PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1916. EIGHT PAGES r i I I I li I t Si I SALADS and their SECRETS A little book dedicated to the American housewife who keenly appreciates all that is best in pure foods. We have only a limited sup ply of these cook books and will give one book with each order of Monk Olive Gray Bros. GroceryCo, "QUALITY" Two Phones, 28. 823 Main St. GO TO THE St. George Grill when you want a good steak. 35c Merchant Lunch Served Daily. There are 51,400 passenger cars on the railroads of thla country. taalBJEsinis JEYFS TESTED GLASSES GROUND AND FITTED -UNSES DUPLICATED. AMESiCAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.- PENDLETON. ORE Phone 609 THE most popular drink in Pendleton r IT HAS THE "PEP" Refreshing Invigorating Non-Intoxicating In a class by itself as a summer drink for men, women and children Oe Draught and in Bottles at Following Reports: Conner's Cigar Store. Billy's Place Courts ft McDevitt The Crescent Round-Up Pool Hall W. W. Hoch Bungalow Pool Hall The Charles Co. Orltman'a Cigar Store. Served at the Following Cafes. St. George Grill Quelle Cafe. Sold to the family trade in cases of one dozen bottles and up. quarts or pints. We also recommend our new True Fruit drinks, PORT-0 and PEND-O. Brewed and bottled by Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. City Brewery. Wholesale and Family Trade. Telephone 528 Climvh services Tomorrow. As tomorrow is Ascension Day there will be services at 10 o'clock In the morning at the Church of the Redeemer. llreenw.ilt" was ch'rued with turn ing his motorcycle the wrong way but again it proved '.1 at the wrong m:in was arretted. The case w.-.s dismissed. Frank Engdahl At Hospital. Frank Engdahl of Helix Is at SL i Anthony's hospital recovering from a severe wrench of the knee sustained several days ago in an accident. Fruit Seller Buys Paige. F. W. McElrath. .well known fruit seller from the Mllton-Freewater company, today purchased a new Paige from Robbins ft West of this city. Moose to Give Dance. The Moose will hotd a dancing par ty this evening for members and their ladles. Estate is Appraised. Charles Pell. Mat Pelnlng and D. H. Nelson have appraised the estate of the late Andru Rauhal. al $3S,-717.86. Flies Campaign Expenses. J. M. Ashworth of Weston, candi date for the republican nomination for county commissioner, today filed a statement of his campaign expens es The total is J3S.90. Newcomer to Pendleton. A baby girl was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. John Kern of 605 West Alta street. A baby boy was born Monday night to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Knight at St. Anthony s hospital. Three Divorces t. ranted Divorces have been granted to the plaintiffs in the following rases: J. C. -Malheiiy vs. Lizzie Mntheny; Minnie Kinnear-Devin vs. James H. Oevin known as James B. Ielande: and Claire O'Donnell vs. William J. O. Donnell. In the last name case plain tiff is given her maiden name, Clair. Tardlff. killed Two Hear. James Hartnett arrived back in Pendleton today from the south end of the county where he succeeded In bagging a bear. Another member of the party also bagged one. TheS used dogs in tracking the bear. Suit On Note. A suit was started today by A. E. Phelns acalnst W. H. Skinner for judgment for 1311.10 alleged to be1 due on a note executed by J. A. Weid j and assigned to plaintiff. Raley ft Raley are attorneys for the plaintiff. Much Snow In Mountains. That there is five feet of snow in the high parts of the mountains of the south end yet is the statement o( District Attorney Steiwer who has Just returned from a trip to the Grant county line. At one place he found the snow several feet deep and frozen so hard that it would sustain the weight of his horse. At other places the depth varies from a fool to four feet, he stes. He thinks that It will take two months of ordinary summer weather to melt the snow now in the mountains. iMIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllilllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt: June The Pearl Pearls were first found in the far East, and among the people of the Orient the belief was held that they were noth ing more than dew drops hardened into pearls. At the full of the moon the oysters were supposed to come to the top of the water, and open their shells receive the drr s of dew which soon con gealed into priceless gems. A bridal gift of pearls is an appropriate gift for the month ot June and to the girl whose birthday falls in June the pearl is an excellent gift. Royal M. Sawtelle Since 1887. s ......... iiiiittiitiiHiiiiiiMmiMiiiiiiiiiniiiniHiiitiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii; I I he HALLMARK Store Moves To Spokane. Charles Larson, formerly or mis cltv and more recently of The Dalles. has been transferred to Spokane by I the O-W. R. & N. for which company he acts as a supervisor in the signal service. Mrs. Larson Is visiting rela tives in Pendleton now. "Buffalo" Vernon at Ashland. "Buffalo" Vernon, well known Round-Up performer, will be one of the performers at the wild west show which Clarence Adams and Carl Power will put on at Ashland on July 4 and 5. It Is advertised that he will bulldog a steer from an auto. Young MoJstrom Improving, Frank Molstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Molstrom, was removed from St. Anthony's Hospital to the Mol strom home In this city yesterday, having; sufficiently recovered from his attack of appendicitis to permit of the change. He was In a very criUcal condition for a time. Building Permits. J. W. McCormmach has taken out a permit to build a stone and con crete garage at his home on Madison street, to cost about J500. W. L. Bowlsby has taken out a permit to build one on Aura street and Mrs. Mi nerva Morse has taken out a permit to build a woodshed at her home on Grange street. Arrange for Seat Sales. For the convenience of those desir ing to avoid the possible Inconveni ence of standing in line at the ticket wagon window on Circus Day, June 14. the management of the John Rob inson Ten Big Shows has arranged for a downtown seat sale that morn ing in Warren's Music House on Main street. This year the big circus tents will be located In the near vicinity of the Pendleton city pumping station. Says Husband Made ller slave. Alleging that her husband, W, E. Schrimpf made n slave of her. re quired her to do all of the farm chores and abused her in other ways, Mary Basher Schrimpf has brought suit in the circuit court for a divorce and for the custody of their one child. They were married in this city in 1908. H. 1. Watts of Athena is her attorney. 3 VACANCIES FILLED. (Continued from page one.) M. S. He has done considerable teaching at the university as an as sistant to Prof. O. F. Stafford and comes highly recommended by Prof. Stafford and other instructors at that institution. Miss Dolson, who Is a graduate o the University of California, will sue ceed Miss Emma Llnse She was highly recommended by the faculty of the University of California and by superintendents and principals under whom she has worked. Her home Is In Wlllets, Calif., ana for the past two years she has been teaching at Mc Cloud, Calif., where she was re-elected for next year. Mr. Fendall succeeds Principal L. P. Gambee as head of the department of agriculture. He will graduate next month from O. A. C. where he held high standing. He has also been prominent In athletics and will take charge of the high school teams. An- The Store Where Your Cash Plus Value Stands Supreme At this store everything that could possibly be, has been deducted from the cost of doing business, consequently we give more quality and where quality is the same we offer you that merchandise for less money. Learn to look out for your own inter ests... Don't pay an exorbitant profit. Men's silk Ties 25e, 1.V Men's Sport shirts 8c Boys' Sport Shirts -ise Men's R. V. I. (Mo. Suits 80c Mon's PoroM Knit Union Suits sHe Men's Mesh I'nlon Suits 49c Men's Shirts and Drawers 35c, 45c. Men's lUue Serge Suits Su.VMt, SI2.JVO. $14.75 Men's Press Pants $l.t8. $.. . Men's Klh Overalls, none better 83c Men's ,luniers 83c Men s Drew Hals wHc. $1.19. $1.88 YOU CAN tffig, DO BETER AT J. C. Penney Co. Inc IstdlrV Suits $9.90, $12.50, $14.75 Indies' Coats $9.90, $11.59 UdtoS Silk Dresses . $5.90, $9.90. $19.50, $14.7$ Ladira- White Wash I tresses $2.98, $8.98. $4.98 Ladles' White Wash Skirts 98c. $1.49, $1.98, $1.49 silk stoma 49c, Hue. Mc Lisle Gloves 25c. 49c Auto Scarfu 49. Auto CaM 49e, 89c, 98c, $1.49 Muslin IVtUcoats . 49c, 98c, $1.49. $1.98. $1.9$ Muslin Combinations e. 98c. $1.49, $1.9$ Brassieres 25c. 49c, 98a WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW J son Cornell of the University of Ore- j gon, who applied for the position oi physical instructor, was deemed too expensive having applied for a $1500 salary. Principal L. P. Gambee. who leit for Corvallis last night, submitted his final report to the school board yes terday. It shows that the total num ber of students at the high school last v,ir was 384 and that the average daily attendance was 271. There were 14 teachers in the school, 36 non-resident pupils. 32 of whom paid county tutultion, l l.WS HYPHENATES. (Continued from page 1.) Dr. IB. Robbins DENTIST 18-20 Judd Bldg., Cor. Court and Main Sts. Den tistry of best quality using the latest Dainless meth ods. Evening and Sunday X by appointment. Telephone 229 when It is employed as a mere matter of convenience, although personally I like to avoid Its use even In such a manner. I speak of and condemn Its use whenever it represents an effort to form political parties along racial lines or to bring pressure to bear on parties and politicians, not for Ameri can niiruoses. but In the Interest of some group of voters of a certain na tional origin, or of the country rrom which they or their fathers came, Americanism is not a matter of creed, birthplace or national descent, but of the soul and of the spirit." The closng paragraph of his address asserted: The salvation of our people lies in having a nationalized and unfixed America, ready for the tasks of both war and peace. I appeal to all our citizens no matter from what land their forefathers came, and to shun with scorn and contempt the sinister Intriguers and mlschlefmakers who would seek to divide them along lines of creed, of birthplace or of national origin. I ask them to remember that there Is but one safe motto for all America, no matter whether they were born here or abroad; no matter from what land their ancestors came; and that Is the simple and loyal motto, 'America for Americans." " Expert repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. Presbyterians Win Game The Presbyterian team again de feated the Christian aggregation by the score of 5 to 4 last evening. The feature of the game was the spec tacular playing of Walt Freeman, first baseman for the Christians, he making a brilliant stop of the ball with his wish-bone on one occasion. Intense enthusiasm prevailed among the spec tators when he was relieved in the 4th inning. The Christians will play the Methodists Friday evening of this week. Nil Swimming Until Weather Warms. Though the natatorium committee of the council had decided to open the swimming pool on June 1. the for mal opening will probably not be held until some time later on account of the cold weather. The water is still too cold tor comfortable bathing and the committee does not feel there j would be sufficient patronage to war ! rant keeping a' supervisor at hand. The matter of installing a heating plant will probably be held up until I the fall at the earliest. I THE OLD CHEWER KNOWS THE WORTH OF TMEj REAL TOBACCO CHEW ( A5 AN OLD TIMER HOW DOES IT 60? 1 GET MORE. SgfliFACTIOM NU ONE SMALL CHEW TAKES THE PI lire n w lit OLD KINO 3Lt I S V 1 1 c wol IO WHAT'S the good of a tobacco that makes you take big wsd and friod ind (rind on it? W-B CUT Chewinl the Real Tobacco Chew, rat. itsfjirarf gives you reel tobacco eatiefaction from fate chew. Thet'l why men are f lad to fet it, and to past the lad word along to every man who cbewe. Made by WETMAN-BRUT0N COMPANY, 50 Union Square, New York CHy OPENS IE 10th A CLEAN. BEAUTIFUL HESOUT AT WHICH TO ItEST AMI ENJOY YOURSELF DURING THE HOT SI MM El L HIDAWAY SPRINGS In the Blue Mountains of Southern I'matilla County. II. M. CCLTER, PROP. DANCING, SWIMMING, HUNTING, FISHING. ETC. HOT MINERAL WATER POOL AND BATHS. Hotel Rate, 10.50 Per Week or $2.00 Per Day INCLUDING BATHS. COTTAGES AND TENTS FOR IIFNT. FREE CAMP GROUNDS GOOD BARN AND INCLOSED PASTURI I.- -- .-- imif n U. JML JWP Mfi IT. I Parked Cars on Wrong SWe. Though there rcrc no speeders In j police OOt rt this morning, there were a number of men cal'od to answer for violating other provision.; of the traf fic ordinance. Most of them were charged with parking their c.irs on the wrong sloe of the street. For this of Kotert Haip, Frank K'ng, Eu- gene Lyman, F. E. Judd, J. J. Woed- age, Frank M:rtin and Henty Bred ir i; all paid five dollar fines T. B. BwastrtaCSs paid a Hlmll.-ir fine on Monday, Tom H .mpton was in court this morning but proed to be the wrong man. It seems that his team ster ha1 driven In with a six Brail learn yesterday to unloi.0 ,'rraln at the Colesworthy feed nonce ;.nd because of the many automobiles parked ufcout the place, could not drive In aenirdlng to trdln-inc. Sentence wan, therefore, suspended. Art ' I. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP 3 Phones, All IS CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE HOME GROWN STRAWBERRIES Extra fancy, ripe berries, 2 boxes 25 HOME GROWN CHERRIES 2 boxes 25? ASPARAGUS Extra fancy green spears, pound.. 15? CANTELOUPES Extra fancy melons, each 15, 2lhf GOOSEBERRIES Extra select large berries, 4 boxes 25tf DAIRY BUTTER Fresh, clean, sweet, full wt, roll 55 LORNA DOONES "Scotch Short Bread" in bulk, lb. 35 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where It Pays To Trade. Makes the Best Motor Better .JXTRA QUALITY j MOTOR.. OIL grade meter ea to the flfj B ford note, Ceeapeay aaii . npj BaSSsssflaaKSi YouH get power, mors miles per gallon? out of White Star Extra Quality Motor Oil Because it contains no free carbon to "coke" the cylinders or foul the park plugs. , Because it has the body to seal the piston clearance it makes all the gaa work alt the time. Stronger than any claim w. might make is Una Ford letter: "After careful experiments and tests, we have adopted White Star Extra Quality Motor Oil here at the fac tory and for use and sale at oar branch houses, as best adapted for Ford cars. (Signed) FORD MOTOR CO." EXTRA QUALITY. .MOTOR- OIL li Buy White Star Extra Quality Motor Oil next time and you'll realize that your Ford gives you more power, at less cost than you thought possible. Sold in standard sites and the special ds) gallon container by ROUND-UP CITY AUTO CO