DAILY EVENING EDITION i "H DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. The 1 .11.-1 i ireg iiimh hu I In- large! buna fM unit guaranteed pild circulation of ny a per In Oregon, cut of l'ortlsnd anil by I the largest circulation In Pendleton M aay uempauer. il miTUL,- x1 Viillllll f V L1 mllUH af TH8TERDAYS WFATHCT DATA. M mVl JT U I JDtAILy 1 TaW B Maximum temperature, St. mlnl- g0RBX CJmk SftWI'WMbKLA fl- Vll i oh l"1 mum. 47; rain, .21; wln'l. southwest. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 28 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1916. J? N0, 8814 60DD' R01D3 BJUD8 ARE- DUIEjULY VOTE lit IRE THAN 4 TO 1 - -i MR 1 B! ESTIMATED HO MAJORITY Present Deputy is Easily First in 1 Race for Office of District Attor My; Smith Will Receive Over 500 Votes. With complete returns In from 55 of the 64 precincts In the county and Incomplete returns from the balance, the result of the republican and dem. ocratlc primaries In this county are definitely enough known to remove all doubt a to the outcome. There Is no contest so close that the remaining returns arc likely to change the out come. Of piincipal Interest, probably, was the republican fight for district attor. ney ship Roncoe I. Keator, present deputy, received the nomination by a majority that will reach 800 when all of the returns are In. The vote from H precinct gives him 1783 to 1008 for H. I Wutta of Athena. Osmer K Smith, who practically withdrew sev. eral days ago, still received over 500 vote The surprise to many people of the election wan the detvut of both Coun ty Clerk rTank baling and Treasure.' U. W. Bradley for renomlntlon. K. T. llrown Is leading Sating in 55 prt. cloct by more thun 500 votes, while Mis CI race GiUiam of Pilot Hock is more than 1000 vote ahead of Urad ley Mm Mabel Wolfe was a pOVr ihird in the race. la the democratic race for the treasurer nomination, H J. SUlimun M thl city defeated Oliver Dlckennon oi Athena. William Slusher la the republican nominee for county commissioner, the returns to date snowing him near ly 4110 vole In the lead oi J. M. Ash worth of Weston In the democratic race tOt thl oifice, Harney Anderson appeal's to have uelealed Oeorge A Cress? of Hermiston decisively. Coroner J. T. Brown, the t.. brother of the new republican noml ne lor clerk, defended his line uc cesslully against Italph Kolsom, the returns from (I precincts showing tin:, nearly 350 in the lead. The above covers the return on the contested nomination. No attempt has been made to secure the vote on the various candidate who were un opposed. It 1 taken for granted that they secured their nominations as no el fort was made to defeat them by writing in other' name. Those who tliu secured nomination are a lol low; Republican. enator, Kreder Ick Steiwcr; Joint representative, H. N, stunileld, representative, J. A. l;.Ht and R. W. Hltner; aoor, J. A. Yeager; superintendent, 1 E 1 .ung; sheriff; H. M Allen; recorder, H s. llurrough; surveyor, Wlllaru Uradley; Justice of the peace; Joe H. Parke; democraU. district attorne. i.eorge 11. Bishop; clerk, W. D. chamberlain; Sheriff, T. D. Taylor; assessor, c P. strain. I'lie democrat wrote in the names ol J. N. Scott for Joint representative, i. It. Haley and W. T. Heeves for i .-presentiitives; W. C Howard for s, hool superintendent, F- H. Hayes for surveyor and Oeorge Peebler for cor- Miss Grace Gilliam Nominated !' rcpiilillcniis for Trensuicr Umatilla County. - ' " ' " ' J MISS SALIMG ELECTED QUEEN Queen (Muriel of The Total Vote for Miss Saling BULLETIN, POIITLANB. (He.. May 20. I let urn- from 211 counties.. ln i Imlln nearly bait' of the precinct- in Multnomah, ntvc Hiurhe 21. HMI: Cnmaln, 1,901; Burton, :t.lll.V The republican stale a Itarenlly elected Is: President, llmrlics and lv president. Web ster; deiojrati's at larno: Cameron, Curvy. Pulton, Spencer: electors. Butler, North. Kcady. WUhoii. I'otU'l; coittrressman. Portland. McArthur; secretary of state, Oleottt eomml loners, Buchtei, Wriirht. The latest flp'ris, give Moorew 17.323: Oieott. 23,101 Corey !7.-7. Klo ISM, liu-k 133(1. Mi' Cultocti I0O1, Hewtee n. YArlitlit 277.Y PORTLAND, Ore., Mu 20. oieott has defeated Moore for the republican nomination tor scTctnry of state by a sulintaii llal majority, the return at t" o'clock this afternoon fndlcatedt, Twenty five counties. Including i2(t precinct in Multnoaaah, give Moore 10,081 and oieott I3.5T6. Wright r union cottntr, apfiar- ently hus won the public servlie eommlsMlonershlp over five oppo ii' nit- with McCnUooh and Odm I'linnliut close for sisjsmd place. The totalH available niio Corey I I HO, Kyle 117, Rnk MS, Mc Cnlloch 1011, Service sin and Wright 1280. In the western district. Bti elitel lias MMH) defeated Comp licU, lneunibent. The vole thus far 1m litichtcl MM and Campbell 5330. McXrlhur has n ItlinmlHI ed to congress from the third r fcsljfcjkjit H sssl off- Br ' - y C IBB sbbbbBL HUGHES IS CHOICE OE OREGON REPUBLICANS; OECOTT LEADING IN RACE FOR STATE SECRETARY BULLETIN, I district with Ijifrerty a close sec- ItHlTLAMt. Ore.. May 20. I OOd and UttletMd a poor third. Ketiunif. from 20 counties. In- the Rose Festival Was Over the 7,400,000 Mark PORTLAND, ore. May 20 Hughes I was the choice of the Oregon repuh- Ucans lor presidential candidate at the primaries yesterday. Incomplete re turns from all pnrta of the state In-; dicale that he received more votes than I'ummlns and Burton combined. j His overwhelming victory surprised even his supporter. In the race for secretary of state, oleott is maintilning a substantial 1 lead over Moore. Uuchtcl apparent I ly Is iHiminated public service commis. I sinner for the western district over Campbell. Wright Is leading the field In eastern Oregon. McArthur was renominated to emi gres from the third district by a sub stantial pluiallty. Genual. Hughes refuses to comment on the Vote 'n Oregon. German stmt new offensive m iwi gtmav LOcaL llotul lsue overwhelmingly defent- Cd, -a' .Miss Muriel saling elected Kose ' Qneea by over 4,000,000 majority, j Keator defeats Watts; sal lug and ,1 NEWS SUMMARY Bradley both defiaUMl; llrown defeats1 that the Oregon voters strongly fa I'olsoin. vored him n the republican presldeo- lln:. In-- I republicans' elioVe tnr, tial candidate. After the Oregon re prcNldcnt m tills eonnty. turn were submitted to Hughes, his Hltner gets two votes to Best's one secretary announced that he would In IVndleton. make no expression of opinion. in Kdmund Unstop passes away. "It can't be sold that he is even in With Over Four Million Votes to Spare PnHlfor, r.irl Uinc H..t In ( S VIIUIVIUII V III II Ills? VIH III VVMI test Which Closed Last Might at Midnight. Hall to Muriel, (jueen of the Kose Festival and of the Columbia High way! Long live the queen! With more than four million, two hundred thousand votes to spare, Miss Muriel Sating, Pendleton' candidate in the Rose Queen contest, was re turned the Winner when the balloting dosed in Portland lust night. Her total vote was over the 7.400, Ouu nark, more than twice as much as received by Miss Lillian Hendrick- sen 'if Portland, candidate of the For eater of America, who was second, and almost as much as the combined vote of her three highest contestants, i The final voting placed Miss Sal- As queen of the Rose Festival. Miss ing in a class by herself and the re-' Saling will preside over all of the fes snlt make Pendleton stand out con-, tivltles of Portland's annual Feast of spa uously above all of the other clt-j the Roses, and she will also preside at Is and orgniaations who entered can- the dedication of the Columbia High di'lates. It la another exemplifies-, way. She will head all parades and lion ot the Pendleton, spirit and the w ill be the central figure of all fetes. Pendton way of doing things. Pendleton to Name King. The managers of the campaign of By winning the queen election, Pen yueen Muriel sprang a coup when, at. dleton also secures the privilege of the last moment of the contest, they naming the man to represent Rex threw In a block of more tha,n fivejoregonua at the festival. The com million votes. Not even the directors j mittee has not yet discussed the meth of the contest knew that this city had; od by which a king will be named, ion a rc-serva. j All expenses of the queen and king Practically all of the local votes j w ill be defrayed by the festival man were purchased during the ten day pe-j agement, their wardrobes Will be fur riod when votes sold for 6000 for ainiahed and Pendleton will secure a dollar. However, less than two mil-1 special float for the parades. Local ilon were purchased directly. Morej citizens subscribed liberally to the than live million were purchased by i campaign fund, more than 1200 in Portland people to whom the local all having been raised, and yet the committee had .sent money. Miss committee felt that it could have rais- U nma Lucas aJhd A L. Fish of the ; i iirnal B. E. Kennedy, Mose Baruh, I Plowden Scott and Dale Chessman all purchased heavily, refusing to disclose! to the festival management the riamei of the candidate for whom their votes were Intended. These votes were sentj Hack here and several days ago were eat to Dale Chessman with inatruc-j tlonl to hold them until five minutes, t'l'fort1 the voting closed. News of Pendleton's overwhelming ! victory in the contest was telephoned to Pendleton within half an houraft-l cr midnight by Chessman, who for. ! merly lived here. He reported hav-1 Ing held the big reserve vote until th6j minute when the voting closed. The Headquarters was crowded bv hun- dreds of people, supporters of one can-l didate or the other, and several of the candidates were present with re serve votes. Excitement was intense at the final moment but when pendle. ton's representative deposited over ion's representative deposited over five gasping amazement. There were some who suspected Pendleton to be holding back a big vote but the enor mous proportions of it astonished all. Throughout the contest Miss Sal- Results at 55 PRECINCTS, COMPLETE. Republican. State Delegates Ackerman, 641 ; Boyd, 1348; Buland, 500; Cameron, 1261 : Carey, 885; Case, 620; Fulton, 1318; Hawkins, 839 ; Peterson; 1213; Spencer, 662; War len, 358; Worsley, 534. District Delegates Brooke. 1880; Burgess, 2306; Pol lard, 913. For President Burton, 392; Cummins, 815; Hughes, 1527. Secretary of State Moores, 1202; Oleott. 1859. Public Service Com. Corey, 599; Kyle. 962; McCul loch, 254; Rusk, 383 ; Service. 206; Wright, 609. Dist. Attorney Keator, 1763; Smith, 492; Watts. lt08. County Clerk Brown, 1914: Saling, 1401. Treasurer Bradley, 987: Gilliam, 2089; Wolf. 317. Coroner Brown, 1681: Folsom, 1344. County Com. Ashworth, 1309; Slusher, 1671. Democratic. County Com. Anderson, Result in Oregon is Taken Quietly by Justice Hughes AS lilTI HNS AUK INNOUNCKD UK KKi-'i si :s to MAKE STATEMENT. WASHINGTON, May 10. Hugh failed to get excited when Informed OF ROSE Ing's munagers had never put her in the lead but once, contenting them selves with keeping her in the first division. Miss Saling received the news of her election soon after midnight and with it the congratulations of Miss Hendricksen. her nearest competitor. All day today she has been flooded with congratulations by telegraph and telephone. One of the first to be re ceived was one from the president ot the Kose Festival. The managers ol Miss L'ptegrove, Oregon City's candi date, were also early with their felici- tations. ed twice that sum. Thev felt that . Pendleton, with her reputation aa a city that does things, could not afford to lose and believed that the adver- tlsement that the city will receive will more than compensate for the money and effort expended. fina, standlng of dates, as received over the telephone lilst night wa8 foIlows. f"' Saling Pendleton ...7.483.02, Hendricksen, F. A' V ' --3,-48.-11 ''nr Jackson Modarn Foresters, McM.nnville ..2,3.2,d6, ST 0WB. M"1" ? "', 9? V!"""1, "tH!''!! M":'red PeK' ancouver 1,70.411 Waive Jacobs, Klamath Flls 1,416,923 Louise Taylor, West Union 1,055,30 Jewell Carroll, Knights and Ladies of Security 1,010.561 Miss Hendricksen. Miss Jackson. Miss l'ptegrove, Miss Oilman, Miss Fraasch, Miss Pegg, Miss Jacobs, M. Taylor and Miss Carroll will be maids to Miss Saling during the big festi val. The outside towns each will re ceive a float. a Glance 544 ; Cressy, Jot. terested," declared his secretary. Ra-I publtean leaders said that the Ore it on result showed that Hughes miuht bo a candidate against the field at the convention, with Roosevelt a the field. Hughes Is believed to be strong, t than the colonel because of Rooae velt'g failure to do more than break! even with Penrose In the I'ennslva nla primaries. Cummins and llurton followers refused statements on the Oregon returns. It was evident they were disappointed. Leader d in : mented on the fact that Oregonlansi plainly preferred Hughe to progre- j slve Cummins or conservative Hutton. The vote Indicated that Hushes was the most available middle ground can-! dldute. . 1 FESTIVA1 PpDMAN ATTApK U L l If 1 H II ill .flUIX ALONG THE YSER IS HURLED BACK Teuton Attempt to Break Through the Belgian Front Meets With No Success Says Paris. OFFENSIVE IN PREPARATION LMsimtehcs from Holland Indicate That the Kaiser's Forces Are Pre paring to Begin New Movement in Belgium; May Be Another Attempt to Beach Calais. LONDON, May 20. German troop are preparing for a tremendous of- I tensive on the Belgium front, Holland i dispatches indicated. For three days ! there has been a heavy movement ot I men and ammunition toward the fir ing line Big guns have been concen ! tidied in massed batteries from the seacoast to Ypres. Teuton aviators are active over the scene of the ex pected battle, it was considered a possibility that the Germans contem plate renewing their effort for a smash to Calais. x PARIS, May 20. Unusual activity was reported on both sides today, in Belgium the Chajnpagne German at- tacks were hurled back In confusion, "-.- ..uoGu dt r iu vuuijajuu. j There was ho infant r fighting at Ver - dun it was ofrwlalty stated. German measure is not taken by the principal aeroplanes shelled Dunkirk and Bar- j opponents of the measure as an ln gues, killing six and -wounding 38. j dication that Umatilla county Is op As reprisal, the French attacked the j posed to good roads. In fact many of camps of Wyfkegen, Zarren and Hand- j those who worked hardest against the zaem. Belgian aeroplanes bombard- measure declare they will support a ed the Chiftellen aerodrome. Lieu-! direct good roads tax. tenant Navarre downed his eleventh j German aeroplane. It fell in the rear (Continued on Page Bight.) of the allies' trenches and both occu-j 1 pants were captured. Four other1 German aeroplanes were destroyed. Attacking the Belgian front at Steerstraete. the Germans attempted ! to cross the Yser but were repulsed j In the Champagne the Germans sent! a cloud of poisonous gas billowing to ward the French The defenders don-1 ned their masks and held their posi Hons. LONDON. May 20. German aero, planes raided the east coast of Kent at i o'clock this morning, one per son was killed and two injured. One raider was downed on the Belgian coast. British pursued the Germans in the darkness in the English channel. AMERICAN AVIATOR B AGS GERMAN FLYER PARIS. May 20. Corporal Kttfen Rockwell of Atlanta. Ga.. a memhet of the Franco-American flylnK corps, shot down a German aeroplanist who was going toward Hartmannsweller kopf. The Herman fell flaming. Pa-Miucrs. Crew Us4. MARSEILLES, France. Ha None of the passengers or crew French coasting steamer Mira saved when she was sunk as a ot a torpedo attack la the Had Man May 16. 20. of the was result terra Roscoe I. Keator Nominated by r pn' ii. for ldtitrict Attorney. PRACTICALLY EVERY SECTION on COUNTY AGAINST 19 By a vote of more than four to one the proposed 1980.000 good roads bonds went down to overwhelming de feat at the election yesterday in this county. The returns from St pre cinct complete out of (4 in the coun ty give 9CS votes for the bonds and S83 T votes against I Practically even' section of the county, not excepting the wet end where a big majority for the bonds was expected, voiced a sentiment against the issuance of the bonds. In the east end, in the south end and north of Pendleton a tremendous ma jority was rolled up against the mea sure, in several precincts, notably Holdman. Vinson and Vansycle. not a slnsle vote was cist in favor of the bonds. The surprise of the elecUon"waTh"i fact that the town of Echo. Stanfield and Hermiston cast majorities against the measure. It was in these places where the bonds were expected to re ceive their largest vote. In Pendleton the bonds lost heav- I ily though In some of the precincts j the vote was close. In one, No. J. there were seven more Y esses than No whlIe 'n No. 39 there waa but a ""ference of one vote. 1 e decisive defeat of the bond LARGE VOTE FOR HUGHES POLLED BY REPUBLICANS OI.COTT AND KYLE ALSO RUN STRONG ON THE REPUBLICAN maft In the Umatilla county vote on statu !and eastern Oregon district candl- Jatea fea,uree were the heavy vote for Hughes for president by the republl- i cans, a majority of over 500 for Ben Oleott over Charles B. Moores. a I plurality for James Kyle for public service commissioner and strong votes I for Umatilla county men running for delegates to the repuollcan and dem ocratic conventions. The following is the summary of the , voting in 55 precincts out of 64. tha I vote being given complete for the 5 j : precinct. Republican. State Delegate Ackerman. i Boyd, 1348. Huland. 500; Cameron, j ItOl; Carey, 8SS; Case, 420, Pulton I 1318; Hawkins. sa: Peterson, 1213; Spencer. 662; Warren. 35S; Worsley, 534. Burgess, 2306; Pollard, 913. For President Burton, 32. mins. S15; Hughes, 1527. I Secretary of Mate Moores, Oleott, 1859. Public Service Com Corey. I Kyte. 62: McCulloch. 110; Husk IH Hit Service, 206; Wright, 60S. Wright Curries I niou. A message thl afternoon from I.i 'trande gave the following a the j Union county vote for public ervlca commissioner, the vote beln 36 precinct, j Corey. 1J0; Kyle. 84; Mc 93; Rusk, 443. Service. 1 Wright. 1403 from Wheat Still Low in Chicago Market CtUCAQO, May 20 (Special to the East uregonlan ) Today rang I of prices; Open. High. Cloaa, IMuy I1.10T, 11.114 ILUH July W.UH i.i:id ti u