East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 31, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rnhltalied Fwlli
ad Semi Wrrktj it P
aid i, iir'ttim. tj tne
Official i cunt j 1'aper
I nltod tm AMOClAllon
t tlx prntofftn t Pendleton.
hum Mil
Hi an i kb cituh.
Hotel News staa, Cortland.
Nw Co. Portland. Oregon.
Rarwa. WW Bcraritjr Building.
u. t., nmi Mil, roar
N. W.
Daily. AM year, by MtV 15.00
IMH, aU mOa by all 2.M
DaMa, tferw month, bf Mil 1.B
DAltf. M motak. 07 aaU. .50
DAIIj, AM JAAT, 0 OATflAT 7.50
DAI, ikf mooABA. bj carrier S.75
Kin- your smut
I've thought at times,
what's the use
The hand of fate Is sure'
I've felt the stings of
Aad know the word endure.
Say. folks. I know just how
When all our plans
The punch at times has made
me reel
And almost missed the (tons.
But listen, folks, to what I say;
Tour life and mine's the
If youll do y our part every day
We'll win. though hard the
A j
It's Just like
It's free and without guile:
It moves the world and cannot
It's this, just keep your smile.
B. F. dray.
aT the coming school elec
tion no woman may vote
unless she has a property
qualification in her own name.
She may have children in
school, through marriage she
may have an equity in a very
large estate and she may be
montallv nimllfipri in eVel"V
way for the ballot, yet she is
disfranchised. It is one of the
absurdities of the law. As a
matter of good sense the law
should bestow upon the wife
r iL ,-. ...itlntr
jl it taAuavci viic same vnei . , , .
. ., , . , . they can waddle, and before they are
privileges he enjoys, bne is ,.ompetent t0 carry the responsibilities
h.i8 legal partner and has had of the adult. Time was when life was
q ngrl eitViPr in the makinz Of ia mystery to youth. Now a tot of 12
u: F - .. : n,n0A-,nn f Vi n
i, , . - - - - -
HIS 1UILUUC UI ill LUUOCliiug w.i-
property. She is generally
better informed than her hus
band as to school affairs. The
progressive women of Oregon
should take steps to see that
this feature of our school law
is brought up to date.
rv HEN Col
'fff criticises those whom
he charges with hav-! Is that judge right in his view
ing "put a pig tail on Uncle ' 01 is he merely jealous of the
Sam" it might be appropriate I speedier methods of the new
for opponents to respond that j generation? Had the young
if this country wears a "pig sters done wrong or was it the
tail" seven years growth of judge who was out of gear
that ornament may be charged with the world?
"T'D take up smoking cigars if
A I could find any brand I was
sure of," said the pipe-smoker.
"Say, did you ever try the
OWL? Well, I've been smok
ing it for years, and the way
they maintain their even flavor
in every box is remarkable."
"Good enough! Guess I'll
try the OWL. "
That's all we ask. Try it
M. A. GUNST ft CO.
to T. Roosevelt For seven
years the strenuous colonel
was in the White House and
his party was in control or both
houses of congress.
In that period the colonel
had a splendid opportunity to
give us such a navy as we
needed and such an army as
we needed. Whv didn't he do
Does not the colonel make
himself ridiculous when he at
tacks the Wilson administra
tion on the preparedness is
sue? Presidnt Wilson has been
in office but three years. He
has had but half the opportu
nity that Roosevelt had to
build up our fighting forces.
But he is doing more than
Roosevelt did. Under the sanc
tion of the president congress
is passing legislation that will
vastly increase the strength of;
oh, the regular army and the na
tional guard. The naval pro-
. n x i. i.i
vi am cans lor more worn, man
jhas ever been done before in a
j single year. It will restore us
to second rank among the
world powers, a position we
lost during the Roosevelt ad
If Roosevelt's own views on
. preparedness are to be accept-
od as correct the colonel is in
the position of a man who fail
ed to meet his duty when he
was in office, yet is criticising
a man who is really making
'good upon this subject.
Can such tactics as that win
OME boys and girls were
recently arrested in Co
logne for being on the
j streets after nightfall. When
the case came before the Kor
rektionsgericht (court of cor
rection) the parents advised
that the children were out with
permission from their homes.
The judge however refused
to accept that excuse ; he said
that the children should have
been in their homes and each
parent was fined ten marks.
'being also admonished to take
better care of their children.
In his lecture the judge said
"Children are inclined nowadays no
' more to be children, but assume the
prerogatives of grown folks as soon as
can tell nis ewers wnat even
they have never learned. This pre
cocity Is harmful, as the children ate
not able to discriminate, and simply
have their curiosity whetted before
they are physically competent, which
fact will lead them Into unnatura
"As for the shows, a child must not
be forced to witness the Intricacies of
adult life before he is mentally com
petent to Judge the sickly from the
healthy, the weed from the whole-
some plant; such things only excite
unnealthy imaSery, without furthering
OR those who believe that
the "straw" ballot has in
it prophecies of the
things to come there should be
some little interest in the test
now being made by a Detroit
newspaper. A total of 12,637
votes has been cast up to the
present, and President Wilson
is in the lead. The factory vote
gave him a very considerable
lead. The colonel is second.
Hughes is way behind.
All of which shows if any
thing is shown by it that
(whoever the republican candi
date may be, President Wilson
is going to beat him Boston
Pendleton. Ore., Mi.y 31, 1916.
Kdltor East Oregonian; In behalf
of the O. A. R. and the old soldiers
of Pendleton and vicinity, I wish to
thank the mayor and city council of
rendleton for their effort to make
Decoration Day the most suei'essfnl
of any 1 have witnessed. Xot forget
ting Dr. Campbell, who gave each of
the old soldiers a large and most
beautiful bouquet, and the people of
IVmlleton and vicinity who notwith
ta&diai the scarcity of flowers, more
profusek decorate! t!ie graves than i
over before in tlie history of our city.
To all Is dt e our most sincere t'nnnks.
Adjt. Kit Canon Post, t3. A. R
Advertising in Brief
Per line first lusertjiap 10c
Per line, additional Jkertloo: 5c
Per line, per mouth . $1.00
No locals takes for less than 25c
Count 6 ordinary words to Hue.
Local! will not be ukiyipier the
telephone eieept from Vast uregou
lan paid-up subscribers.
For rent 3 room furnished cottage,
726 Johnson street.
Wanted Man and wife to work on
ranch. Inquire this office.
Wanted Experienced girl for gen
eral housework. Phone 113 or call
600 W. Court.
For rent Large, nicely furnished
front room In private home. North
Side. Phone 53BJ.
Header wagon, cook house and bug
gy for sale For any above articles.
J35.00. Write Walter Reimann, City
Found Fountain Pen. Owner can
have same by addressing Box 666,
proving property and paying for this!
Prompt automobile taxi service,
day or night. Funerals to cemetery j
only (3 50. Phone 680. Hotel St, ;
George. Carney Taxi Co.
Rooming house for sale. Main
street, in center of business district.
Doing good business. Inquire of Pen-
I lanu tsros.
For sale Modern five room bun-!ncn t0 the acre is undoubtedly suffi
galow. One year old. Full basement j ,.ient t0 irrigate any of the land and
Five minute walk from Main street j t00 much for some," he states.
Terms Address "W this office. j Therefore, he establishes one inch aa
It pays to buy meats from Boucher the maximum amount and leaves it to
& Rains We carry a full line of beef,
pork, mutton, veal, country sausage,
hog lard, smoked bacon and all kinds
of smoked meats. We try to please
118 W. Webb. We buy cattle, hoga
sheep, veal and poultry. Prompt de
livery. i-hillio- a: ihiMs-H Buy Barber Shop
Dale Phillips and Emery' Hasselljfor the particular land
have purchased the Central Baths at
638 Main street, next to Bond Bros .
and Invite all their friends to drop in
Four barbers, a good shave, hair cut
or hath. Adv.
Takes Position Here.
Miss Virginia C. Todd, one of Hr
mlstons most popular young ladies,
has arrived in Pendleton to take a po
sition at the Alexander Department
Ma Oitin'TX. cim-strtmw. iinnliw t
wW mm V "'s-iit'.jmWmM
(Continued from page one.)
different character than the Ft. Bel
knap reservation lands does not fur.
nlsh sufficient reason for a different
principle of construction, he holds.
Judge Phelps cites practical testi
mony to the fact that water diverted
from a stream for irrigation purposes
to a considerable extent finds Its way
hack to the stream to be used ugaln
by those lower down. "It Is not like
ly." he says, therefore, "that any
beneficial use of the waters of the
Umatilla by the Indians will seriously
affect In the long run the use of the
stream for the purposes of the mill
"But, however that may be. I am
of the opinion that by the holding ol
the supreme court of the United States
In the Winters case supra, the Indian
has a primary right to the use of the
water to the extent or his needs, limit
ed only to a beneficial use under the
general rule pertaining to the duty of
Mill's I lis in- rp to tXHigrcas.
As for determining the rights of the
milling company at this time, Judge
PhSlpl holds that any aol of his court
at this time would be premature. On
March 3, 1885 congress passed an act
continuing the license grunted to
deorge La Dow, Lot Llvermore et al
for the use of water of tlie river in fa
vor of W. S. Byers. Thut act speci
fied that such continuance was not to
affect or impair any existing rights Of
to grant or confirm any right to use
water beyond or different from the
original license.
It has been the contention of the
government that this permissive use
or license was subject to revocalon at
Any time while the Byers mill intei-
, ests asserted that a permanent right
to the use of 10,000 cubic feet of water
per minute was granted. In advance
! of any attempt by congress to repeal,
I modify or withdraw the privilegSA
! mentioned. Judge Phelps holds that
I any action he might take would be
j premature and not olndlng. Such
rights as are given to the milling
I company must continue until some at-
tempt Is made to take them away.
Should this attempt be mude, a feder
al question would arise to be settled
in federal courts, he holds.
However, such rights as the milling
interests have, whether temporary or
permanent, do not affect the primary
rights of the Indians, he holds.
The Duty or Water.
As to the amount of water which
should be allowed to waterusers for
Irrigation purposes, Judge Phelps
states that it Is difficult tu make an
estimate. The law giveB them an
appropriation sufficient for proper Ir
rigation. Judge Phelps states that It
Is not the policy of the government
to deprive the land owners of a ne
cessary amount but to limit the use to
actual requirements.
"Generally speaking the water user
has been negligent," he says, "and
either unable or unwilling to arrange
to build up his system of irrigation so
as to waste as little water as possible."
In the main Judge Phelps finds the
conclusions reached
by the state wa-
ter board to be correct but thinks that
it is evident from tne testimony that
in .the reclamation or arid lands a
I larger amount of water is required
i than allowed by the board. His opln-
Ion Is that In the reclamation of arid
I lands five and a half acre feet shoul i
I be allowed instead or rour and a hall
during the process of reclamation.
0ne fortieth of ji second loot or ,,n,
the water master to determine
the character of the soil and the ap
llcatlon of water under the decree. In
other words the decTM is a flexible
one and under the supervision of the
water master. More than one inch
cannot be used and the water master
Is given the authority to determine
how much less is actually nacasaarv
Doctrine of Kelution.
The law gives a water user, when
he secures a water right, a reasonable
time in which to use this right and
under this law Judge Phelps was call
ed upon to consider the claims of the
Western Land & Irrigation Co.. the
Furnish Ditch Company, the United
States and others relative to the dates
of priority. In this connection Judge
Phelps states that the water board
recognizes there mast be a revision of
. I'rnillitrni on .Inne 14 with the
the lists and schedules of lands, and
the result of such revision he will In
corporate In his decree. He Indicates
that his decree will eliminate the I
II I .
i yarn a
claim of the government as to the Studebaker touring car. D. B. Waf
Minneltaha appropriation except as j fie. Residence, 28IM. Office phon
found by the state water board, and;
will also result In a change of sched
ules and relutive priorities affecting
the lands of the Western Land & Irri
gation Cofpany, the Furnish Ditch
Company and the Dillon Irrigation
Company and the Brownell Ditch
On Forehead. Skin Red and In
flamed. Irritating. Disfigured
Face. In Short Time
"Some time ago small eruptions appeared
on my forehead which proved very annoying
to appearance and also to comfort. The
appearance ui t he breaking
out was a very dense rash,
ihe skin !cing both red
and Inflamed. The break
ing out would at times
Itch and upon scratclUng It.
II would burn. It was
figured my face.
i i me iiir a inv aiiHm:
of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. The
sample affonlcH almost Instant relief so
I bought more and in a short lime I was
healed." (Slgnedl Miss Daisy Austin,
R. R. No. 1, Bujc 58, Walla Walla, Wash..
July I. 1915.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With Vl-. Skin Book on request. Ad
dress UOAtfCard "Cnlicnra, !PMt. T, Bus
(on." Sold throughout the orkL
no HOHMt nv
For 50c a Week
by having your
laundry done
Rough Dry
at 7c per pound
We Wash Everything But the Baby
"Quality and Service"
PHONE 179 ,
Company will be allowed to stand, ex
iept as modified by general finding.
i y(r mm
130, Adv
Mr. Repair Man would
starve to death if he de
pended upon the REO
Remember this one car is a strang
er to the shop and gives you 100
let us show you why
Reo Six $1400 complete
Reo Four $1025 complete
f. o. b. Pendleton
Pendleton Auto Co.
Show room corner Court and Cottonwood St.
Telephone 603
Bond Clothes
i 1 1 A
You man of mature years, or full figure,
should read up in the matter of clothes.
Our advanced models are also designed
and tailored for stout men and stoutish
young men the art is in fashioning the
clothes to conceal the appearance of cor
pulence in front.
Bond Bros.
Pendleton'i Leading Clolhieri
Hair Work.
Madam Kennedy Is at the Hotel
BowrfiAA with a beautiful Ilae of
hair goods and prepared to do all
kinds of hair work. Room II. phone
$15 to $30
John Itobhason nnw.