t, 75, 1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 the yard.
how good the last ones were and how fast they
went. Come pick yours out now, 50 to $1.50 the
MORE NEW AUTO VEILS in those real bright,
nifty colors, such as Tipperary, Wild Rose, Electric,
King Blue and some in varigated shades. These sell
for $1.50 to $2.95.
Also several pieces of new veilings both in plain
and bordered.
ARE ALWAYS BEST. Priced $1.25
to $3.50.
Kayser Silk Gloves, both short and
12 and 16 button.
We are selling lots of our No. 100
Guaranteed Silk Hose at $1.00 the
pair. Have YOU tried a pair?
and colore for
in all sizes
children and
held as a witne;
igainst Im-
Who have
the Sound
Bowman informed the officers that j
I Imhoff gave him a shipping bill fori
1 24 quarts of the whisky and request-
ad him to go to the warehouse, pro-j
cure the liquor and sign the necessary
affidavit He was in the act of ask-I
ling for the liquor when he was arrest
ed by Deputy Sheriff Holland. He
later confessed to his part in the al- j
visit Mr
Alton and Vern Co
been attending school
were passengers on the Saturday iPKed plot and confiscation of the en
night stage enroute to their nome,Vjre consignment of liquor followed
both of body and mind is wonderfully promoted
by including in the diet a daily ration of
This delicious food contains all the nutriment and
energizing properties of whole wheat and barley from
which it is made, and is especially rich in the mineral
phosphates furnished by these grains. These mineral
elements are lacking in many foods, but absolutely
necessary for proper growth and maintenance of body,
brain and nerves.
Grape-Nuts food has delightful flavour, is easily
digested, and comes ready to eat crisp, sweet and
wonderfully nourishing.
From childhood to old age Grape-Nuts.
"There's a Reason"
Pemeco Meats
Prepared In Pendleton
We will buy your eggs, chicken
and veal
Phono 4 Ml.
108 K. Alta
near Itange They left Monday mor
ning on the Long Creek stage for
their home.
Ijester Bolln returned from Pilot
Uock Tuesday with a load of shingles
for his new house which he intends
building on his homestead soon.
Jlmmie Ellis son of Mrs. Mary El
lls of Alba, who has been gone since
last summer, returned to Alba last
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Constants of
Alba were in Ckiah Monday on bus
iness. In- DeVaul was called to Ed
Thrashers on Hrldge Creek Monday
to visit Mrs. Thrasher who Is seri
ously 111.
Btld Colvin son of Hen Colvin of
Itangi'. Crant Co.. met with a painful
accident last week. He was riding a
gentle horse when it stumbled and
fell with him. turning a complete
eommersault. breaking the horse's
neck, also breaking the young man's
collar bone and badly bruising him
otherwise. Dr. Xewmeyer of Tng
Creek was called and soon had him
resting easy, i
Mrs. Alma Bolln is visiting a few
dais in I'kiah with her aunt Mrs. J.
T, Huston.
Mr. Culler of Hidaway Springs left
for Pilot Rock Monday with Charley
Miller, returning Wednesday with a
new Ford car.
Vesta and Irene Kirk who have
been visiting the last week with their
sister Mrs. Chllson on Bridge creek,
returned Monday accompanied by
Mrs Chilson.
DecoraUon day was observed by a
few who went to the cemetery with
flowers to decorate the graves of rel
ative. I'. 1.. Marr of Range came in Mod-
day after a load of supplies.
Mrs. Hraden (iirken of Ritter was
here to meet her mother and sisters.
Mrs Augg and daughters of Pendle
ton who came in on Monday's stage.
(ieorge Kenedy who drives the auto
truck between Pilot Rock and I'kah
has been off duty for a few days on
account of the illness of his wile.
Mr. lireon, ranger of Frailer station
captured three cub bear last week.
Lester Bolin left for Pilot Uock
Sundav returning Tuesday with a load
Of shingles which he Intends using on!
a new house which he Intends build- I
I it g on his homestead, and will begin
work on the building next week.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gil
i l!lund formerly of I'kiah but now of
Pilot ROOK will be pleased to bear of
I the birth of an 11 1-2 pound son
born to them May 29th.
Mat Jones of Range was in town
I Wednesday night on business.
Mr. Kilir a miner who lives about
25 miles up the North Fork of the
John Day river, came in Wednesday
! after supplies.
A large band of sheep belonging to
Aaron Cole, passed through town
Monday going to Mr. Cole's Bridge
creek range.
Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Clark and son
Lynn left for Walla Walla in their
new car Wednesday.
Mrs. Iora Rarrett left for Hood
River Friday morning to be absent a
Mr. and Mrs. Units Pern of Alba
have gone to Idaho on a visit to their
OB and daughter.
The officers believe that a number S
of persons other than Imhoff are im- j
plicated in the affair and several in - : gg
dlctments are expected to be return - i sss
ej by the grand Jury.
Another illicit shipment of liquor g
which the officers seized at Gardiner j
was lost through the carelessness of a j s!
deputy sheriff employed to guard it. 1 2S
Sheriff Quine says inferior whisky has 9E
been sold at Gardiner recently for as
much as $3 a quart.
In addition to having been supple- 555
mented for whisky by the San Fran-
Cisco wholesalers. Sheriff Quine says
It was the plan of those implicated in 1 j
the affair to use "dummies" in re- ,
ceiving the liquor upon its arrival at Sr
Skirts of Indian Head, Gabardine, Cotton Serges, linens and Silverbloom.
These skirts are made up in black and white, navv and white, Copenhagen and white
stripes and in plain white; prices $2.50 to S7.00.
Middies in all color stripes and sizes, $1.75.
Alexander's is the home of the Florsheim Shoes for men and of Sophomore and
Stein Bloch Clothes.
Get that Palm Beach Suit now, $7.50 to $10.00.
Canned Pineapple, 3 cans or 50 Canned Apricots, 3 cans for 50f
Canned Peaches, 3 cans for 50 ,
Canned Blackberries, 3 cans for 50 Fresh Strawberries, box.... 10 and 15
Canned Prunes, 3 cans for 50 Hermiston Gooseberries, gallon 50
The Daylight Store; Better Goods, Latest Styles, Prompt and Courteous Attention.
We pay postage on all Mail Orders.
Rewards ;ivon eta panose.
TOKIO. June 5. About 1.240.000
yen, or $620. ""0. has been granted to
the officers and men who took part
in the Tsins Tau campaign against
Germany, while the pensions due to
111111 I
iniMllllHimiMiimmmm milium mmmiiimiJlllllllJlllllim II if lllfllNII IHIIIimi limilinMllUiHIIIlltMllMmilMUIUimUllUUHUWIlUinilllllMIMIIIIMntlltlllllUillUIl.
the holders of the order of the Golden
Kite, dven in connection with the
campaign, represents an annual dis
bursement of 800,000 yen. or ahout
According to official investigation
there are 74.117 persons in Japan who
are entitled to pensions by virtue of
their holding orders of the Golden
Kite nr orders of the Rising Sun. the
annual expenditure under this head
running to over $5,000,000. In addi
tion no less than J9. 000.000 is paid
tn retired officers of the civil and
military services, the recipients num
bering 143,765. More than 125,000
persons receive annual allowances
from the government, due to the loss
of husbands or fathers while in gov
ernment service.
The grand expenditure total stands
at 37,035.300 yen. or about $18,500,
000. an increase of some 2,500.000
yen 'ver that of the last fiscal year
and of some 3,500.000 disbursed by
the authorities the year before last.
How to Heal
4 3
A Baltimore doctor suggests this
simple, but reliable and inexpensive,
home treatment lor people suffering
i.u evzeiua, ring
worm, rashes and
similar itching, burn
ing skin troubles.
At any reliable
druggist's get a jar of
resinol ointment and
a cake of resinol snan.
inese are not at all expensive. With
the resinol soap and warm water bathe
the affected parts thoroughly, until
they are free from crusts and the skin
ia softemd. Dry very gentlv. spread
on a thin layer of the resinol ointment,
and cover with a light bandage if nec
essary to protect the clothing. Thin
should be done twice a dav. TJ-iually
the itching and burning stop with the
first treatment, and the skin soon be
comes clear and healthv again.
i Almost anv snan will clean the skin
; and hair. Bu those who wnnt a soap
i which not orlv r!enne httt actually
j kelps the comnlevinn and hair are wim
M is
Kentucky ct
as I he prln
death of Ql
em Towers, wife of MIS. tneky. whi
aingressman who figured tueky. has
in the trial for the .ind has
vernor Cioel
RtOtt po
has been a bell
ntered Washingt
at once be
t'.lar women in it
n society
me one of the
tvy the !
New Edison
It talks, sings, plays and
i even breathes with natural
human expression.
With all the new records.
We have them in all styles and
sizes at a very wide range
of prices.
Chll and hoar this wonderful
Ken. machine that you have been
I r'!rhmr nhniif
I Cameras j
r Cyko paper and films.
Awarded gold medal Pa- r
5 nama-Pacific Internatton- 5
E al Exposition, San Fran-
Developing and print-
ing promptly done at
I Tallman & Co. I
Lcadinf Druflisti