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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1916)
PAGE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY. MAY 20. 1916. GES i' II SALE REMODELING Our Great Remodeling Sale Commenced This Morning Snr HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS PROFITED BY THE wSl wr 1 dc , I?PY' DRESSING THEIR SURPRISE AND SATISFACTION AT THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICES AT iLviHw vSii xfv SWRi.NG AND SUMMER GOODS. YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS THIS SALE. IT MEANS DOLLARS wui? tr ATScmP;AE CAN 0NLY MENTION A FEW OF OUR PRICES HERE BUT THEY'RE A FAIR EXAMPLE OF WHAT WE ARE OFFERING ALL OVER THE STORE. GREA T REMODELING SALE OF MEN'S SUITS It is early in the season to have a Sale ot Men's Suits but we simply must make room, so every suit in our great new stock has been re duced in price as follows: LOT A. Regular ? 15.00 Suits are Reduced to $9.75 Regular $17.50 Suits are Reduced to.... $11.35 Regular $20.00 Suits are Reduced to ... $12.95 Regular $22.50 Suits are Reduced to.... $14.60 Regular $25.00 Suits are Reduced to. .. $16.25 Regular $27.50 Suits are Reduced to. .. $17.85 Regular $30.00 Suits are Reduced to. .. $19.50 Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $15.00 817.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 827.50 830.00 LOT B. Suits are Reduced to Suits are Reduced to.. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to.. STANDARD, FAST DYE, BIB OVERALLS $1.00 The wholesale price of these overalls right now is $1.25 per pair. When you buy your overalls here you we saving from 25c to 35c per pair. Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 830.00 LOT Suits are Suits are Suits are Suits are Suits are Suits are Suits are C. Reduced to. Reduced to. Reduced to. Reduced to. Reduced to.. Reduced to.. Reduced to. Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 $22.50 825.00 $27.50 830.00 LOTD. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are reduced to. Suits are Reduced to $10.50 $12.25 $13.95 $15.75 817.50 $19.25 $20.89 $11.25 $13.12- $14.95 $16.85 $18.75 $20.62 $22.50 $11.95 $13.95 $15.95 $17.95 $19.95 $21.95 $23.95 Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 $22.50 825.00 $27.50 $30.00 $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 LOTE. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to Suits are Reduced to. Suits are Reduced to. LOT1 Suits are Suits are Suits are Suits are Suits are Suits are Suits are Reduced to. Reduced to Reduced to. Reduced to. Reduced to. Reduced to. Reduced to. LOTG. $15.00 Suits are Reduced to. $17.50 Suits are Reduced to. $20.00 Suits are Reduced to. $22.50 Suite are Reduced to. $25.00 Suits are Reduced to. $27.50 Suits are Reduced to. $30.00 Suits are Reduced to. $12.75 $14.85 $16.95 $19.20 $21.25 $23.35 $26.35 $13.15 $15.30 $17.45 $19.68 $21.87 $23.95 $26.25 $13.45 $15.75 $17.85 $19.90 $22.35 $24.60 $26.85 Every Woman's Cloth Suit Must Go In keeping with our regular policy ever suit mull be Hold in the wi on for which it was bought. Thi Spring we have placed them on Kale at an unusuall early date in order that they may be of more val ue to our customers. Kveiy varment in a late spring style, bought direct from the maker :n New York by our own buyer. thus eliminat ing the traveling man's expenses. All of the popular spring shade in wool poplin, gabardine and serge are used in these xults that will be rold at the following reductions. Regular 817.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price .... $11.75 Regular 810.75 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price.... $13.50 Regular $22.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price ... $14.75 Regular $25.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price. .. $16.50 Regular $27.50 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price ... $18.50 Regular $30.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price.. $20.00 Regular $35.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price ... $23.75 Regular $40.00 Suits. Remodeling Sale Price $26.50 Regular 812.50 Suits. Remodeling Sale Price $27.50 Regular $45.00 Suits, Remodeling Sale Price .... $29.95 Regular $50.00 Suits. Remodeling Sale Price $33.75 iailv 8el ected fins for Bap Items In il Women Children Children's Muslin Drawers in neat plain pintucked styles f.nd embroidery edgings. The former prices on these were up to 75 ; as they are .slightly soiled the Remodeling sale price will be 19 Children's Fancy Lace Trim med Drawers in values that sold regularly to $1.25; Re modeling Sale Price 29 Women's Muslin Drawers, slightly soiled, open and clos ed styles, trimmed neatly for every day wear, with pin tucks and embroidery edgings that make them serviceable. The regular prices were up to 35. The bargain price for Remod eling Sale, per pair 9? Muslin Skirts for Children, both embroidery and lace trim med. They sold in the regu lar way up to 65?, but they're a little soiled, so the Remodel ing Sale Price is 19 Women's Night Gowns. Women's open front, high neck, long sleeve muslin night gowns, pin tucked and em broidery trimmed yokes and styles that sell regularly at $1.35, $1.25, 981, Remodel ing Sale Price 79 It II ma m The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade A picnic wan given May IS by Schoc.J District -No. 113, near Athena. Walton noork. teacher. About fifty friends and patrons met the school house and went to the river at Cayuse. Din ner was served and a few hours ot games were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs t. E. Young, Miss Haxel Wagner ana Miss Clara Straughsn attended from Pend leton. Dr T. J Lloyd at one time of this city, but more recently of Seattle, has MSP 1MB MUdlMkM M V&U V returned to this city to locale. Mr. Lloyd has engaged office, room with the Tallman Drug Co., and todar ha a very Interesting display of veteri narian Instruments in the window of that place. George Pertnger, pronlnent wheal farmer, purchased a new model D-ll Bulck from the Oregon Motor Oarage. Sacred Concert. I A sacred concert will be given at j the Church of the Redeemer on Mon ; day night at 8 o'clock. A very Inter j esting program has) been prepared i which will appear In Monday's paper. j bur, li or tile HfOHMM. Sunday school at 10 a. m ; dlvin.. j service with a celebration of the holy j communion at 11 a. m. The soloist -I jiim amarea Berkeley. There will be no evening service. Charles Qulnney. rector. Warmer Inn. I nrccnstol. The weather bureau today makes the folowing forecast: Tonight ana Sunday partly cloudy. Fair weather indicated for the next two or three days. Warmer days and cool nlghu on Monday and Tuesday. Han W indow Display. The Downey meat market has very pretty window display made 01 meats. (loses and ornaments aie very artistically carved out of differ ent meats and are arranged very at tractively The work is all done by Wm. Straight, head butcher of the shop. Mr Straight for six years was connected with the Wm. Constdln market In Portland. Cigarette cause Rejections. NEW YORK, May M. Excessive I cigarette smoking caused II per cent or tne rejections at the fnlted States marine corps recruiting station In th's city since the first of May. according to Captain Frank K Evans, recruit ing officer The specific causes were faulty respiration and tachycardts, or rapid heart beat. The Malen-Burnett school of piano will give a recital on the evening ot May 29 at the Warren music store. Miss Julia Drake of 101 College street, gave a very attractive ertv l ist evening, at her home us a fare well to Miss Mabel Long who Is soon to leave for N. Y. city on an extended visit at the home of Miss Edna Odell. The rooms were very prettily decorat ed In pink and white carnations. The evening was enjoyable spent In muslo and games, following a very delight, ful supper which was served by Miss Norma Dagget and Miss Myths Tern piston Those present were Mabel Long. Julia Drake, Gertrude Temple ton, Edith Tetnpleton, Dena Hatter, Lottie Buchanun, Norma Daggett and Rosa Dunn; Messrs. Cecil Parkhlll, Ray Templeton, Leonard Tempest, Dunlel Forbes. Carl Hough, Everett Thucker, Alvln Budd and Bldred brown. on Thursdaj afternoon belles of other churches were guests of the la dies of the Christian cMirch mission ary society at the church. Following a unique program refreshments were served and talks were made by vari ous ladles, all empmphaaltlng the de sirability of such gatherings for the future. Those present were Mrs. J. C. Woodwurth, G W Rugg, C. 8. Huward, J. 8. Jones, A F. May! S. A Mentxer, E. R. Clevenger, J. . Dexell, R. W. Ayers, W D. Humph rey, Robert Brown, Albert Eklund, J. E. Sharp, R. L. Oliver, E- C. Anlbal. C, A. Patton, J. D Brumwell, Mrs. Huey, Mrs. Biggie. Mrs Overton. J. S. Todd, Mrs. Myrlck, M. L. Peters, C. B. Isaacs, Sam Jenkins. J. E Hold er, o. w. Mowry, J. H. Hale). F. , King, M. A. Ferguson, B. V. Corley, Wm Milne, D. C. McNsbb, Chas. Mc Bee, M. S. Brown, W. ft Pellgren, M. M. Grandin, L. E. Penland. 8. G. Heeti, H. H Hubbell, Murgaret Hoo ver, Mrs. Badda, Wm. Case, dorian Gray; Misses Pauline Todd, Ruth Par sons, Alice Peters. Opal Johnson. Ev elyn Greullch, Lenore Greullch j MONIIOK IKK THINK STKONGER THAN EVER m DIGESTIVE EFFICIENCY Must come from a strong Mom- I axi. active Mver and I towel regularity. Watch Uienp organs and st any sign of weakness) try f LJOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters WILLIAM Pta . aoJZLAtfD MONROE LAKE, May 20. The Monroe Doctrine has been of Inesti mable benefit to the New York and is today stronger than ever, Represen tative William P, M. Roland of Mis souri told the Conference on Interna tional Arbitration here. He .ii.i in part: "it Is now nearly a century since the Monroe Doctrine, so called, wasi announced by an American president In a purely domestic state document, an annual message to congress, and yet. never was the doctrine more deep-, ly rooted in the affection of the peo ole. and never woulrl It hm m.r. . wise to challenge It, thun today. "The Initial purpose of the Mon roe Doctrine was to secure to the Am erlcn nations a fair opportunity to work out their national destinies free from the fetters of European feuds and factions. "If the Monroe Doctrine has kept the nations of Europe from being em broiled in American politics, It has also kept the American nations from being embroiled In the politics of Eu rope. "The Monroe Doctrine has fully Justified Its existence In keeping the Americans out of the present conflict that has engulfed nearly the whole of the civilized world Without It ws would certainly have been Involved II the opposing parties each held Im portant territories on this side or the water." You will like that Chocolate Ice Cream at Koeppen's and its only 10c a dish m'"iiiiii iiiiimjiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiH; ansco I Cameras I S i I Cyko paper and films. S Awarded gold medal Pa- f nama-Pacific Internatnm-1 5 al Exposition, San Fran-1 S CISCO. Developing and print- ing promptly done at Tallman & Co. Leading Drugglsti Tl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 Tl 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Mil SECTS