TWELVE PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1916. T. P. W. Pure Food Shop" 3T CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE We five all we can for what we jet, instead of getting all we can for what we give. OUR PURE FOOD SHOP now, at it ha always been, the CLEANEST, BEST GROCERY in Eastern Oregon, located in our COOL, CLEAN, FLYLESS base ment, i GOOD THINGS FOR YOUR DAY DINNER. SUN- Home Grown Strawberries, Aspa ragus, New Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Green Peas. FOR THAT PICNIC, LUNCH OR QUICK MEAL Baked Ham, Boiled Ham, Head Cheese, Chicken Meat Treats, Liver Sausage, Lunch Loaf. Q9 SATURDAY SPECIALS .. tiian Sliced Pineapple Ex tra ripe fruit. 6 cans 95 Tomato Catsup Full pint bottles, special 154? Milk Fed Chickens for Saturday's trade. Phone your orders early. Nuefchatel, Pimento, Chili and Cot tage Cheese Fresh by express. Lunch Sets for your picnic. Packed in sanitary package 15c. 25f T. P. W. Coffee No better Coffees and no coffees better. Order a pound today. Crockery Dept. in grocery basement New Cookies, Crackers and Can dies today. Sunkist Oranges Extra fancy ripe oranges, dozen 50c, t0c Peopl ii i es vv arenouse Where It Pays To Trade Invitations are out for the annual Junior Prom to be ttven by the class of 1 9 IT of Pendleton high svhooi on Wednesday. May twenty-fourth, in ttu- Racto-Woodman Hail. 1MB llllllllMW wwMWMMj BOF1 " ' " mi iwi m m m ivi m iwue ... in jiii i . rnn mi ma urn Ml 111 Ml Ml IS! Ml MIAl W. J. 1 LVCmm m VX Jfll MX 1M Ml Ifll 1M1M 1 i n . " rt ri ! n r ftir r if itir nr 'mrr 'rr r'-irTr'i-i rri r-"im"mtvi dull mm SICK HEADACHE Dr. Jaiaee' Headache Powders re lieve at once 10 cento a package. Ton take a Dr. James' Headache j Powder and in just a few momenta your head dears and all neuralgia and iislnas vanishes. It's the quickest ; and sarsrt relief for headache, whether j doll, throbbing, splitting or nerve racking. Send someone to the drug store and get a dime package now. j Quit (suffering it' so needless. Be ure yon get Dr. James' Headache j Powder then there will be no disap-' ointment. WORK BY HEAD OF SCHOOL IS PRAISED The dame given last evening in the Kasle-Wooilnian hall as the closing benefit for the candidacy of Miss Mu riel Saling for queen of the Uose Fes tival and Columbia Highway was at tended by a large crowd that spent a very enjoyable three hours. Music was contributed by members of thu orchestra of t'harles Keene and other musicians. The dance yielded a con siderable sum which will be spent for votes for Miss Saling. Mr. and Mrs J. C. Clemena and two children of Hums have arrived in the city by auto for a visit with relative nd friends. On .Saturday afternoon. May 20, at 2:30 at the Hound-Vp grounds, a "Fairy May Festival" for the children will be given under the direction o'. Mrs Adah Losh Hose. There will be dances and songs by the children In costume. The crowning of their uueen and winding the May pole There will be fairlee. brownies. Wood nymphs, butterflies and colonial boys and girls. The public Is invited to at tend. Admission is free Miss Vera Temple is to be the May queen. I Mrs. John Vert is entertaining the I members Of the Duplicate Whist Club , today as a compliment to Mrs. J. K. I Dickson of Portland, a former mem- j i ber. I ing notice of the one main object I I which is kept in view at all times. The I Mrs. Wilson D. McNary will enter- I buildings which themselves have the tain on Monday for the pleasure I appearance of neatness and cleanli- i Mrs. Charles P. Hlshop of Salem and I ness are surrounded by large well kept) Mrs. John R. Dickson of Portland I grounds, reminding one very forclcoiy that I'ncle Sam never does anything by halves. Upon entering one of the class rooms the visitors came upon a class of a dozen 10 to 12 years old, probing into the mysteries of cooking. In an other room a class of older girls were being taught to do laundry work and dressmaking, in style and design equal Is Xow HmhI of tlie Government 1,1 ,nat done by any white girl. These N'huol at Springfield, Dakota; Ar- departments of the echool are presld-tlfte- in N-ewwuaoer (iWcs Her Cel-i d over by Indian girts who are grad- Mrs. W. D. McNary The closing number was a piano solo, "Komance," by Jesn Sibelius, played by Mrs Frank E. Boyden. Throughout the whole I'm ted States during April and May Shakespeare's Tercentenary is being celebrated in every city and village. These celebra tions are forming a wonderful medi um not only for remembering Shake speare but for stimulating in every community an Interest In his wonder ful plays. The Dramatic Study Club, under the direction of Mrs. Adah Losh Hose will present scene from Shakespeare plays in the Alta theater, Tuesday evening, May 23. Six scenes will be given. One rrom. the "Taming of the Strew," one rrom "Mid-Sum. mer Night's Dream." two Item "Ro meo and Juliet." and two from "An tony and Cleopatra.- xi r aWU"- PtlU BEST FOR IJVER. Because they contain the best liver medicines, no matter now bitter or nauseating for the sweet sugar coat ing hides the taste. Dr. King's Newj Life Pills contain Ingredients that put I . " . , . ,h. .... . . llltt UtU II HUII III. II UlVlUCU lllO "UVB WVH o tua v.' v the liver working, move freely No gripe, no nausea, aid di- gestlOD Just try a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills and notice how ! much better you feel. 2ic at your! druggist. Adv. Two from a back store room Some new I new men have been added to the force work tables huve been installed and giving the company now fourteen men a readjustment made so that mors j at work every day. Holdup Wins tor Taxi, CHICAGO, May 15. "I want to goj home In a taxi." pouted the girl. "Haven't got a cent," replied heri companion In embarrassment. HOW TO DESTROY CATARRH GERMS AND END CATARRH FOREVER "Get the money." ordered the lady 1 Catarrh is one or me most perien, Antone Zalubowskt of 2220 Lubeck'nd loathsome. Catarrh can be cured street, beard this little colloquy am- but the only way Is to kill and drive usedly. An instant later he was more out of your system the cotarrha, frightened than amused when the germs which have found lodgment man stuck a revolver under his nose MISS GAIT 11 KR WAS FORMERLY IN CHARGE OF SCHOOL OS RESERVATION. it for Excellent Work IHuie at That Institution. WRITE TO TOCR FRIENDS OH Mogrant StaKmry W. I. SMITH KGO. WEDDING AND VISITING KNGRAVHR8. CARD uates of the Haskell Institute and are under the employ of the government. Superintendent Miss M. V. Gaither, Pni.. f..i- unrw now l.elne done hvil"rmerly mstructorc in the Carlisle Miss M. V. Gaither. rormer head of school. who conducted the party the government school on the Cma- inrougn me nunumg, u.ea jusi tills reservation. Is contained in a story by the Sioux Falls Press of May and ordered him to "come across. "They got $22 from me and went looking for a taxi." Zalubowskl told the Lake-street police. "I had to hold by hands over my head while one woman searched me and another one stood near watching for the police." The Thursday Afternoon Club met vesterdav at the home of Mrs. C Coleswortby on Hign street with Mrs. Colesworthy and Mrs. Mary J. Lane is hostesses. The program, which proved very Interesting and enjoyable, was followed by a social hour. The nnanlnir minor nf the IiroU'i'Um WUS On . i .i r..n.." oh ul The nuantitv of wool annually used KJUr UIIUOfiiaLioii x wvj " ' ' a k m, d t niahnn anri dls-1 for manufacturing purposes may b cusmd bv Mrs. James A, Fee. Mm. J. ! tated In pounds as: In the Unite.. R Dickson sang two vocal numbers. Kingdom, 515.000,000; United States A 'review of Zangwell s Melting Pot" 505,000,000, France, 480,000.000; Aus was given by Mrs. A. J Owen and a trla-Hungary. 140,000,000; Italy, 60. reading from that book was given by I 000,000. MORGAN BLDQ-, PORTLAND, OR. 11. The story will Oe of interest to local friends of Miss Gaither and is as follows: A few days ago a reporter of The Press had an opportunity to inspect first hand the Springrield government Indian school for girls, where 0 ipu pils are being thoroughly trained in all the branches of Industrial educa tion, such as cookmg, dressmaking and laundry work, as well as music, art, and academic work Upon enter ing the grounds one canont help tak- Hong Kong Caf 8 allD NOODLE PARLORS Noodles AND Chop Suey Ontsade Tray Order Specialty. Boxes for ladles and gentlemen OPEN DAT AND ALL NIGHT MEALS lie AND UP Special Chicken Sundays. Dinner 548 Main Street Nsxt to K O. Bldf. Phone (0 much pride in the academic work which is carried on In accordance with the course of study as recently compiled under the supervision ol Cat. i Sells, commissioner of Indian af fairs, and well she may, for the thor ough work she is turning out In both the academic and industrial depart ments rivals" the best model white schools. Of all the diseases caused by germ i germs, heals the Inflamed, swollen membranes, stops the discharge, clears the passages and completely over comes the disease by destroying the cause. Mr S. B. Mlddlebrook, 110 Uroad street, Stumford, Conn., writes "1 had been troubled with catarrh for some time, so bad that my breath was offensive. But now 1 am free of It and can say that If anyone, suffer ing as I have, will try Hyomel, It will positively euro them, as It did me." If you want to be free from every symptom of catarrh, are tired of trv -ing one thing after another without benefit, do as Mr. Mlddlebrook did, go to Tallin an & Co. or your nearest drugglst'and get a Complete Hyomei Outfit. Use It every day for a few minutes and If It does not drive the catarrh germs from your system and give you lasting relief from catarrh, your money back. Hyomel is Inexpen sive and with this protecting guaran tee behind your purchase there Is ab solutely no reason why any sufferer should not give It a fair trial. there. When the germs go the disa greeable symptoms will stop. There is nothing better for sucn eases than breutblng into your nose, throat and lungs the pleasant, sooth ing, healing germ destroying air of Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-me), ft combination of purest oil of Kucalyp tus and other powerful, antiseptic, germ destroying Ingredients. Simply put a few drops of Hyomei in the Inhaler that comes with every complete package snd breathe Mi air for u few minutes, four times a day. By breathing Hyomel In this way every particle of air that enters the air passages of the nose, head and throat and goes Into the lungs, Is charged with a germ destroylne balsam that penetrates every nook and crevice of the mucous memhrnnes lining these air passages, kills the Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES HOT TAMALES CHILLI G0N GARNE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE vary is lag clean and up-to-date FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Oar Webb and Cottonwood Sta. Phone lit. Peadleton, Ore. ELDERLY WOMEN SAFEGUARDED Tell Others How They Were ! Carried Safely Through Change of Life. Duraod, Wis." I am the mother of fourteen children and I owe my life to LydmK. Finkham s Vegetable com pound. When I was I 45 and bad the! Change of Life, j a friend recom- j mended it and it gave me such relief from my bad feel ings that I took several bottles. 1 am now well and healthy and recom mend your Compound to other ladies." Mrs. Mary Ridcway, Durand, Wis. A MsSMrtrTT" Woman Writes: Blackstone, Mass. -"My troubles were from my age, and I felt awfully sick for three years. I had hot flashes often and frequently suffered from pains. I took Lydia E. mthm't Vegetable Compound and now am well. -Mrs. Pierre Colrnoycr, Box 239, Blackstone, Mass. Such warning symptoms as sense of flashes, headaches, back aehes, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and dizziness, should be heeded by middle-aged women, Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has earned many women safely through this crisis. More Quakes Predicted. ROME, May 19. An earthquake of particular violence has occurred along the Adriatic coast between Rlmlnl and Cezena. At the latter town a dozen persons were Injured. Father Alfani, director of the ob servatory at Florence relets a rep etition of the eartl itiake. which ex tended to the provinces. The entire central section of Italy was shaken by repeated earthquakes, which lasted through Tuesday and Wednesday. Only meager details have as yet been received 'In this country and it is not known what loss of life occurred. If any. Iiull Itllllll Miljl FORMER NATIONAL LEAGUE UMPIRE TO MANAGE HAR- lilsitl IK. TEAM. Boys New Bnick. Enoch Plerson of Athena has pur chased a D-45 Buii k from the Oregon Motor Garage. Rowland Out for Office. L. D. Howland. formerly water master of Umatilla county and a res ident of La Grande for the past few years, is a candidate for surveyor of Lmatllla county at the republican pri maries today. To Address (iradiiateH. Judge Stephen A Lowell of this city has accepted an invitation to address the graduating cIhos of Heppner high school on May US. Judge Lowell has been in demand as a commencement orator for the past 17 years. Mill Attend Uiinl Drawing. Elmer Hess, well snown farmer of this county, his father and W. P. Ben edict, left by auto today for the Oka nogan country in Washington to look over the Colvllle reservation and at-J tend the land drawing there. TheJ expect to be gone about two weeks. Relatives of Local people. C. L. McKenna of Portland, whose name the democrats will write in for congressman today in the third dis trict, is the father of Mrs James Johns, Jr., of this city. George C. Blakely of The Dulles, whose name democrats over the state have been urged to write in for secretary of state, Is a brother of W. M. and Dep uty Sheriff Joe Blakely of this city. HaaSej .Make improvements. Hamley ft Co have Just completed enlarging the workshop of their sad dle and harness factory by removing ARROW COLLARspring Style, in two heights CUISTT. PCABOPV bCO. INCMKiM GLORGL COCKIVIh HABKIHHURG, Pa.. May 1. George Cocklll, head coach of Huck r.ell l'nlverslty, has deserted the ranks of the umpires of the National league to become manager of the HarrlRburg team of the Pennsylvanl: state league. Cock'.ll managed team In Harrlsburg before Joining the Ma tlonal league and on two occasion brought pennants to the city. CALL AND SEE MY STOCK OF Outside Plants before you fill your porch boxes. Hanging baskets called for filled and delivered. CUT FLOWERS, FERNS, SEEDS, FLOWER POTS. G. W. Hooker Florist Open evenings, Phone 522 544 Main St. Keen Minds and Ready Muscles come naturally when brain and body are properly nourished. This calls for a diet which includes the all-important mineral elements, best derived from the field grains, but lacking in many foods. The famous pure food Grape-Nuts is made of whole wheat and malted barley and richly supplies all the nutriment of the. grains, in cluding their precious mineral salts, required by the system for daily rebuilding. Grape-Nuts has appetizing flavour, is easily di gested, comes ready to serve, and with cream or good milk, is a splendidly balanced food that makes for mental and physical efficiency. There's a Reason llllllllllllllllllllllililiiililiiiiiiiiniiiiiii: lANSCO) Cameras j EE Cyko paper and films. EE EE Awarded gold medal Pa- Ej nama-Pacific tnternation- EE E al Exposition, San Fran- EE EE cisco. Developing and print- ing promptly done at Tallman & Go. f Leading DruggltU tfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimrl Pemeco Meats Prepared In Pendleton We will buy your eggs, chicken and veal CENTRAL MARKET l-hone 455. 108 E. Alta IIMUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIHIItlllHIIIIIIIIIItllliniUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIWIIl: I Why Not Own Your Own Home I BUY OR BUILD ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. It's paying rent to yourself. Come and see us, and we will outline this plan to you. I MATLOCK-LAATZ MVbSTMENT CO. I 112 Boat Court Ht. Real Estate Farm and City Loans Insurance EE IflllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllltllllllflllllllllMIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIri ;MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitraiiiM f NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES f I flOFY'S KWONG HONG LOW i WJW A VJ MWwt Alia St.. UpiUh. Phon. 433 I rMittfin"f''':MiiiiiiMiiiiijiiitHiiiiiiititiii3iiiiiii3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiMiiiitmi