PACE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1916 EIGHT PAGES FOR COMPLETE SATISFACTION YOU SHOULD ATTEND THIS GREAT SALE. WE ARE OFFERING THF REST STYI.Ra and hihufst niiAi iticc at magt dcmaui ari f REniJCTIONS. EVERY DEPT. IN THIS GREAT STORE IS BRIMFUL OF RARE BARGAINS TASH SAVERS THAT Yftll'l I NOT sff ap.ain rnn a i rwr. timc if cvco diiv kiniu. i av in a siy MONTHS' CI I DDI V - - ------ - v w w --.-. ' - . . . . A B-.vr.iva i 1 1 Lt T bn. UU I MUIT , 1 111 " 80YS' SUITS AT REMODELING SALE PRICES THIS SALE AFFORDS YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO CLOTHE YOUR BOYS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. THIS SEASON'S NEW SUITS ARE MARKED DOWN FOR YOUR CHOOSING. MANY OF THEM HAVE TWO PAIR OF KNICKERS ALL ARE THE BEST FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE. BOYS' WASH SUITS, AGES 2V TO 6 YRS, RE DUCED AS FOLLOWS: 11.00 Boys' Wash Suits, Remodeling Price 89c 11.25 Buys' Wash Suits. Remodeling Price $1.11 $1.50 Boys' Wash Suits. Remodeling Price $1.M 12.00 Boys' Wash Suits. Remodeling Price SIM J2..10 Boys' Wash Suits. Remodeling Price 13.1 LITTLE BOYS WOOLEN SUITS Age 2i 2 to 7 Years. The smartest, niftiest little suits you ever saw. Uttle jackets in many stles with straight knee pants. Plain blue serges and fancy patterns. PRICED FROM $3.50 TO $6.50 BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS Norfolk Jackets in all the late models and knicker pants. A large assortment of cloths, worsteds, casslmeres, home spuns, cheviots, etc., all in patterns to please you. Strongly stitched, reinforced in all the vital places, made to stand the knocks of a real boy. These suits range in price from 6 to 17 years. Many of them have two pairs of knickers. They will sell at the fol lowing prices: $4.00 Boys' Suits, Remodeling 14.50 Boys' Suits, Remodeling 15.00 Boys' Suits, Remodeling $6.00 Boys' Suits, Remodeling $7.50 Boys' Suits, Remodeling Remodeling $10.00 $11.00 Boys' Boys' Suits, Suits, Price $3.39 Price $3.87 Price $4.29 Price $4.98 Price $6.74 Price $8.39 Remodeling Price $9.16 Boys Long Pants Suits Sacrificed We have an exceptionally strong line of boys' long pants suits' .n ages 14 to 20 years. New snappy models; suits like Dad wears; the kind the boys of "long pants" age like. We have divided our stock of these suits up into five lots with the following prices LOTS A. AND B. Regular $5.00 Suits. Remodeling Sale Price $3.95 Regular $7.50 Suits. Remodeling Sale Price $5.95 Regular $8.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $6.7$ Regular $10.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $7.93 Regular $12.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $9.57 Regular $13 50 Suits. Remodeling Sale Price $10.69 Regular $15.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $11.95 Regular $16.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $13.23 LOTS C. AND D. Regular $5.00 Suits. Remodeling Sale Price $4.29 Regular $7.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $6.27 Regular $8.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $7.28 Regular $10.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $8.39 Regular $12.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $10.15 Regular $13.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $11.37 Regular $15.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $12.60 Regular $16.50 Suits. Remodeling Sale Price $13.89 Regular $5.00 Suits, Regular $7.50 Suits, Regular $8.50 Suits, Regular $10.00- Suits, Regular $12.00 Suits, Regular $13.50 Suits, Regular $15.00 Suits, Regular $16.50 Suits, LOT E Remodeling Sale Price $4.39 Remodeling Sale Price $6.57 Remodeling Sale Price $7.46 Remodeling Sale Price $8.69 Remodeling Sale Price $10.48 Remodeling Sale Price $11.79 Remodeling Sale Price $18.43 Remodeling Sale Price $14.39 LOTF. Regular $5.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $4.48 Regular $7.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $6.7 Regular $8.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $7.59 Regular $10.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $8.89 Regular $12.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $10.75 Regular $13.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $11.95 Regular $15.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $13.40 Regular $16.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $14.80 LOTG. Regular $5.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $4.65 Regular $7.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $6.95 Regular $8.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $7.80 Regular $10.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $9.15 Regular $12.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $10.90 Regular $13.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price $12.56 Regular $15.00 Suits. Remodeling Sale Price $13.80 Regular $16.50 Suits. Remodeling Sale Price $15.20 "T. P. W. Pure Food Shop" 3 PHONES ALL 15 CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE Freh Grated Cocoanut "with the milk," can.. 15 Florida Grapefruit, the golden russet variety 2 for 25 T. P. W. Coffees, no better Coffees and no Coffees better. Order a pound today. Stanfield Strawberries, the extra fancy luscious berries, 3 boxes 50 Toilet Paper, the extra fine grades, full count rolls tot Crockery Dept. in Grocery Basement. Special Sale of Dress PatternsThurs day Morning 9 till 1 1 o'clock Only 6 yds. 40-in. Lace Cloth at 12V2c 75c; 8 yds. 27-inch Lawn at 10c 80c, On sale from 9 till 11 o'clock Thursday morning for only 49t No phone orders will be filled, and all patterns are strictly cash. These materials make up beautifully into summer dresses. The assortment includes a very wide range of patterns in figures, stripes and floral effects. There are one hundred patterns. They'll go quickly, so come early. SPECIAL ONLY 49c Special Bargains For Thursday Only 35c to 75c Muslin Underwear 5 C This wonderful offering includes children's drawers, petticoats on bands and on waists, and a limited quality of women's drawers. Remember, your choice, only 5t Extra Special Thursday Morning from 9 to 1 1 $1.75 Children's Dresses 29 c These dresses are made of gingham, chambray, galatea and percale in light and dark colors of stripes, checks and plaids. Full range of sizes from 4 to 14 years. Thursday 9 to 1 1, choice 29 Every Woman s Cloth Suit Must Go In keeping with our regular policy ever suit must be sold In the sea son for which it was bought. This Spring we have placed them on sale at an unusually early date in order that they may be of more val ue to our customers. Every garment Is a late spring style, bought direct from the maker in New York by our own buyer, thus eliminat ing the traveling man's expenses. All of the popular spring shades in wool poplin, gabardine and serge are used in these suits that will be sold at the following reductions. Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $17.50 $10.75 822.50 925.00 927.50 930.00 935.00 940.00 942.50 945.00 Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Remodeling Sale Price. Sale Price. Sale Price. Sale Price. Sale Price. Sale Price. Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price. Sale Price. 911.75 913.50 914.75 916.50 918.50 920.00 923.75 926.50 927.50 929.95 Seasonable Bargains from Our Popular Shoe Department-Rear End of Main Floor The Broken lines of low and high shoej from early spring selling, not all siz es in any line but all sizes in the whole lot. . No. 2:'.5 I.adic' Patent Welt Sole SIhc, medium low Cuban heel. Co lonial Pump. Regular price. $3.50. Remodeling Sale Price $245 No. 227 iJUlies patent Welt Sole Shoe, cloth top fixed with satin beaded bow. Regular price $4.50. Remodeling Hale Price $2.95 No. 4M Ladiew Patent Welt Sole Mm. Louis Cuban heel, Colonial pump Regular price $4.50. Remod eling Sale Price $2.95 No. 51I Ladles' patent One-Strap SlipiHT, cloth fixed Louis Cuban hee' Regular price $4 50. Remodeling Kale Price $2.9 No. 213 Ladies' Patent Welt Sol.-Two-Strap Pump.. Regular price $4. Remodeling sale price $2.8.1 No. 503 ladle' patent Wnlt enie Colonial Pump. Regular price $5.00. Remodeling Sale Price $$.25 No. 505 Ladies' Black Suede Co lonial Welt Sole Pnmp. Regular price $6.00. Remodeling Sale Price $3.45 No. 213 1-2 Ladles' (un Metal Calf Welt Sole, tailored bow, Louie Cuban heel. Regular Price $4.00 Remodeling Kale price $2.45 No. SOT Ladles' t;un Meta Calf Welt ColC Colonial Pump.. Regular price $5.00 Kcmedcng Sale Price. . $8.2.1 No. 215 LatUts Tan Calf Rubber v.le and Heel. Fngllsh I .est Low iec Oxford. Regular prtce $4.00. Re modeling Sale Price $2.85 No. 581 1-2 Ladies white (MlTa Robber Botes and Heels. One-Strap Pump. Regular price $2 00. Remod eling Sale Price ..$1.63 No ,-,0! Ladies' patent Turn Solo 1 -Strap, French Heel llimp., Regu lar price $4.50 Remodeling Sale Price $3.25 No. 310 1-2 lilies' Dull Kid, Trench Heel, Turn Sole Pump.. Reg ular price $5 00. Remodeling Sale Price S3.75 No. 335 todies' Patent Turn Sole Pumps, Louis Cuban Heel. Beaded Ornament. Regular price $4 00. Re modeling sale Price $2.95 No. 404 Ladles' Patent Vamp (loth Top Iaec Shoe, plain toe, short vamp Regular price $4.00. Remod eling sole Irlee 82.H5 No. 415 Ladle' Patent Vamp Cloth Top Knees, Louis Cuban heel, diamond tip. lace. Regular price $4. Remodeling sale price $2.85 No. 453 Indies' Putent Vamp Shoe, plain toe, cloth top, stage last, Louis Cuban heel. Button. Resular price $4.50. Remodeling Sale Prim $3.25 Men's (Jim Metal Calf Shoe, welt sole, button. Regular price $4 00. Remodeling sa'e price $2.95 Men's Viol Kid Welt Sole Button Shoes, regular price $4.00. Remodel, log sale price $2.95 Men's chocolate Vlel Kid Shoo, wide toe. welt sole. lace. Regular price $4.00. Remodeling Sale Price. . $2.95 Men's Gun Metal Calf Shoes, lace, welt sole. Regular price, $3.60. Re- modeling Sale Price $2.65 Men s Baa MetSl calf Shoe, welt sole, button. Regular price $3.60. Remodeling sale price $2.05 Peopl es Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade "l Wl t sfiTH tffll Mi Ml ffiTYi sTffll sTfltt f rW Tf AAiWAJi A.'uii'-.iJ '..A AA.iA JiA A A A A Ji A HA , A HA if A IAI r,l JAI If.l Ml MI IM MI MI Ml MI I