EIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916 County Com. Ashworth 15, Slash er It. netnocratto. District Delegates Biggs 10, Holme IS. King 8, Peterson si, Worden 4. County Treasurer Dickinson t Stillmaa IT. County Com. Anderson It, Creasy 7. PRECINCT NO. M if KAY. District Delegate rBooke 25, Bur gees 32, Pollard It. For President Burton t, Cummins 14, Hughes 14 Secretary of State Moore 14, 01- AVIATOR CHALLENGED BY RIVAL iLvk. ssawss It's the uniform unva rying heat of a good oil Iatove, and the perfect control, that keeps the juices in that pre serves the savory goodness of the meat and gives that even brownness all over. NEW PERFECTION OIL txx&SKm All thsconvsnisncsof gss. Cooks everything any wood or coal rang will cook, but Jtawpa 'our kitehtn coo. The long blue chim neys do away with alt amok and smell. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner si res, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Fireless Cooking Ov ens. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cslikmii) fendleton COWANY For Sale by W. J. CLARKE GEORGE C. BAER & CO. TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. 'f f CALL AND SEE MY STOCK OF Outside Plants before you fill your porch boxes. Hanging baskets called for filled and delivered. CUT FLOWERS, FERNS, SEEDS, FLOWER POTS. G. W. Hooker Florist Open evenings, Phone 522 544 Main St. Rip Van Winkle was a lucky man, And the reason for the state ment must at once occur to you Because we're mighty sure that there must have lived a brewer Who could furnish him with something that resembled Bran-New. City Brewery Telephone tit if lis llllllllllilllltmiflllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllMIMUt; 1 koodi.es, chop suey, china dishes i GOEY'S i!'tMmtimmiiiuiiiuiuimuiiuMiiiiMiiuiiiinHuiNmiHtimiN9 uicier. astter toasts a cleaner, cooler kitchen, and lest fuel expense A primary returns. (Continued from pace 4.) PRECINCT NO. 2 FERNDAUL I Bonds Yes 7, Xo lit. Republican. District Delegates Brooke 44, Bur Igess 48. Pollard 28. For President Burton It, Cummins I It, Hughes 2. Secretary of State Moo res J6, 01 I cott 10. Public Service Com Corey 11. Kyle It, McCulloch 2, Rusk t. Service 8, i Wright I. District Attorney Keator !, Smith 14. Watts 2t. County Clerk Brown 31, Baling S3. Treasurer Bradley 14, Gilliam 59; : Wolfe 5. Coroner Brown 52, Folsom J. HOW MRS. BEAN MET THE GRISIt Carried Safely Through Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Nashville.Tenn. "When I was going through the Change of Life I had a tu- nmor as large as a Icaiid's head. The doctor said it was three years coming and gave me medi cine for it until I was called away tfrom the city for some time. Of course I could not go to him then, so ivsisterin-law told Jm le that she thought Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound would cure it It helped both the Change of Life and the tumor and when I got home I did not need On doctor. I took the Pink ham remedies until the tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I have not felt it since. 1 tell every one how I was cured. If this letter will help others you are welcome to use it" Mrs. E. H. Bean, 525 Joseph Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, a pure remedy containing the extractive properties of good old fash ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs of woman's system at this critical period cf her life. Try it Tf there is anv nvrantom in your rase which puzzle yon, write to the Lydia E. IMnkbam Medicine i Co., Lynn, Mass. BETTER AND SOFTER LIGHT 1 avured by the use of soms of these beautiful fixtures of ours. They give a light that Illuminates the room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes). They are not expen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why Dot at least see them? J. L. VAUGHAN ill ill H 4sVfJVsVP it ill ' ' I I KWONG HONG LOW j 116 Weit Alto St., Upitairi. Phone 433 S cott tt. Public Service Com. Corey 4, Kyle It. McCulloch 4. Rusk S. Service t. Wright 7. Dist Attorney Keator It, Smith S, Watts l. County Clerk Brown 31, Sating 11. Treasurer Bradley , Gilliam SO. Wolfe S. Coroner Brown 23, Folsom It. County Com. Ashworth 24, Blusher It. Democratic District Delegates Biggs 7, Holmes S, King 4, Peterson 13, Worden 0. County Treasurer Dickinson S. Stillman 6. County Com. Anderson 10, Creasy PRECINCT XO. 47 HOLDMAN. Bonds Ye o, No t7. Republican. District Delegates Brooke 24. Bur gess 25, pollard I. - For President Burton 27. Cum mins 9, Hushes It. Secretary of State Moores IS, 01- cott 22. Public Service Com. Corey 12, Kyle IS, McCulloch 0. Rusk 1. Service 1. Wright It. District Attorney Keator IS, Smith 10, Watts 15. County Clerk Brown 28, Sallng 19. Treasurer Bradley IS, Gilliam 26. Watt t. Coroner Brown 25, Folsom 14. County Com. Ashworth' 13. Slush - er 25. Democratic. District Delegates Biggs 7, Holmes U. King 10, Peterson IS, Worden 1. County Treasurer Dickinson 9, Stllluisa IT. County Com. Anderson 22, Creasy PRECINCT NO. 57 ROGUE. District Delegates Brooke 8, Bur gess 13, Pollard S. For President Burton 1, Cummins S. Hughes (. Secretary of State Moores 2 Olcott It. Public Service Com. Corey 4, Kyle 2, McCulioch 2. Rusk 4. Service 1, Wright t. Dist. Attorney Keator 9, Smith 3. Watts t. County Clerk Brown 16, Saling 3. Treasurer Bradley 5, Gilliam 7, Wolfe 6. Coroner Brown 11, Folsom g. County Com. Ashworth 4, Slusher 16. Democratic. District Delegates Biggs 7, Holmes 5. King 6. Peterson 9, Worden 6. County Treasurer -Dickinson 2, Stillman It. County Com Anderson 15, Creasy 1. Representative Reeves 1. PRECINCT NO. 33 PENDLETON. Bonds Tee 34, No 98. District Delegates Brooke 52, Bur gess 56, Pollard 21. For President Burton 12, Cummins 17, Hughes tt. Secretary of State Moores 32, Ol cott 44. Public Service Com. Corey 9, Kyle 20; McCulloch 11, Rusk 11, Service 6, Wright 25. District Attorney Keator 67, Smith 7, Watts 22. County Clerk Brown 58, Sallng 27. Treasurer Bradley 22, Gilliam 56, Wolfe 8. Coroner- -Brown 34, Folsom 31. County Com. Ashworth 38, Slush er 36. Democratic. District Delegates Biggs 1, Holmes 14, King 10, Peterson 32, Worden 1. County Treasurer Dickinson , Stillman 20. County Com Anderson 19, Creasy 9. Representative Raley 7, Reeves 5, Scott 8. PfUaCUfCT NO. 28 RIVERSIDE Republican. District Delegates Brooke 10, Bur gess 30, Pollard 16. For President Burton 5, Cummin 9, Hughes 27. Secretary of State Moores 23, Ol cott 27. Public Service Com. Corey 7, Kyle 11, MO ulloch 2, Rusk 9, Service J, Wright 18. District. Attorney Keator 34, Smith 9, Watts . County Clerk Brown 35, Saling 17. Treasurer Bradley 10, Gilliam 35 Wolfe t. Coroner Brc wn 33, Folsom 21. County Com. Ashworth 20, slush er 27. HUtGBtCI NO. 37 PENDLETON. Bunds Ye 46, No il. Republican. District Delegates Brooke 37, Bur gess 63, Pollard It. For President Burton 9, Cummins 11. Hughes 27. Secretary of State Moores 24, Ol cott 26. Public Service Com Corey 11, Kyle 22, McCulloch 2, Rusk 4, Service S, Wright 14. Dist. Attorney Keator 40, Smith 4, Watts 18. County Clerk Brown 27, Sallng II. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears mff signature of LIEUT IMMELMANN. Lieut. Immelmann. often called the -Navarre, France's twenty-one year "Super-Hawk" of the German aerial I W air hero. Navarre has dropped force, and the most noted Fokker'"r """" """.egm- in me uerman filer of the German army has been challenged to an air duel for the championship of the world by Lieut, j Treasurer Bradley 25, Gilliam 26. Wolfe 16. Coroner Brown 28, Folsom 37. County Com. Ashworth 24, Slusher II. Democratic. District Delegates Biggs 7, Holmes 5, King 6, Peterson 31, Worden 2. County Treasurer Dickinson 0, Stillman 14. County Com. Anderson 9, Cressy T. Representative Raley 3, Scott 2 PRECINCT NO. 54 E. HERJOSTON Bonds Yes 51. No 35. Republican. District Delegates Brooke 31, Bur gess 33, Pollard 22. For President Burton 6, Cummins 12, Hughes 26. Secretary of State Moores 23, Ol cott IS. Public Service Com. Corey 10, Kyle 9, McCulloch 3, Rusk 8, Service 3, Wright 18. Dist. Attorney Keator 25, Smith 9, Watts It. County Clerk Brown 41, Sallng 3 Treasurer Bradley 22, Gilliam 21. Wolfe I. . Coroner Brown 28, Folsom 21. County Com. Ashworth 22, Slush er 21. Democratic. District Delegates Biggs 6, Holmes 11, King 14, Peterson 20, Worden 2. County Treasurer Dickinson 12, Stillman 9. County Com. Anderson 2, Cressy 30. Representative Raley 2, Reeves 2, Scott 2. I'KKt IMT NO. 6 COLI MIU.V Bonds Yes 6, No ol. Republican. District Delegates Brooke 20, Bur gess 30, Pollard 10. For President Burton 2, Cummins 15, Hughes 15, Henry Ford 2. Secretary of State Moores 6, Ol cott 20. Public Service Com. Corey 10; Kyle 20, McCulloch 8, Rusk 10, Service 0, Wright 15. Dist. Attorney Keator 16, Smith 2, Watts 16. County Clerk Brown IS, Saling 20. Treasurer Bradley 10, Gilliam 30, Wolfe 0. Coroner Brown 25, Folsom 10. County Com. Ashworth 12, Slusher 20. Democratic. For President Woodrow Wilson 23. District Delegates Biggs 8, Holmes 6, King 17, Peterson 19, Worden 2. County Treasurei Dickinson 10, Stillman 12. County Com. Anderson 6, Cressy 16. Representative Raley 12, Reeves 12, Scott 10. School Supt W. C. Howard 14. PRECINCT NO. 53 W. HERMISTON Bonds Yes 37, No 98. Republican. District Delegates Brooke 38, Bur gese 35, Pollard 26. For President Burton 8, Cummins 13, Hughes 16. Secretary of State Moores 15, ol cott 39. Public Service Com. Corey I, Kyle 19, McCulloch 7, Rusk 7, Service 4, Wright 14. Dist. Attorney Keator 22, Smith 12, Watts 20. County Clerk Brown 23, Sallng 32. Treasurer Bradley 22, Gilliam 30, Wolfe S. Coroner Brown 26, Folsom 32. County Com. Ashworth 19, sin er to. Democratic. District Delegates Biggs 2. Holmes 4, King 19, Peterson 27, Worden 3. County Treasurer Dickinson 8, Stlllmsn 13. County Com. Anderson 4, Cressy 27. ReprMentaive Raley 10, Reeves in K....H s Immelmann is credited with hav- ing brought down fifteen enemy aero, planes. His challegner has a record PREdNC; NO. IS. Republican. District Delegates Brooke 79, Bur gees 94. Pollard 40. For President Burton 18, Cum mins 30, Hughe St. Secretary of Stnte Moores SI. 01 cott 71. Public Service Com Corey 28 Kyle 35, McCulloch t. Rusk 14, Service S. Wright 33. District Attorney Keator 72. Smith ?S, Watts 10. County Clerk Brown 80, Baling 51. Treasurer Bradley 50, Gilliam 72. Wolfe 11. County Com. Ashworth 4t, Slusher 70. Democratic. District Delegates Biggs 8, Holme 7 4, King 2, Peterson 20, Worden 2. County Treasurer Dickinson t, Stillman 14. County Com. Anderson 12. Cressy Representative Raley , Reeves 1, frcott 1 PRECINCT NO. 11. Bonds Yes 28, No tt. Republican. District Delegates Brooke 32. Bur gess 46, Pollard 20. For President Burton 11, Cummins 16. Hughes 30. Secretary of State Mooree 21, Ol cott 37. Public Service Com. Corey 12, Kyle 16, McCulloch 6, Rusk 6, Service 5. Wright It Dist Attorney Keator 39, Smith 7, Watts- 16. County Clerk Brown 49, Sallng IB. Treasurer Bradley 29. Gilliam 29, Wolfe 7. Coroner Brown 44, Folsom 21. County Com. Ashworth 26, Slush er 29. Democratic. District Delegates Biggs 6. Holmes 8. King 14. Peterson 21, Worden 1. County Treasurer Dickinson 3, Stilman 20. County Com. Anderson 12, Cressy 9. Representative Raley 8, Reeve 7, Scott 7. (Continued on Pag Seven.) MANY TROUBLES DUE TO WEAK KIDNEYS "It is no use advertising a medicine unless the medicine itself is good enough to back up the claims you make for it," said Tollman & Co., the popular druggists, to an East Orego nian man. "On the other hand, it Is a pleasure to sell a medicine when your customers come in afterward and tell you how much good it has done them. And that Is why we like to sell and recommend Solvax, the great kidney remedy. Ever since we first Introduced Solvax In Pendleton our clerks have been so busy selling It that we have a hard time keeping a suffi cient stock on hand. We have so much faith in this article that we are going to guarantee It In the future and will return the money to any purchaser of Solvax whom It does not help. This may seem rash but our customers have said so many good words In its favor that we do not epect to have many packages returned." This shows great faith In Solvax, It really Is a most unusual medicine be cause It overcomes tne worst cases of kidney complaint by removing the cause. It goes straight to the seat or the trouble. It soaks right In and cleanB out the kidneys and makes them pass off all the uric acid and poison ous waste matter that lodges in the Joints and muscles, causing rheumatic pains; soothes and heals the bladder and quickly ends all such troubles. Nothing Is more uncomfortable or hurts a person's perfect enjoyment of life more than troublesome kidneys and their attending evils. Use Solvax and get your full measure of Ijnn' fit out of life. This is the exact This is ize and shape of the finest cigar that cornea from Cuba. It sells at 50c each. size and shape of another Havana cigar, almost as fine, that sells for 30c each. The makers of the highest-priced cigars men who receive as much as 50 cents for a single cigar favor the square -end shape. Why? Because the square -end shape yields the highest percentage of smooth -burning, satisfying smokes to the smoker that is why we make the OWL in the square end shape. M. A. GUNST ft CO. INCORPORATED s UMMER TOURS SEASON BEGINS JUNE FIRST Low Round-Trip Fares via UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM to Eastern Cities. Chicago S 72.50 St Louis . New York ...110.70 Cincinnati Boston 110.00 Washington THROUGH SERVICE to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago. Direct connections for Atlantic Coast Points First-Class Limited Trains Automatic Signal Protection. T. F. O'BRIEN, Agen R. BURNS District Freight & Passenger Agent Walla Walla. 2 iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiwimiiimiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiinM!. I Why Not Own Your Own Home I BUY OR BUILD ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. It's paying rent to yourself. Come and see us, and we will outline this plan to you. MATLOGK-LAATZ INVESTMENT 00. 112 Unit Real Estate Farm and ;-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuHiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!::iiiiiiiini i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiffi the exact Thii is the exact size and shape of the OWL, the Million Dollar Cigar, that sells for 5c. The Million Dollar Cigar . t 71.20 .. 86.50 108.50 Omaha tOO.Oe Kansas City 80.00 Detroit H.t.40 Court Ht. City Loans Insurance S F.miiiHiw I