PAGE SEVEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1916. WHERE THE FIGHT FOR WAR OR PEACE BEGINS IN CHICAGO JUNE 7 Makes Your Stuffed, Germ-laden, Catarrhal Head Clear as a Bell NorthernPacificRy. THE YELLOWSTONE PARK LINE Whi n "U Waks in the mornlne: plagued with the tortures oi head told and catarrh, head, nose and throat stopped up. air pasaagee clog ged with obnoxious dis charges that have collected during the night and you can hardly I reutho Just put a little Hyomel Pocket In haler charged with the pleasant heal ing oil of Hyoniei between your lips. Hold it there while dressing and breathe the medicated, antiseptic. THROUGH TRAINS EAST NONE BETTER COURTEOUS TREATMENT SUPERIOR DINING SER VICE. GET THE BENEFIT kJJ BIGHT PAGES EASTBOUND SUMMER EXCURSION DAILY FROM JUNE 1. r. s. laxd opening. Colviiio BmnrtMon. Register for a chance July 5th to 22nd, at Wilbur, Wash., the reservation Gateway. The official drawing will be at Spokane, July 27th; ask the agent. Round Trip Hometeekers' Rates TO MONTANA, and return. Low, attractive. Let us explain thein. TO CALIFORNIA, have your ticket read from Portland via t!i "Great Northern Pacific S. S. Co. Fast Palatial Steamships, making train time (but 26 hours at sea.) Low fares, with PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL, June 7-9. LOW FARES. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ss thej ,'ans.ot reach the wt at the dliess. Cs larrh Is s local dlaeaae, greatly Influenceo by constltutlonsl conditions, sad In order t cure It yini mint like so Internal remedy llsll's Catarrh Cure Is tsktn Internally snd acta thru the bloed on the muciraa ' raca of the ayatem IlaU'e Catarrh Curt waa prescribed by one of the beat pbyalcl ana In thla country for yesra. It la com poad of aome of the beat tonlca known, lomblned with aoma of the beat blood parlflera. The perfwt combination of the Ingredlenta In Halls Catarrh Cure la what produces aucb wonderful reenlu In catarrhal onditlona. Rend for teatlmonlala, free. K J cilKNKY CO , Propa , Toledo, O All Drugglata. 7V. Hall's Family 1111a for constipation. SAGE TEA KEEPS YOUR HAIR DARK when mixed with StfUPHtTB IT RMNCM back ITS BEACTTF1 I. 1,1 sTRE AT ONCE, (ray hair, however handsome, de notes advancing age. W e all know the advantages of a youthrul appeararce. Your hair Is your, charm. It makes or mars the face. When II fides, turns gray and looks streaked. Jusl a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred fold. Don't slay gray I Look young! Wither prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a 60-ient bot tle of "W'yeths Sage and Sulphur Compound," which Is merely the old time recipe Improved by the addition of other Ingredients Thousands of folks recommend this ready-louse preparation, because It darkens the hair beautifully, besides, no one call possibly tell, as It darkens so natural ly and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with It. drawing UlS through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two. its natural color Is restored anil It becomes thick. gtOaV ay aad lustrous, and you appear years younger Wysth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite, It Is ot Intended for the mire, mltlgs tlon or prevention of disease. -3 0) a 03 'mm Hong Kong Cafe 4Nt NOODLE PARLORS Noodles AND Chop Suey outside Tray Orders a Specialty. Boxes for ladles and gentlemen. OPEN DAT AND ALL NIGHT MEALS ISO AND DP. Hpeelal Chicken Dinner Sundays. 548 Main Street Next to B. O. Bldf. Phone tv berth and meals included. Tickets and full information WALTER ADAMS Agent, Pendleton, Ore. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A. Portland, Ore. DELINQUENCY OF 6IRL IS BLAMED UPON HER MOTHER lit E.N HOIH.KS, JJ YEARS OLD, FORMERLY 1JVED IN TIUs CITY'. nig muMivwii in iiiiecu year oiu Franc es Hodges, formerly of this ell)'. U charged t0 her mother yesterday , in B.M1..S TIiTr I ... .. J ing the story (he Uregonian says In I part After deliberating but 30 minutes a Jury In Judge Morrow s court latsj yesterday found Mrs Will Hodge, 111 Eust Twenty-sixth street, guilty contributing to the delinquency of btrWMt wi,h (.tleHi- n recent j -u-jeur-uiu urn-giuer. r. me,. , I aue piriiimca ner to irequem pui..i: dances and all-night restaurants, as- soclatlng with men of doubtful char- acter. The jury returned but two ballots . PORTUAKD, Ore.' Mav 24.-Th-to come to an agreement. The first Kastern mill interests cntinne af stra,vl)err, really opeiwd stood 11 for conviction to one for ac- tresslve bidders for wool and full pri-l .. ..... ... .uli ii qulttal and the second was unanimous tonvh-Oon la First of Rind. The case la said to be the first ever tried in Oregon In which an attempt was made to fix the responsibility Of a parent for a child's downfall. The decision Is. In the opinion of attorneys, an Important one, in mat it will :n- lect ine status oi an parents wun re- lowara maintainina run sirengin in gard to their responsibility before the the 1'nited Slates. law for t heir children's actions. j Deputy District Attorney llnWwn.'y ry QHFFP ARF who handled th. cat. for the state le- HOWINr VFR Y C OOD Clared fast night that the effect ol aMUWINtj VfcKI UUUU the decision would be far-reaching, I CALL AT PORTLAND In that It would no doubt act as a pre- ventlve In a large percentage of the cases ending In the Juvenile court as the result of the delinquency of POT 'I ents. Only three witnesses were eaam'ii-, ed. Mrs. Hodge, herself, her daughter,' in general ine niuuon ami mu I priced taste and the moment that ar Frances, and It. S. Flack, city dance trade continues steady with former I rjvaU began to show up In earnest Inspector. Testimony showed that the girl had been permitted by her moth- er to go to public dances unchaperon- ed. and was allowed to come home alone with men she met at the dances The girl admitted having improper relations with one of these men Oro-, "est ewes t 1 ni Arinn nn ihi wnv home frnmiHood lo common ewes.,., .0W0l a dance about December of lart year. She said she had previously been taken by Ihe same man to a Chi nese grill where she had drunk beer In ala faeaail ho havlmi known Adon In Pendleton, previously to her! food stuff remains around,',! coming to Portland, and to have had9on here and only a limited supply Improper relations with him there At brought I fraction above this during that lime she was staying with her the last 24 hours father. j Choice light weights, liirl sharlds Mother. nominal 8.95.on The girl made an effort to shield Ojood light weights B.sOfM.IUj her mother and she wept when she Medium weight! 1.50 8.7S I AMERICAN l.EAtJl'E. declared dial Mrs. Hodge was in nn Rough and heavy 8.Q0 J.I5 1 Al Cincinnati win responsible for her delinquency.) Cattle Trade I QoJct j NW York ' 4 she also said that her mother had for. Added to Monday's dlaapaolnttag Cincinnati 3 bid her drinking and attending all- run of Muff in the cattle pens ai.At St. Louis- night restaurants. Dentil Hour Also Widow's. PITTSBUROi May It. A1 exactly the same hour and from the sumo cause. .Mrs. Mary Btlabeth McCrawiey ,'.9 years old. widow of Hev W. F. McCrawiey. u former pastor of the Kirst Presbyterian church of McKaes-j port, dropped dead In her home l cenlly, 13 months from the death Of her hUSband, Mr Crawley fell dead' of heart disease from a chair In hial study Mrs McCrawiey fell dead from n chair at the luncheon labia. Mrs MeCuwlcy died before a physi cian arrived She hud resided With her mother, Mrs Bars Wherry, and n nephew, Mrs Bars Wherry, and nephew. (Slenn T. McCawley. In 119 Orchard street, McKeesport. since the death of her husband. Two brother! live near Canton, O. AVOID SPRINO DOLDfl. Sudden changea. high winds, shift ing seasons cause colds and grippe, and these spring colds are annoying and dangerous and are likely to turn Into a chronic summer cough. In such cases take a trentment of Dr King's New Discovery, a pleasant Lax ative Tar Syrup It soothes th cough, checks the cold and helps hreaka up an attack of grippe Its already prepared, no mixing or fuss ing. Just ask your druggist for a bot tle of Dr. King's New Discovery. Test ed and tried for over years. Adv. This photograph shows the Colls last nations.) convention. Colonel W Sheep Losses Heavy in Northwest Shorn Stock Has Suffered Because of Cold Weather ..I'll IVII i"W .. .May 24 Severe a result of re- !-xtreine cdd WSS at several of the j, SHe(J . bat ai " am s f 'f" heaU" Ihsr. are reported ,..,, W 1 .. Shearing operations are still being carried mi in a limited wav In the in- t(,rl(ir ,h(, ut1lk l8 f(ir a lnuch emaUar clip than first anticipated. The market for wool is showing a fairlv active tone In the Pacific north- change in quotations. Business in the ; Vl,M,;, wctlon . MU .nB be K Q( (,,hpr Amer1can . um, (ng ,f kpp.,inK tnp .,.,. I ..!,.. ,r,., h.t .iimhin. re& are hfing ,,M in a, aeOtlOBS ."(,, vp 1ppn a,ong ;p mMa. the west uiili th- possible exception u ..1V . . ,n, thp ..,. Of Yakima, where the sheep Interests I are inclined to favor buying. Eastern Wool markets are showing I sirenglh with well maintained prioes. I Foreign markets remain firm at fu"i prices. 1 nis is one 01 ine cniet ami PORTLAND, Ore. Ma -There Mas a fair marketing of sheep In thejThp DcrrjM generally were sour am) i North Portland yards for the day rBHj nfjt for use. but the public's with practically all arrivals In that "ne from the Willamette valley. 'aiucs mamiaineu. General shorn mutton and tange: Select spring lambs t I Best yearlings 8.2 lamb 9. it S. flood to common nethers SOG 7. Hog Market K Steady. With siock selling at practically the same price as on Monday, Ihe swine trade at North Portland was con slder. ,1 steady. Qeneral market for Itoslnl Trio, at the fa m m it . um In Chicago where the BapttbUMn F. Stone, the sergeant-al-arms, is now North 1'ortland was another small run during the last 14 hours. Only odda and ends are now coming for ward from local places and extreme values are not tested. General cattle market range: Choice pulp fed steers. .. . JS.9U ffi 9. "in Choice grain fed steers. . . S. 7 r. Ordinary grain fed steers K, 21 "9 1.40 I Choice hay fed steers 8.5017 Cood steers 7.t0S.00 Ordinary to common steers S.Q94 7. 06 1 Choice cows 7.1041.04 j crdlnary to common cows 7,160731 Choice heifers 7.54) 43' 7. 75 I Ordinary heifers 7.007.M Choice hulls .".!) 0 'a 6.ul I Ciood to fair hulls 4.0006.06 1 "est light calv 8.0C I 7.nnifi 7.50 i calves STRAWBERRY PRICE IS CUT IN PORTLAND TRADE ttJnJ of home arrivals has been com-' paratively limited, and for that rea- S( n (hp hi(!n(,r average prices known Jl,,., rUe( here, as well as at other Pacific northwest markets. During Ihe dav with Increased of feiings of W'illimette valley tarries, there was the first sharp cut in prices I for the season to date. Sales of best offerings were made around 3 a crate v. hile some "if the good stock ruled around 2.76. The extreme prices which have ruled of late in the strawberry market Wr-re the result of furnished offerings appetite had to lie satisfied. It did not take many crates to fill this high down went the market. General an Ue4patiom are for price declines from 'day to day. e BASEBALL, KI.Sl l.Ts. U I. os Angeles Vernon 5 11 Portland At San Francisco Oakland I. os Angeles .... At Salt l,ake San Eramisco Salt Lake Alia Theater Today. . iJTl istlonf convention will begin June T It may he m the ground, very busy making arrangements. St. Louis 2 6 Boston 0 7 At Pittsburg Brooklyn 6 11 Pittsburg 0 2 At Chicago Chicago 8 13 Philadelphia 8 10 NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE At Vancouver Vancouver 16 13 1 Tacoma 3 8 1" At Great Falls Butte 7 12 tt Creat Falls 3 8 1 At Seattle Seattle 5 4 3 Spokane 1 5 2 Amusements What the press agents say about Pendleton s pres ent and coming attractions. Advaii Man Talks. An advance man of John Robinson's Ten Big Shows, which, on the after noon and evening of June 14 will ap pear in Pendleton, was seated in the lobby of a local hotel. He wag tell ing a group of traveling men of some of the funny things he has seen while working with circuses. "One of the most ludicrous episodes I ever witnessed," said the showman; "came under my observation In a lit tle Michigan town. It was just before the matinee performance. The day was unusually warm and pleasant and the show lot was crowded. I was on my way around the big top from the performer's tent to the ticket wagon As I neared the latter object I happen ed to glance In the direction of a group of canvas men who were moving a cage The tongue of the cage had a sort of crook at the end, similar to the bend in a shepherd's rod, and In some manner, the tongue slipped and the crooked end was thrust right be tween the legs of a fellow of about forty years of age. who was standing with bis back to the cage. Hastily glancing down at the crooked tongue end. the man bounded about four feet in the air. cried out. Help! Help! The elephant's got me! The elephant's got me! and started wildly to run away. Instantly every observant by- CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS, i niuv iuker. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op ( posite postoffice Funeral parlor, two ! funeral curs Calls responded to day I or night Phone 76. J. T. BROWN'I FURNITURE STORK ' Funeral director and licensed em- Calmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morKiie and funeral cars. Call'j responded to day or night. Corner; I Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 INSURANCE M LAND BCMNEM j HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does i a general brokerage business. Pays ; taxes and makes investments for non residents Writes, fire, life and accl ! dent Insurance. References, any bank I In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C. H. MARSH. Sec MSNVLBY A MONTGOMERY REAI estate, fire, life and accident Insur- UK agents, 8 IS Main street. Plume 404. VETERINARY SURGEONS, cTvLAlilENTlirrvTOUT veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office telephone, 10. the ljstander gave the man the merry ha. 2jha. and, after he had put several yards between himself and the ele- 1 phant (?) he looked over his shoulder. 2 saw the pachyderm was none other I than a big wagon tongue, and slunk '1 away Into the crowd which surround ed the main entrance. GIBBON NEWS NOTES MANY STEND SUNDAY AT THE springs, ui ai G4JING UP. (East Oregonlan Special.) GIBBON. Ore.. May 22 W. Hoch, Chas. Frledley and Mr. ar.d and overworks the kidneys in their Mrs. Philip Pembrooke drove to pen-Efforts to filter it from the system, dleton Friday in the Hoch car. Regular eaters of meat muat flush A large crowd of people spent the kidneys occasionally. You must Sunday at Bingham Springs, over 40 relieve them like you relieve the bow cars, going up. els; removing all the acids, waste and Mr and Mrs Dolfay Thompson poison, else you feel a dull misery In have gone to Weston for a few days'! the kidney region, sharp pains in the visit with relatives. Iback or sick headache, dixxineas, your Faye Le Grow and Sam Pambrun ' stomach sours, tongue is coated and were on the river Friday from Athen J when the weather Is bad you have George Hoch was fn Pendleton j rheumatic twinges. The urine is Monday and Tuesday. j cloudy, full of sediment; the channels Nine auto loads of young people 1 often get irritated, obliging you to from Athena and Adnms spent Thurs-jget up two or three times during the day at Bingham SpringB. i night. Mrs. W. D. Bonifer was in Pendl"-! To neutralise these irritating acids ton Tuesday. nd flush off the body's urinous waat-y Will Brace went to Pendleton Sat-, get about four ounces of Jad Salts urday. j from any pharmacy; take a table- Miss Evalyn Meagor Friday closed : spoonful in a glass of water before a very successful term of school here j breakfast for a few days and your This was Miss Meagor s second term, j kidneys will then act fine and bladder She expects to leave the first of June disorders disappear. This famous salts for her home at Myersdale. Penn.,is made from the acid of grapes and but will return to Oregon again in thei lemon juice, combined with lithia. and early fall. Albert Baker and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson went to Pendleton Saturday. Miss Alice Foster returned to her home near Weston Friday after spend- which millions of men and women Ing the past month at the home of Stake now and then, thus avoiding se Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson. rious kidney and bladder diseases. MIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItt 1 Why Not Own Your Own Home 1 BUY OR BUILD ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. It's paying rent to yourself. Come and see us, and we will outline this plan to you. H I MATLOCK-LMTZ INVESTMENT GO. 5 111 East Court St. S 1 Real Estate Farm and City Loans Insurance 5 SMIIIIMIIIIHIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllUIMIIIIIIIlllllllllillinillllllllllllllHlllllllllllllli ATTORNEYS. RAI.ET & RALKY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wilt, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawl. Collections made. Room 11, Schmidt block FEE FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTHE. ATTORNEY at law Office in rear of Ameri can National Bank building. JAMES li PERRY. ATTORNEY AT I law Office over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON A BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; room S and 4. Smith- Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state j and federal courts Rooms 7, g anci 9. Despaln building. FREDERICK ney at law. ford building STEIWER. ATTOR Offlce In Smlth-Craw- S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY ANI counsellor at law. Office in De spaln building. you draw By the time you are dressed your head will be cljar as a bell, you will breathe with ease and comfort, eat j your breakfast with a relish and go ' about our day's work with a clear brain and steady eye. This clean smelling, germ destroy : ing air of Hyomel penetrates deep ; down into every fold and crevice of the membranous linings of your nose, I throat and lungs where no liquid I spray could possibly get and absolutely j kills and drives out of your system ' every germ it finds there, heals the. inflamed, swollen tissues and after the, very first trial you notice a wonderful improvement A few weeks' use and I every catarrhal germ Is killed and driven out of your system. I Druggists everywhere think so well , of Hy-mei that they agree to give you ' a guarantee with every complete in ; haler set you purchase that If it doea j not satisfy they wilt gladly return ev : ery cent you paid for It. but If using for the first time be sure to ask for the complete Hyomel Pocket Inhaler outfit as the smaller package does not contain the inhaer Tallman at Co. or most any other reliable druggist will gladly supply you on request. TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS EAT LEiW MEAT IE YOL EEEIi BACKACllY OK HAVE BLAD DER TROUBLE. Meat forms uric acid which excites has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder irritatioa Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and makes a de lightful effervescent lithiawater drink SBCOM) HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get o'lr prices. 2 is E Court street Phone 271W. montana farm lands, xortheilnpHf7craTmvay Lands in eastern Montana at fit to Jls per acre. Suitable for farm ing or grutinK. Easy ternu. For In formation wri" or see W. B. Holt, Miles City. Montana. AGENTS W LNTED. ELDERLY MEN DESIRINil t.IOHT employment can make good w.igea selling our FI LL LINE of popular priced Nursery Stock, outfit tar nished. Inveatigate Address I'aclfls Nursery Company, 122 1-2 Ornad Avenue. Portland " Al CllOM Fits COL. W. F. YOHNKA, Al l TP N eer. makes a apeclalty of farmers' stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the nnmey " Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. Aitt inn i'i RAYMOND W. HATCH. AIU'HITMI Despaln Building Phone 7(1. Pen dleton, Oregon.